Bound Angel Bound Demon (20 page)

Read Bound Angel Bound Demon Online

Authors: Claire Spoors

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Holidays, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: Bound Angel Bound Demon
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Chapter Thirty Two

Alex was lying face down on the rug in Gary’s room at the club. Her master had bound her arms behind her back from her elbows down to her wrists, and now he was binding her ankles together, he lifted them up and attached them to the rope that bound her arms together.

“You look lovely h
ogtied, this is such a turn on.” Gary helped her up so she could sit back on her knees. He gently began to kiss her neck and the exposed skin of her chest. Alex could feel she was tied tight, and she was totally under his control.

There was a knock at the doo
r, Alex looked up.

“Who’s there?” s
houted Gary and he didn’t sound happy, this wasn’t planned. Alex couldn’t hear the voice very clearly. Gary got up and walked over to answer the door. It was Ray.

“What is it?” asked Gary.

“Not here Gary, please,” Ray wanted him out of Alex’s earshot.

“Wait, I’ll be right there
,” said Gary. He closed the door and walked back to Alex. “Don’t worry this won’t take long.”

“What’s going on?” asked Alex
feeling uncomfortable. Gary could sense her concern.

“It’s nothing, I’ll just go with Ray and sort out whatever the little problem is
, and I’ll be straight back. You don’t know how much of a turn on you are right now and I don’t want to be gone for long. Stay like this for me my angel and I’ll be back in a minute,” said Gary. He picked up a blindfold and tied it over her eyes. “This will build up the anticipation until I return,” he said and kissed her softly on the lips.

Alex listened
as Gary closed the door. The room fell silent.

“What happened?” Gary asked
Ray outside the room.

Follow me,” said Ray. They walked along the corridor towards one of the other rooms. Gary heard Melissa trying to calm down a girl who was crying. Gary entered the room and saw Tracey crying and Melissa holding her, attempting to comfort her.

“I have g
ot Briggs looking at the cameras now,” said Ray.

went over to Tracey. Melissa stood up. Tracey was covered in bruises and blood, her face swollen.

ho’s did this? What happened Tracey?” asked Gary but she couldn’t stop crying. “It’s ok, you’re safe now, just tell me who it was and we’ll find them and sort it.”

Tracey looked up at Gary and then
at Ray. “It’s Nathan, he was here,” sobbed Tracey. “He’s found me, you said he wouldn’t find me Ray, you said no one knows about this place, well he found me. . .”

Ray walked over to her and held her
. “I’m sorry, but we’ll work this out, this won’t happen again,” said Ray.

“Who’s Nathan?” Gary asked.

“He’s her ex-boyfriend, a right nutcase, that’s why she left him. Ray helped her build her confidence back up,” said Melissa.

And why didn’t I know anything about this?” said Gary.

“Well, i
t didn’t seem relevant at the time when I introduced her to you, because we had sorted her past out; well at least I thought we had,” said Ray.

“Is he s
till in the house?” Gary asked.

“We are waiting for Briggs to
let us know once he’s checked the cameras,” said Ray.

There was a knock and another younger man
appeared at the door.

“What is it
?” asked Melissa.

Mr Briggs sent me, he’s got a print-out of the man that he thinks came from the young lady’s room, he is just trying to track where he’s gone now.”

The young
man passed the picture to Ray. “Is this him Tracey?” asked Ray showing her the picture. Tracey nodded.

please take Tracey to the office and call for an ambulance from there,” said Ray. Ray showed the picture to Gary.

“This is Nathan
?” asked Gary. Tracey said yes.

Gary looked at Ray and Melissa
. “This is Harry, he told us his name was Harry. Ray quick get Briggs. I think I know where he is.” Gary ran out of the door and towards his room.

Chapter Thirty Three

Alex was still kneeling, waiting for Gary’s return. Her senses were heightened but she couldn’t hear Gary or Ray’s voice’s outside the door, they had moved away.

Then she heard
the door open,
Gary’s come back,
she thought, at least he hadn’t been too long. She heard his footsteps coming nearer, then she felt his hands on her back, running his fingertips over her skin and the rope that bound her. But it didn’t feel right, her blindfold was removed, and as things came into focus she realised it wasn’t Gary in the room with her. It was Harry.

could see the tension in him. Harry knelt down in front of Alex. There was blood on his T-shirt.

“What happened?” she asked.

