Betrayed (16 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed
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We sit down at a booth, and he is still grinning at me. I shoot him a nasty little glare and instead of sitting beside him, I sit over from him. He laughs again. Oh, I am glad he finds it so amusing. A waitress walks over; all bored and solemn but boy does her face perk up when she lays eyes on Jax. She flushes crimson and fans herself. Oh dear god.

“What can I get you…sir…

I snort, and Jax winks at me.

“Bacon and eggs, coffee and juice. For both of us.”

“Of course sir, we won’t be long with your order.”

“Yeah, cheers.”

Jax turns to glance at me, and I fold my arms.

“You make me sick you know, all sexy, and I know it…”

He grins that gorgeous half smile. “Yeah I can’t help it.”

I frown. “And since when did you order for me?”

“Since now.”

“Oh, nuh uh. Doesn’t work like that pirate.”

His eyes are dancing with amusement. He is enjoying this.

“Ok, you order next time. It will do you good to eat some fat girl.”

“Oh so now I am too skinny.” I pout.

He lets his gaze travel over me. “No…but it wouldn’t hurt.”

I huff. “You and your curvy women, I knew I would never look up to standards compared to Sammy and Bella.”

He narrows his eyes. “Huh?”

“You know, all curvy and
. I know I don’t compare, all skinny and ugly. Whatever Jax.”

He is staring at me, wide
and mouth agape. “You’re not serious?”

“You just said I was too skinny!” I snap, tossing my napkin down and standing.

“Sit down.”

I glare at him. “No.”

“Jade, don’t make me bend you over this table and spank your ass. Now sit down.”

I snort. “As if Watts. You wouldn’t dare.”

The girls beside us are giggling at our little show. Jax stands and the look on his face makes me quickly sit back into my seat. He wouldn’t have spanked me, would he?

“Now, if you just shut your pretty mouth for five minutes and let me speak…you are far FAR from being ugly. And there is absolutely no comparison with you and Sammy or Bella.”

My lip tremble. “Gee thanks.”

“My meaning,” He snaps “Is that you run circles around both of them. Geez Jade, when did you get so down on yourself?”

“I…you said I was too skinny.”

“You look like you don’t eat often enough, but your body is still…damn.”

His gaze is hungry. I flush.

“Your are the  most gorgeous, sexiest woman I ever met. No lie. I am being dead honest. You make me wild just looking at you. Sammy and Bella have nothing on you. Now quit your sulking and snap out of it.”

I stare at him, mouth agape. The waitress brings some coffee and juice, setting it down and wobbling as she leans over Jax to pour his coffee. He winks at her, and she giggles.

“Do you have to do that? Poor girl’s probably going to have a heart attack.”

He smiles, all gorgeous, full teeth, heart wrenching smile. “Don’t be jealous little one.”

“I am not jealous.”

“Yes you are.”

I glare at him. “No.”

“Where’s Lilly anyway?”

“With your mum and dad.”

He stiffens a little but nods. “Right, when do we get her?”

“Five. I am all yours for the day.”

He grins. “Now, that could be fun.”

“No Watts. Mind above your navel please.”

He laughs and takes my hand, running little circles over my palms.

“So…will you tell me about Sammy. I was hurt over those messages.”

He kisses my fingers. “Nothing to worry about.” He murmurs against my hand.


He sighs, looking up at me. “We talked, sorted it out. End of story.”

“Do you love her?”

“I don’t love her, but I care for her Jade, that doesn’t go away over night.”

I snatch my hand from his. “Then why did you ask me to be with you?”

“Because I want that!”

“You…called her kitten? So affectionately. How am I supposed to believe you won’t run back to her?”

“That’s just a nickname. I won’t run back to her because I know who I can’t live without and that’s you Jade. I miss her, but I will get over her. I cannot bear to live without you again. You are my heart.”

Aw. Wow. “Really?” I croak.

“Really really.”

“But…your relationship with her was so easy. You could sleep with anyone you wanted. Wont you miss that?”

“I didn’t care much about sleeping with others when I was with her. It's different with you; I don’t want to share. Not myself or you.”

I smile. “Ok.”


“Yeah, ok. I trust you Jax.”

He nods. The waitress returns and puts our plates down in front of us. Oh, yum. I smile up at Jax, and he winks at me. I shiver, god, I am so mad about him. We eat slowly, in silence. When we were done, Jax tosses his credit card at the waitress while I finish my juice.

“Jax, you gave me so much money when you left. Um…are you loaded?”

He looks at me. “Yeah.”


“I told you I am not short of money.”

“How much money are we talking?” I whisper.

He shrugs. “In the bank right now, I have around three mill.”

I spit my juice everywhere, shit! I grasp a napkin and quickly wipe it up.

“Three….three million?”

. I have more in other accounts.”

I blink. “Are you joking?”



“I told you a long time ago, I found a lot of treasures and sold them.”

“But…you raid ships.”

“That’s my life. I buy food and things, but if I can get it for free…”


He shrugs.

“Oh, man.”

“Is it a problem?”


“Good because I just brought us a house.”

I spit my juice again. “You can’t be serious?”

“Deadly. On the ocean.”

“B-b-b-b-but why?”

“Your house is too small.”

“Too small? It’s huge Jax.”

“Nothing like this one. You will see.”

I rub my head. Too much, too fast. Information overload! He stands and takes my hand, forcing me to my feet. It’s ok, be calm. We walk out, and he presses the button on something, I hear a beep beep and glance up to see an enormous F-truck. You can’t be serious? I gape.

