Cut Cords of Attachment (4 page)

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Authors: Rose Rosetree

BOOK: Cut Cords of Attachment
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Sometimes cord cutting stories turn sinister, like this one:

“When my healer cut some cords of attachment for me, I know it really worked because two of the people had car accidents right afterwards. Isn’t that great?”

Not to me. Cord cutting, as taught here, doesn’t involve black magic. “First, do no harm” is a time-hallowed goal of healers.

This method for cutting cords is graced by Divine Homeostasis, that term I will explain later. Meanwhile, know that nobody—and I mean nobody—will be hurt when you use these 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment. What I teach you will lead to
less drama in life, not more.

In my experience, for instance, what happens after I facilitate a session of Rosetree Energy Spirituality? A client might, perhaps, receive a phone call from the cordee, despite their having been out of touch for years. But car crashes? Never.

Hey, notice that? Did I just refer to the “cordee”?

is my shorthand expression for “The person at the other end of a cord of attachment.”

Plenty of horror stories are told, on the Internet and elsewhere, about supposedly scary cordees who attached something onto their victim, some energy attack gizmo like a remote bungee cord. Or stories emerge about supposedly sinister cordees who were boomeranged after cord cutting by their own horrible vibe attacks.

Please, fear not. Then consider the source. Such stories come from people who have tried and failed to remove their own cords.

The mildest version of incompetence at cord cutting sounds like this:

“I cut all my cords of attachment, but so what? It did nothing.”

Of course it did nothing. What method was used, for heaven’s sake?

Sure, I know that some people claim, “Anyone can cut cords of attachment. It takes two minutes.” In what fantasy world does that happen? And how long does brain surgery take there, half an hour?

Most of us have learned not to believe everything we hear or read on the Net. It’s confusing, though, when myths about cord cutting are spread by otherwise credible sources. For instance, the first person I ever heard discuss cords of attachment was a magnificent spiritual teacher (whose real name I won’t mention for a reason that will soon become obvious).

“Gloria” gave me a past-life regression that changed my current life forever. She introduced me to Ascended Masters and Archangels. Gloria’s character was as much an inspiration as her knowledge. Talk about sweet! Add hard working, compassionate, brilliantly smart.

Gloria’s talents included highly developed clairvoyance. So, of course, I believed her when she said, “Any time you have a difficult relationship, call on Archangel Michael to cut your cord of attachment, and he’ll do it instantly.”

No doubt, Gloria could see him doing this, too. But she hadn’t studied cord cutting in depth, so I’m guessing she never checked back again the next day. Then she might have seen that very same cord of attachment return... right where it had been before.

Now, if you ever have enlisted the help of Archangel Michael, you know that he does great work. But he won’t simply follow your instructions if asked to do something that would, ultimately, hurt you.

Soon you will understand more fully how precious cord items are for spiritual and emotional evolution. We’re not talking garbage here, where your highest aspiration would be to demand that some cosmic garbage collector takes the smelly stuff down to the dump. What happens if you don’t actively use the information from a cut cord?

I suspect one would develop a similar cord of attachment with somebody else (or the equivalent) in order to learn the intended life lesson.

Nobody likes quick ‘n easy better than this healer. But some things in life take time. The 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment are as quick ‘n easy as can be… while still getting the job done properly.

And, in case you, too, have heard some famous teacher say something like the wishful thinking from Gloria, use your common sense. Just because a psychic can do certain things brilliantly doesn’t mean she knows everything. That’s God’s job. So take the good from any healer or psychic, therapist or teacher. Leave the rest.

Okay, on to a comical story of no quality control, the woman who cheerfully told me:

“I cut my cords every day. It takes me hours to keep cutting them back.”

And this is supposed to be a good thing? Is there soon going to be a pop culture version of cutting cords, like spending two hours a day perfecting your hairstyle? My goal is not to add yet another chore to your grooming regimen.

When you cut cords properly, the job takes minutes, not hours.
And every cord cutting brings about a powerful, permanent healing.
Lacking quality control, you could be doing the equivalent of trying to mow your lawn with nail scissors.

And speaking of problems with trimming, one client told me:

“I know all about cutting cords. I’ve been working at it for years. One cord was especially hard. It started bleeding and then it got infected.”

Never, ever, after thousands of successful sessions that included cord cutting, never once has a client of mine suffered such a reaction.

So, please, use method, not madness. You can certainly learn how to do these 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment. Just keep reading.

Chapter 2
Let’s Get Practical

By now, I take it, you’re committed. And I mean that in only the very nicest way. You definitely want to learn the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment.

By now, you have read enough to tell that this is not your typical how-to book. I’m giving you a complete instructional manual for cutting cords of attachment, including that all-important quality control discussed in our first chapter.

If you like, browse through the book as a first reader or consumer of cord cutting sessions. Skip all techniques. Emphasize the TALE and CORD SAMPLE sections.

Once you are ready to learn, here’s what I recommend you do. Finish this chapter. Then go through Steps 1 through 6, practicing as you go.

Read at your own pace, no limits about how far you read at a time or how many new concepts make you go, “Wow!”

Learn at your own pace, too, developing skills that will help you succeed right from the very first time that you physically cut a cord.

Are you wondering, Courageous Explorer, when will that happen? Step 7: In that chapter, you will be prepared to cut your first cord of attachment, making this part of our book a major milestone.

When you get there, I’m going to ask you to change your way of using the book. Here’s a preview of what you will find.

Steps 7 through 12 need to be done in exact sequence, no detours along the way. At Step 7, you will find your first heading that says “LET’S GET PRACTICAL” and practical instructions will follow. For example:

Let’s Get Practical

At this Step, you will be given special instructions for cord cutting.

