Dawn Annis (22 page)

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Authors: Highlander's Ransom

BOOK: Dawn Annis
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He slept, waking briefly, only long enough to assure himself Kate was indeed still there. Almost as if her presence gave him the strength to linger. Kate gave him that reason.

Both Merta and Smithers tried to get her to rest.

Smithers used logic. “You will be of no good to Shane if you collapse.”

Merta pleaded with her. “Ye must rest. I’ll come find ye if he needs ye.”

Though she was near collapse she refused to leave him.

Kate woke. She uncurled herself from the chair that had become her bed for the past few nights. She arched, stretching her aching back and rubbed her hands over her face, peering at her surroundings with blurred eyes.

Abruptly, Shane inhaled a long, deep breath. Then he exhaled. It was an easier breath than he’d had since he was injured. It was a sound she had longed to hear.

She moved to his side and bent over him, feeling his forehead with her shaky hand. The fever had broken. Kate’s knees gave out. She sank down to the floor in relief. Thank God. Shane was out of danger. She laid her head down on the bed and held Shane’s hand to her face.

Just held it. Just touched him. Yet with relief came the realization of how much she’d feared he’d die.

Kate slowly rose to her feet, realizing for the first time since she had arrived back to the MacGregor castle, she was hungry. Famished, in fact.

Merta walked into the room.

“Merta, his fever has broken and he sleeps a good sleep. Please inform Seamus, if you will,” Kate said, smiling her relief.

Merta’s apple-cheeked face lit up with the wonderful news.

“Aye m’lady, I will indeed,” Merta said, the relief and happiness apparent in her voice.

“Now, m’lady," Merta said, her voice growing stern as she bustled about the room. “Will ye take a bit of food and maybe a bath in yer room? I’ll sit with him,” she quickly added.

Kate nodded her assent. “I will, Merta. Thank you.”

Merta hurried from the room, anxious to spread the good news of Shane’s dance back from death.

Kate sat down and waited. Soon, Seamus walked through the door, followed closely by Smithers.

Seamus drew Kate up out of the chair and hugged her tight.

“Thank ye, lass,” he said to her, his voice cracking with emotion. “I’ll sit with him. Ye rest for a bit.” Seamus shooed her from the room. “Go now. I’ll come get ye if he needs ye.”

Kate left the room with Smithers, looking over her shoulder at Shane as she went. Smithers guided her down to her room.

There, a bath waited with a tray of food. He sat her down in front of the fire with the food in easy reach. Placing the napkin in her lap, he handed her a cup of tea. He stepped over to the steaming bath awaiting her and poured fragrant herbs into it. Then he set out a bar of her lavender soap and with a quiet smile for her, he went to the door.

Smithers bowed slightly and stepped out into the hall. Before closing the door, he paused briefly.

“M’lady,” he said quietly, “he did not marry.”

Chapter 33

Shane was awake went Kate went in to check on him before retiring for the night. After two weeks of her careful nursing, he was recovering. And restless. His various cuts and bruises had disappeared. The swelling over his eye subsided. The only indication of injury was the scab where the gash had been. While still tender, the injury along his ribs and side was free of infection and rapidly knitting together. His wounds were healing. He was feeling better and he was now becoming a grumbling patient. He chafed at the restrictions Kate put on him, impatient to be out of bed.

While Seamus visited him daily with reports of the clan’s progress, he wanted his own assessment.

“I want to check on the steadily growing fields. I want to look over fattening cattle and livestock. I want to see the steady improvement of the clan.”

“Aye, lad. I know,” Seamus said. “Yer not going to until Kate says ye can.”

There had been no further incursion from the Campbell clan. Shane knew this was due to not only the patrols he had in place but the patrols from the MacDougall and MacDonald clans as well. He could see the benefit of his hard work to create those alliances and was grateful to the lairds for holding to their word.

His men had, indeed, reported the Campbells occasionally encroaching into the areas his men no longer patrolled. He was not overly concerned. They would rout them when his clan was ready.

When Kate entered his room, she noticed how Shane’s grey eyes found her and followed her to his bedside. His frown was so formidable, she laughed.

“When will ye let me up from my bed?” Shane grumbled. “I canna endure being idle. Ye will be driving me out of my mind.”

Kate reached the side of the bed and smiled though she was prepared for the struggle if she had to keep him contained.

“You will do as you are told, m’lord. Until I feel confident of your recovery. It will be but a little while longer,” Kate scolded. “Speaking of which, how do you feel this evening?”

Shane growled. “I feel fine, woman!”

Kate chuckled, smiling down at him with her hands raised in feigned surrender. “I can see that you do, but for now it is time to sleep.”

