Daunting Turns: Book 2 of Colson Brothers Series (11 page)

BOOK: Daunting Turns: Book 2 of Colson Brothers Series
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He shrugged, “Mostly my amusement. Get a bag of peas if it stings.”

“I sat back down carefully, “Oddly enough it just stung for a second. Sir.”

“That’s the point. I don’t care for permanent scars or blood, just the heat of the red sting is enough, maybe a little bruising so you know where I put the restraints.” He took the last bite direct from the pan. He can eat.

I slid him a big bowl of salad, “Restraints sir?”

“Yes. You need to build up your pain tolerance first. I’ll drag out your training as you amuse me at every turn.”

“A very daunting turn you are, sir.” I crunched a cucumber.

“Does it bother you to address me as sir?”

“No, I just keep forgetting.”

“Why doesn’t it bother you? I can’t see Salina or Red calling their husbands ‘sir’.” He’s curious.

I shrugged, “Not sure, it just doesn’t, maybe because I think it’s funny.”

“Oh really??”

“Well yeah, I mean, come on, you’re ten-foot-ten, a thousand pounds of muscle, and you get off on a power trip? Really?”

He sat back and crossed his large arms. “You can drop the sirs.”

“Oh thank God.” I laughed and got up to clear the dishes.

“It’s not to impose my power over you. And ten-foot-ten? Where did that come from?”

“I don’t know. Listen, sir, the dessert I want to make will take a while. Do you mind if I get lost in here for about an hour?”

“You like to cook?”

“I could spend every minute of the rest of my life in this kitchen. It’s like being back in time but with modern conveniences. You should really invite your family up here, they’d love it.”

“When you agree to marry me we’ll do it here, they can come then.” He decided.

I dropped a bowl. “What??” Thank God it was a metal mixing bowl.

“You heard me. This is your home now too, do whatever you want, just no girly frilly crap.” He got up and came around to kiss my neck. “Have fun love. I’ll be outside.”

“Why do you keep calling me ‘love’?” I turned around to pick up his hand.

He smiled down at me running his thumb over my lower lip, “Can’t marry a woman I don’t love, wouldn’t be proper.” He kissed my lip and disappeared before I could jump start my brain.

Did he just say he loves me?? I’m so confused. No more ‘sir’s. Yeah!!! I found the iPod sitting in the speaker on the counter and browsed to the Jazz genre. This is going to be fun.

I love this kitchen. Mrs. Henderson is a professional. She keeps pre-made meals in the freezer and has them labeled with what they are and the date she froze them. Nothing was over three weeks old. I’m assuming she pulls one out a day just in case, and replaces it the next day, rotating them out.

I’m not big on frozen food, but she made a mean lasagna, so I have to give her a big thumbs up if that was a frozen one. Judging from the empty Tupperware container and the label in the trash, I think that’s how it works.

I jumped when I slid the Better-Than-Sex cake in the large worn copper front refrigerator, “Shit. You scared me.” I said to the older woman who appeared out of nowhere.

“Sorry Miss Pine, Turner just informed me you were here and I wanted to introduce myself.” She came forward holding out her hand.

I took it exchanging an equally firm but not too strong grip. “Please, call me Georgia. That was a fabulous lasagna, thank you. I’m sorry we didn’t save you any, but Turner ate it all.”

“Please, call me Grace. I’m glad he liked it, it’s one of his favorites. Can I answer any questions for you?”

“Um, not yet. I’m still kind of adjusting here. I hope I’m not invading your kitchen.” Suddenly I felt like I was.

“No no! Not at all! Are you kidding me?? It’s just nice to see another human besides my goofy husband. Please, this is your kitchen. Turner pointed to his ring finger where a wedding ring would go, then pointed up to the house. Did you two kids get married?” She asked reaching in the fridge for a bottle of wine.

“No way!!” I laughed, “Although he did say he wanted to get married here.” I shook my head. “To be honest Mrs. Henderson, I don’t get him at all.”

She laughed pouring two glasses of wine. “It’s Grace, please. How long have you two kids known each other?”

“A little over a week. He kidnapped me from the club.” I admitted. What’s she going to do? Call the cops? She’s on the run, so I seriously doubt it.

