Desires (12 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Desires
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She wandered to the bathroom to clean herself up while
she waited for Dan. Stacie gazed in the mirror seeing her breasts gleaming with
sweat. Her tummy seemed flatter. Must be all the exercise she was getting.
Stacie hadn’t stopped sweating since she met Dan, but she certainly wasn’t about
to complain. She grabbed the robe of the back of the door and was coming back
into the bedroom as Dan entered through the other door, carrying two bottles of
mineral water.

“I wasn’t sure if you preferred still or sparkling so I
got both. I don’t want you getting a headache from all that wine,” he said,
brandishing the bottles before placing them on the table.

Stacie’s heart somersaulted. He was so thoughtful.

“So, which would you like?” That sweet half-smile was
back as he watched her watching him.

“Hmm? Oh. Still, please.” Best watch that. Can’t let him
see how much you like him. Keep it together, girl.

Stacie sat back on the bed watching Dan pour the water. She
wished she could find out more about his personal life, about the man himself.
How much was off-limits? Maybe it was time to find out.

“How long have you been working here?” she asked him,
not sure if he would answer.

“Eight months,” he replied. He walked over to the bed
and passed her a glass of water. He sat down on the bed, half-lying facing her,
propped up on his elbow. She was a little disappointed, hoping he would have
got into bed with her. But he was fully-clothed still.

“You obviously enjoy it?”

“Yes I do,” he replied.

One question sprang into her mind. She remembered that
every time they had had a session, he disappeared off by himself. She’d
wondered why, but now the answer seemed clear. How could she have been so stupid?
She hesitated before asking, but decided to bite the bullet.

“Were you masturbating in the bathroom after you
finished me?”

Dan turned around to stare at her and for a second she
wished she hadn’t asked.
A bit personal,
, she said to herself.

“Yes, I was,” Dan replied, not seeming too bothered.

She looked at him, not sure if she was more shocked by
him doing it, or that he’d admitted it. “Why didn’t you do it with me?” she
asked in a small voice, not at all sure she wanted to hear the answer.

Dan just smiled. “Because that comes later.”

Stacie felt her smile bursting to come through. She
wanted to jump around the room with excitement, knowing she was going to get
her toy boy. It couldn’t come soon enough. She wanted the evening to suddenly
speed up and get on with the next lesson immediately.

Trying to calm down, she asked the first question that
came into her head. “Do you normally get excited after a session?”

“With you, yes.”

“What about with other people?”

He paused. “Confidentiality, remember,” he told her,
moving further up the bed alongside her.

my arse
, she thought, remembering how he had
happily told her about masturbating in front of the old woman. But then she
also remembered how she had reacted to that revelation. Perhaps she should just
stop asking him about his experiences with other people.

“So, what’s my next lesson?” she asked, keen to hear his

“Well, if of course it’s okay with you—” he said,
turning his head to look deep into her eyes “—I thought I could teach you

She stared at Dan and he gazed directly back at her. Stacie
felt her knees trembling. “You mean—”

“Yes, on me.”

Finally, she would get to see his cock, maybe even see
him naked. She wriggled with delight, the thought already turning her on.

Dan sipped his water and reached for the remote. His
hand brushed the skin of her arm as he picked it up, raising goosepimples. She
couldn’t believe how much she reacted to even the tiniest of touches. He put
the television back on and flicked the channels until he found a sports

“Do you mind if we have this on for a bit? My team’s
playing,” he said.

“It’s fine,” Stacie replied, touched that he’d asked
her. When Graham put football on she would leave the room and head off doing
something completely different, but with Dan, Stacie didn’t care as long as
they were together.

She sipped at her water and lay back, closing her eyes,
thinking about her life and where she wanted to be. Her job was important but she
needed to have her life back. She needed to socialise more, go out, have fun, be
slightly extravagant, let her hair down and be free. Once she had finished the
sessions with Dan, hopefully she would be able to do just that.


