Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (19 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She tried to laugh, but with a mouthful of Jack’s cock it came out more as a mumbled snort, which made both men laugh. “On second thought,” Jack said, “don’t talk with your mouth full, baby.”

As Tim slowly fed his cock into her pussy, she tried to push back against him, wanting to feel both cocks deeply impaling her at each end. “Yeah, that’s it,” Tim encouraged her. He gripped her hips and started slowly fucking her, his balls slapping against her ass with every stroke. “You like being spit roasted, don’t you?”

The dirty talk stoked her passion even more. She moaned around Jack’s cock in response and met every one of Tim’s strokes, trying to urge him faster, harder, deeper.

“That’s our girl,” Jack said. “You want hard and dirty, don’t you?”

The rumbling tone of his voice pushed her over the edge a second time as Tim’s cock hit her G-spot. She moaned, deep-throating Jack’s cock and triggering his orgasm. She moaned again as she tasted his seed pumping into her mouth.

“Oh, fuck,” Tim gasped, “that’s damn sexy.” He thrust harder, faster, and soon added his happy moans of release to theirs. She felt his cock grow harder, swell and throb inside her before he fell still. “Holy crap!”

He pulled out and flopped to his side. He hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her over onto her side where he spooned against her. Jack shifted position and lay against her. She nuzzled her head in the hollow of his neck as they all regained their breath.

“Wow,” she whispered.

Jack stroked her arm. “Wow is right, sweetie. That was amazing.”

“Fantastic,” Tim agreed. He kissed the back of her neck. “Absolutely wonderful.” After a few minutes, Tim slowly rolled away and headed for the bathroom to clean up. When he returned, Gwen snuggled against him. It felt right being comfortably sandwiched between them.

She started dozing off to sleep when Jack rested his arm across her hip. “Good night, baby,” he whispered. Then he kissed her forehead.

A warm rush of emotions flowed through her at the tender tone of his voice. “Good night, Jack.”

Tim kissed the back of her neck and pressed closer. “Good night, sweetie.”

She smiled and wiggled her ass against him. “Good night, Tim.”

Like that, she crashed into a deep, dreamless sleep.

* * * *

Fortunately, the next day was Saturday, and they were able to sleep in. Unfortunately, it meant all the local tourist attractions were full to the brim, meaning that asking around if people had seen Amy would be pretty futile.

Jack made a few unofficial calls, but there wasn’t a lot he could do then without raising suspicions. He’d have to wait until Monday to do more.

“Well, I guess this just means you’ll have to let us play tour guides,” Tim said with a grin.

“And I can tell that just breaks your heart,” Gwen replied.

Jack laughed. “He loves to show people around.”

They took Liam and Gwen to the small town of Custer. They had fun browsing statues of bison placed all over town in front of businesses, decorated in different themes. They had lunch at a quaint little restaurant on the main street before going to Custer State Park. There, Gwen and Liam saw their first bison in the wild. After driving them around the park and showing them the pigtail bridges on Iron Mountain Road, they headed back toward Rapid City for dinner.

It was only seven in the evening when they returned to the house. Liam lightly slapped Gwen on the shoulder. “I’m going to grab my laptop, iPod, and headphones. Give me about twenty minutes to get set up before you start howling,” he said with a smirk.

She blushed but hugged him. “Thank you.”

“Hey, I wish I was getting as lucky as you, girl.”

The three of them went downstairs to the hot tub. They all stripped and climbed in, naked. She loved sitting between Tim and Jack and staring out at the valley below.

“This is a beautiful place,” she said. “I’m used to Ohio. It’s so different out here. So quiet.”

“Wide open spaces,” Jack agreed. “You either love it or hate it, it seems like.”

Tim nodded. “I wasn’t sure how much I’d like it out here. I’m a beach boy, grew up surfing and with smog.” He laughed. “It sort of spooked me when I saw all the stars my first night here. It was a clear sky.” He looked at Jack and smiled. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard him laugh so hard than he did at my reaction.”

“Well, you have to admit, it was funny,” Jack said. “You should have seen the look on your face. Wide-eyed wonder.”

“I think I’d love it out here,” she said, not realizing she’d said it aloud until she saw Tim’s broad, beaming grin.

“Is that a promise, baby?” Tim asked. He pulled her close and planted a kiss on her lips. “Because let me tell you what, if it is, I’m all for you moving here yesterday.”

* * * *

Jack smiled, but didn’t comment. His heart raced. He and Tim hadn’t really discussed any of this yet. Sure, in a perfect world, he’d have her moved in a heartbeat. But…

This wasn’t one of Gwen’s books. This was real life with all its concerns and problems and perception. He had a feeling her parents would blow a gasket if she announced she was up and leaving for Rapid City. No doubt that would put a damper on her enthusiasm. She would make excuses to delay the trip. She would…

He realized what he was doing and tried to shut down that line of thought.
Live in the moment
, he reminded himself.
Live for

It was something Tim had drilled into him in the beginning of their relationship. Something Tim was so good at. It was one of the reasons Jack loved him so much, that he could do that.

