Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark) (11 page)

BOOK: Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark)
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“Are you drunk, Norah?” I looked up at him and smiled. “I
think I am.” I lowered my head and then quickly raised it again to add,
“Master.” He laughed at me. “Well good. You are going to need something to make
you relax for the next part of this party. I just hope you don’t throw up…for
your sake.”

We walked to a room with a lit up stage and red velvet
curtain. There were chairs that lined the sides and people sitting in most of
them. Nick took a seat on the front row but when I tried to sit next to him he
gestured me to sit on the ground. When I rolled my eyes he grabbed my chin and
forced me to my knees.

“Do not embarrass me here. I warned you. Kneel beside me and
keep your hands in your lap. Do not lower your head, I want you to see this. I
want you to know what could happen to you if you don’t start warming up to me.”

Just then the lights went out but the stage lit up. One
woman was sitting in a chair and another was walking around her with a whip in
her hand. She barked a command and the woman in the chair moved to her hands
and knees. The lady that was still standing placed her foot with high heel
shoes in the other ladies butt and barked out something else. It sounded like
Russian. Then she started whipping her, over and over again in the same spot
and the lady on all fours was counting the licks. Her ass started to bleed when
they got to 25 so she stopped and shoved her on the ground face first. She
barked out another command and the women rolled over on her back and raised her
legs but kept them spread open. She covered her body and started removing what
little clothes they both had on. Soon they were both naked and the one barking
orders was going down on the woman taking the orders.

A man walked out from behind the curtain and blind folded
the woman doing the eating. He grabbed her arms and tied them behind her back.
She kept eating the other woman like nothing was happening to her. The woman on
the bottom was arching her back and had her hands on the other woman’s head.
The man then rammed his manhood, which I thought was a toy around his waist
because no man could be that big, inside her. I wasn’t sure which hole of hers
he had made it in, but she screamed.

Another man joined them and grabbed the other woman’s hands
and tied them over her head. He then straddled her face and shoved himself in
her mouth. His length was impressive as well, but more believable. They fucked
each other for a while. It was like a car accident. I wanted to look away but I
couldn’t. I knew I would be in trouble if I did anyway. I wasn’t sure if I was
turned on, scared to death or completely disgusted. Probably a little of all 3.

The crowd was quiet until the man came in her mouth, then
they cheered. They got louder when the other man pulled out and came on the
other woman’s back. She stopped and leaned up and the man helped her to her
feet and put her in a device that held her neck, arms and ankles in the doggie
style position. Then it was like a serving assembling line. More men came out
from behind the curtain and one took her mouth and the other took her ass. They
both pumped in her for a while then they moved, and 2 other men took their
places. When they moved out they went to the other woman who was tied to the
chair. They took turns whipping her while she sucked and jerked them off. This
went on for 10 men. Any thought I had of being turned on was gone. I told Nick
I was going to be sick and he grabbed me by my arm and drug me out of the room.
He held my hair back as I got sick then helped me freshen my makeup.

“You didn’t like that did you?” I shook my head no. We were
in the bathroom so I didn’t think it mattered. “So maybe you should want to be
nice to me, Norah, or you might find yourself as the next star of the show.”

He said good night to everyone and we went back to his
house. I stood in his bedroom waiting for him while he was on his cell phone. I
was sure when he came back he was going to make me another offer. I was
mentally yelling at myself for considering doing whatever it was he asked of

Liam would want you to survive by any means possible.
Nick’s demands have not been that outrageous so far. He wants me to kiss him,
let him touch me, he wants me to sleep in his bed. I can do those things
without feeling extremely guilty. Liam will still love me if I just slept in
the bed beside another man, right? I mean, he would rather me survive and do
little things like kiss Nick, instead of not complying with him and getting
gang rapped.

Are you kidding yourself? Kissing him and sleeping in his
bed is just the beginning. Then it will be making out and serving him food,
then hand jobs and letting him tie me up. Soon I’ll be in front of the party
taking it in the ass just to save mine.

I was still milling it over in my mind when he came in
behind me. He handed me a nightgown and robe and gestured for me to go to the

“Take a shower, get the makeup off your face and come back
out here.”

