Empress Dowager Cixi: The Concubine Who Launched Modern China (73 page)

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323 ‘
speaks French

New York Times
, 9 November 1902;
‘presides over’
Boston Globe
, 26 October 1902;
fancy-dress ball
Boston Daily Globe
, 29 April 1901;
son’s marriage
Boston Globe
, 26 October 1902;
Chicago Daily
, 17 October 1902;
Chicago Daily Tribune
, 2 November 1902;
Atlanta Constitution
, 21 June 1908;
The two daughters
New York Times
, 9 November 1902; Der Ling 1948
324 ‘
now Rongling can

: Rongling, p. 11;
‘very simple’
: ibid.;
visit of Uchida Kōsai
: Rongling, pp. 32–5
Chapter 28 Cixi’s Revolution (1902–8)
100 million taels to 235 million
: Shen Xuefeng 2002, no. 1;
decree on inter-marriage and foot-binding
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 27, no. 960;
‘like trying to mix’
: Headland, p. 231
326 ‘
No; the Chinese

: Conger, p. 254;
espousing education for women
: Xia Xiaohong, pp. 228–51; Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 5, pp. 5627, 5637–8; Zhang Hailin, p. 344; Shu Xincheng (ed.), p. 4
first nursery school
: Zhang Hailin, p. 559;
Wellesley College
: Zhang Hailin, pp. 354–5;
female editor
: Fang Hanqi et al., pp. 66–8;
some thirty journals
: Zhao Guangjun;
Women’s Daily
: Headland, p. 225;
‘The 20th century’
: Jin Yi, p. 79;
‘What will be the future’
: Conger, p. 336;
in five figures
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2005, vol. 2, p. 1367; Morse, vol. 3, p. 416
incentives for studying abroad
: Zhang Zhidong, vol. 2, pp. 1430–1; vol. 3, pp. 1593–4; Shu Xincheng (ed.), pp. 231–5; Kong Xiangji & Murata Yujiro 2004, pp. 308–13; Kong Xiangji 1998, p. 76;
In Japan alone
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2008, vol. 2, p. 1526; Yang Tianshi, p. 262;
Revolutionary Army
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
, vol. 1, p. 331ff.; Huang Hu, p. 89
She refused to listen
: Fang Hanqi et al., p. 21; Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
, vol. 1, p. 481;
hundreds of titles
: Huang Hu, pp. 85, 89;
Yuan assailed
: Fang Hanqi et al., pp. 42–4;
‘all existing laws’
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 28, no. 402;
‘death by a thousand cuts’ abolished
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 31, no. 192;
torture prohibited
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 31, no. 197; Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 5, pp. 5328–32, 5342–3, 5356–9
Ministry of Commerce
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 29, nos 314, 1294; Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 5, pp. 5015–6, 5091, 5122–3; Sun Yutang (ed.), vol. 2, no. 1, p.637ff.;
‘50 million’
: Sun Yutang (ed.), vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 640–2;
expositions abroad
: Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), pp. 5015–16;
Cixi footed the bill
: Lin Keguang et al., p. 362
331 ‘
nearly 30 or 40%

: Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 5, p. 5593;
‘If we show’
: Song Yanli;
decree to eradicate opium
: Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 5, pp. 5593–6;
observed Morse
: Morse, vol. 3, p. 437;
Britain readily responded
: Morse, vol. 3, pp. 437–9
Cixi had photos taken
: Dan; Rongling, pp. 16–7;
Hubert Vos claim
New York Times
, 17 December 1905;
Hart meeting with Cixi
: Hart,
, vol. 2, pp. 1304–5
75 by 60 centimetres
: Lin Jing, p. 25
to foreign heads of states
Los Angeles Times
, 13 November 1904; Natong, vol. 1, pp. 518–19, 535, 539, 547;
‘forty years instead of seventy’
Washington Post
, 26 February 1905;
Atlanta Constitution
, 26 February 1905;
Ren Jingfeng
: the name of the laboratory – Fung Tai Photographer – was written on the frames, in the archives of the Freer Gallery, Washington; Cheng Jihua et al. (eds), vol. 1, pp. 13–4;
Tan Xinpei
: Xu Baoheng, vol. 1, p. 141; Ding Ruqin, pp. 245–6, 255;
China’s first film
: Cheng Jihua et al. (eds), vol. 1, p. 14;
British had given a projector
: Cheng Jihua et al. (eds), vol. 1, p. 10;
Takano Bunjiro
: Kecskes;
‘sitting side by side’
: S
, fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, 1905, Library of the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing
photo to Japanese diplomat
: Kong Xiangji & Murata Yujiro 2011, p. 270;
‘loved her’
: Buck, Foreword;
lanterns outside Qianmen
: Xu Baoheng, vol. 1, p. 152;
‘In driving through’
: Conger, p. 319;
Cixi considered abolishing eunuch-keeping
: Kong Xiangji & Murata Yujiro 2011, p. 276
336 ‘
They sat down

: Headland, p. 98;
minister interpreted on knees
: Conger, p. 221;
One day the rainwater
: Rongling, p. 39;
Cixi watched the rain
: Du Zhongjun, p. 432;
court painters
: Rongling, p. 38
337 ‘
In that case

