Confidential (20 page)

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Authors: Jack Parker

BOOK: Confidential
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"Which one?" Dylan asked, while I, at the same time, said, "Good. That blonde haired guy is so hot."


"Tokoyo Drift. That's the best one." Marcus replied, and added, "and that guy's not in this one," just for me.


"Ugh. Are you serious? " I pulled myself up to look at him. "That girl isn't even Japanese, she's like, Pilipino or something. They have the whole movie wrong."


"Wow." Marcus said, "How do you know what she is? She wears a school girl's uniform that barely covers her you-know-what. I'm hoping they did something wrong with editing, because this kid in my Spanish class told me that there is this scene towards the middle where she bends over in the background and-"


"STOP." I put
hand out in front of his face. "That's disgusting. I don't want to hear anymore."


Dylan smacked me in the head with a pillow, "You guys both need to stop. Put in the movie already."


I grinned and pulled the movie out of Marcus' hands, "You know, I feel like we haven't done this in forever."


"We haven't." Marcus called from the couch, "You've been to busy sucking face with Golden Boy."


I turned around and raised my eyebrow at him, "Jealous?"


"A little." Marcus winked.


Dylan pointedly ignored Marcus, "You guys are getting pretty serious. I've never seen him hold onto a girl this long."


"That's true." Marcus put in, "I think a month is the longest anyone has ever lasted. For someone so nice, that kid sure is a heartbreaker."


"Aw. Look at her. She's embarrassed." Dylan said, referring to my flushed cheeks.


I rolled my eyes. "Just press play please."


"Oh no. Let's not leave this subject. Everyone wants to know what is going on between you two." Marcus grinned as I fidgeted.


"What are you guys, girls?" I said a little defensively. "What, you want to know what I'm wearing to Thanksgiving or something?"


"Why would we care what your wearing at Thanksgiving-"Marcus began,


"OH MY GOD." Dylan shouted. "Your spending the holiday with his family? Are you guys getting married or what?"


"No way." Marcus looked at me weirdly. "He shields his family from everybody. Especially that sister of his. I can't believe you even know them. Even his friends never come over."


I rolled my eyes. "It's not that big of a deal, he's just being his nice self. He pities me, that's all."


"Right. He pities you." Marcus said sarcastically, finally pressing play.


I plopped down next to them, a little uncomfortable at the weird looks they were both giving me. I kicked them out once they raided my fridge and ate all 4 bags of popcorn, just looking for time to lie down by myself.


Anna came in just as they were leaving, and Marcus gave her a little wink, and Dylan shoved him out of the house.


"Hey Heidi," She said, oblivious to such advances.


"Hi." I mumbled, all the sudden very sleepy, and not at all wanting to talk to her about Thanksgiving. "How's work?" I asked.


"Oh you know," She sighed, "The usual." She began to say something else when there was a knock at the door. Anna pulled open the door, and I heard from my lazy position on the couch, "Oh hi, Camdon!"


I groaned. "Seriously?" I said out-loud.


"Hey Anna!" I yelled from the living room.


"Yes?" Her sweet voice answered back.


"Want to eat Thanksgiving dinner at Camdon's house?" I grinned to myself as I imagined him shaking his head with a knowing smile, which I was sure he was doing.


"Um… now that you mention it, that might be nice. I've been so busy, I just haven't been able to plan anything."


I walked over towards her, "It's not a big deal, Camdon was nice enough to offer. Right?" I looked at him, giving him a fake smile.


"Yeah." He said, having that knowing smirk on his face, "I was just checking how many plates my mom needed to set on the table."


"Oh, I see." Anna said. "Well, that is very nice of you. Did you put in those potatoes I asked you to?" She turned to look at me.


"Uh…" I looked at her sheepishly. "I forgot. Dylan and Marcus were over…" I gestured towards the living room. "I'm sorry." I really was sorry, I felt bad that she had to come home to no dinner.


"Don't worry about it, I'll just go put them in now." She wandered into the kitchen and I turned to face Camdon.


"Were you checking on me?" I glared playfully, putting my hands on my hips.


"Nope. Just came over to say hi." He smiled


"Really? Well, I don't think Anna is going to like you coming over and keeping me up. It's a school night you know."


He just leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before whispering in my ear, "I'll meet you in your room."


I felt a little flustered by his sudden closeness, "Okay." I whispered back, and just like that he was gone, walking around to the side of my house.


