Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (17 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She couldn’t deny she’d already hit the downward slippery slope and was rapidly gaining speed toward falling in love with Tim and Jack. The irony that she wouldn’t write this scenario in a book didn’t escape her. Rationally, she should just keep it about the sex and enjoy what she could while she could. Try as she might, wish as she would, she couldn’t just pack up and move from Ohio. For one thing, Liam needed her to run interference between their parents from time to time. She couldn’t leave him.

And how did she know the men would even return her feelings? For all she knew, they might just see her as a fun time, an easy lay.

She closed her eyes.
Jesus, they must think I’m a slut.

She hoped they didn’t despite their assurances the night before.

Tim stirred a little, turning onto his side facing her. His fingers slid into her cunt, and he let out a soft chuckle. “You’re still wet, baby.”

Gwen felt the heat in her face as she blushed. “That’s because you slept with your fingers all over my clit.”

On her other side, Jack let out a yawn. “That’s the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a while. What time is it?”

“That’s because we fucked ourselves unconscious.” Tim lifted his head to look. “You’ve got an hour before you need to get moving.”

Jack gently squeezed her breast. “You mean before I get ready for work.” He nibbled her shoulder, sending a pleasant shiver through her. “I want to get moving right now, and I don’t mean getting out of bed.”

Oh, fuck it.
They were cute, horny, and in the same bed she was. If that made her a slut, she couldn’t care less.

Well, at that moment in time she couldn’t care less. She’d worry about later…later.

Jack sat up and smiled at her. It made him look even more handsome. “I think I know how I want to get moving this morning.”

The passion in his brown eyes turned her insides to mush. She simply nodded.

He kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him and even enjoyed the feel of his morning stubble scratching against her cheek. These were real men, not make-believe, not fantasies.

And they were interested in

“I hope you don’t mind us wanting you to sleep in our bed while you’re here.” He smiled again. She had a feeling that wasn’t something he normally did a lot of.

“I don’t mind at all,” she assured him.

“Good,” Tim chimed in, “because how else am I going to work on keeping you here?” She didn’t want to hope there was truth to his words. She didn’t want to set herself up for the disappointment of reality.

“Maybe I could just handcuff you to the bed,” Jack teased.

“Ooh,” Tim said. “Bondage!”

She laughed as she looked between the men. “You’re both too much. Believe me, if you’d have me forever, you wouldn’t have to chain me to the bed to keep me here. I’d stay willingly.”

* * * *

Jack’s heart flip-flopped. He didn’t want to believe she was doing anything other than joking. Who was he kidding? She wouldn’t stay here. She had a life and family back in Ohio.

And she looked just like Mel. He still couldn’t say if his reaction was because of who she was…or who he wished she was.

He ran a hand through her auburn curls and kissed her again. It didn’t matter. He wanted her now, regardless of why. He’d enjoy it and pray it didn’t blow up in their faces. “Believe me,” he murmured, “we’d be happy to have you.”

She felt so good in his arms, so perfect, just like Tim. His cock fully hardened, nearly painful. He wanted a chance to bury it inside her pussy. He reached over, grabbed a condom, and quickly put it on. She wrapped her legs around him as he nudged against her pussy.

The lovely, lustful gaze on her face twisted his heart. “Do you want it, baby?” he hoarsely asked.


“Look at me.”

Her eyes focused on his as he took his time sheathing himself inside her, until he finally felt her warm muscles encasing his member. Damn, she felt good. “How’s that feel?”

She nodded. “Good!”

He nipped at the base of her throat. “I’m going to fuck you real good,” he promised, moving slowly, enjoying the soft, wordless sounds escaping her.

“Oh, he’ll fuck you real good, all right,” Tim said. “He’ll fuck your brains out.”

“You’ll like that, won’t you?” Jack asked.


“Tell me what you want, baby.” He took long, slow strokes, feeling her need grow by the second from the way her body tensed and flexed under him as she tried to urge him to go faster.

“Please fuck me,” she said. “Please.”

“That’s my good girl.” He kissed her as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, alternating short, hard strokes with long, deep ones.

* * * *

Holy fuck! It felt like her whole body was electrically charged. The way he seemed to take control…It totally melted her. She could easily do this for the rest of her life. His cock felt so good inside her, a little larger than Tim, who’d been a respectable size to start with. Their bodies seemed to fit together perfectly, and it didn’t take long for her to feel the first tingles of her impending orgasm.

“That’s it, baby,” he softly urged. “Give it to me. I want it.”

She held on for dear life and tried to move with him, inside his strong arms, and realized she couldn’t keep up. His body owned hers, and she willingly gave over all control to him as he picked up the pace, driving her harder and faster toward release.

“I’m going to fuck that orgasm right out of you,” he teasingly promised. “Going to keep going, maybe get two or three out of you.”