She laughed, “Let me guess, threw you over his shoulder caveman style?”

“How did you know??”

She tapped her glass to mine, “Lucky guess. We don’t know Turner all that well, but I can see him doing that. Welcome to the cabin. If there’s anything you need we live in the attached section through those doors and down the end of the hall. There’s a house phone too, just pick it up and dial ‘1’ for me, ‘2’ for my husband.”

“Where is he? Your husband.” I asked enjoying her company. She’s a good bit older than me, but very beautiful. She carries herself with Grace, like her name.

“He’s down with Turner playing in the barn. Pete likes to show off his latest breed of chickens. The man is just nuts about his chickens.” She laughed.

“A man has to have hobbies.”

“He has hobbies alright. Chickens, goats, cats, dogs, horses, you name it it’s probably roaming this mountain somewhere. He likes to buy animals then let them go to see if they survive without him, then he feeds them anyway so they stick around. I call him the Pied Piper.” She topped off her wine, “Come on, I’ll show you around.

Grace and I got along great. She showed me where everything was, how to work the washer and dryer, the thermostats, the windows. All that stuff.

She tried to talk me into letting her do our laundry and cook for us, but I told her I wanted to do those things for Turner since we’re ‘newlyweds’. She laughed.

We agreed to play the cooking by ear, maybe do up a menu once a week so we know what’s going on. She didn’t seem to have any particular way of doing things, and didn’t mind whatever I had ideas I shared, so it was a nice easy evening hanging out and drinking wine with my new friend Grace.

Turner and Pete came in around nine as we poured the first glass of the second bottle. Pete introduced himself and went for a beer. He looks like a skinner, smaller, older version of Turner. All rough and gruff with long hair and a beard.

Turner came right for me.

I looked him over, “Don’t you touch me mister, you have animal crud all over you.” I stepped back putting my hand up.

He reached out and stole my wine to finish it in one gulp. Then he proceeded to stalk me back down the hall.

I waved over his shoulder, “Bye Grace!! See you later! Goodnight!!”

She waved back, “Goodnight Georgia!” I couldn’t see her face because there’s a giant biker slash mountain man backing me to the bedroom.

I tripped over a shoe, “Ow. Why are you stalking me like this? Just tell me what you want.” I laughed because I can see the mischief in his eyes now.

“Shower, now.” He ordered.

“I can’t tell if you’re really mad or just flirting with me.” I untucked his shirt.

“Did you do something that I should be mad about?” He asked taking the shirt off and tossing it aside.

I started on his belt. “Not that I know of, unless you count drinking a bunch of your wine as an offense.” I pointed to the chair, “Sit, so I can get your boots. What were you doing down there anyway?”

“Some heavy lifting and shit Pete can’t do. I didn’t want to show it to you looking like it did.”

“Aw. You cleaned for me?”

“Now you can clean me, preferably with your tongue.” He hinted.

“After you’re washed.” I took his boots and jeans the rest of the way off and took his dirty hand, “Come on sexy. How hot do you want the water?”

“Doesn’t matter. I take it you like Grace?”

“Yes! She’s awesome. Do you want dessert after your shower?” I pulled his shirt off and wished I had a bra for earlier when I was hanging out with Grace. Oh well. I felt like a bum compared to her, but since I wasn’t expecting to meet her when I did, I blew it off.

“Yes, you’ll be the plate.” He took the shampoo off the shelf and turned me under the water, “Who does your hair?”

“I do. I guess I should have had you order me some hair color.”

“Grace does hair, she’ll take care of you.”

“She does?”

“She does everything.”

“Does she do your hair?” I asked unable to picture him getting a haircut.

“No. I haven’t had a haircut since I was ten.”

“Really?” He turned me around and lifted my chin to rinse.

“We’ll get you some conditioner.” He decided.

“Can I cut your hair? Just the dead ends, I like it long.”

“If you want to cut my hair you have to sleep with me.”

I laughed and almost choked under the water, “WHAT??”

“Just kidding. There’s scissors in the drawer.” He pointed then began washing his hair as I washed his body. I could get used to this. He gets harder than a rock when I get close to his goodies.

I decided to take care of him right there in the shower and dropped to my knees.

“Whoa.” He lost his balance and put his hand on the wall. “You could warn a guy.”

