Ecstasy Bound (28 page)

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Authors: Ruth D. Kerce

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Ecstasy Bound
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* * * * *

Josella watched Leila step back from the lab table and stretch, then rub her back.

The woman looked exhausted.

“That’s it,” Leila said.

Laszlo nodded. “We’ll get it all loaded into the orbiter.”

Josella had already prepared the survival packs. No more packs had been wear-ready when she’d searched the supply room, so she’d put two together as Laszlo had requested. After she’d put them together, she then saw to it that everyone got fed. Now she paused as she neared the lab table. “That can’t be enough for all the military males on Earth.”

“No,” Leila replied. “It’s not. We can’t create and transport enough for the entire planet. Once on Earth, after we test it on a full-blooded Earth man to verify its effectiveness, we’ll need to set up a lab there so we can make more. Briggs will have some contacts to help us with that. Right, Laszlo?”


“What if it doesn’t work?” Josella asked.

Leila looked down before answering, obviously distressed. “Then it’s all over.

Xylon and Earth and all other free systems lose. We can’t defeat Daegal without Earth’s help and Earth can’t survive the Egesa without our help.”

“We’ve got it,” Erik announced, entering medical. Halah entered behind him. “The devices are working and programmed,” he said.

Laszlo held out his hand. “Let me see them. I know a thing or two about Egesa technology and compatibility issues. I want to check them over.”

Erik handed him the two transport-connectors.

Josella breathed a sigh of relief that they’d been able to get the devices repaired.

Still, even in her relief, she knew all their problems hadn’t been solved. They had a lot of obstacles to overcome yet.

“The devices should work,” Halah said to her. “Don’t worry.”

Laszlo turned and walked to the other end of medical as he examined them.

“I’m going to check on Kam’s progress. See if he needs any help.” Halah gave Josella a hug. “It’s going to be all right,” she whispered.

Josella nodded, hugging her sister back. Sadness overcame her as she watched Halah turn to leave. She hoped they’d both get out of here safely. There was no way to be certain if those transport-connectors would work and they both knew it.

She’d already prepared herself to be one of the two left who would need to use one of the devices. She’d seen the knowledge in Halah’s eyes as well. She had no military skills, so there was no reason for them to give her a seat on one of the orbiters.

Leila stepped closer to Erik and went into his arms. “I’m beat.”

“You two go back to your quarters and get some rest,” Laszlo told them, still studying the transport-connectors. “You need to be fresh for tomorrow.”

“I have to keep an eye on Braden.” Leila glanced over at him, asleep on the other side of the room. “And I’ll need to change Torque’s bandage later. Where did he go?”

“He’s helping Pitch. I passed him in the corridor,” Erik said.

“I’ll keep an eye on Braden.” Josella wanted to feel useful and help out where she could. “If anything seems wrong, I’ll call you. I can change Torque’s bandage too. I got pretty good at bandages while I was on the Sand Moon.”

Leila didn’t hesitate. She mouthed a “thank you”. She and Erik strolled from the room with arms around each other’s waists.

After they’d gone, Josella cocked her head as she watched Laszlo. “What are you doing?”

“Checking these over.”

“Are you fixing something?”

His brow furrowed but he didn’t look at her. “Why do you ask that?”

“It looks like you’re pressing a lot of buttons.” She hated to think that Erik and Halah had made any mistakes. If so, they might have made more than one. What if Laszlo didn’t catch everything?

“I’m just doing a standard check.”

“I see.” She didn’t know if he was telling her the truth or simply trying not to worry her. Not having control over her future made her extremely nervous. But at this point, there wasn’t anything more she could do except trust everyone’s knowledge and hope it was sufficient.

Soon all their fates would be decided. Along with the fate of free systems everywhere.

* * * * *



Tara woke with a start. She’d heard… She shook her head.

Had she been crying in her sleep? She rarely cried but the pain in her body had been so severe lately that it wouldn’t have surprised her. Though she’d probably just been dreaming.

