Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Jack’s intense nature lurked just below the surface, barely kept in check. Dark passion burned in his deep, brown eyes.

And that hot, hard body.


It was enough to stoke the coals of a whole book’s worth of fantasies. No, scratch that. Not just one book, but a whole series of them.

Back at their house, Tim wouldn’t settle for her disappearing into her room for the evening. “No, babe, you need to see this view at night. It’s gorgeous.” He led her to the lower back porch, where a hot tub occupied most of the covered deck. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

He meant the valley beyond, even though her eyes were fixed on the crystal clear sky above, which was pinpointed by countless stars.

Jack didn’t say anything as he laid his keys on the kitchen counter, but he didn’t disappear into their bedroom, either. He followed them downstairs and out a sliding glass door to the deck.

She couldn’t remember ever seeing so many stars before. Even though she lived outside Columbus, there was still enough light pollution that it obscured the delicate scattered carpet of faint stars laid out in the sky before her.

“It’s gorgeous,” she agreed. She felt Tim step closer behind her, his body pressed against hers.

She didn’t mind.

Jack stepped to her right side and leaned against the railing. “I missed this when I lived in California. There’s lots of smog out there. A lot of times, you don’t get nice nighttime views like this.”

“Why did you move out there?” she asked.

She thought Jack’s expression darkened, but Tim chimed in. “So he could meet little ole me,” he joked.

That’s when Jack smiled, warm and genuine, and looked at her. “Not exactly, but no, I wouldn’t have met Tim if I hadn’t moved out there. So it was worth the time out there to find this guy.”

It wasn’t her imagination that Tim was wiggling a little against her backside. She wiggled back and heard him chuckle.

Heat rose in her face as her panties grew damp. What did she have to lose?

She wiggled again and felt him harden through his slacks.

“Why don’t you join us in the hot tub, Gwen?” Tim suggested. When he stepped back she had to suppress a wistful sigh. But when he reached for his pants and started to unbuckle, she swallowed hard. Within a moment he was naked and stepping into the hot tub.

Jack turned and smiled at her. “Why not?” His gaze never wavered from hers as he stripped and joined Tim in the hot tub.

She didn’t miss that both men were hard as they sank chest-deep in the water.

And very well hung.

Oh boy. Boy, oh boy.

The men didn’t speak. Jack looked amused while Tim looked hopeful.

Gwen kicked off her shoes, took a deep breath, and pulled her blouse off over her head. She let it fall to the floor where the men’s clothes lay.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

She felt the blush deep in her face as she got naked. Her nipples immediately tightened and peaked in the cool air, and she hurried to join them in the pleasantly hot water. They sat on either side of her.

“How’s that?” Tim asked.

She nodded, her throat suddenly dry.
What the hell am I doing?

Hopefully getting laid
, the rational part of her brain said.

Jack leaned back and closed his eyes. He looked very comfortable. She had to admit the evening air, the beautiful view—and of course, the company—had her relaxed in no time.

Well, maybe relaxed wasn’t the right word. Tim reached over and gently massaged the back of her neck. It felt good, but it also sent pulses of heat straight to her already throbbing clit.

She remembered the feel of his lips on hers earlier that evening when he kissed her.

Who was she kidding? She wanted, just once, to live out the solar-surface-hot fantasies she got paid to write about. She’d never even had anal sex with one man in bed, much less been doubly penetrated by two hot hunks.

Hell, she’d never had boring old missionary sex with one hot hunk. Dickweed wasn’t ugly, but when she compared his mug to these two hot bodies, he went from a solid seven, on a scale of one to ten, straight down to a negative three hundred and eighty.

And that was being generous.

“So,” Tim said with a playful smile, “let’s continue our earlier discussion.”


He leaned closer, his blue eyes boring into hers. “Where do you get your deliciously naughty ideas, baby cakes?”

She gulped. “Um, I just…do.”

His finger trailed around the side of her throat and up to her earlobe. “From that deliciously naughty imagination of yours?”

She nodded, maybe a tad too vigorously, but she was two seconds from becoming a wanton woman. “Uh-huh.”

Jack chuckled, a sexy, low, rumbling sound that further turned her insides into melted butter, but didn’t speak.

Tim edged in close, his lips mere inches from hers. “How about you let us help you do a little research?”

The thought she should politely refuse and laugh this off occurred to her…for all of a nanosecond.

Fuck it, I want to screw around.

She nodded.

Tim smiled and slowly leaned in, kissing her. It was every bit as passionate as the earlier kiss, but it was also slow, gentle, the opening act in what she suspected would be an all-night symphony of the most delicious sex she’d ever had in her life.