“You could kill somebody with this thing.” I teased and set about tasting and playing with him. He’s quite magnificent. I’m still scared of him putting this big thing inside me, but let’s hope my body stretches. I wonder if there’s exercises I should be doing. I laughed to myself, yeah, finger-fucking exercises.

I took his release and kissed my way up his stomach to his chest. I can’t reach beyond there.

He cupped my face and kissed me solid before shutting the water off and letting me go. “What did you make for dessert?”

“Better-Than-Sex cake.”

He took the towel out of my hand and tucked it around his waist, “Excuse me??” He lifted his eyebrow.

“Better-Than-Sex cake. You’re going to love it, trust me.”

“I seriously doubt it’s better than sex.”

“It’s better than any sex I’ve ever had.” I laughed.

“Oh really?”

“We haven’t slept together yet Turner, you’re not on that list.” I scolded him and went to find another t-shirt of his to put on.

He followed. “Go get this cake, I’ll be the judge.”

“You can’t judge what you don’t know.” I argued messing with him.

“I’ve had plenty of sex Georgia, I think I’m a qualified judge.” He started building a fire in the fireplace.

“Not with me. You never know, it could be mind-blowing with me.” I laughed at myself knowing sleeping with him would be fun, if not scary and a bit intimidating. Maybe that’s part of the reason I like him. He has the whole Bad Boy thing down pat.

He stopped mid reach and looked back at me, “What did you just say?”

I looked back at him from the doorway and shrugged, “Then again I’m probably boring compared to what you’re used to.” I took off down the hall before he could recover.


I thought about taking the whole pan in the bedroom, but if he eats all this he’ll get sick. I’m sure he’d blame me for it too. I put a nice big piece on a plate for him, and a more normal sized one for me.

He found me in the kitchen and took the correct plate and fork to dive in.

I took a small bite. “MMmmm. I used to make this for my best friend.”

“Who is?” He asked leading me to continue.

“Greg. We grew up together. Don’t worry, we never had a romantic bone between us. This cake is our idea of a joke. Some lady gave me the recipe one day at my doctor’s office. I told Greg his friendship was better than sex. We laughed for like an hour. I think it was the sugar buzz.”

“It’s pretty damn good, but to be honest, I’d rather be inside you.” He shrugged.

My goodies woke up, Hello?? Somebody looking for us??

“Problem Peach?”

“No, you just caught me by surprise.” I motioned to the cake in his hand. “Do you like it?”

He shrugged, “It’s okay. Take you shirt off, I know what it needs.”

I felt my eyebrow go up, “Really?”

“Do I look like I’m kidding?”

“No, you don’t.” I decided.

“Then get naked baby, because this is going to get messy.” He started towards me.

I took one last bite and pulled my shirt off feeling exposed like this in the kitchen.

He put the spoonful in my mouth. “How long are you going to make me wait to fill that sweet pussy of yours?”

I swallowed, “I don’t exactly have a timeline, and you could be a little less crude about it.” I scolded him.

“What are you waiting for?” He asked putting the spoon down and scooping some up on his finger.

“I’ve never slept with someone I barely know, and you scare the shit out of me.”

“You don’t look scared.” He covered my nipples and my lower lip. “How do I scare you?” He sucked the dessert off my lip and pointed to the living area, “Go sit on the couch.”

I licked my lips and walked around him to do as he bid. “I’m not scared of you really hurting me, but your spankings sting, and come out of nowhere sometimes. I feel jumpy. Then when you bark orders at me I find myself jumpy for a while. I never did well in the sneaking up on department.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He crawled over me keeping his towel in place around his waist.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked as he settled on his side with the plate of dessert to make various designs on my body.

“You can always ask me anything you want.” He decided making a phoenix on my belly.

“If it’s not a power trip, then what is it?” I dared twisting his beard in my fingers.

He scooped up some more and made dots up and down my thigh. “The verbal part is new. I’ve been paying the same women for years to submit to me. Nobody ever questioned me before.”

“Do you even know?” I asked stealing the dessert off my left nipple with my finger and eating it.