Her vision was improving. Her body was healing too. Slowly. Her hands were still wrapped. She’d tried to remove the bandages but hadn’t been able to. She knew something was wrong with her face. She could feel it when she was fed. She’d never considered herself vain but she wondered how bad the damage was.

She pushed the disturbing thought aside. Right now she didn’t need to dwell on such things. She needed to survive, first and foremost.

She cocked her head. There was that sound again. It did sound like crying. Maybe.

It stopped too quickly for her to be certain.

There might be another prisoner down here. Another female. She stood and walked around, hoping to hear the odd noise again, so she could pinpoint the location.

With only a woman attending her now, as soon as she got these bandages off her hands, she was out of here. By then, her eyesight would probably be completely back to normal too, if it kept clearing at the rate it had been.

One way another, she was going to find her way back to her family. If any of them had survived. Or she’d die trying.





Chapter Twenty-One





Early Morning


Brianna clutched Sam’s hand as they entered the conference room for their last meeting before leaving the shelter. She didn’t know what the reception would be when the others saw her insignia on his uniform.

She cared what her family thought but she loved Sam with all her heart. Nothing was going to change her feelings for him or her commitment to him.

When they stepped inside, everyone else was already present and seated. They all stared at her and Sam, their eyes immediately zeroing in on his uniform. All except Josella.

Josella did seem to feel the tension though and looked around with a confused expression. A frustrated expression crossed Laszlo’s face but he didn’t say anything. A small smile played on Halah’s lips. Leila looked worried. Brianna couldn’t make out Pitch’s or Kam’s expressions. Erik, Torque and Braden definitely weren’t happy.

“What the hell is your ID jewel on his uniform supposed to mean?” Torque finally bellowed.

As Brianna was about to answer, Sam stepped slightly in front of her in a protective gesture. “It means that we’re mated now.”

“Mated?” Torque barked out a very unfunny-sounding laugh. “Yeah, right. In what universe? Fucking her doesn’t mean you’re mated, Earth man. She’s known a cock or two before yours. You’re just another set of balls.”

Sam’s eyes narrowed and he took another step forward—an aggressive step this time. “Don’t you

“It’s all right.” Brianna grabbed Sam’s arm and pulled him back.

“No it’s not, Brianna.”

She leaned into him. “Torque speaks before he thinks. It’s a disease.”

Torque grunted.

She looked around the table. “We’re mated. So from now on, hold your tongues.

And your opinions.”

“It’s not official,” Braden said in a low, calm voice. “You have the right of first choice to him exclusively as a lover, over any other female Xylon, since you led his Initiation. That’s all. Anything else requires Council approval, which isn’t going to happen.”

“There is no Council to approve or disapprove anything,” Halah said, looking at Braden. “And forming a new one will take time. The old rules no longer exist.”

“We can’t pick and choose which rules to follow,” Braden responded. “Not if we want to remain true to our heritage and who we’ve fought so hard to become.”

“Kam and I were mated without a Council’s seal of approval. Everyone accepts our joining. From what I understand, several of us became joined without complete approval.”

“That’s different,” Braden said. “In all our cases, the males have been part or full Xylon, which means we all were able to go through the Branding ceremony to make the joining official and permanent.”

“It’s official and permanent to me…and him.” Brianna raised her chin, daring any of them to challenge her.

Everyone sat in silence.

Laszlo finally cleared his throat. “Take your seats, Brianna and Briggs. We have other things to discuss right now.”

Brianna let out a heavy breath. Somehow she doubted the discussion concerning her and Sam joining as mates, was over, but for now she was happy to have other matters of importance to deal with.

“I’ve decided on the orbiter crews,” Laszlo said. “For the orbiter going to Earth, obviously Briggs will be aboard. Leila will also need to go to handle the injections and to set up a lab for the production of more. I want to send some muscle with you, so Torque will be a part of the mission too.”

Torque smiled for the first time, suddenly looking much more relaxed.

Laszlo stood, walked over to him and handed him his own command insignia. “I’m
reinstating your command status. I want you to organize the Warriors who are already stationed on Earth. I’m sure they’re all in a state of shock right now. They’ll need information and guidance. I don’t have an official CI to give you, so you’ll wear mine and you will carry my authority.”

