Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (16 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Part of her wanted to do that again. Right then.

“How was that?” Tim asked.

She stretched, feeling happy and sated. “Wonderful!”

“Good research?” He snickered.

“You do realize that’s not what this is about, right?” She felt bad that maybe the men thought she was just using them. Well, okay, she was using them for a night of hot sex, but not for the reasons they might think.

“Oh, honey, I’m just busting your chops.” He grinned. “I’ve had the hots for you for a long time.”

Her throat went dry. “You have?”

Jack laughed behind her. “Yep. Every time he gets his hands on a new book of yours, I get rode like a Shetland pony he gets so horny. He rereads them several times in a row.”

“I’ve never heard you complaining, buster,” Tim shot back playfully.

“I didn’t say that was a complaint, Tim.” He nibbled on her right earlobe. He seemed to have a thing for using his teeth. She didn’t mind in the least. It melted her more every time he did it, as if he knew her secret weakness.

Then again, she’d written that plenty of times in her books. Maybe he was just correctly assuming it turned her on.

Tim shook his head as he gently stroked her arm. “I can’t believe you’re here. Not just in my bed, I mean,” he quickly added. “I mean that I got to meet you. This…” He laughed. “This was way beyond my hopes and dreams.”

She felt her face redden. “I hope you realize that I don’t normally do this. I mean, I don’t normally jump right into bed with a guy…guys. I’ve never been with more than one guy before. This is not normal behavior for me…”
You’re babbling! Shut up!

Tim’s face turned serious. “Aw, sweetie, don’t worry. We don’t think that.” He leaned in and kissed her. “We’ve been chatting, what, a couple of years now? I know you’ve had a dry spell.” He flashed her that playful smile again. “Believe me, there are plenty of times after we’ve e-mailed that I wished I could help you with that little problem.”


“Really,” Jack rumbled. “He’s a really helpful guy. He’s got a thing for stray animals, too.” She couldn’t tell for sure if he was just teasing or not until he started nibbling on the back of her neck. “I can’t say’s I blame him in this case. What man in his right mind would want to leave you hanging?”

* * * *

I need to tread lightly
, Jack thought. The last thing he wanted to do was lose his heart to this woman.

Scratch that, the second last thing he wanted to do was lose his heart. The very last thing he wanted to do was watch Tim get his heart broken when she returned to Ohio and they never saw her again. He suspected Tim was a good portion of the way to being in love with her already.

He remembered how good it felt being part of a triad, how nice it was falling asleep in bed with not just one but two lovers, people to share his life and bed with.

“Watch out, or you two might have a permanent houseguest on your hands,” she said.

He wasn’t sure, but thought maybe the tone of her voice had changed. Just as he was about to turn her over to look in her eyes, she started shaking and Tim embraced her.

“Aw, baby, it’s okay, sweetie.”

She started sobbing against Tim’s shoulder. Jack sat up, torn, unsure what to do. Tim shot him a look over her shoulder that no doubt meant, “Dude,
something and don’t just sit there!”

He stroked her arm. “What’s wrong?”

“I…I don’t want…to go home!” she sobbed. “You don’t…know…what my parents are like!” She took a long, hitching breath before more tears hit. “I hate them sometimes. I really hate them!”

Tim’s somber tone struck up several warning bells in Jack’s brain. “Why not stay here for a while? An extended vacation? You’re welcomed to, I told you that.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead.

Jack knew that look. Tim was already head over heels for her.

He had to stay strong. He’d had enough heartbreak in his own life. He wanted to spare Tim as much of that as possible.

But part of him never wanted to say good-bye to her.

She cried for a few more minutes, then started laughing, giggles that rolled out of her and caused her to shed even more tears. Jack couldn’t help but smile as she finally hiccupped herself to some semblance of sanity.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she took another hitching breath. “This is just so…surreal. I can’t believe I just did this. I don’t know if anyone would believe it if I wrote it in a book.”

“Regretting it?” Jack asked. Part of him was convinced she’d say yes.

She shook her head as she looked from Tim to him. “No. Never.”

“Then let us take your mind off your troubles,” Tim offered. “I’m sure I can think of several dirty ways to do that.”

Gwen smiled. “I’m sure you can, too.”

Fuck it. I’ll enjoy it while I can.
I can,” Jack added.

* * * *

Tim couldn’t believe this woman was in his bed with them. He was hopelessly in love with her, but how would Stoneface react to that? He wanted to beg her not to return to Ohio, that there was no reason to leave. Hell, he’d survived the transplant process from Cali to South Dakota, surely she could, too.

You barely know her.

No, that wasn’t true and he knew it. He did know her. Just because they’d never met face-to-face before didn’t mean he didn’t know her heart, her hopes and dreams, her fears.

Her perceived failures in life and love. It was part of their e-mail discussions over the past three years.

