Covering the Carolinas (52 page)

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Authors: Casey Peeler

Tags: #romance, #southern fiction, #nicholas sparks, #deathanddying, #reallife, #newadult, #southern american romance, #teen 15 and up, #country and small town life, #caisey quinn

BOOK: Covering the Carolinas
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What makes you think I’m ready?” I ask as I
look into his eyes.

The fact you didn’t follow Cole back gave me
a little reassurance, but the way your eyes fell on mine today
warmed my heart. I knew you were ready.”

Em, I’m so sorry I pushed
you away, but that’s what I felt I needed to do. I’ve never stopped
loving you, and now I know you never stopped either.” I say
I take a step toward him and place my hands
upon his firm chest.

Rae, I’ll love you as long as I’m alive,” he
declares as he places his hand behind my neck, and my lips meet his
like they never left.

Chapter 34


When I walk back into the house, Grandaddy looks
over his shoulder at me. “’Bout damn time,” he says before turning
back to the TV. I just shake my head and think about all the men
that love me.

Over the next two months, life
returns to normal. Grandaddy is back to his full capacity on the
farm, Cole and Tammy are spending a lot of time together, and
Emmett and I…well, we are together every chance
get. I love him more and more each day. Jace has finally gotten
over himself and doesn’t get in our business anymore.

As March approaches, we begin to prepare for the
summer crops, and I can’t wait to go to the Braves game with
Grandaddy, Cole, Tammy, and Emmett.

Hey, Grandaddy, I got those tickets ordered,”
I say as I come downstairs to cook supper.

Allll righhht!” he
I could listen to him say
that over and over.

We eat supper, watch the ACC
Tournament, and then retire for the night. Glancing at my calendar,
I realize it’s been six months since Grandaddy got the news, and I
know he has to go back for a check-up sometime soon.
have to ask him
about that in the morning.
I drift off and wake up to
live my life to the fullest on the farm and at school.

At breakfast, I ask Grandaddy about his appointment.
“Oh, it was last week. It was fine. Go back in six more

Why didn’t you tell me? I’d have gone with

I know, but I’m fine. You need to be at
school. Education is what is important.”

I know. I know,” I say as I finish eating and
leave for school.

Emmett meets me in the parking lot, and to be
honest, I couldn’t wait to lay my eyes on him. I swear, it’s a good
thing we have school to distract us.

Mornin’, Beautiful,” he says as he greets me
with a kiss.


You sure are chipper this

Grandaddy got great news. Everything is still
good. Oh! And, I got the Braves tickets for this summer.” Emmett
begins the tomahawk chop and sings the chant. I just shake my

I meet Jordyn in the hall, and she looks like a
wreck. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

It’s just Ridge. He’s being an

What did he do?” I inquire

He told me that my butt looks big in these
jeans. Can you believe that?”

J, are you kiddin’ me?! I thought he broke up
with you or somethin’. You got yourself an honest one. You knew
that when you started dating him.”

She shakes her head. “I swear, sometimes I wish he’d
just not tell the truth for once.” We both laugh as we walk to

As we sit at lunch, Emmett looks at me for guidance
on the situation earlier. “We’re all good,” I whisper as we sit

Good,” he says as he kisses my cheek

Hey, I have an idea,” Jordyn says.

Oh, brother,” I say with an eye roll and a

Let’s go to my mountain house this weekend.
Ya know, get away from here. You in, Rae?” she suggests, as she
looks in my direction.

Let me check with Grandaddy, but I think we
should be good. Who’s all game?” As I look around, Jordyn, Ridge,
Emmett, and I are all in.

Make sure you keep it quiet. I mean, Cole and
what’s her name can come, but I don’t want those meatheads to think
it’s an open invitation.”


As the bell rings for class, Emmett pulls me back
from the crowd and lightly guides me under the stairs before
attacking my lips. I kiss him back, but not for long, because Mr.
Wall catches us and tells us to quit locking lips before he has to
call my grandaddy. I giggle as Emmett walks me to class and then
promises to meet me after school.

After school, he’s waiting on me
as usual. “Hey, Em,” I say as I greet him with a kiss. “So, you
think your mama’s gonna let you go?” I ask

Yeah, especially if Cole goes. You have more
to worry about than me.”

Nah, as long as Cole is going, he’ll let

Ya know, something’s not right about that.
He’s my brother, not yours.” He laughs.

But, if you
hurt me,
he’ll beat your ass.” I smirk.

Got me there,” he says as he kisses me
goodbye, and I make my way home.

As I approach the farm, I see Cole
working in the lower field.
I gotta go see
if he’s in for the weekend.
I put away my
backpack and grab a can of Sun Drop for both Cole and me as I make
my way out there.

Thanks, Rae,” he says. “What’s

Ah, ya know, hoping to go to J’s mountain
house this weekend. You wanna go?”

You’re totally using me, aren’t ya?” He

You bet. So, are you in or what? Tammy can
come, too,” I state with my hand on my hips.

Yeah, as long as Uncle
Dover is game. I mean, it’s not
like he’s
stupid or anything.” I let my mouth fall open and then push his
shoulder. “I’m just speakin’ the truth.”

Whatever,” I say as I make my way inside the
house to ask Grandaddy.

Once inside, I smell supper underway. “Grandaddy!” I
yell as I come through the door.