Shane took Kate’s hand in his, caressing her fingers with his thumb.

“My da told me ye know of Mary.”

“Mary? Ah, yes. Mary,” Kate said simply as she tried to pull her hand away.

She moved to the window and watched the night sky. The moon shined down on her. She didn’t want to face his concealment. She told herself it didn’t matter while he was
injured. She told herself they would discuss it when he fully recovered. He’d hurt and lied to her. Somewhere in her mind, she’d convinced herself if they did not discuss it, it could be forgotten. She knew in her heart she was lying to herself. She wouldn’t forget his duplicity if they didn’t discuss his actions and her feelings about them.

She was able to free her hand from his grasp and started to move away from him.

“Nay, Katie. Ye willna do this,” Shane whispered. He reached for her once again. Holding her hand tighter, he tugged until she sat down beside him.

“Ye must hear me. If ye decide to leave me and quit this place once I’ve said what I must, then I willna stop ye.”

Shane took a deep breath, his head bowed, as he met her eyes.

“I never meant to hurt ye. I fooled myself into believing I was doing right. I was doing what I thought was right for the clan and my da.”

Shane’s words came at a rush.

“I was wrong. I know yer angry with me. Ye have every right. I did not wed Mary because I love ye. I was a fool not to trust ye with our plans. I was a fool not to tell ye the whole of it. Can ye be forgiving me? Can we have a life together? Will ye marry me, Katie? Och, lass, say ye will.”

No longer trying to escape, Kate watched Shane’s face as he made his declarations. She saw the truth in those gray eyes, shining with love for her. Her. She could feel it. His body fairly throbbed with love. She would be a fool not to seize the life he held in promise to her.

Shane searched her face for some sign of forgiveness. His future depended on her answer. He couldn’t live without her. And then he saw it, the softening of her face and her lips, once in a grim line now relaxed and full. He saw the forgiveness in her eyes. He urged her down to him then took her face into his strong hands and kissed her so very gently. Then he pulled her closer still. So close the tension strummed through him.

“Shane, your bandage!” Kate cried as she pushed against his chest, trying to sit up.

“To hell with my bandage,” Shane growled as he brought her even closer and rolled on top of her.

Kate buried her face in Shane’s shoulder. He hooked his finger under her chin, bringing her lips to his then kissed her passionately. She teased his tongue with her own and deepened the kiss.

“I need to be closer to ye, Katie.”

Shane gently touched her shoulder, her neck, tracing every curve and every nuance of Kate’s body. His lips caressed her.

Kate clung to him.

He opened her blouse and chemise pushing them wide. Her breasts swelled under his ardent gaze. She held out one hand to stop him, wiggled out of her clothes, and tossed them aside.

Then she settled underneath him.

Shane closed one hand about one breast, kneading gently, feeling its weight in his hand.

Kate sighed and kissed him urgently, pressing him on. He broke the kiss and bent his head, taking her nipple into his mouth. She pushed her hands into his hair, bringing him closer and closer still. He suckled, causing her to gasp. Twirling his tongue and nipping lightly, his mouth burned. He turned his attention to her other breast. He lavishly brought the nipple to the same tight bud.

Slowly he kissed his way up to her collarbone, his hand on her breast, trailing sizzling heat with his every move. Kneading and stroking as he nuzzled the hollow of her throat, his mouth hot and moist. He paused as he made his way up behind her ear, whispering his intentions to her. What he wanted to do to her. With her. Slowly. Lovingly. A promise in his words.

Kate hung on. She arched her back. Pressing closer, feeling his weight on top of her. Her every nerve alive. His touch, so full of heat it caused her to shiver. Her lips, her hands, her body all demanded his touch. She pressed her hips up into his, her fingers running up and down his shoulders trailing a heat of her own. Shane’s hand roamed over the flat of her stomach, moving lower still. He slipped his hand between her legs, his fingers finding the slick folds hidden by her tight curls. She was wet and hot, slick with heated desire. As his fingers stoked her fire, she gasped and arched upward. The pressure inside her was building higher and higher as she begged to be filled.

Shane positioned himself between her legs and supported himself with one arm. Then he guided himself into her fiery heat, moaning with pleasure. He pushed deeply into her and withdrew slowly. She reveled in the sensations coursing through her body to his. Kate wrapped her legs around his hips pushing him deeper still. Shane withdrew and thrust again and again, bringing them both higher and higher until the very stars in the sky exploded around them.

Kate lay curled up in Shane’s strong arms, content. Her fingers slowly played with the hairs dusting his chest as his hand rubbed up and down her arm.

“You hurt me,” she said quietly.

“Aye, Katie, my love that I did,” Shane answered.

