Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (15 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Holy crap!
Jack closed his eyes and gasped as she went down on him, her hot, wet mouth completely encasing his cock. It’d been years since a woman went down on him.

No. I won’t think of Mel.

Unfortunately it was difficult not to think of her, because giving head had been one of her favorite things.
Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to indulge in the fantasy.

It certainly made his heart ache just a little less.

He cast reservation to the wind and let his past and the present merge, pinpointed on the delicious feel of his cock being expertly swallowed.

Gwen’s tongue skillfully stroked his shaft, flicking against the glans, taking him deep, sucking just right.

When Tim leaned in and kissed him, Jack nearly shot his load right then. Her hot, moist mouth perfectly caressed his cock, every bit as good as Tim, just in a different way.

I can’t wait to bury it in her pussy.

He couldn’t, either. He wanted to make her come while he was fucking her and feel her cunt massage his cock as her muscles contracted. He wanted to spend all night with his cock buried deep inside her pussy. Or inside her tight ass.

“Sweetie,” he gasped, “you’ve got to stop or I’ll blow. You’re too fucking good for me to hold back much longer.”

She sat back and looked up at him, her brown eyes shining with playful lust. “Glad to see I’m not rusty.”

He laughed. “Um, babe, you’re anything but rusty.”

* * * *

Gwen didn’t want to stop. She wanted to suck Jack dry and keep going until she got him hard again. Then she wanted him to fuck her brains out. Ditto Tim.

She wanted to live out as many of her fantasies as she could in whatever short amount of time she had with these two hunks.

Dignity? What dignity. She wanted to get laid. And if she had two willing hunks ready and able to do it, she wasn’t about to turn them down.

She turned and found herself face-to-face with Tim’s cock. Before he could move out of reach, she engulfed him and enjoyed listening to his happy moan. She tasted the salty tang of pre-cum in his slit as she slowly ran her tongue around the head. With one hand, she slowly stroked his cock. With the other, she gently cupped and massaged his balls. His fingers plunged into her hair, stroking her head.

“Oh, yeah, baby. That’s so good.”

Something else she’d gotten right in her books—she did feel powerful. Having these two men desiring her was a shuttle-launch-worthy boost to her ego.

After a couple of minutes, Tim finally managed to coerce her into letting go of him and the men helped her to her feet and over to their bed. They all collapsed onto it, Jack behind her, Tim in front, their hot flesh pressed against hers.

In that moment, she didn’t feel the slightest bit self-conscious about her less than perfect body or time out of the dating and fucking scene. All she cared about was getting both of those cocks inside her.

She ended up on her back on the bed and Jack pushed her legs apart as he crawled between them. When his head dipped between her thighs, she let out a loud moan as his tongue swiped along her swollen clit.

“He’s good, isn’t he, baby?” Tim whispered in her ear before he nibbled on her earlobe.

“Uh-huh!” she gasped.

Tim captured her mouth with his, fucking her with his tongue while Jack did obscenely delicious things to her pussy down below. She felt him insert a couple of fingers into her cunt as his lips latched on to her clit, gently sucking on it.

She rolled down the cliff toward another shattering orgasm as he slowly finger-fucked her. Then, just as she was about to crash over the edge, he withdrew his fingers and started playing with her tight, virgin ass.

Gwen let out a loud cry as her climax hit. Tim swallowed the sound, moaning with her as he dry humped her thigh. When she finally lay trembling on their bed, Jack worked his way up her body and kissed her. She tasted her juices on his lips.

“Good, baby?”

She nodded, unable to speak.

He smiled. “I bet I know what you want now, don’t I?”

She nodded.

Tim jumped off the bed as Jack rolled her over onto her stomach. At first, she thought maybe she’d misinterpreted what he meant, because Jack started rubbing her shoulders and back, relaxing her.

Then he worked his way down to the seam of her ass and she felt his lips and tongue teasing along her crack. She spread her legs to allow him better access and loudly moaned into the pillow as his tongue teased her rim.

Oh, fuck yeah!

Okay, so something else she’d written about that she’d never tried in real life and got right.

She ground her hips back against him, wanting more, wanting him deeper. He chuckled as his hands clamped down onto her hips, holding her still. “I can’t do this if you keep wiggling away, baby.”

She wasn’t so stupid to think he was in love with her after some good head, but she wouldn’t deny it made her feel warm and tingly to hear him call her that.

It made her feel wanted.

She heard Tim return a moment later and felt Jack sit up. Then the snick of a plastic lid being opened and the feel of cool lube against her ass.

Tim stretched out in bed next to her and started kissing her as Jack’s fingers slowly started massaging her rim again. He gently pressed for entrance with one finger and spent several long, achingly slow minutes stretching her.

Her cunt throbbed, desperate to feel a cock inside her. Tim reached up and cupped one of her breasts, teasing the nipple with his thumb. She thought the sensation would drive her mad with need.