“Like it?” He grins, pulling his sunnies over his eyes.

“I thought you were a pirate?”

“Pirate I am. I am also a man baby; these things have to be done.”

I sigh as he opens the door and I slide in. MMMM, it

s comfy, really comfy.

“Ok, it’s not so bad.” I admit as he slides in and shuts the door. He smiles at me, oh that smile.

“Ready for the rest?”

“I am not sure.” I say, truthfully.

“You will love the house.”

“Hey, you buy a house and a car, where’s my presents?” I tease.

“You think I’d forget about you baby girl?”

“I was kidding.” I mumble.

“Not used to being spoilt?”

“Sure, I grew up being spoilt but not by you. So yes, I suppose I’m not used to it.”

“Hang on!”

He plants his foot down hard and we fling back into the seats. Wow this baby has some grunt. I watch as the scenery changes, and we go from city to country. He pulls up at a large gate, and slides out to unlock it. When we drive through, he locks it behind us. I am amazed by the scenery. Big tall trees, lush green grass. Big fields. It

s so un California like. I know we are near the red wood national park, which is on the border. Oh…my.

To explain redwood national park, is not easy. I get the image of twilight in my head, the movie. Big tall trees with lush red bases. Thick, lush, tropical forest that leads to an ocean so beautiful it makes you want to melt inside. Jax drives further down until we pull into an open area where a stunning, three story house sits on the base of the ocean. Like, the ocean is right there, not even fifty meters away.

The house is set upon a hill top, so the ocean is below it; I can see a small worn path that leads down to the lush sand. The house is sitting in a clearing, but surrounding it, I can see gorgeous horse stables and barns. With white picket fences surrounding big, green paddocks. When I stare further down the beach, I can see the forest thickens with lush trees and shrubs. It is quiet, not a soul in sight. It is our own little world.


Jax smiles, leaps out of the car and opens my door.

“Welcome home, baby.”

I slide out and my mouth is still hanging open. The house alone is stunning. Huge, white, balconies on every level. I can see a pool sweeping off the side, not that you would need it with that ocean. I glance down at the beach, and I see a large wooden ramp leading out to the ocean and at the end, oh…oh my god. It

s Jax’s ship. It all falls into place now. I stand, trembling, staring at the huge, beautiful ship.

“Make sense now?” He whispers in my ear, stroking his fingers up and down my spine.

“I…nobody will see it?”

“No. If they did, they would simply assume it was any old ship. Everybody has one around here. Unless the flags up, nobody would think otherwise. I can come in and out, anytime and straight to my home.”

“Oh Jax.”

“Come on, we aren't done.”

He takes my hand and leads me to the huge barn. When he unlocks it, I hear a familiar whinny. A horse? He didn’t. He swings the door open and standing in a stall; I see a beautiful black
gelding. I gasp and rush over. Oh, my. This animal is truly dazzling. I put my hand out, and he nuzzles my palm, I am in love.

“He is as docile as they come, I know, I put him here.”

“Oh Jax, I don’t…” Tears stream down my face. “I don’t…know…”

He spins me around and presses a finger to my lips. “You don’t have to say anything, this is only what you deserve.”


“I haven't made you speechless, have I princess?”

I nod, tears continue down my cheeks. He wipes them away.

“Want to see the house?”

I nod, beaming.

He leads me towards the beautiful house and unlocks the huge front door. We step in and I gasp, it

s huge, absolutely huge. I look around, it

s fully furnished and simply exquisite. Polished wooden floors, big beautiful wooden fire place, an enormous wooden kitchen, soft brown furniture, dark red rugs, it’s amazing. Jax takes my hand and leads me up stairs to the first floor. Five bedrooms, all set up beautifully. He leads me into the first and I melt.

A giant king sized bed over looks a window that shows views of the ocean. The furniture is gorgeous, big wooden bed, plush red couch in the corner. A desk, light pine. Dark maroon curtains swing in the breeze. The ensuite is modern, gorgeous fittings, large white spa bath, black tiled bench tops. He takes me to Lilly’s room and my tears begin again. Pink, all fitted out with princess bed, a white desk and a little pink couch.

“Oh Jax, she will go crazy!”

“You think she will like it?”

“She will love it!”

He sighs with relief. Then takes my hand and leads me through the rest of the house. The top floor boasts an indoor gym and a small bar like set up. Couches, a counter top, all set up for entertaining. Including a whopping deck that comes out from two large
doors. When he takes me down stairs, my mind is dizzy, reeling. I sit on the couch and melt into it. He comes over to me and sits beside me, fumbling about in his pocket.

“Now for the best part.”

He hands me a small ring box, and I whimper. He didn’t? I flip it open to reveal a massive diamond ring. I make an odd strangled sound and begin sobbing uncontrollably.

“I wanted to do this last night but…I thought it was better to save it for today. Jade, I love you, and I want you to know just how much. Marry me?”

He has dropped to one knee in front of me, and I am still sobbing. Oh god, how foolish I have been.

“Oh, yes!” I cry.

He laughs a happy, content laugh and slides the gorgeous ring onto my finger, then crushes me to his chest. I pull back and smile at him, trying to show that I am thrilled. Overwhelmed but thrilled.

“It’s so beautiful Jax, I love it. All of it.”

He grins and kisses me softly. “All for you.”

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