Whether it was the delicious way his cock hit everything just right inside and out, or maybe it was the confident, possessive tone of his voice, or maybe both, she didn’t know. But she cried out when that sweet explosion hit, tearing her apart at the seams from the inside out.

“There it is,” he said with a chuckle, and he started hammering his cock into her, keeping her orgasm rolling and spinning through her like an erotic tornado. She rode it as he rode her, hanging on, vaguely aware of her nails digging into his shoulders as he fucked her harder than anyone had ever fucked her in her life.

And she prayed it would never end.

She felt his cock swell and throb inside her. “Here it is, baby,” he grunted, and in two more hard thrusts he came with a moan, his body going still as she tried to catch her breath.

They were both sweaty by the time he pulled out, but he didn’t leave, staying there propped on his arms over her, kissing her, nibbling at her ear, nuzzling her neck with his lips.

Tender. Loving.

She never would have imagined upon their first meeting that there was a softer side to this man.

“Are you okay?” he tentatively asked, maybe a hint of fear in his voice.

She grabbed his head and pulled his mouth down to hers in a passionate kiss. “Yes, I’m better than I’ve ever been in my life,” she said with a smile. “Way better.”

* * * *

They took a long shower together, the men slowly washing every inch of her body. She’d never felt so cherished when she was with Dickweed.

Jack had to go to work, and Tim would drive her to the airport to get Liam. When Gwen checked the airline schedule, Liam’s flight was on time. Tim made them all breakfast, a delicious omelet that completely filled her. Gwen couldn’t understand why she felt so nervous. This was her brother, for crying out loud. The one person she never felt nervous around.

She sat in the passenger seat while Tim drove them to the airport. While she couldn’t wait to see Liam, her nerves were about to get the best of her. Her accepting that Liam was gay was one thing.

Would he really be okay with the fact that she’d jumped into the sack with two men who were pretty much complete strangers?

Tim laced his fingers through hers. “Nervous?”

She nodded, not daring to speak. Her stomach had already made a few iffy loops that morning, but she hadn’t thrown up.


He laughed. “Honey, if you don’t want to tell him about us, we understand. It’s whatever you want.” They pulled up to a red light and he looked at her. “But honestly?” His voice changed tone and timbre, growing serious. “I hope this is the start of something long term. The thought of you just leaving and walking out of our lives and us never seeing you again rips me up inside. I feel like I’ve known you for years even though we just met.”

He leaned over and kissed her. A car behind them honked when the light changed to green.

He laughed as he sat up and drove. “Of course, technically we have known each other for a couple of years, but you know what I mean.”

She knew. And the fact that it felt so right and natural falling asleep between the two men made her never want to return to Ohio.

But how would she explain them to her parents?

* * * *

When Liam arrived, she was relieved to see he was using his cane and not his wheelchair. She hugged him, and he stuck his hand out to Tim. “You must be Tim. Nice to finally get to meet you.”

Tim smiled. “Likewise.” Tim immediately reached out to take Liam’s carry-on bag from Gwen, who’d wrestled it away from Liam as soon as she could. “Did you check anything?”

“Yeah, a bag and my wheelchair.” He looked at Gwen. “Bob is sooo going to kill me.” He grinned mischievously. “Ruthie is totally addicted to
World of Warcraft
now. And she’s damn good at it, too. I left her with my backup laptop, and she’s happily making online friends as she goes on campaigns to kill things.”

“Where is she? Did she go home?”

“Nope. I left her holding down the fort at your house. Bob’s still out of town anyway, and she’s going to help fend off Mom and Dad for a couple of days.”

Gwen felt guilty over that. “I hope she’s okay.”

“Honey, believe me, she’s fine. She looks happier than I’ve seen her in years.” He snickered. “When you can get her away from the computer.”

They made their way to baggage claim. Tim wouldn’t let Liam carry anything, and had them wait outside the terminal so he could bring the car around. When he left to go get it, Liam slung his arm around Gwen as they sat on a bench and snugged her close.

“Wubs you, sis.”

She smiled. “Wubs you too, bro.”

“So, how is he in the sack?” He grinned. “Or should I say, ‘they?’”

She nearly choked. “What?”

“Oh, please. I saw the way he was looking at you.” He laughed and touched the back of her neck. “And that hickey didn’t get there by itself.”

She clapped her hand over her neck. “I’m…I’m…”

He pulled her close again and kissed the top of her head. “You’re in heaven. You also look happier than I’ve seen you in years. Ruthie’s not the only one who’s experienced a massive paradigm shift in the last twenty-four hours. Am I right?”

She felt her face heat. No doubt her cheeks were bloodred. She nodded. There was no reason to deny it or lie about it. Not to Liam.

“Okay, then. Nothing to be ashamed of.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “You’ve been writing about it for years. Time for you to experience a little happily-ever-after in real life, you know.”

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Stoneface (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
13.96Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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