Forever (This #5) (6 page)

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Authors: J. B. McGee

BOOK: Forever (This #5)
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The light bounces from his eyes, making them glimmer. “Well, I thought I’d surprise you.”

“Mmm hmm. What about this cute little thing, though?” I hold the apron up with my pinky.

Taking it from my hands, he tosses it to the same place he dropped my sweater. “Later. You can wear that after. Or nothing, if you prefer.”

I giggle. “Okay.”

“Okay, you’ll wear nothing, or okay, you’ll wear it after?”

“I’ll do whatever you want me to do…whatever you tell me to do, Mr. Banks. And I mean that in more ways than one. Now, kiss me.”

He caresses my cheek with one hand while he places the other behind my neck, threading his fingers in my hair. “You’re beautiful, Gabby Girl.” He pulls me closer, starting to dance, but there’s no music.

My cheeks redden. After all this time, I should be used to compliments, especially from him. He is always sweet-talking me. I love it, but they still make me blush every single time. I know I’m the luckiest girl in the world to be the object of his affection. “Time’s ticking.” I lean into his touch.

He smirks, letting his hand slip down and taking mine into his before twirling me. “Anxious, eh?”

I nod. When I slam against his hard body, I grip the waistband of his already loose sweats hanging perfectly on his hips—just below the V I love so much—and begin to slide them down his legs, causing him to still completely. I never let my eyes leave his as I begin to plant kisses on his chest. “You’re always so generous. You’re always planning…” When I get to his pelvis, I free him and kiss the tip of his length, then smile. “Don’t you think it’s my turn to be the one with the surprises for a change?”

He swallows hard before placing his hands on the back of my head, gently pushing me down his shaft and filling my mouth. Even though we’ve been together for almost two years, I’ve never done this. I’ve always wanted to, but I was too shy. Tonight, I’m feeling confident and bold. Having his most intimate part, hard as steel yet delicate and tender, in my mouth is empowering. This is love and trust. His fingers swirl in my hair as he guides me up and down. I’m doing everything in my power to not gag even though I like this. My mouth isn’t big enough for him. I swirl my tongue around as my head bobs up and down, and his breathing becomes more hoarse and ragged. My eyes bulge.
Is he actually going to come in my mouth?
Clearly, I haven’t thought this out well enough. I pull back, licking around the tip, and quickly replace my mouth with my hand. He tries to push my mouth back down, but I’m not ready for that yet, so I vigorously shake my head from side to side, which is not good timing. Not at all. My wide eyes meet his as he lets go all over my face. He sucks in a deep breath. “Fuck, Gabby.”

Giggles start pouring out of me at the same pace the sticky, salty stuff is being slung all over me. “Sorry.” When he’s done, he positions his chin between his thumb and pointer finger while nibbling his lower lip. “What? Are you mad?”

“Am I mad? You’re kidding, right? I’ll never be able to get this picture out of my mind. I’m trying to decide whether to cut the food off, put you on the counter, and devour you.”


“Or whether to send you to the shower while I finish dinner.”

Reaching for a paper towel, I wipe my face. My stomach rumbles. “I think my body just spoke for itself. Maybe we could have fun on the counter for dessert?”

I peek down as his yogurt slinger twitches and springs back to life.
Yogurt slinger?
I begin to laugh so hard tears seep from the sides of my eyes, and I wrap my arms around my stomach to ease the cramping. Not sure where that came from, but sometimes I do crack myself up.

“What’s so funny?”

“I just named your penis.”

“Excuse me?” He raises an eyebrow and grins that panty melting smirk of his.

“Yeah. Chaos.”

He chuckles while pulling his pants back to his hips. “I’m not following.”

“Well, your penis is a yogurt slinger. Like a Greek yogurt slinger. That’s some potent stuff. A little goes a long way. Nothing sweet about it, either. That was like eating sour salt.” Which is why I must pour myself a glass of wine stat. Because while I love to please him, and that was like something out of a porno, I can’t get that taste out of my mouth fast enough.
Do women really like that stuff?

“What made you come up with Chaos?”

“I was obsessed with Greek gods when I was little.” I hold the bottle of red wine over his glass. “More?” He nods. “You know, I love to read. All the other kids would be outside playing, and I was inside with my nose stuck in a book.”

“Yep, my little bookworm. We should have married in a library.”

I smile. That wouldn’t have been a bad idea. “Anyway, Chaos in Greek mythology is the origin of everything and the first thing to exist. Eros was one of the gods that was born from Chaos, and Eros is love. Your little yogurt slinger made me think of Greek yogurt, which made me think of Chaos, which brought me back to love. Kinda like that children’s book
, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
. It all came full circle for me.” I take a sip of my wine, then put the glass down and unclasp my bra, shimmy my jeans and underwear to the floor, and use my toes to remove my socks.

Bradley inhales deeply. “Dammit. We’re never going to eat.”