I walked into the kitchen, making a quick salad for Anna, "Did Camdon leave?" She asked. I nodded. "Oh good, he's a really sweet kid and all, but I would have had to kick him out, it's getting kinda late. I have to be kind of responsible for you."


I laughed. "You're an amazing body guard." I joked, but quickly dropped it, remembering Camdon upstairs.


Anna shook her head at me, trying not to laugh.


"I'm going to go upstairs okay? I'm gonna start on some homework, I'll be down in a little bit."


"Okay." She answered with a mouth full of salad.


I practically ran up the stairs and flew into my room, jumping on Camdon. He tried to laugh quietly and squeezed me into a tight hug. "It felt weird not taking you home today."


"I know. Marcus and Dylan were making fun of me for it the whole time." I laughed into his chest.


He gave me a quick kiss that started to turn into something more, and before I knew it, we were on my bed and our shirts were discarded on the floor. I broke away, panting, to shift under him when I heard Anna coming up the stairs.


"Hey Heidi!" She called, "I brought you potatoes."


I quickly put on my shirt and threw Camdon his, while bracing for her to open the door any moment.


"What should I do!" Camdon asked, the oh-shit look on his face was probably matching mine.


"Under my bed! Hurry," I jumped on top of the bed as he hit the bottom of it with my fist.


"Don't do that! I'm under here."


"What?" Anna asked, opening the door.


"Hmm?" I asked innocently, grabbing a book at random and having it opened in my lap.


"Why are you reading your math book?" She looked at me skeptically.


"I have
test coming up." I said coolly, taking the potatoes from her hands. "Thanks. Sorry I forgot to put these in, I totally blanked."


"Its okay." She waved her hand like she wasn't starving when she got home, "It's part of the body guard duty."


I laughed hollowly along with her, trying to decide how much of an overreaction it would be to start panicking.


"Um. There's actually a reason I came up here, it wasn't just to bring you food, I wanted to talk to you." I waited, extremely tense, hanging on to her every word.


"I know you've been gone for a couple months now, and I can't imagine how hard it must be not to be able to contact your family, especially around the holidays, and I just wanted to let you know, if you're not feeling up for it, we don't have to go over to Camdon's."


"It's okay." I said, a little relieved that was all she had to say. "I want to go, I don't want to sit around and mope about it." I paused for a moment, and practically whispered, "I really miss them."


"I know." She said, patting my leg in comfort. It was more than awkward, knowing Camdon was under my bed, probably listening intently to what Anna was saying. I couldn't blame him though; I never talked about my past. If only he knew it was for a good reason.


"If there was anyway that you could contact them safely…" She sighed, and the muscles in my entire body froze. "Its just not a good time right now. I know I'm not supposed to say, but things haven't been going as planned, and there's nothing we can really do but wait."


"I understand." My voice came out strained, as I was gritting my teeth, but I was ready for her to leave, so this conversation didn't get any riskier than it already has. I didn't want Camdon to be cramped under my bed like he was, and I didn't want him to listen, hanging on to every word like I knew he would.


"What you're doing Heidi, its worth it. Its incredibly brave, you're going to save-"


"You a lot of time moving in, I know." I said over her words. "You don't have to keep reminding me, I don't think its brave you know, I love spending time with my aunt." It all came out in a rush as I motioned to under my bed, and mouthed 'He's here.'


Anna's eyes instantly hardened. She gave me a look that said "Are you serious?" and I shrank back and shrugged hopelessly. She shook her head, but went with it. "I guess not. But I don't know how many teenagers would uproot themselves during the school year with such little fuss. I know you didn't really have a choice, but you have done so well, and respected my rules and everything."


She added that little end just to bother me. '5 minutes' she mouthed, with a stern look on her face. "I'll leave you alone. Enjoy your dinner."


As soon as the door closed I was off my bed and pulling Camdon out from under the bed. "I am so, so, so, sooo sorry." I pleaded. "She kept talking and I didn't know what to do."


"Its okay." He laughed. "I'm just relieved she didn't find out. She would have been so mad. I feel like she has an ass kicking side that I never want to see."


"I know. That would have been bad." I said, mentally kicking myself.


"Hey." He pulled my chin up to look at him and gave me a sweet kiss. I grinned and pulled him a little closer to me. He moved from my mouth to my neck and I sighed happily, his kisses making my toes curl.


"My mom is going to wonder where I am." He stated in between kisses. I stood on my toes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.


"I'll see you tomorrow then?" I held his gaze
little longer than normal.


"What?" Camdon asked, a little smile on his face.

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