He looked at me like I’d just committed a crime. “I don’t feel pain Peach. I’ve been shot, stabbed, and beaten to death twice. Both times my body rebooted itself within a minute. I’m a freak of fucking nature, and I hate it.”

I sat up on my elbows but he pushed me back down, “Because of the fertility drugs Bull used?”

He shrugged making new designs on my arms. “Probably. That’s why I can never have kids. They might have tails.”

“You’re not an animal Turner. You’re a big fucker, but you’re human all the way. Although you should give the horse you stole that cock from back his penis. That was rude of you to steal that.” I tugged his beard so he’d look at me.

He wasn’t amused so I continued, “Hey, you’re beautiful, head to toe. You could use a haircut, but otherwise I love looking at you. Every move you make is like music. This house you built is magnificent. You have nothing to be self-conscious about.”

“I don’t fit in anywhere, even at the club.”

“The club is your family, of course you fit in there. You wouldn’t have that cut if they didn’t love you for who you are. Just because you tower over everybody and have to turn sideways and duck to get through most doors, doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful.” I assured him.

“How can you call me beautiful? Have you looked at me? I have scars everywhere, tattoos that don’t make any sense to anyone but me, and I don’t think I’ve looked in a mirror in twenty five years.”

I waved my hand over my body, “Lick this off, I want to show you something.”


“You heard me. Hurry up, it’s getting late and I’m tired. Do we have to get up early for any reason?” I asked out loud. It just kind of popped in my head and out my mouth before I could stop myself.

“No. Did you say hurry up?” He’s amused, but started cleaning me with that talented tongue of his.

“Oooh, never mind, take your time. I can always show you in the morning.”

“Show me what?”

“I can’t tell you silly, that’s why I have to OH!! TURNER!! (I smacked him on the back of his head.) What was that for??” He sucked a liitle hard before using his teeth.

“What’s it like? The pain?” He asked in a husky voice.

I dug my fingers into his shoulders as his mouth sunk down between my legs. “It burns.”

“What does burning feel like?” He asked slowly flicking me with his tongue.

“You’ve never been burnt?”

“It didn’t hurt.”

“Have you ever spent years trying to find something and finally give up?”


“I’m trying to think Turner, but you’re not helping.” I laughed.

He sucked me hard down there.

“Oh shit!” It hurt just enough to make his next moves tender and all that much sweeter. “Whoa.”

“That’s what I don’t get. I want that.”

“You want pain and pleasure.” I half panted.


“Why didn’t you just ask one of the girls to hit you or something?”

He touched and stirred me with his fingers. “I did, they can’t hurt me, nobody can. I told you that. I don’t feel pleasure either. Sex is a necessity to keep my nuts from falling off.” He explained.

I laughed as my spasms built up nicely, he’s so good at this. “I bet I can hurt you.”

He dove in and I lost my mind. His fingers dug into my thighs and I knew I’d have little bruises. I can’t wait to see them. Reminders of this fantastic multiple orgasm…oh that’s three.

My body quivered. I grabbed his ears, “Easy baby.”

He lifted and crawled up to settle on top of me with his tip knocking at my wet door. His eyes were playful, “Just the threat makes me want to fuck you.”

“You’ll hurt me if you go all at once. It’s been seven years for me Turner.” I reminded him.

“Tell me when to stop.” He pushed into me just a tad.

I felt the pinch as he stretched me out. That I expected, but it still made me gasp.

“You okay?” He asked pulling out to the doorstep.

“Yes, I’m good. Come back.” I raised my hips to him. “Go slow, I’ll tell you if it hurts too much.”

His eyes changed, “You’re letting me in?” I felt goose bumps under my fingers.

I sunk my fingers into his hair, “Do you want in?”

He could barely breathe, “Are you sure?”

“Go slow, and stop when I tell you, okay?”

He bit his lower lip and pushed in again. He stopped where he did before and asked, “Okay?”

I nodded, “Yes. Are you nervous?” I asked because he’s shaking.

“No, yes. I don’t know. I want to crawl inside you and wallow around. Your body does things to mine I can’t explain. I’ve never humped a woman’s leg before. You have some kind of voodoo over me woman.”

“I want you to come inside me.” I pulled his hips so he pushed me apart a little more. I like the way he makes me feel so full. It does feel like he’s crawling inside me. I want him to wallow. “I’m on birth control, give yourself to me.” I promised.