Harry smiled at her, “Always concerned Alex, Gary doesn’t deserve someone like you,” said Harry, his voice full of hatred.

“Whose blood is that?”
she was concerned now, she could see Harry hadn’t been cut.

“Not to worry Alex, Gary is fine for now, but he
’ll soon find out what it’s like to have something taken away from him.” Harry stroked Alex’s cheek and she tried to turn away, but the ropes stopped her.

“Come on Alex
, I thought we were friends,” Harry began to laugh and then he grabbed her face and kissed her hard.

Get off Harry, Gary will be back soon.”

“I’m planning on it
,” Harry moved behind Alex and held the rope and pulled her back towards him. Harry whispered in her ear, “I hope he comes soon, I wouldn’t want him to miss a thing.”

Alex tried to jerk away
from him but she knew it was no good. “Why are you doing this Harry, what have I done to you?” asked Alex trying to buy time.

“I will
explain once our little party is complete,” said Harry.

door opened and Gary stood on the threshold of the room.

“Get a
way from her now,” shouted Gary as he took a step inside the room towards Harry and Alex.

“Come on Gary
, now why would I do that?” Harry laughed at the panic showing in Gary’s face, this was just what he wanted. Gary took another step closer.

“Stay right there and don’t come any closer
,” screamed Harry. Alex felt something sharp near her stomach, she cried out, panic began to set in, she looked desperately at Gary.

“Put the knife down
, we don’t need Alex to be involved. You and I can talk this over,” pleaded Gary.

“I don’t think I will do that
just yet Gary, we need to talk, I need you to understand”, said Harry.

do you need me to understand?” asked Gary, all the while trying to remain calm.

“You don’t
know what you’ve done to me at all, do you?” said Harry.

“You’re talking crap Harry, I
’d never met you until that day in the bar with Alex and then again here, you’re not making sense,” Gary said trying not to raise his voice.

“Now you’re pissing me off,
you ruined my life, you asshole. You took the one precious thing I had and now I’m going to show you what it feels like.” Harry pushed the knife a little further into Alex, not too far to cause too much bleeding, but more than enough to make Alex scream.

“Stop, stop
, make me understand, but please just stop,” Gary pleaded.

now had full control, “You took Tracey from me,” he said.

“Tracey, what t
he girl you just beat up?” said Gary. “I didn’t take Tracey, you’ve got the wrong guy.”

did, you got her hooked on this dirty sex den. You used her and took her away from me, you played with her mind and made her leave me. Gary you took her away,” shouted Harry.

Harry, or Nathan, whatever your name is; it wasn’t me. Tracey came here out of her own free will, she came with Ray, not me,” Gary took another step closer.

Alex was
whimpering with pain.

“Please Harry
, please just untie her and let her go and we can sit and talk this through,” Gary begged.

“I don’t care if it was you or Ray or whoever
, this club stole Tracey from me and you’re going to pay,” shouted Harry and pushed the knife deeper into Alex’s flesh.

! Please!” screamed Alex, blood was drenching the ropes that bound her as Harry slid his knife into her.

Briggs and Ray were at the door, Briggs pointed a gun at Harry.

“Drop the knife
,” Briggs demanded. Harry just laughed. He pushed the knife into Alex right up to the hilt, let her fall to the floor, and with one swift move, he slit his own throat.

Alex lay motionless, Gary ran to her and lifted her up
, blood streamed everywhere. Ray came and untied the rope and threw it across the room. He took off his shirt and put pressure on Alex’s stomach wound, the shirt was soaked red within seconds. Gary took hold of the shirt and pushed harder.

“Don’t you leave me Alex, stay with me
,” Gary begged, tears streaming down his face.

“I’ll get an ambulance
,” Ray said.

Briggs surveyed
the scene of carnage. “It’s time to call in a favour from some of our clients to help with this mess. We need to keep this out of the papers. I am going to talk to a couple of the big dogs in the other rooms so we can use our friends on the police to make this go away without too much fuss,” Briggs said and left the room.

The ambulance is on its way,” Ray said, and picked up a blanket and covered Harry.


He went back over to Gary, who was holding Alex tight. “Keep talking to her Gary,” Ray said.

“Alex baby
, please open your eyes, let me see your eyes,” Gary said softly and calmly. Alex opened her eyes, she looked at Gary and smiled up at him. “That’s it, you will be fine, just stay awake!” said Gary trying not to cry.