Reaching down, I pick up my new apron and put it on. “No. We’re going to eat soon because I can’t wait for dessert.” The ties are so long they have to be wrapped around my waist twice, then they tie in the front. I twirl. The name suits this thing. This makes the biggest tomboy feel flirty. “So...”

He closes the distance between us, wraps his arms around my waist, and brushes his lips against mine. “I love you, Gabby. How did I ever get so lucky?”

“I ask myself that same thing every single day.”

He kisses my forehead. “So my penis is now named Chaos?”

“Ha. Yes!”

“I think it’s perfect.” He rubs his nose against mine. “Like you.”

“Gabby Girl. Wake up. We can’t sleep the day away today.” Bradley’s front is against my back, his leg wrapped between mine, and his arm draped over me. He takes my breast into his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “As tempting as that may be.”

Now I’m awake, ready, and my full attention belongs to him. Except, I think the kind of attention I want to give him is different from what he wants at this particular moment. “Why can’t we stay in bed all day?”

“Because we’ve got sexy memories to make.” He moves my hair to the side and nuzzles my neck.

“Uh huh. You’re off to a great start. Keep going.”

“If I keep going, I’m never gonna want to get out of bed, but your skin in the morning is so touchable…so kissable.”

I roll over. “You’re the guy. You never turn down sex.”


“I’ve never once had to ask for it. You’re going to make me beg, aren’t you?” I pull his lips into mine. “That’s my idea of making sexy memories.”

“Are you pouting?”

I bat my lashes. “Sam’s always saying I’m spoiled and will pout until I get my way.”

His finger pulls my bottom lip out from under my teeth. I haven’t even realized I was biting it. “You’re adorable when you pout. You know that?”

“Uh huh.”

His hand drifts down between my legs. I open them as he slides his finger over and around. It’s so sensitive in the morning. I try to tell him, but my breathing hitches. Nothing comes out of my mouth when my lips part.

“I loved what you did last night in the kitchen.” He trails kisses from my neck to my breasts, then to my stomach, and finally to my core, but instead of stopping, he keeps going, licking his way down my inner thighs. “And I can’t get it out of my head.”

“I know. I will never be able to look at our kitchen the same ever again.” Bradley’s pasta was homemade perfection right down to the al dente of the fettuccine. That was barely a blip on the radar in comparison to the appetizer and dessert. Dessert, which was my warm body against the cool granite countertops while Bradley dressed me up as his own personal ice cream sundae. After we were sticking together like superglue, he ran us a relaxing, warm bath before we came to bed. I hope there’s more dessert in the future.
Near future
. “You’re going to make me beg
you’re teasing me?”

“You’ve been oh so naughty.”

My insides twist. “I think you liked me being naughty.”

“No, I loved it.”

His head is in the perfect spot for me to thread my fingers through his soft black hair. I massage his head as he makes his way back up my body, stopping to kiss me at my most intimate part—like I did for him last night. I gasp as his tongue flicks from side to side before entering me. His hands are gripping my hips. My limbs go lax, and my eyes roll backward.

He stops. Dang it. He’s killing me. “Watch me, Gabby.” My eyes flash open, locking with his. “Watch me like I did you last night.”

With each movement he pushes me closer to the edge. He doesn’t speak another word because that would require stopping, I’m sure, but he doesn’t have to say a word. Every second that passes tells me everything I need to know. The way he looks at me makes me feel like the most cherished girl in the world. He’s making love to me with his eyes just as much as he is with his mouth. And actions speak so much louder than any word I’ve yet to hear.

My fingers grasp his short, messy locks tighter as a moan escapes and my breathing gets heavier. “Bradley, I’m about to. Do you want me to?”

He grunts increasing his pace, squeezing me tighter, and I know that’s the permission I need. Waves of sensation pulse through my body, and even though I want to close my eyes, I’m trying to stay focused on him as I come down from the gift he just gave me. “I love you.”

He kisses my thighs and then my stomach. “I love you so much.” He inserts Chaos. I can’t contain my laughter. Will I ever be able to think about his penis without laughing like a giddy school girl?

“What’s so funny?”

“Chaos. Maybe one day I’ll be able to think about it…him…without laughing, but I’m not there yet.”

He smirks, shaking his head as he pushes into me. He squeezes his eyes closed. “Chaos loves his home. You feel so damn good.”

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I take him in deeper as he pulls my breast in his mouth. With every thrust we are in perfect harmony. I kiss his shoulders, his neck, his ear, wanting to be with him in every way possible. Electricity surges through my body as the friction of our connection intensifies. Our pants and groans both increase, and our ragged breaths are synchronized. He pushes into me one last time as I toss my head back and let the pleasure consume my quaking body. His forehead rests on mine, and he stills in me, but I feel the pulsation of his own orgasm. Bradley’s lips brush mine, then he kisses my forehead. “I’m glad you talked me into this, but can we get ready so we can make my sexy memories? Shower?”

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