Research…yeah, that’s it.

She could tell herself that’s all it was and be able to look at herself in the mirror the next morning.

She finally told her brain to take a hike and returned his kiss, moaning softly as he wrapped his arms around her and she melted into his embrace.

* * * *

Jack watched Tim and Gwen kissing. He could tell from the set of her body she was nervous, but watched her relaxing as his lover held her and plunged his tongue into her mouth.

His already hard cock twitched and throbbed beneath the water. When his mind started to drift back to years earlier, he forced it to remain in the here and now. He didn’t want to do that to himself. This wasn’t Mel, no matter how much like her Gwen looked.

But part of his heart that had always remained in pain felt a little better pretending she was.

He reached below the water and slowly stroked his cock, not enough to get him off but enough to make it throb even more as he watched Tim nibble his way along Gwen’s jawline, down her delicate throat, and raise her up out of the water enough he could suck her right nipple into his mouth.

She softly moaned with pleasure as she held onto Tim’s shoulders.

Unable to take it any longer, he moved through the water, around Tim, until he could suck her left nipple into his mouth. He flicked the stiff tip with his tongue, drawing more moans from her.

When her hand found his shoulder for support, her fingers holding on tight as they teased and tormented her, he reached up and covered her hand with his.

Hell, if she could use them for research, he could use her to relive a little of his past, right? No harm, no foul?

Not like she’ll be staying, or probably ever even come back.

He hoped he could convince himself of the lie, that he wouldn’t lose his heart to her. But as she softly moaned again he suspected that’s exactly what would happen.

What the hell am I doing?

One of Tim’s hands snuck between Jack’s legs and found his cock, his fingers stroking up and down, firing Jack’s need. He loved Tim, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to sink his cock deep inside Gwen’s pussy and fuck her until she screamed. He’d missed that, having two people in his bed.

He’d enjoy it the short time he could and deal with the fallout later.

* * * *

Gwen couldn’t believe this was happening to her. First, when Tim’s mouth latched on to her breast, then Jack joined him, it ratcheted up her need to a supernova degree.

Well, at least I got this right in my books.

It felt better than good, each tug of their warm mouths sending surges of need straight to her cunt.

She didn’t want to think about what would happen when she had to go home, back to her lonely life.

Moving to Rapid City was looking like a reeeally good option at the moment.

She moaned again when they stopped sucking on her nipples. Tim laughed. “Don’t worry, sweetie. We’re not going to leave you hanging, believe me.” They shifted position, until she was lying back against Jack, his strong arms around her, his fingers gently tweaking her nipples. Tim moved between her legs as she floated on the surface of the hot tub, his hands on her hips and pulling her close.

When she felt him duck between her legs, she closed her eyes and threw her head back against Jack’s shoulder. Then Tim’s lips started tugging and playing with her clit, and she exploded, startling her so much she let out a cry. The orgasm washed through her, taking all strength from her body.

Jack’s lips closed on hers and she gladly let him explore her mouth with his tongue.

This. Is. Heaven.

If it wasn’t, she didn’t give a damn because it sure as hell felt like it.

Jack’s hands massaged her breasts, still playing with her nipples, rolling and tugging on them and keeping her orgasm rolling through her. By the time she finally came down from it, it felt like she’d run a marathon. All strength had left her body.

Tim sat up and grinned. “Good?”

Jack lifted his mouth from hers but she couldn’t find the breath to form words. She just nodded.

Tim’s fingers slipped inside her pussy, which even without the warm water of the hot tub was well lubricated from her juices. He slowly finger-fucked her, stroking her G-spot and stoking the fires inside her again.

This was waaay better than any of her books, and they hadn’t even fucked her yet.

“Let’s go inside to the bedroom,” Tim suggested, helping her stand. Her legs still felt shaky and weak. She wasn’t quite sure she could make the walk upstairs.

Jack grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her, keeping an arm around her as they helped her up the stairs to their bedroom. Tim turned the stereo on and stepped behind her as Jack stood in front of her, kissing her again.

He was a damn good kisser.

She threw her arms around his neck and let the towel fall to the floor. She couldn’t believe that she was really going to bed these two hunks, and that just a few hours ago she was convinced Jack was a total asshole.

Tim ground his naked body against her, his hard cock rubbing against the seam of her ass. He nibbled on the back of her neck, melting her, making her whimper.

She felt Jack’s cock, also hard, rubbing against her belly. Another desire took over. She let go of his neck and sank to her knees in front of him, sucking his cock deep between her lips.

* * * *

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