I’m in the kitchen!” he hollers

As I enter the kitchen, I see him in his apron
standing over a pot of pintos, tasting them.
“Just makin’ sure they’re good enough to eat,” he says. “How
was your day?”

Great, actually. Do we have any plans this
weekend?’ He shakes his head
no. “Can I go
to Jordyn’s mountain house?”

He pauses for a moment. “Who’s
Oh crap! He’s on to my game

Jordyn, Ridge, Cole, Tammy, Em, and me.” He
stares right at me.

He takes the spoon still in his hand and shakes it
at me. “Sunshine, did you go to the doctor?”

Yeah, what made you ask that six months down
the road?”

Heck, a lot of stuff went
on, and it kinda slipped my mind. Plus, when y’all broke up, I
didn’t have much to worry about. Now, I do,” he
says as he begins to make a cake of cornbread. I walk to the
hall closet, grab my apron, and begin to help him.

So, can I go?” I ask as I
grab the buttermilk
from the fridge.

He stops and turns to me. “Rae, I think you
need to get away. Things have been crazy for the past six months,
but I want you to be smart. I also know you will find a way to get
your way. You always have.”
Well, he’s
never said I get my way before. That’s odd.
“You said
Cole was goin’?”

Yes, sir,” I reply as I pour the

That’s why you were butterin’ him up with
that Sun Drop earlier, huh?”


What am I going to do with you?” he asks.
“Fine, but please, don’t do anything stupid.”

Grandaddy, I can’t believe you’d say

Hey, I was young once.”

Oh, I know, and you were
like the stud
of your graduating

I wasn’t the stud. I was voted best-looking,
thank ya very much.” We both laugh.

Do you think they are
looking down
on us?” I ask him as I stir the
cornbread mixture.

Sunshine, I have no doubt. We wouldn’t have
made it this far without them cheering for us.” We both smile as I
wipe a single tear from my eye.

Um, um, um…this is gonna be good,” he says as
we place the cornbread into the oven and watch the evening news
until time to eat.


I. Cannot. Wait. A weekend away with Raegan is just
what I need. Now, if Mom will let me go. Thank goodness for

Mom is folding laundry when I get home from school.
I go in and help her, and she stops mid-fold.

What’s going on, Em?” she asks with her hand
on her hips.

I just wanted to know if it
was okay if
I went to the mountains this
with Cole, Tammy, Jordyn, Ridge,
and Rae.”

Em, are you sure that is a good

Yeah, it’ll be fine!” I
hear Cole holler as he enters the house.
Cole to the rescue.
“First, we gotta
see if Uncle Dover lets
go.” He laughs.

You’re right, Cole. If
Dover will let her go, I guess I should trust you enough. Just
don’t get that girl pregnant for cryin’ out loud.” Cole bursts out
as he leaves the room.

Um, Mom. Are you okay?” I question with

Lord, yes, I’m fine, but I know what it’s
like to be young and dumb. Please, be smarter than your father and
me.” She doesn’t have to explain any more because I know I was a
mishap when they were seniors in high school. Needless to say, I
can see why she worries.

Mom, no need to worry. I
put you or Mr. Lowery through that,
but I do think Raegan needs to get away. She’s had a lot going on
over the past few months.”

Yes, I know
have, Em. I know they like their secrets,
but Dover always keeps George and Cole in the loop. As you know,
George and I don’t have secrets.”
My mom
knew the entire time? No wonder she didn’t question when we broke
up. She already knew why.

Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask.

Because it wasn’t my place to tell.” It
almost feels like déjà vu. “Now, get outta here, unless you really
want to fold clothes.”

Yes, ma’am,” I say as I hug her on my way out
of the room.

As I pass Cole’s room, he hollers for me to come in.
“So, she said okay?”

Yup, I take it Rae got to
you right after school. You think
he’ll let her

He probably will give her hell for it, but
yeah, she always gets her way.”

Cole, thanks for everything.”

No problem. Do you have a minute?” Cole

I guess. What’s up?” I ask as I take a seat
in the chair.

Cole is rubbing the back of his neck, and right now,
I’m not sure what he’s about to say.

Um, I don’t know if I should tell you this or
not, but I don’t think Uncle Dover’s out of the woods.” My heart
stops. I know that Cole and I both share Mr. Lowery’s

I know, Cole.” He looks completely shocked.
“He told me when he decided not to take the last treatment. What do
you think Rae’s gonna do when she finds out we knew the entire

I think she’s going to be royally ticked off,
and that’s an understatement.” Cole and I devise a plan to talk
with Mr. Lowery and her once we get back from our fun weekend.
These secrets are over, and it’s time we do this

Trying to get out of our deep conversation, Cole
brings things back to reality. “I better make sure Tammy is in. I
sure don’t want to be the fifth wheel,” he says as he takes out his
phone to call her, and I close the door as I head to my room.

Chapter 35


Friday afternoon feels like it will never get here,
but eventually, it does. We all hurry home from school and finish
packing. I help Grandaddy around the farm with a few things, and we
are on the road by five.

The house is a little over an hour and a half away
from Pleasant Hill. It’s perfect for a weekend getaway. As the
house comes into view, I get butterflies. I can remember coming
here with Jordyn when we were kids during every season. It was a
perfect escape from the farm life, but yet, I was still enjoying
nature at its best. Emmett looks my way and squeezes my hand.

Why are you cheesing over there?” Emmett

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