Daunting Turns: Book 2 of Colson Brothers Series (12 page)

BOOK: Daunting Turns: Book 2 of Colson Brothers Series
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“Not at all.” I laughed, “Yes, I trust you. What do you want to do to me?”

“I want to tie you up.” He said seriously.

“No blood?”

“No blood, and all you have to do is say stop. Any sign of hurting you and I will stop. I don’t want to hurt you, but I want you to show me what it’s like to feel.”

I finally got it. Turner can’t feel pleasure or pain. He’s completely numb. “Tell me you love me.”

“You know I love you, or you wouldn’t be here.”

“Tell me to trust you.”

“If you couldn’t trust me you’d be dead by now with that smart lawyer mouth of yours.” He argued.

I took his hand and pulled him over to the bed. “Lay on your back.” I ordered .

He raised one eyebrow, “Ordering me around now wife?”

“First of all, I’m not your wife. Second of all, you need to be disciplined. You’re a very bad man Mr. Colson, very bad. Lay on your back and take your punishment like a man.” I pushed against his chest.

He went surprisingly easily, “Are you trying to dominate me woman?”

I pinched his nipple hard, “Are you trying to dominate me woman, what?” I challenged full of myself. This is fun.

He took the bait, hook, line, and sinker, “Miss Pine, are you trying to dominate me?”

I reached down and set his tip at my threshold, “Say please.”

He smiled wickedly, “Excuse me?”

“Say please.” I encouraged running my hand up and down his shaft.

“Please?” He looked uncertain. Perfect.

“No. You’re going to beg for me.”

His expression flattened. “I don’t beg.”

“Then we’re done here.” I hopped off and grabbed his robe to wrap up in. I looked back at his gorgeously shocked face. “I’m going to curl up by the fire. You look good by the way.” I wiggled my fingers at him and went to find the couch.

I was almost asleep when he showed up and sat by my feet taking my left foot in his massaging hand.

I looked up with one eye, “Hi you.”

He wouldn’t look at me. “Hey.”

I put my head back down and looked into the fire, “Are you mad at me?”


“Do you want to spank me?”

“Yes.” He admitted like he was ashamed.

I sat up and crawled over to put my head in his lap. I settled in and braced myself. “Go ahead. I can take it.”

He rubbed my butt and I could tell by his breathing that he wasn’t into it.

“It’s okay, it just stings for a minute.” I tried to assure him.

“No.” His voice cracked.

“Just do it lightly then, my shorts will help buffer it.” I just want him to get this out of his system.

He started rubbing my back gently. “I can’t.”

I rolled over to face him and cuddle up, “It’s okay sweetie, you’re pretty good at it. The sting is like a crazy booster to the orgasm. For someone who doesn’t feel anything, you make me feel pretty amazing.”

He searched my eyes, “Will you marry me and keep my confidence?”

Oh boy. This is the ultimate question. The biker’s oath to his old lady. If I say yes, this man is mine for life. Legal or not, our future rides on my answer. I bit my lip and tried to picture my life without him.

Point blank, there is no future without this big, beautiful, crazy man.

I reached for him, “You have all of me. Everything I am belongs to you.”

He scooped me up and carried me to the bedroom. “What was that earlier?”

“You expect me to do everything you want, I was just curious how far it went in the other direction. You’re no fun to order around.”

He set me on the bed, “Why am I no fun to order around?”

“Because you don’t like it.” I climbed between the sheets.

“It was new, so was you walking out. Don’t tease me woman.” He scolded me.

I laughed reaching for him. “What are you going to do about it? Smother me in your sleep, oh wait, you already do that.”

I was surprised how well my body took him.

He grinned down at me, “I can’t seem to get enough of you. Just the way you smell under your ear makes me hard. When you squirm, OH, yeah, like that, I want to OH SHIT!”

I let go and arched my hips to take him fully into me. It hurt like hell.

He came deep and I swear my kidney moved.

I dug my fingers into his butt. “Don’t move.”

“I can’t” He laughed.

I clenched, “No laughing!!”

“Oh sweet peach.” He snuck his hand around, stirred up my juices and went to the back door. He teased, but kept his distance.

“Easy baby, unchartered territory there.” I informed him.

“I know. Relax, I’m just touching.” He assured me.

I felt my body give under him. “Just be easy.”

He kissed me sweetly and backed off. “I won’t hurt my wife. I love you Georgia.”

I gripped his beard and made him look at me, “Do you even know what love is?”

He nibbled my nose and then my jaw, “Love is knowing you’d die for her. Love is knowing you can’t live without her. I can’t live without you Peach. I won’t.” He promised.

I had to sink my hands in his hair and grip to get him to look at me, “Why the bossy?”

He smiled. “Wrap that beautiful mouth around my cock.”

I rolled my eyes, “Seriously?”

He rolled taking me with him. “Yes.”

I’m straddling him now, and because he’s so compliant I decide to test him, or just play. I guess it’s one and the same.

I crossed my arms and sat up with his erection under me, not in me. “I want to play a game.”

He raised an eyebrow intrigued, “Go on.”

“Have you ever let anyone boss you around?” I asked slowly taking his big hands in mine.

“No, of course not.” He’s so cute when he’s confused.

“Do you trust me?”

“As much as I can, more than most I suppose. Why? Are you going to try and boss me around Miss Pine?” Now he’s amused.