I walked out with wet hair and in the tiny little night gown
he had provided me and saw a cot beside his bed. I looked at him and he was
sitting on the edge of the bed in just boxer shorts. He stood up and walked to

“Now this has to be a better option than the dirty floor,
right?” I climbed in the bed on the floor and pulled the blanket up to my face.

“Sleep tight, Norah.”


Chapter Twelve


“I can’t call the police I’ve told
you that! How in the hell would I explain things to them?
Oh officer, can you help me find my
girlfriend that was kidnapped and I bought at an auction and who has been
kidnapped again?
Somehow I don’t think they will be focused on her
after that story.” I paced back and forth.

“Well what are we supposed to do? You think your crazy
friend has taken her, so how are we supposed to find her?” Tiffany was just as
worried as I was.

“I’ve hired a private detective and security team. I’ve been
to his home here in London and they aren’t there. There was an indication that
he might have taken her to Rome, so I am heading there tonight. I will call as
soon as I know something.” I pushed end on the phone, grabbed my bag and headed
to the airport.

Tiffany had a point. If Norah had truly been kidnapped then
I should call the police and report it. But I couldn’t. They would want to know
why I thought Nick Meyers had her, and that would lead to questions about how I
knew Nick, how I knew Norah. They would probably investigate Nick’s financial
past and then mine. The transaction for 1.5 million dollars would be suspicious
and who knows how many of those kinds of transactions Nick would have on his
bank account. I was caught between a rock and hard place. I wanted to find
Norah but I wanted to be with her when I found her, not in jail for human

But instead of stewing over it and feeling guilty about
looking out for myself I set a date. I gave myself 1 month to find Norah
myself. If I couldn’t find her in a month I would call the police. I knew Nick
wasn’t going to kill her and hoped like hell he wouldn’t hurt her.

He wanted her for himself and I knew that. He wanted what I
had and he was never shy about it. Whenever we had women he always wanted the
one that wanted me. If I acted interested in a woman at all, he tried his
hardest to get her interested in him. I usually gave up in order not to start a
fight. Nothing really mattered…until Norah.

I searched his villa in Rome and found nothing. I went to a
night club we had been to a few times together in the city, but no one had seen
him in months. The only thing I found that might help me was an invitation to a
party at ‘the metro’. But it didn’t list an address, date or time. There was a
code at the bottom 06THIRD93ZERO. I didn’t know what it meant. But I knew
someone that might.

“It’s a date and time. June 3
at 9:30.” Will
handed it back to me.

“Have you ever heard of the metro?” I asked.

“No. But I can ask around and see if anyone in the scene has
heard of it.” Will and Jane had joined a group of swingers that were also into
the lifestyle in London. They went to private parties all the time. Maybe
someone in the group would know about the metro.





“Bring me that book from the coffee
table please would you, Norah?” I crawled to the coffee table grabbed the book
and crawled to Nick who was sitting on the couch and handed it to him. He
patted my head and I sat back on my knees.

A pet. I had been reduced to his pet, but I wasn’t sleeping
on a dirty floor anymore. He had managed to keep his distance but continued to
make demeaning demands of me. I slept in a cot by his bed, I was only allowed
to wear booty shorts and tank tops. The colors varied as did the shoes and hair
styles. I wasn’t allowed to walk in the main room, only crawl on my hands and
knees. I was only allowed to eat after he ate and my meals depended on my
overall attitude. If I gave him any problem about anything, I ate nothing but
oatmeal. But as long as I went along with what he wanted I ate whatever he ate.
The day he tried to kiss my forehead and I jerked my head away, I didn’t get any
food. And when I went to bed that night, I had lost my cot and blanket. That
was 2 days ago. I knew he would try again soon and again I would have to make a

That’s how things worked with him. He treated me one way for
a while, then he tried something with me or asked me to do something like sleep
in the bed with him. If I didn’t comply he punished me in some way, and then
showed me how things could change. He would show me that he had been treating
me with respect and whatever he was asking for wasn’t a big thing compared to
whatever he could do to me.