: Rongling, p. 13;
‘blandly insolent remarks’
: Roosevelt Longworth, p. 100;
‘He stood between us’
: Roosevelt Longworth, pp. 99–100
riding a tricycle
: Rongling, p. 42;
did not try a car
: Rongling, p. 42; Carl, pp. 290–1
Chapter 29 The Vote! (1905–8)
339 ‘
In foreign countries

: Sheng Xuanhuai, vol. 2, p. 653;
‘England is’
: Der Ling 2004, p. 277
Ta Kung Pao
: Fang Hanqi et al., pp. 31–2;
‘study their political systems’
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vol. 1, p. 1;
‘from the apex’
: Morse, vol. 3, p. 441
341 ‘
high hopes

: Dai Hongci, p. 314; First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 31, no. 722;
Zaize audience
: Zaize, p. 685;
epoch-making proclamation
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vol. 1, pp. 43–4;
Liang Qichao
: Liang Qichao 2008, p. 240
draft outline of constitution
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vol. 1, pp. 54–67;
the future parliament
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vol. 2, pp. 627–37;
draft Electoral Regulation
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vol. 2, pp. 667–84;
the franchise
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vol. 2, pp. 671–3
Cixi asked for a timetable
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vol. 2, pp. 683–4;
Prince Ching against schedule
: Kong Xiangji 1998, p. 78;
Officials opposed vote
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vols 1 and 2,
nine-year timetable
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vol. 1, pp. 61–7
timetable inscribed on plaques
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vol. 1, p. 68; Kong Xiangji 1998, p. 79;
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979b, vol. 1, p. 68;
Martin’s comments
: Martin 2005, pp. 197–9
Chapter 30 Coping with Insurgents, Assassins and the Japanese (1902–8)
346 ‘
advantageous for China

: Yun Yuding, in Kong Xiangji 2001, p. 387;
Her diplomats
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2008, vol. 2, pp. 1466–78
contemplated appointing Zhang to Grand Council
: e.g. Mao Haijian 2005, pp. 186–209;
‘these flames’
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
, vol. 2, pp. 501–22, 554–8; vol. 3, pp. 221–5, 272ff.;
‘to slaughter every Manchu’
: Xu Zaiping & Xu Ruifang, p. 188; photograph of the testimony in Palace Museum (ed.) 2002, vol. 11, p. 179
Qiu Jin
: Xu Zaiping & Xu Ruifang, pp. 191–9; Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
, vol. 3, pp. 37–46, 92–7, 187–214; Xia Xiaohong, pp. 289–302; Fu Guoyong;
press not suppressed
: cf. Xu Zaiping & Xu Ruifang, pp. 191–9; Xia Xiaohong, p. 294; Zhejiang 1911 Revolution Study Association & Zhejiang Provincial Library (eds.), p. 393;
Cixi endorsed Qiu handling
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
, vol. 3, pp. 187–214;
‘no general disorders’
New York Times
, 16 November 1908
Nakanishi Shigetaro
: Tōten Miyazaki, pp. 220, 223;
A public decree charged Shen
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 29, no. 697;
Shen death by bastinado
: Kong Xiangji 1998, p. 58;
newspapers’ readers revolted
: Fang Hanqi et al., p. 45;
Western outrage
: Hart,
, vol. 2, pp. 1374–5; Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
, vol. 1, pp. 432, 478
declared that she loathed
: Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 5, pp. 5329–32;
: Zhu Shoupeng (ed.), vol. 5, p. 5191;
Discussions about pardoning Liang
: Li Yongsheng;
Luo, bomb operator
: Liang Qichao 2008, p. 224; Li Yongsheng. (cf. Jin Liang 1998, p. 20);
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
, vol. 1, pp. 286–307; First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 1996, vol. 29, no. 697; Kong Xiangji 1998, pp. 54–7; Sang Bing, p. 335
: Liang Qichao 2008, pp. 206, 225, 241; Sang Bing, pp. 338–40; Kong Xiangji 1998, pp. 68–71; Li Yongsheng;
‘Nothing could exceed’
: Freeman-Mitford, pp. 193, 198
352 ‘
Don’t make any move

: Li Yongsheng;
‘See if she is alive’
: Der Ling 2004, pp. 234–5
Count Witte
: Witte, pp. 107–9;
prayed privately
: Carl, pp. 207–8; Der Ling 2004, p. 269
354 ‘
the tidiness of the streets

: Fang Hanqi et al., pp. 15–16;
‘the ultimate goal’
: Sun Ruiqin (tr.), vol. 3, pp. 28, 35;
Yang Ki-Tak
: Cockburn;
Kaiser sent a message
: Sun Ruiqin (tr.), vol. 3, 39; cf. Rohl
355 ‘
yellow peril

: the Kaiser’s interview with Dr William Hale, 19 July 1908, in Rohl, Appendix 2, pp. 345–7;
‘It’s a year now’
: Sun Ruiqin (tr.), vol. 3, pp. 38, 48; the Kaiser’s interview with Dr William Hale, 19 July 1908, in Rohl, Appendix 2, p. 347;
emissary to America
: Sun Ruiqin (tr.), vol. 3, pp. 44–9

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