“I can never tell ye enough how very sorry I am. I was wrong. I was wrong not to trust ye. I was wrong to jeopardize the trust ye had in me. Will ye let me spend the rest of my life making it up to ye?”

Shane held his breath and ran his hand through his hair, hoping she would decide to stay with him. He wouldn’t blame her if she decided to leave.

“I will stay, Shane. I have to. I cannot imagine living my life without you. I love you.” She poked her finger into his chest. “Are there any other plans you have not told me of?”

“Nary a one, upon my honor.” Shane’s arms tightened around her, hugging her close to him. Relief filled him. He didn’t deserve her and he knew it. He would spend the rest of his life loving her, cherishing her and trying to give her the life she deserved. He vowed to himself to never let her go.

Chapter 34

Shane made a steady recovery. He relied on his people and they didn’t let him down. For their laird and clan, everyone worked hard. Their goal was to have enough to sustain the clan through winter and to have plenty of seed to see them through the following spring. Shane was proud of what they all had accomplished.

He and Kate continued their evening talks and shared the day’s events with one another. During one of those evening discussions Kate told Shane about Smithers’ disclosure regarding her parentage and the events leading up to James Powell’s death. She expressed the delight of having a father and her grief of never having known him.

She also told him of her mother and Smithers’ plan for her future and the wealth they had amassed.

“Katie, my love. I am happy for ye. To have some coin of yer own is important.”

“This is not a meager amount of money we are discussing, Shane. This money could help the clan. You never did get your ransom,” Kate added with a glint of mischief in her eye before she continued.

“We could repair the castle and bring it to its former glory. You could buy more cattle and livestock. Maybe even buy back some of your lands if it is your wish. It would help you with your plans for the clan and the future,” Kate said imploringly. “I want to help you. Please allow me to contribute.”

“The clan sees yer worth and so do I. I thank ye. While I, at one time, thought a wealthy bride was what this clan needed to bring us back from despair, I now know we had the means to do it on our own. I’ll not take it from ye. Ye and the clan are my own responsibility. My own,” Shane said, pointing to his chest with stubborn pride. “But if ye want to fix up yer home, I’ll agree. If it gives ye delight to give the people of the clan a few luxuries I’ll not stop ye. But, Katie, hear me well. My duty to these people is clear and I accept it willingly.”

Shane drew Kate into his arms to soften his words, holding her tight. He tucked a stray curl behind her ear and kissed her.

“Katie, my love, keep this money for our sons and daughters. To help them build their futures.” Kate looked into his eyes and nodded as she held Shane. She had wanted to help him and was frustrated with his refusal. But she was very proud of him and his determination to be a strong laird to his clan. She was pleased with his devotion to his people and to her.

It was toward the end of summer when Iain arrived home to his beloved MacGregor lands. He rode in with Kate’s complete household in tow. Wagon after wagon were driven into the courtyard. A coach with the Colquhoun family crest upon its door followed. Filled with Kate’s servants from her home in Dumbarton and it looked like, everything Kate had ever owned. They rolled in with arms waving, shouting excited ‘hellos’.

Iain jumped down from the first wagon with a grin on his face. He laughed at the look on Shane and Kate’s faces and spread his arms wide. Seeing Shane standing at the bottom of the steps leading into the hall, fully recovered, hale, and whole made his grin even wider. Chuckling, he strode over and shook Shane’s hand. Then he enveloped Shane into a wide bear hug. Relief clear in his eyes.

“Och, Shane, ‘tis good to see ye. The last time we were together we both were in sore shape.” With a nod toward Kate, he said, “I knew she would fix ye just fine. I was counting on it.”

Shane smiled and returned Iain’s hug. “Thanks for the worry, my friend.” He gestured toward the courtyard. “What have ye got here?”

Iain stepped over to Kate and hugged her tight. She returned his embrace, glad to see him again. He looked over her shoulder, greeting Seamus, Merta, and Smithers in turn. People were beginning to gather around to see the new arrivals. Everyone was talking at once, exclaiming over the items being unloaded from the wagons.

“'Tis yer people and yer things, m’lady,” Iain said, directing his response toward Kate. “We brought it all for ye.”

Kate gave him a slight chuckled then looked at Iain in puzzlement when she saw he had spoken in earnest. “All?”

“Aye, and then some,” he explained with a nod. “Lord Colquhoun showed up in the dooryard. He made a ruckus over us being there. Said he had told ye to vacate and he demanded to speak with ye. Had poor Nell here in tears.”

Iain reached behind him and brought the older woman forward with his arm around her. Kate greeted her while Iain continued with his tale.

“Well, now I couldn’t have that, could I? Not for one minute. She’s been good to me, this one here. Took real good care of me.”

