Dawn Annis (23 page)

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Authors: Highlander's Ransom

BOOK: Dawn Annis
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Kate was content. She and Shane sat on a quilt, taking their ease on a rise above the castle. The chores of the harvest were done and they were taking a well-deserved break.

The clan worked hard preparing for the winter to come. They all were enjoying a rare sunny day of October, the clouds kept at bay for now by the mountains in the distance. There was a slight chill in the air of the approaching fall.

Having finished their picnic, Kate sighed happily.

Smithers and Seamus were sitting off to the side, discussing the weather and telling the stories, tales and lies that old men tell.

Hers and Smithers’ eyes met briefly. Smithers nodded his head slightly. No longer in the role of manservant he played so long, nor monk that he played so briefly. He spent his time now teaching the children of the clan their letters and numbers.

Shane sat with his legs outstretched while she nestled in-between, leaning her back against his massive chest. He held her tight thinking of how close he came to losing her and thanking God he didn’t. He reached over Kate’s shoulder and held her face in his hand. He gazed into her face, his eyes full of the love he felt for her.

“I will always love ye. Ye are my God-given solace. Whatever happens, dinna ye ever stop loving me.”

Kate nodded and placed the palm of her hand on his cheek. She smiled and then touched her forehead to his.

“Never,” she said softly.

Kate relaxed and enjoyed the moment with Shane. Of the lessons they’d both learned and joys they’d both found.

A short time later, Shane broke the silence.

“What are ye thinking about my love?”

Kate smiled dreamily. “Oh, nothing in particular.” After a pause, she whispered, “Well, I am not exactly telling a truth. I was just thinking it was time to get ready.”

“For what, lass? I think we are well ready. We are ready for the harvest and winter ahead.”

“No. Not the harvest. Shane, I’ve wanted to say something to you but wanted to wait a bit, until I was sure.”

“I thought we weren’t going to keep secrets from each other. Ye made me vow to it, anyhow.”

“But this is a wonderful secret,” Kate whispered drawing him closer to her.

“Tell it then, before I lose my patience.”

Kate laughed and whispered into his ear. “There’ll have to be room in our family for one more.”

Shane’s face lit up. “Are ye sure?” He shifted and turned Kate around to face him.

“If my count is correct, I am as sure as I can be,” she said, holding his hand tight. “I believe it will be in the spring.”

Shane enveloped her into his arms then placed her head on his shoulder and held her. As he gazed out across the land he loved so much, he took in the sights laid before him—the forests and the loch and the craggy mountains. He surveyed his fields, ready for the winter that would rejuvenate them and make them ready to bring new life in the spring. He watched the people below going about their day. This was home. A home he loved, with the woman he loved, soon to be complete.

He took in a deep breath, smelling the scent of rain. “We’ll call him Nicholas.”

“How do you know it will be a boy? Maybe it will be a little girl,” Kate teased and laughed softly.

“Nay. We’ll call him Nicholas.”

In the early spring, with his mother’s green eyes gazing up at them, they christened their sweet little boy, Nicholas. Shane proudly held his wife and son in his arms. He and Kate exchanged a look of love so deep, knowing it would last them a lifetime.

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