1. Following these instructions, you will start cutting cords in a quality way.

2. Depending on your present skill level, you will emphasize certain things, skim over others.

3. Your skill level will accelerate quickly as you proceed from Steps 7 to 12.

My goal is for you to cut your sixth cord by the time you complete Step 12. Proceeding in this way, you will really master the process by the time you have finished that chapter.

Admittedly, this is an unconventional way to structure a how-to book. Blame my years of experience as a spiritual teacher, which has made my mind weirdly flexible. If you haven’t ever encountered a book exactly like this one, don’t worry. The “Let’s get practical” portions are not complicated. You will simply do one step at a time.

Altogether, let me reassure you that none of the techniques in this book is difficult. Learning to cut cords of attachment takes a little time, a little trust, that’s all. Then you can lift negative patterns that have caused suffering for decades.

We’re going to have fun together. And, to complete our view of possibilities, I’ll end this chapter with an example of what it’s like, cutting somebody’s cord of attachment.

The 12 Steps in Action

Here is a brief sample of what it’s like, using the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment. I’ll summarize a session of Rosetree Energy Spirituality that I did for a client, rather than one of many that I have done for myself. Helping someone else, the method is just the same but the dialogue definitely reads better.

Some technical terms will be used. My goal is to teach you very systematically. For now, any time you encounter something unfamiliar, relax and trust that you will soon master it as part of your becoming a really good cord-cutter.

Incidentally, this example will illustrate how my 12 Steps have way more substance than the “technique” of saying, “Archangel Michael, cut all my cords.”

Step 1.
Jessica’s initial intention for her session was to stop being emotionally dependent on Mel, her boyfriend.

We fine-tuned this intention, since it’s preferable to choose an intention for more of what you want, rather than less of what you don’t want.

So I asked, “Does that mean that your goal is emotional strength?

“Yes,” she agreed.

Sure enough, power turned out to be an important element in Jessica’s session of Rosetree Energy Spirituality.

Step 2.
Jessica chose Buddha to help co-create her session.

Step 3.
Jessica’s Before Picture showed:

  • A Root Chakra Databank for Physical Self Awareness that was heavy and tense.
  • Plus a Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for
    Sharing Power with Others
    that was “Like a hole.”
  • At her Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Awareness, Jessica felt confused.

I supplemented this Before Picture with a brief aura reading about some of her strengths, just for encouragement. Although she was coming to this session at a low point in her life, Jessica did have many life-long strengths encoded in her aura. Though optional, this supplement to a Before Picture can bring appropriate perspective during a healing session.

Besides, validating the truth about a client’s aura starts to activate energy, and this will add oomph to your session.

Step 4.
What would be involved in cutting Jessica’s cord to Mel? I made sure that she understood clearly.

Step 5.
After using a research technique, I learned that Jessica’s cord to Mel connected at her belly.

Step 6.
When Jessica was asked to give permission to cut this cord, she teared up. When she was ready, we moved forward.

Step 7.
This cord of attachment came out easily.

Step 8.
For her bandage, Jessica chose to be rebalanced by a large blue sapphire with a “mountain crystal” on top.

Step 9
Energy patterns within a cord can be summarized as a Dialogue Box, with numbered cord items that come either from the client or the cordee. It took me about three minutes to diagram the contents of this cord of attachment.

CORD SAMPLE: When Life Seems Unfair

1. Jessica: Rejected and alone.

2. Mel: Give me energy, Jessica.

3. Mel: Keep trying to please me.

4. Mel: Jessica, I want you to look for every possible sign that I care about you.

5. Mel: You give so much in return for so little. I enjoy having this power over you.

6. Jessica: I feel left out of this relationship, socially excluded. (Major life theme.)

7. Jessica: Can’t I have even one person loyal to me?

8. Jessica: Life is so unfair.

Step 10.
Discussing these cord items, we started to consider logical consequences related to the cordee. I suggested that one logical consequence with Mel might be having greater power when handling conflicts with him. (This logical consequence was related to Cord Item #5.)

She asked, “What did power have to do with this love relationship?”

It took some discussion for Jessica to appreciate that using more of her personal
power could help improve a love re
lationship. Why raise the topic at all? Cord Item #5!

Step 11.
We expanded our conversation about logical consequences for Jessica’s life in general, not just her relationship with the cordee.

We discussed having power versus being dependent. Didn’t Jessica have a right to equal give-and-take?

She considered this. “Mel never brought me flowers. But once he did bring me a few pieces of fruit. I was really grateful.

“Afterwards I told my therapist and he teased me. He said that I was awfully easy to please.”

Step 12.
Jessica’s homework was a quick ceremony to reprogram her subconscious mind about give-and-take in relationships.

First, for five minutes, she would describe her old patterns around give-and-take, e.g., “I give and give, getting back very little.”

Then she would announce, “Over!”

Afterwards, Jessica’s would speak for five minutes about the new patterns she wished to install around give-and take, e.g., “In close relationships, I give and receive in equal balance.”

Jessica also received the standard follow-up instructions that you will read about in Step 12. To conclude her session, what remained was the After Picture.

  • At her Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sharing Power with Others, Jessica felt the stirrings of a little more positive new energy.
  • At her Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Awareness, Jessica felt more vibrant.
  • But the real triumph showed at her Root Chakra Databank for Physical Self- Awareness. Tension changed into feeling relaxed and “cushioned,” protected.
  • Jessica had begun to approach life with more emotional strength.

Take Out, Put In

As you will discover, removing a cord of attachment isn’t just about taking something away. The second half is the put-in, adding something positive: Personal growth, both immediate and long-term.

With Rosetree Energy Spirituality, change starts in the energy field, then gradually works its way through the rest of a person’s mind-body-spirit system.

What can you gain by cutting cords of attachment? More benefits than you can count, one cord at a time.

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