He wanted to smack her ex-husband for her for treating her like dirt.
What man in his right mind cheated on a woman like Gwen?

He answered his own question.
A fucking stupid one.

Tim had been many things in his life, but stupid, he knew, wasn’t one of them.

And he’d be stupid to let her get away from them without a fight.

He knew Jack felt something for her, too. Tim could see it in his face when he looked up at him while they were together inside her. He could see it now, too, mixed with the typical guarded caution. But a few minutes earlier…

It was the first time he could remember seeing true, unadulterated joy on Jack’s rocky visage.

Jack’s life was full of old pain. Maybe, just maybe, he could convince Gwen life could be just like one of her books, only better. Because in real life they could have a happily-ever-after.

* * * *

Gwen let Tim roll her onto her back. He pushed her legs apart. “I’m greedy,” he said with a playful smile. “I want to hear you scream again.” He dipped between her legs, his tongue gently stroking her clit.

She wasn’t sure if she could come again. Then Jack propped himself on one elbow next to her and began sucking and playing with her breasts. She plunged her hands into his hair, holding him tightly to her, enjoying the feel of his tongue flicking against her nipples.

It didn’t take long. Tim slipped a couple of his magic fingers into her, and she felt herself climbing impossible heights before she crashed into another orgasm.

Okay, so this was like her books.

It felt like every nerve ending vibrated in the aftershocks of her climax. Tim sat up and hooked her legs with his arms, pulling them up. “I’m going to fuck you again, baby. I can’t get enough of you.” He grabbed another condom, slipped it on with lightning speed, and plunged his cock deep within her.

Gwen never dreamed sex could be this good, even though she’d written about it enough times. Sex with Dickweed had been okay, satisfying usually but nothing stellar.

This was…awesome.

Tim stretched his body out on top of hers and kissed her as his cock slowly glided along her clit with every stroke. “Scream for me, baby. I want to make you feel good.”

She felt it building. Sex had never been this good. Ever.

Not even in her books.

Jack smiled. “I can’t resist that.” He put on another condom, grabbed the lube, and took up position behind Tim.

Gwen was torn between wanting to watch the men get it on and the delicious things Tim’s body did to hers. Tim stopped moving, his eyes dropping closed as he rested his forehead against hers.

“Fuck,” he whispered, “that’s so not fair. I’m gonna blow like this.”

She felt the bed shake. Jack chuckled. “I can’t resist that cute ass stuck in the air like that. You should know that.”

Tim started moving again, impaling himself on Jack’s cock before driving deep inside her again. Tim’s eyes opened, that sweet blue gaze piercing deep within her. “I could do this for the rest of my life,” he murmured.

“So could I,” Jack said, his voice tinged with passion.

“Me, too,” she agreed. She pulled Tim’s head down, kissing him as her orgasm exploded.

“Oh, baby, I feel you,” he said. “I’m coming!”

“Fuck yeah!” Jack said. She felt him start to pound into Tim’s ass with a loud grunt, skin slapping against skin, bouncing Tim’s cock harder against her clit as both men came.

They collapsed into a sweaty, panting pile of flesh. Jack slowly rolled off Tim, who quickly pulled out. In moments, she found herself snugly nestled between the men and drifting off to sleep.

Tim kissed her forehead. “Good?”

“Mm hmm.”

She felt Jack settle his head next to hers, resting against her shoulder. “Thank you, Gwen,” he whispered. “You’re beautiful. I could fall asleep next to you every night.” He slipped an arm around her waist, and she held on, moved by the sincerity in his voice.

“I could fall asleep between you two every night,” she admitted, afraid to even wish for the impossible.

Tim also slipped his arm across her waist. “That would be a dream come true,” he said.

As she fell asleep, she wondered if he meant it.

If for once in her life she could be that lucky.

Chapter Nine

The next morning, Gwen awoke pleasantly sore and securely snuggled between Jack and Tim. Tim’s hand was nestled between her legs, cupping her mound, while Jack had a secure grip on her left breast.

She stared first at Tim, then Jack, who were both still asleep. She felt the first giggle try to bubble forth, and she clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle it. If she started laughing, she wouldn’t be able to stop, and she didn’t want to awaken the men. Had she really let these two gorgeous men fuck her silly last night?

At the same time?

Apparently, she had. The proof was in the residual ache in her ass.

And what a nice ache it was, too.

She took a deep breath and, finally sure she wouldn’t start laughing, slowly let it out again.

I could get used to this.

That’s when the wistful pang of regret hit. Liam would arrive in a few hours. She wasn’t too worried about what he’d think. Knowing him, he’d probably cheer her on.

But what about when they had to return home?

It didn’t surprise her to realize she didn’t want to return home, even though she knew that was a stupid, juvenile thought.

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
9.32Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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