He treated me like a dog in a room alone on a dirty floor,
but kept asking me to just sleep in the bed with him. When I didn’t comply
that’s when I was taken to the party. I knew if I didn’t agree to it, what
happened at the party would happen to me. But he did compromise with me and
provide a cot. But since I didn’t give him a hard time about sleeping in his
room, I was rewarded. I got a reward in the form of a bed, blankets, regular showers,
and good food. After 2 days of that treatment he told me he wanted me to crawl,
where the outfits he picked out and serve him. When I told him he was out of
his mind, I was thrown back on the dirty floor. I don’t know how many days I
was in the empty room with the dirty floor, but it was enough for me to change
my mind about crawling on my knees to serve him. I knew I would have to make
another decision soon. Was letting him caress my face and kiss my forehead so
bad compared to sleeping on the floor and eating oatmeal? I would find out soon

I clicked off the bathroom light and stepped in the bedroom.
He was sitting in his bed and my cot was gone. I walked to my side of the bed
and kneeled down. I assumed I was being punished for something, which was why
my bed was gone.

“I would like it if you slept in my bed, Norah.” He flipped
the covers back and patted his hand beside him.

“Will you be in the bed too?” I asked. He smiled. I thought
better of what I had said after I said it. “Yes, I will.” I stood up and
thought about it. Either I slept with him or I slept on the floor. The floor in
his room wasn’t so bad so that wasn’t what bothered me. What bothered me was
not knowing what other punishment he could embark on me.

“Are you going to…?” I couldn’t say the words, but I didn’t
know if he had the same restraint Liam did. Liam and I had slept in the same
bed many nights and he never touched me. He told me up front he wanted me, but
he wasn’t willing to take it by force. I hoped Nick shared the same trait. “I’m
not going to touch you, Norah.” I reluctantly got in the bed and pulled the
blanket to my chin. “I’m not the horrible man you think I am. I’m sure you
hated Liam when you first met him. But somehow he got you to love him. How did
he do it, Norah? How did he make you love him?” He asked me this question all
the time. I rolled to my side and didn’t answer.
Liam where are you?

I woke up the next morning with his arm draped over my body.
I touched him trying to make him move but he just mumbled in his pillow. I
picked up his arm and tried to move it myself and he woke. Instead of
continuing to move his arm he dropped it and pulled me under him. His body was
warm and I could feel his morning excitement. He ran his nose over mine and
down to my neck. Then he pulled back and looked me in the eyes.

“I’m going to make you love me, Norah. I’m going to make you
feel the same way about me as you did about Liam.” I noticed he used the past
tense when he referred to my feelings for Liam. Like I had stopped loving Liam
while being here with him.

“Liam didn’t make me love him. It wasn’t a demand he made on
me and that I complied with. I fell in love with him without being told I had
to do it.” He had a shocked look on his face then abruptly rolled off me and
told me to make him breakfast. I thought that was the end of that conversation.
But that evening I found out I was wrong.

After he ate his dinner and denied me mine, he pulled me
from the floor where I was kneeling. The look in his eyes was primal. He turned
me around so my back was to his chest and he tied a blind fold around my eyes.
We walked together into a cold room and he raised my arms over my head and
cuffed them. The cuffs felt like zip ties. They were skinny, tight and bit into
my skin. The pain worsened when my body was raised from the ground. I don’t
think he raised me very high but the pressure on my wrists was excruciating. I
let out a scream and I heard him laugh.

“Norah, I have tried to be patient with you. I have tried to
do things the easy way, but you are proving to be a hard mare to break.” I
heard a whip crack and I jerked at the sound. I felt his breath on my neck and
could feel him touching my hair. For the first time since he had me I was truly
scared. I never thought he would really hurt me. But he was proving to me that
my thoughts about him were wrong.

“You said it took Liam 3 months before he fucked you,” he
laughed and licked my neck. “Well I don’t have that kind of time, sweet thing.”
He kissed my neck and moved up to my cheek and then my forehead. He pressed his
hand in my neck and forced my head up. “I want you, Norah. You’re mine now, and
it’s time you start figuring that out.” The whip cracked again, then I felt it
against my back.