Torque looked to be in a state of shock. Slowly, an expression of pride crossed his face. He fingered the insignia, then attached it to his uniform.

“Halah, you will be going too. I want a good flight officer on board who can handle the craft and any problems that might crop up. Also they’ll need someone who’s very familiar with Egesa behavior and technology.”

She nodded. “Is my rank reinstated?”

“Yes. Fully reinstated. You can reattach your insignia. Lastly, Brianna, you will be a part of the Earth mission as well.”

She couldn’t believe it.
She squeezed Sam’s arm.

“Um…” Halah looked at Kam, then at Laszlo. “Wouldn’t Kam be a better choice?

He’s more familiar with Earth and their customs than any of us.”

“I can’t trust that his medical condition won’t worsen. Leila won’t have access to advanced medical equipment while on Earth. It’s too risky. Brianna will be going.” His gaze found hers. “I trust your levelheadedness to keep things under control. As the only fully-instated command officer on board, you will be in charge of the mission.”

“Understood.” She felt more grateful to Laszlo than she could say. He just as easily could have sent Erik in her place for she suspected he didn’t approve of her and Sam as mates. It would have been the perfect opportunity to separate them.

“Now for the orbiter going to the Ice Moon. I will be on board so I can reestablish command once we reach the moon. Braden, you will be on board and in charge of reorganizing the Warrior Fleets, if enough long-range orbiters are available. Are you up to that?”

“I’d like to be one of the transports to the repair station.”

Brianna worried about Braden. He looked to still be in a lot of pain. He’d heal quickly but the added stress brought on by his concern over Alexa and the babies wouldn’t help.

Laszlo remained silent for several moments. “I need you as my second in command, by my side. Duty must come first in this.”

“I have a duty to my family.”

“Serving your people will serve your family. Remember, they’re my family too.

Their survival is imperative. I will do what’s best to protect them. And this is best. I’ve made my decision.”

Braden didn’t argue further but Brianna saw the emotions in her brother’s eyes. She hoped he wouldn’t do anything stupid. If they all didn’t work together to defeat their enemies, none of them might survive.

“Erik, you will also come to the moon with us. You will lead the fleets once they’re organized and on their way to Earth.”

“My last choice was a difficult one. I want Pitch on the Ice Moon to take control over Security Command and reorganize things. However, I also believe Kam needs to be checked out thoroughly by a medical team before his condition deteriorates.”

“I’m fine,” Kam said. “It won’t be that long before help arrives at the repair station.”

“As my son, I want you nearby at this time of crisis. With my illness, I’ll need your help and insight. Besides, if the transport-connectors don’t work…”

“I’ll volunteer to go to the repair station with Josella,” Pitch said. “I’m more familiar with the station anyway. If anything goes wrong there before rescue arrives, I can fix it more easily than Kam. Its orbit is already shaky and the explosion on Xylon might have weakened its hold even more.”

Josella smiled softly at him. Laszlo hadn’t needed to say Josella would be one of the two going to the station. That choice had been apparent from the beginning. Obviously she’d be happy if Pitch accompanied her.

Brianna noticed Braden squirm when Pitch mentioned possible problems with the repair station. Without power from Xylon’s central space control boosting the station’s orbit, it actually could be in trouble soon. They would need to get rescue ships sent out quickly to make certain of everyone’s survival.

“Good. It’s decided,” Laszlo said, finality in his voice. He stood from his chair.

“Let’s go.”

Everyone slowly rose and the tension that always preceded a new mission filled the room.

Brianna looked at Sam and for the first time in a long while she held out hope for their future. For all their futures.

She turned to address everyone. “Xylon and Earth will survive this.” She looked into her brothers’ eyes—first Torque’s, then Braden’s. She saw their love for her and knew they cared for her as much as she did for them.

Now Sam was a part of her family too. She was proud to call him her mate.

As he slipped his arm around her waist, she laid her palm on his heart and leaned against his side. “May the fates grant us the victory we seek.”