“Please,” she gasped. If they kept this up, she’d spend all night coming. And it’d been years since she’d had two orgasms in the space of twenty-four hours.

Both of them self-induced.

How sad am I?

She shoved that thought out of her brain and tried to relax as the men refused to rush.

“No, I like hearing you beg,” Jack teased. “The longing in your voice. That just really gets me revved up.”

Tim chuckled. “He’s not kidding. I can’t tell you how many times he’s made me beg.”

“Please!” She had no shame. That point had long passed and was miles away in her rearview mirror.

“Please what, baby?”

She wiggled her hips. “Please fuck me!”

He added more lube and a second finger to her tight ass, slowly fucking her with his hand. “Oh, I will fuck you, baby. All night long. So will Tim. You’re just dying to feel what it’s really like to have two cocks inside you at the same time, aren’t you?”

Her body trembled with need. “Yes!” she gasped.

Tim sat up and held up a condom wrapper. “I think I’d like to slide my cock inside that sweet pussy of yours.”

She swallowed hard and eagerly nodded. He took his time sheathing his cock in the condom, frequently shooting her looks that told her he was enjoying torturing her with the wait every bit as much as Jack was.

He lay back and rolled her on top of him, Jack never relinquishing his hold on her ass. In fact, before Tim could enter her, Jack added a third finger, stretching her even more, making her gasp.

Jack stopped moving. She heard the concern in his voice. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Hell, yes! Please don’t stop?”

Both men laughed. “Don’t worry,” Tim said, grabbing her hips. “We won’t.” He positioned her above his cock and she moaned as she impaled herself on him.

“Oh, yes!” She wanted to start riding him, the delicious feeling of Jack’s fingers in her ass stoking her desire to furnace intensity. But the men wouldn’t let her, holding her still while Jack kept up his sweet torture.

“Not yet, baby,” Jack crooned. “When we’re ready.”

She wiggled and squirmed, but Tim wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down to his chest, holding her still while he deeply kissed her. Finally, after what felt like forever, Jack withdrew his hand and disappeared for a moment. Then she heard him return and the sound of a condom wrapper being ripped open.

After a long, agonizing moment, she felt him kneel behind her and even more lube drizzled down the seam of her ass. “Relax, baby. We’ll be here a while.”

At first, she wasn’t sure she could take him despite the careful preparation. But he did go slow, every little bit of forward motion filling her deeper, stretching her with an erotically charged ache she both loved and wasn’t sure she could take another second.

When he was finally seated deep in her ass, he pulled her up, her back pressed against his chest. Tim’s eager hands immediately went to her breasts, pulling and tugging on her nipples as Jack nibbled on her shoulder.

“How’s that feel?”

Better than great, even better than she thought it ever could. Never in her perviest dreams had she ever thought it could be that good. She nodded. “Great!”

He nipped her. “Better than you imagined?”

She tried to wiggle and move to rub her clit against Tim’s body, but Jack held her still in his firm embrace. “Yes!”

Tim laughed. “Oh, baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” He dropped one hand to her swollen, throbbing clit and started rubbing.

Gwen’s orgasm immediately exploded, rolling through her body, intensified by the feeling of the two cocks buried deeply inside her. She gave all control over to Jack as he held her, whispering dirty things in her ear as Tim relentlessly kept her coming. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, Jack lowered her on top of Tim and both men started moving. They fucked her slowly at first, getting their rhythm down, seesawing their cocks back and forth into her as she trembled with each wave of pleasure rolling through her.

Who needs a vibrator?
she thought as another climax had her muscles squeezing both cocks and only intensifying the sensations within her.

“Jesus, that’s beautiful!” Tim gasped as his hands clamped down on her hips again. “Holy crap, I’ve never felt anything like this!”

Jack’s hands grasped her shoulders as he slowly thrust, withdrawing almost all the way before pushing deep within her. Tim’s cock hit her clit with each stroke, and she gave up trying to think as pure lust and passion assaulted her senses.

She lost track of time and the number of orgasms she had when Jack’s tight voice broke through her haze. “I can’t hold it, Tim. You’d better come.”

“Don’t wait on me,” he said. “I’m almost there.”

As one, the men began to piston their bodies into her, driving her into one more orgasm as she felt their cocks bottoming out inside her, filling her, owning her.

She felt them come, amazed at the throbbing heat filling her. Jack pulled out first, far too soon for her liking before she realized the logistics of the condom required it. Tim kissed her as he rolled her onto her side and slid out, but he stayed in bed next to her while Jack got up. A moment later as she was lost in Tim’s embrace, she felt Jack’s hand between them and realized he was trying to take care of the cleanup for his lover.

Tim laughed. “Thanks, man.”

“No problem.” Then Jack returned, stretching out behind her, one arm draped over her waist. His hand drifted down between her legs, not playing with her clit but lightly resting on top of her still-throbbing bud. Part of her wanted to drift to sleep just like this, cradled between two men and feeling sexy and desired and happy.

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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