I screamed with the pain. The whip cracked again and I felt
the sting on the backs of my thighs, then again on my ass, and then again on my
lower back. I was screaming, crying and my nose was running. I tried to move my
head so I could peek through the blindfold but I couldn’t see anything. Three
more cracks of the whip and the pain stung my stomach, the front of my thighs
and then my neck.

“I have to say, Norah, I thought by now you would be begging
me to stop.” I would have begged but I didn’t think it would make any
difference. Begging was exactly what he wanted me to do. He wanted me to beg
him so he could make me another offer. Something like I’ll stop beating you if
you blow me. Compared to the pain I was enduring a blow job now and then didn’t
seem so bad. Again my thoughts went to Liam.

Did you like it, Norah? Did you like sucking him off? Did
you like it when he came in your mouth? When he fucked your face did it make
the pain go away? Did you think about me or did you try to forget about me?

Yeah, Liam wouldn’t understand. He was a sick bastard
sometimes too, and he would think only of himself. He wouldn’t think about what
I had been through, he would think about what I had done to survive. He would
never kiss me again knowing another man had been in my mouth.

Then I realized the whipping had stopped. I could hear him
moving around the room but had no idea what he was up to now. I heard what
sounded like a cart rolling on hard cement and I could feel he was standing
close to me. He grabbed the back of my head again and kissed me hard, ramming
his tongue in my mouth then pulled away. Something clamped on my nipples,
pinching them so hard it stopped the blood flow. His hands moved to my legs and
up to my hips. He lightly kissed my thighs and ran his hands over my sex. I
felt something like a belt going around my waist and something cupping my sex.
It went between my legs and he moved to the back of me and attached it to the
back of the belt. I felt like I had a diaper on.

My wrists were on fire but my hands had lost blood flow and
had gone numb. Originally the room was cold when I walked in, but now I could
feel the sweat running down my back and my forehead. My heart was beating so
fast it was pounding in my ears. Then I felt small vibrations between my legs,
then they got stronger and again a little stronger. The feeling started
building in my stomach and slowly got stronger. I moved my body against the
vibrations and I could hear him snickering. The pain in my wrists and body was
a distant memory as my orgasm built inside me. Just when I thought I was going
to have a much needed release the vibrations stopped. I snatched my head up and
took in a deep breath. My heart rate lowered and the ache in the pit of my
stomach was starting to fade when the small vibrations started again. A jolt of
electricity shot to my nipples. It wasn’t painful but it didn’t feel good
either. The jolts kept coming every minute or so as the vibrations grew
stronger building my orgasm again. But again just as I thought I would find
release it went away.

“Pain and pleasure, Norah. It’s all relative. Such a fine
line between them. Pain can become pleasure and pleasure can become very
painful. After this little exercise I am sure you will start to understand
that.” I felt his face near mine. “I’m going to have some dessert. I’ll be back
in a little while. Have fun.” I heard him walk away and the door close.

This torture went on for what seemed like hours, days,
weeks, maybe even months. I wanted it to stop. I needed a release but I didn’t
want it. I didn’t want to crave what he wanted for me. He wanted me to want the
orgasm so bad that I would do anything for him, to him, to get it.

When he finally reemerged I thought I was hallucinating. I
felt his hands on me touching me everywhere. His mouth was on my neck, between
my breasts and then down my waist. One massage from his hand between my legs
and I came very hard. I screamed out with pain and pleasure. He removed his
torture devices and my nipples felt like they would explode when the blood
reentered them. I bit my bottom lip to hold back my screams.

“Don’t bite too hard, pretty girl. Your lip is already
bleeding.” His voice was like sand paper. I heard some noise then I dropped to
my feet and collapsed in his arms. He carried me to a chair and sat me down. I
heard him moving around me. My hands were still tied together and he hadn’t
removed the blindfold. All I could do was listen until he made his next
assault. He picked me up and walked for a while then he placed me in a tub of
very warm water. The water stung my wounds and I hissed through my teeth. He
cleaned me, dried me, released my hands, and then dressed my wounds. When he
removed the blind fold he handed me a small night gown and told me to get into
bed. When his arms wrapped around me and he nuzzled his nose in my hair, I
didn’t move a muscle.

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