“It’s ok Gary, I’m fine I can’t
feel any pain, I’m just tired that’s all, it will be ok, we are meant to be together forever, never forget that,” she said in a strange low whisper.

Gary leant
down and kissed her on the lips, Alex closed her eyes again.

Only minutes passed before the ambulance arrived,
but they felt like hours. Ray followed in the van and they were soon rushing to the hospital.

Gary watched helplessly
as the paramedics in the back of the ambulance attached tubes and wires all over her. He prayed she would be ok.

They arrived at the hospital and Alex was rushed straight into surge
ry. All Gary could do was wait.

Part IV: Bound

Chapter Thirty Four

Now starts the next part of Alex’s journey.
One minute she was lying on the operating table looking up at the ceiling, the next she was looking down. She watched as the doctors and nurses rushed around her. She wanted to tell them it was all over and that they could stop.

could feel a pull, not pulling her back to her body, but upwards, though something in her mind was telling her she needed to stay.

She was floating
, everything went black and then she was with Marie in her little back room watching her doing a spell of some kind. Marie stopped and looked at her and began to cry.

“I’m sorry I was too late”
, Marie said and came towards her.

reached out to hold her and stop her from crying but something weird happened. Alex passed right through her.

“What’s happened to me
?” She couldn’t hear her voice but Marie seemed to understand.

“I’m sorry, but
the hospital couldn’t save you,” answered Marie.

Alex shook her head, it couldn’t be true
, but a part of her knew it must be as why else would she have been there, wait,
how come she was here

“I know
, I was thinking the same thing,” said Marie. “It must be the spell I was just doing, I had another vision showing me you were hurt, I knew I would be too late to stop this from happening, so I put all my efforts into trying to save you, but I failed, but somehow it has brought your spirit to me. You should have passed over to the other side,” said Marie and then she started turning the pages in one of her books.

“It’s the spell I
cast to keep you and Gary together forever. That’s why you’re still here, the spell must have worked in a way. Even in death you will never be apart,” Marie sank onto the sofa.

Alex could do was watch, she wasn’t sure how or what to do next, this was something she knew she was going to have to learn to live with.

Marie began to look through her books again. “Well if
you are going to be stuck here, we need to get you back to Gary, but first of all I need to help you deal with your new form, and help you learn how to use and control yourself.”

Right now all
Alex could think of was Gary, and how he was coping. All of a sudden the room started to fade and then she was back at the hospital. She could see Gary speaking with a doctor, she moved closer, she wasn’t sure if it was more floating than walking, it all seemed so strange.

They couldn’t see her, so she stood listening.

“I’m so sorry Gary, but she’d lost a lot of blood by the time she got here, we repaired the tear in her stomach, but it was just too much and her heart stopped. I am so sorry for your loss.” The doctor put his hand on Gary’s shoulder.

“Can I see her?” asked Gary.

“Of course, one of the nurses will take you through once we’ve had a chance to clean her up, we’ll find a quiet room,” said the doctor.

Gary walked over towards the
other end of the hall, and pulled out his mobile.

heard him speaking to her dad. He was explaining what had happened, leaving out the details of the club, all the way through the conversation he kept apologizing. Alex could imagine what her mom and dad would be like, but her intuition told her she needed to be here with Gary. She didn’t know how to get to them even if she wanted to, anyway.

Gary ended the call by saying he
would make all the arrangements for getting them over for the funeral, and would call again soon.
Always the organized one.

Then Gary
sat down and waited, and Alex just waited watching him. The nurse came out and Gary stood up to follow her to the room they had prepared. Alex followed close behind them, she was worried about how to go through doors.

The nurse left Gary alone in the room. H
e looked at Alex’s body lying on the bed with a sheet covering her up to her collarbone; she looked like she was sleeping peacefully. Gary brushed a stray hair from her face and leant down and kissed her cheek.

Alex watched him kiss her and thought for a second she could feel
it, she lifted her hand to touch her face. Gary pulled a chair close to the side of the bed and held Alex’s hand. He lay his head down on her chest and began to cry.

Alex wanted to hold him
and let him know she was still there for him. She moved closer and reached out to put her hand on his shoulder. She wanted him to look up and see her, but he couldn’t feel her touch.

The room began to turn b
lack again, fading out before her eyes, she knew she was leaving him again, but not sure where to. She needed help to control this moving about, and she knew Marie was to person who could teach her.

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