* *
* *


Stacie’s eyes flicked open with a start. Dan was still watching
football. She scrubbed at her eyes, not believing she’d dozed off. Dan turned
around and smiled at her. “Did you enjoy your snooze?”

She didn’t answer immediately, still getting her
bearings and a bit dozy. She had dreamed about Desires but she was with someone
else, not Dan. She shook her head slightly. It was only a dream and she was here
with Dan in this gorgeous bedroom.

“Yes, I did, thank you,” she replied.


Stacie smiled at him in response. She slid out from
under the duvet and headed to the bathroom. She flicked on the mirror lights
and gazed at her reflection. The woman looking back at her was someone she
didn’t recognise. This woman looked replete, content, and very, very pleased
with herself. Was this what good sex did to you?

A smile crept onto her face as she thought about Dan,
and Stacie watched her reflection get a dreamy look on its face. She would
never have thought that she could feel so comfortable in such a short space of
time having a very sexy young man show her how to masturbate. She still didn’t
approve of the behaviour she’d witnessed in the garden, and as for him
masturbating in front of a woman old enough to be his grandmother, that was

Stop! Stop
thinking about it.
Stacie watched her reflection
frown. She stared into her own troubled eyes, wishing the thoughts would stop. After
all, he wasn’t her man and would never be. She signed a contract and needed to
realise Dan was being paid to teach her.

Why would a gorgeous young man like him need to work in
this kind of place? And why on earth did he not have a girlfriend? Maybe he did
and she didn’t mind, or didn’t know. No. What woman in the world would be happy
with her boyfriend having sex with other women for money? Stacie was
desperately curious, but knew Dan wouldn’t answer any of her questions. He had
his life and she had hers. He was her tutor and that was the way it must

She cleaned herself, then brushed her hair, and freshened
her makeup. Satisfied, Stacie headed back out. The football had finished and
they were on the post-match talky waffle. Dan muted it as she came out and sat
up to face her.

“Did you win?” she said, sitting on the bed.

“Yes, 2-1,” he said, with a grin. Stacie smiled. At
least he would be happy now. Graham used to grump and stomp about for hours
whenever his team lost. “So…” Dan said, drawing out the word, “when would you
like to begin the next lesson?”

she wanted to scream but managed to paste a nonchalant look on her
face. “Whenever.”

“How about now?” Dan’s eyes were dark and intense.
Oh boy!

“Okay,” Stacie managed. Her body started to quiver in
automatic response.

“Are you sure? If you feel I’m going too fast—”

No, I
mean, it’s fine…it’s been quite a while since…”

“I don’t want you to feel pressured. I know it’s hard
for you, and just being here is a big thing for you.” Dan lay back on the bed,
crossing his ankles and pillowing his hands behind his head. “If you would
rather wait, I understand.”

“No, let’s do it. I want to,” she said, her gaze
dropping involuntarily to the bulge in his jeans.

“If you change your mind at any time—”


“In this lesson I will be teaching you how to a pleasure
a man, both orally and by sexual touching.” The words were clinical, but coming
from his mouth they sent shivers down Stacie’s spine directly to her pussy.
There was just one thing she had to make clear.

“Can I just say at this point, I’d really rather you
didn’t, you know, come in my mouth.”

“No problem,” he replied easily. He knelt up on the bed
and moved closer to her. She closed the gap between them. They came
face-to-face, and he smiled tenderly. Stacie closed her eyes and awaited his
touch. Soft lips touched hers and a hand went round her back pulling her
closer. Their torsos pressed together and she could feel his warmth even through
the thick robe.

Stacie kissed him back hungrily, opening for his tongue when
she felt it touch her lips. He was a nice kisser, gentle and respectful, not
plunging his tongue down her throat.