Torque snorted. “I’ll be happy if they just don’t shit on our heads.”

Nervous laughter filled the room.

Torque was the first one out the door and he led the others down to the sublevel.

He felt a combination of aggravation, expectation and hesitation—a strange mix of emotions. But then, a huge responsibility had been placed on his shoulders. He would be representing Laszlo on Earth when dealing with the resident Warriors. He’d held a command position before but this was so much more important than anything he’d ever had to do.

On top of that, he was still dealing with intense sexual visions of a woman he’d never met. They overtook him every time he slept and often when he was fully awake.

She’d become an obsession and he even felt as though this mysterious woman was destined to be his. He shook his head, knowing how crazy that sounded, even to him.

Maybe the stress was finally getting to him. “Don’t lose it now,” he mumbled. He had a job to do.

After all of them descended and stopped between the docking bays, Laszlo spoke.

“Pitch and Josella, you’ll need to head on out. You can’t be here when we open the bays.”

Pitch nodded. Josella went into Halah’s arms for one last hug. Torque slapped Pitch on the back. “Alexa will be happy to see you two, I’m sure.”

The other Warriors stepped up to say goodbye. Torque’s attention drifted toward where the larger orbiter was docked. He and Halah should pilot the ship, for they were most familiar with this older model. He’d speak with Brianna about it after boarding.

Hopefully the orbiter would make it to their destination without falling apart.

“I’m ready,” Josella said, stepping back beside Pitch, but never taking her eyes off her sister.

Everyone stepped away. Pitch slid one arm around her waist and activated the transport-connector. A low hum filled the air and then they were gone.

Torque approached Braden and they clasped arms. “Heal quickly, brother.”

“I will. Be careful.”

“Aren’t I always?”

“Not that I can remember.”

Torque laughed and released his hold. He stepped aside for Brianna to say a last goodbye. Leila and Erik huddled close, as did Halah and Kam. Laszlo stepped up to him.

“Tell Brianna that I’ve checked the space traffic. There are several Xylon fighters in the area. Short-range orbiters. Once we’re out and spotted, execute a signaling maneuver. It’ll be the only way for us to communicate with them. If they follow procedure, half will follow me and half will follow you as far as they can go. They’ll provide the extra cover you need to get away. We should be able to get out of here unscathed if we move quickly.”

“The Egesa?”

“The Egesa are out there too, but I haven’t detected any large ships or heavy fighters, just short-range orbiters, like ours. Our people will be watching them closely and will keep them off you until you get out of range. You won’t have any worries.”

“Until we get to Earth.”

“Yes. Try not to call too much attention to yourselves. We’ll be there as soon as we can.”

Laszlo turned and headed for the short-range orbiter. Braden, Erik and Kam followed. Torque walked to the long-range orbiter’s docking bay and waited for Briggs, Brianna, Halah and Leila to board. He looked back at their temporary shelter, grateful to be alive. He knew their future was still uncertain but he held out hope. Xylon’s Warriors would not go down without a fight.

* * * * *

Planet Earth, State of Colorado, U.S.A.

Underground Tracking Facility


“Ah…” Jaeda sat up on her bunk, startled out of a deep sleep. Her whole body tingled and beads of sweat rolled between her breasts. She’d had at least one orgasm.

Probably more from how satiated she felt.

Her mysterious hunk never failed to please her. But that hadn’t been what had woken her. She gripped her hands, trying to steady her nerves. And her turbulent thoughts.

was coming.

Her limbs shook from the knowledge. She didn’t know how she knew but she did and the anticipation overwhelmed her.

“No.” With a shake of her head and a sigh, she lay back down. “That’s silly. It’s just wishful thinking.”

Or so she tried to convince herself.

Somewhere deep down though, she felt him, like a tangible presence, and heard his voice whispering in her head. Over and over.

Soon you will be mine.

She flipped over onto her stomach. “Stop teasing me with impossibilities,” she whispered. She glanced at the clock. Three hours before her shift. “Just fuck me. At least what I feel when you do is real, even if it’s only in my dreams.”

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