“Something like that. Put your hands behind your head and keep them there. If you move, I’ll stop and leave the room. Any questions?”

“This is a first.” He tucked his hands firmly behind his head.

I started kissing under his ear. “Do what I tell you Mr. Colson. Hesitate and the game ends immediately.”

“Don’t threaten me Peach, have your fun, but keep in mind I’m a lot bigger than you are.”

I bit his shoulder hard.

“Ow, shit.” He kept his hands still despite the pain. “What the fuck?”

“I don’t remember telling you to talk, hush.” I bit him again and continued south.

“Oh, you’re good.” He squirmed.

I ran my tongue around a scar on his chest, “What’s this one from?”

“Lack of sleep.” He squirmed.

“Hold still Turner, I’m not going to tell you again.” I tried to sound mean, but I doubt it had the effect I was going for. It’s hard to sound stern when you really just want to climb on board and ride him into submission.

I found a long scar and nibbled my way over to it. “And this one?”

“Hungry. I fuck up when my body isn’t properly maintained.”

I bit him again.

“Ow, dammit.” He cussed but didn’t tell me to stop. “Do it again.”

I bit him a little harder right on his hip bone.

He arched and sat up flipping me under him trapping my wrists and hovering with a mix of lust and anger floating around those glaciers he calls eyes. “How are you able to hurt me??”

“You love me, everything I do to you will be different.” He shifted and set himself ready to take me.

“You sound so sure.”

“You said it yourself.” I reminded him. “Take it easy, remember?”

“So I did.” He lifted up and looked down at me, “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Are you placating me?”

“Why would I do that? If I wanted out I’d tell you. I won’t lie and tell you I love you, because personally I don’t believe in love, but I do care a great deal about you.” I explained guiding him gently into me.

“It has to be love.” He buried his face in my neck, “There’s no other explanation.” He pushed me apart painfully.

“Oh shit, Turner, take it easy baby.” I begged digging my fingers into his side.

“You’re going to feel me. I want you to know I was here, and that I’ll always be here.” He took my hands and trapped them over my head. His eyes begged me, “Look at me while I claim you completely.”

I had to bite my lower lip pretty hard to keep from screaming as he slowly descended into me. It hurt like hell, but when he landed deep and stopped I felt my body relax around him.

He kissed along my jawline, “You okay?”

“I think so. How’s my kidney?” I laughed.

“Oh shit.” He twitched inside me. “No fair laughing.” He smiled and dropped his forehead on my shoulder, “No fair at all.”

“Wow, you’re easy.” I hugged him.

“Oh, I’m not done with you my queen.” He exhaled, “You smell so good.” He started kissing my face then hovered to look me in the eye. “Will you tolerate my insanity and stay with me forever?”

“Do I have a choice?” I teased tracing his tattoos on his chest.

“No, not really.”

“What if I said I didn’t want this?” I need to know.

He narrowed his eyes, “I’d call you a liar Miss Pine.”

I laughed, “And you would be correct Mr. Colson.”

He relaxed, “You are a trying woman aren’t you?”

“And you love me. Who would have thought the least submissive woman on earth would steal your heart?” I asked running my fingers through his hair and over his strong features, and that pouty lip.

He took my finger between his teeth and moved his hips reminding me he was still there, and not going anywhere judging from the tapping my kidney is getting.

I brought him down for a kiss and let the feeling of him filling me so completely consume me. He barely moved inside me before I came easily on him.

“Look at me baby.” He ordered.

I didn’t even know my eyes were closed. I love his eyes, “Sorry. I get caught up.”

He smiled, “Open your mouth.”

“What?” I laughed.

“Say ‘Ah’.” He looks amused, playful.

I did. “Ahhh.”

He closed one eye and looked downy throat, “Yup, there I am.”

I cracked up and smacked his shoulder, “That’s not right.”

He rolled taking me with him.

I had to sit slowly. “Oh wow.” He reached new depths and I’m pretty sure he’s tapping my tonsils now. “Good lord.” My body completely convulsed around him. I gripped his chest hair and came again, “What the hell are you doing to me?”

His hands locked on my hips and rocked me about three times. We crashed hard into each other. I couldn’t kiss him hard enough as our bodies throbbed breathlessly against each other. Who knew sex could feel so good?

“Is it always like this?” I asked into his ear as we recovered without moving.

“No baby. Never. I haven’t come twice in one day in twenty years. Whatever voodoo you’re working is pretty powerful. Don’t ever let go baby. Don’t ever let go.” He hugged me and rolled me back under him.

I felt sad as he pulled slowly free.

“Don’t pout my love, I’ll be back, a lot.” He assured me. “Right now my private line is ringing. Stay here.” He got up and opened the drawer in the nightstand to pull an iPhone out.

He handed it to me, “It’s Slider, he knows you’ll speak for me.” He hit the Answer.

I hit Speaker, “Hi Slider. How’s it going?”

“Shitty. I’m assuming Turner is there?”


“Good. He’s needed for a job. Take his RV and go get Lou and some bitch in North Carolina. He’s calling in a favor. Also, the mob is involved, so lay low and stay armed.”

“Where in North Carolina?”

“He’ll contact you in two days. Do me a favor and haul ass. We need to get them west of the Mississippi as soon as possible. I can’t protect them in my sister’s territory.”

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