Stacie placed her hands on his back grasping his T-shirt
with both hands. Dan pulled her even closer. She could feel his heartbeat
bounding. Dan pulled her robe apart, exposing her breasts. She pulled his
T-shirt out of his jeans and slid her hand inside, finally feeling his naked
flesh. She ran her hands up the complete length of his back. His skin was soft
and warm. Stacie grasped the bottom of his T-shirt, releasing his mouth as
briefly as possible, just long enough to lift his shirt up and over quickly, before
rushing back to his lips. She could feel his naked chest pressing against her
nude breasts. Her robe hung open all the way down—she knew she was on show to
him completely.

Dan kissed her with more urgency than he had before. His
hands slid beneath her robe, hot on her back, pulling her to him. Stacie wished
for a second she was allowed to do more than just accept his advances, then she
remembered that she could. He had given her permission to touch him sexually. Stacie
pulled away from his lips to move to his perfect cheek bones, nibbling and
kissing, tasting the saltiness of his skin. She kissed her way toward his ear,
nibbling slightly at his soft ear lobe. She heard his faltering exhale, almost
a moan. There wasn’t an inch of his body Stacie wanted to miss.

She kissed and licked around his ear, then slowly made
her way down the sensitive tendons of his neck, her hands caressing the wide
flat muscles of his back. His hands were not touching her, which pleased her. She
wanted to totally concentrate on him, to make sure she was giving him pleasure,
not be distracted by her own.

Stacie nibbled along his clavicle, dropping a kiss in
the hollow between his collarbones. His pulse beat strongly beneath her lips. She
reared back to look at his chest before going any further. A sprinkling of dark
hair lay in the valley between his pecs. He wasn’t overly muscular; he was
lean, but well-defined. He was beautiful. Tracing his pecs with her fingertips,
she leaned in and kissed around his flat brown nipples which rose obediently. She
ran her flat hands down his flanks, allowing her thumbs to trace the subtle
bumps of his abs. Her fingertips arrived at his belt, resting there gently
while she pressed her lips gently on his naked chest, inhaling his scent.

She sat back on her heels and regarded him. His eyes
were slitted, watching her. Her gaze dropped to his jeans and, greatly daring,
she brushed a hand across the front. There was a definite bulge there, so much
so, her mouth went dry at the thought of what lay beneath. She traced his
outline with her fingernails, glancing up as she did so. His eyes were closed
and his head thrown back. He drew in a shuddering breath and she detected a
definite pushing of his crotch into her hand, as if in invitation. Slowly,
keeping the anticipation going, she unfastened the belt. She knelt up, kissing
and nibbling his delectable lips as she undid his button and unzipped his fly.

Resisting the temptation to dig right in and pop that
cock out, Stacie instead reached around to cup his rear. She felt him tense to
her touch and dug her fingers into his firm cheeks, pulling him to her. Through
his jeans she could feel his hard cock against her pussy as he ground himself
into her, the denim delightfully rough against her skin. His hands went under
her robe again, grabbing her bottom in return, pulling her close. Mouth to
mouth, chest to chest, crotch to crotch, she could have pulled his cock out and
jumped right on. But this one wasn't about her.

Stacie slid her fingers between his jeans and his
trunks, sliding the jeans down to his knees oh so slowly. His trunks seemed
moulded to his flesh, his bottom rounded and firm. She trailed her hands around
to the front, and sat back on her heels once more, leaning forward to kiss his chest
and stomach, deliberately ignoring the rampant bulge that reared up for her

She could smell him, the scent of sex hung heavy in the
air. It filled her nostrils and befuddled her mind. She let her gaze rest on
the thick shaft clearly outlined behind the thin material. She put two fingers
on the end and slowly grazed her nails down the length of him. His breathing
was ragged. She allowed the fingers to continue, making a delicate pass of the
soft sac beneath the shaft, before heading back up again. She stretched out the
waistband of his trunks, allowing his cock to spring up from its nest. It was
long and thick, extending past the waistband once released. She reached in with
her other hand and wrapped her fingers firmly around the thick shaft, rubbing
her thumb over the end. She looked up at him for confirmation she was doing
okay. His eyes were closed and his face wore a look of beatific rapture. His
penis pulsed in her hand and she moved her hand up and down a couple of times.

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