He set his forehead on mine and bit his lip as he carefully and deliberately took me deeper.

I encouraged him by pulling his beard when he seemed to want to go deeper. This will become a routine for us to come. My body stretches for him, but it takes time, and communication. His beard is a sensitive tool to reign him in.

I came first without asking. He lost his as I clamped around him. I felt him shift and reach down to keep himself from sinking too deep into me as he lost himself. I swear I can feel him squirting, or is that me aftershocking all over him? Whatever it is, I’m a trembling mass of Jello.

He pulled free slowly and I swear my body missed him before he was gone. “Wow.” I reached down and caught him before he completely left me. Something raked through me and I clamped on again. I came so hard on his tip it almost hurt.

“Damn baby.” He sounded impressed.

I laughed and let him go. “Sorry, you just feel so good.”

“Really?” He looked confused, surprised.

I lifted up using his beard as a guide and kissed him. “Yes, you feel really good, and now you smell good too.” I nibbled his lower pouty lip.

“I’ve never come inside a woman before.” He admitted.

I laid back down, “What? Really?”

“Condoms don’t work on me, and I don’t trust bitches not to get pregnant. If you do, and decide to keep it, and it kills you, I’ll kill it. No kid will take your place in my life.” He informed me with a look of desperation that got my attention.

“No kids, got it. Personally I prefer chickens.”

He smiled so suddenly I think it shocked him. “Very funny Peach.” He rolled off and sat up. “What’s this thing you wanted to do before I almost fucked your brains out?”

I got up to get a fresh t-shirt. “I can’t wait for real clothes. Please tell me you bought me something feminine.” I took his hand, “Come.”

He followed touching himself. “That was nice. How long before I can get back in there?” He sounds like a kid with a new toy.

“Sit.” I pointed to the vanity bench. “Face the mirror.” I instructed and fished around finding the scissors and a comb.


I put his knees together and straddled his lap facing him. “Hold still. You can have some more when I’m done.” I lifted his chin and started combing.

“That quickly?”

“Why are you surprised?”

“You’re tight.”

I laughed, “Like I said, it’s been while.”

“I still can’t believe what you did at the end with my tip. That was good, real good.” He’s sated and sounds sleepy now.

“Want to know a secret?”


“You’re the only guy I’ve had an orgasm with.”

He straightened and looked at me so suddenly I jumped pulling the scissors back afraid I was going to cut him.

“Your first orgasm?”

“No, my first non-self-induced orgasm, well before you and your big hands came along.” I assured him. “You’re the first to ever do that, like that.” I felt myself blush unable to find the right words.

“How is that possible?” He’s genuinely confused.

I shrugged, “I thought of sex as an obligation to the relationship. Honestly it was kind of gross. You’re different. There’s nothing remotely gross about you. I love the way you touch me. I think you know that.”

He smiled, “Oh yes, I do. Looks like we both had a couple firsts tonight.”

“I like it. I like you too, and not just because you have this really cool house that makes me feel like a princess in a castle.”

“You should feel like a princess. No, a queen. My queen. Do I have your loyalty my queen?” He asked resting his hands on my thighs.

I stopped cutting for a second to look him in the eyes, “Do you really need to ask me that?”

He smiled a little, “You are fiercely loyal aren’t you?”

“Dedication. It’s a lawyer thing.” I stood up.

“Hey, where are you going?” He asked like I was leaving him for good.

“I have to do the back. Look in the mirror baby.”

He was quiet for a full two minutes. I was knelt down behind him combing and trimming. “I look different.”

“Not really, I just took off the dead stuff, which as a good inch, but it’ll grow back better now.”

“I don’t care about the length, this is the longest I’ve looked in the mirror in years. I look old.”

“You do not, you look twenty years younger than you are.” I told him.

“You’re just saying that to be nice.”

I looked over his shoulder for his reflection, “Really? Do I look like the type of woman to blow smoke up your ass?”

He smiled and spun around to cup my face and set those beautiful light blue eyes on mine. “I want you, now.”

“Just be easy, you were barely halfway in before,” I reminded him.

“No.” His eyes darkened. “No pleasure. Do you trust me?”

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