“Don’t pressure her, Tim,” he said. It’d probably just been an idle thought on her part. No reason for Tim to go all pouncy puppy on her, badgering her for a commitment she no doubt had no desire to give.

“No pressure,” Tim said lightly, “but I can give you a bunch of reasons why living here is a great idea.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “First and foremost is ease of logistical research.” As he said that, Jack watched Tim’s hand slip beneath the water. Presumably between Gwen’s legs, because she moaned a little, closed her eyes, and slid down lower on the seat.

Jack fought to not roll his eyes. Tim might be head over heels for her, but now that he’d started down that track, he’d have no end of bad luck trying to derail him into a serious discussion.

He felt his cock harden as she softly moaned again.
Fuck it.
He couldn’t concentrate with her sitting there being well molested by Tim.

And truth be told, he’d rather help molest her than think about an iffy future with her.

* * * *

Gwen spread her legs to give Tim’s fingers better access to her pussy. What the hell was it about these two guys that they could totally melt her the way they did? Not only in bed—or in the hot tub, as the case might be—but out of it as well. Touring the area had been a blast and didn’t last long enough for her liking. Both men were smart, fun to talk to, and had a lot of knowledge of the area. Even Jack came out of his shell.

She would love to move here. Could she do it? She could always sell her house. But that wouldn’t help Liam out. Maybe he would move with her—

Tim’s finger found her clit and started rubbing it, cutting off further thoughts. The two men were about to do delicious things to her body again, and she didn’t want anything to distract her from that.

Jack moved closer and zeroed in on her earlobe, nibbling in just the way that drove her mad. “How’s it feel to have two guys after you,” he rumbled in her ear.


He delicately traced the shell of her ear with the tip of his tongue. “We’re going to fuck you really good tonight, baby. We’re going to wear you flat out.”

He tipped her chin toward him and captured her mouth. Tim’s other hand started playing with one of her nipples as he continued teasing her clit. Between the warm water and hot sensations, it didn’t take long for the first orgasm to hit her.

Jack cradled her body against his, kissing her. She wished he’d never let her go. She’d never felt so safe as she did with them.

Stop thinking that!
They wouldn’t really want her, would they?

After she recovered, they went up to the bedroom where the men were more than ready for their turn. This time, it was Jack’s body she straddled, impaling herself on his hard cock while Tim grabbed the lube and slowly started loosening her tight ass.

Although after the past few days with the two men, it wasn’t nearly as tight as it had been. She’d never felt anything as amazing as having both men inside her and coming at the same time. It made her feel sexy, powerful.

Tim’s cock slowly pierced her tight hole, working his way inch by inch into her as Jack held her ass cheeks apart for him. She lay on Jack’s chest and moaned, her eyes closed, listening to his heart race beneath her ear.

She could easily do this for the rest of her life.

Once Tim’s cock was completely seated inside her, the men prompted her to sit up. Tim’s talented fingers once again focused on her throbbing clit as Jack reached up and played with her nipples.

“Open your eyes and look at me, baby,” Jack softly commanded.

She did, seeing nothing but desire in the dark brown depths. It didn’t take Tim long to bring her to another shattering orgasm, considering how sensitive her clit still was from the first one. It felt so incredible feeling her muscles clamping down on their cocks, the pleasant burn of both men buried deep inside her.

“That’s it, baby,” Jack cooed. She wanted the men to fuck her, hard and fast, but they resisted, forcing her to let go and relax. Tim made her come twice more before they allowed her to beg them into really fucking her.

“What do you say, Tim?” Jack asked. “Think she’s ready?”

Tim snickered. “More than.” The men started moving together, soon settling into a rhythm her body matched and mirrored. It set yet another orgasm off and she cried out, nearly sobbing at the intensity of the sensations rolling through her.

How would she ever go back to “regular” sex with one guy after this?

Tim’s hands gripped her hips as he fucked her ass. “You want it harder, baby?”

“Yes, please!” she gasped.

He grunted a little with each thrust, the slap of skin against skin filling the room as she smelled her own sex and their desire. She braced herself against Jack as he thrust up into her. Gwen knew no matter what, she’d never regret this, with them. This was too perfect, too right.

Too good.

Jack came first, setting Tim off. Both men cried out as they came, losing their rhythm as their strokes slowed and stilled with their cocks throbbing inside her.

Trying to catch her breath, she collapsed on top of Jack. His skin felt damp from sweat, and she closed her eyes, trying to absorb every second, every sensation, to never lose it from her memory.

Tim slowly withdrew. Jack gently grabbed her hips and eased himself out of her. They cleaned up and trashed the condoms before curling back up in bed with her. Tim spooned with her, his now limp cock nestled pleasantly against the seam of her ass. She rested her head on Jack’s arm, his other draped over her waist.

Like that, she fell asleep wondering if a South Dakota winter was any worse than an Ohio one.

* * * *

Sunday morning, they were awakened at seven a.m. by a knock on the door. “Sis? You awake?”

Gwen bolted upright at Liam’s tired tone. She scrambled off the bed, over Tim, making him yelp in surprise as she accidentally caught him in the stomach with her elbow. “Sorry!” she apologized as she grabbed Jack’s robe. She raced for the door as she was wrapping the robe around her.

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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