Iain gave Nell a squeeze before letting her go. Nell stepped into Kate’s warm hug.

“I come around from the barn. I saw her crying and him, looking down his nose at her, making his demands. Well, I stepped right in. I told him we would leave when we were damn good and ready. Well, that dinna sit too well with the man. Started making like he could
force us out, trying to push his way into the house. That dinna sit too well with me. There wasn’t nothing for it but to give him a sound knocking and run him off. Not before I took his money bag off him.” Grinning again, Iain held up a gentleman’s pouch full of coins.

They gathered and looked at the open pouch Iain held, his chest puffed out in pride.

Kate hid her giggle behind her hand. She would have loved to have seen Andrew’s encounter with Iain. The bully finally confronted with an unmovable force.

“I gone off to the village and bought a fair few wagons off them folks. We loaded it and headed home.”

“Iain said ye would want to live here from now on so we brought it all, m’lady,” Nell said with a wide smile. “Is that so?” she added, questioning.

At Kate’s nod, she continued. “We brought all of yer gowns and things from yer chambers. I packed yer dishes and china. All the pots and cooking utensils. Yer silver, every spoon and knife. All the smoked hams and meats. All the preserved fruits and jams. The vegetables as well. All yer dried herbs and medicines. We cleaned it all out, m’lady.” Nell started to tick off of her fingers as she listed all the items in the wagons.

“. . . the tapestries, the rugs, and carpets, the wall hangings, the books, and of course, every last bit of furnishings. Right down to the last chair.” Nell grinned in triumph.

“I even dug up some of yer flowers and bulbs and yer herbs for ye.” Nell pointed to one of the wagons as the women were unloading burlap sacks filled with plants and flowers.

“I knew ye would want them for yer garden here. Iain told me ye had a fair tidy one.” Nell smiled warmly at Kate and continued.

“Iain packed up the saddles, harnesses and tack. He even loaded the oats and grain. He said we would need it all for the horses on our journey here.”

Kate noticed the short string of horses tied to the end of the last wagon. Men unloaded baskets of geese and chickens from the wagon as well.

Even a dairy cow followed. She lowed softly, her udder swinging as she was led into the courtyard.

Kate gathered her skirts and made her way through the people to the laden wagons. The children were pushing and wrestling to see the wealth each wagon held. She peeked into each one and then gazed around her in awe, taking in the bustling activity going on around her. She was having trouble believing it all.

“Ye did, indeed, bring it all, dinna ye?” Shane said, laughing as he watched Kate walk down into the melee.

“We dinna leave anything for the prissy sod. Just an empty house. Not even a crumb for the mice.”

Kate turned to Iain and Nell. “I simply cannot believe you brought my things to me. How can I ever thank you enough?” Her face glowed.

“Aye, lass, every bride needs a dowry,” Nell said with a blush, stepping out of her role for a moment. “Lord Andrew Colquhoun is just the man to provide it for ye. And I left all yer black mourning clothes on the floor in yer chambers. See what he thinks about that.”

Everyone laughed.

Nell put her head down, embarrassed by her outburst.

Kate said, chuckling, “Do not worry on it, Nell.

When Iain recovered from his laugh, he said, “Aye, when he has the courage to come back, he’ll see what he has given to ye. Let him try to come north and get from ye.”

Kate was grateful and pleased to have the servants of her household with her as well. She moved among them, greeting each one individually, asking after them, and making sure everyone felt welcome. She assured them if they chose to stay here with her and her new found family a place would be found within the clan. Some looked at bit wary of the wild Scots, unsure.

The MacGregors likewise looked at the English servants with a bit of reserve.

Kate sought Shane’s face for approval.

Shane nodded his agreement. “A place will be found for all.”

Merta was the first. She walked up to Nell and gave her a welcoming hug. “Welcome to the Clan MacGregor. Come inside. Ye must be tired from yer journey. We’ll get ye right fixed up and that’s the God’s honest truth.”

Kate heard them chattering away like two hens as they entered the hall.

The rest of the MacGregor clansmen took their cue from Merta and extended their hands in friendship and welcome.

Shane and Kate planned for a fall wedding. They wanted to share their joy in finding one another with the joy the bountiful harvest would bring. It seemed appropriate somehow.

Shane met privately with Seamus to inform him of their decision.

“Och, lad, I know the feelings ye have for the lass. She’s a good one. I couldn’t have picked a better wife for ye,” he said, clapping Shane on the shoulder.

Smithers had his own blessing sought for by Kate. His reaction to their happy decision was just as affirming, punctuated by his own unique view.

“You have opened the wrapping of life’s opportunities to discover happiness within. The joy it brings is most deservedly yours.”

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