Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945 (82 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Ally: China's World War II, 1937-1945
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Nanjing: abandoned,



; Chiang orders defense of,
; collaborationist government in.
Reorganized Government; Du Zhongyuan on,
; Durdin on defense and massacre of,

; fall of,

; foreign community in,

; historical and symbolic importance of,

; International Safety Zone Committee,




; Japanese bomb,

; “last stand” against Japanese,

; massacre of,


; as National Government capital,

; Tang Shengzhi commands defense of,



Nanning: Japanese capture,

National Government.
See also
Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT): as anti-British,
; blockades CCP-controlled areas,

; CCP cooperates with,




; censorship by,
; Chiang Ching-kuo and deficiencies of,

; Chiang heads,


; Chongqing as capital of,


; civilian resentment of,


; and civilian welfare programs,






; competes with CCP,

; corruption in,



; denies responsibility for breaching of dikes,

; deteriorating authority of,




; deteriorating relations with US,


; Development and Relief Committee,
; flag of,

; and food supply,

; and health care,

; human rights abuses by,
; and industrial shortages,

; and inflation,

; Japan fears,

; Japan issues ultimatum to,
; levies taxes in kind,


; maintains contact with Reorganized Government,


; Military Affairs Commission,
; military command relocates to Wuhan,

; Military Investigation and Statistics Bureau,
; military spending by,

; Nanjing as capital of,

; National Defense Council,
; National Political Consultative Council,
; nationalizes critical industries,
; postwar strategy of,

; proposed coalition with CCP,

; reaction to defections,
; relations with Nazi Germany,
; relationship with US,

; retreats to Taiwan,

; revenue shortages,
; Roosevelt criticizes,
; seeks foreign support for war,


; and social and economic instability,


; and social reforms,

; Soviet military support of,


; Tao in,
; US supports,
; use of terrorism and torture by,

; Wang in,


; wartime propaganda efforts by,


; Xu Wancheng on,

; Zhou Fohai as secret agent for,


National Revolutionary Army (NRA),
; captures Shanghai,
; casualties at Shanghai,

; casualties in Henan,
; Central Army,

; Chiang orders retreat of,


; Chiang reforms,


; civilians attack,

; clashes with Red Army,


; cooperates with Red Army,

; corruption in,


; exhaustion of,
; Fifth Army,

; 55th Division,
; forces abandoned in Burma,

; lack of cooperation among commanders in,
; Mao and defeat of,
; morale declines in,
; nears collapse,
; 96th Division,
; recruitment and conscription by,

; Sixth Army,

; Stilwell commands forces of,

; 13th Army,
; 38th Army,
; 38th Division,
; 29th Army,
; 22nd Division,
; 200th Division,
; unifies China,

; “X Force,”
; “Y Force,”

Nationalist Party.
Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)

native-place associations,

Nehru, Jawaharlal,


New Citizen Movement,

New Culture Movement,


New Life Movement,

Nine-Power Conference (1937),

Nishio Toshizô,

Nixon, Richard,

Noguchi Yonejirô,

Nomonhan: battle in (1939),

Nomura Kichisaburô,

Northeast National Salvation Society,

Northern Expedition (1926–28),




Office of Strategic Services (OSS): and CCP,
; in China,

; Dai’s relationship with,

; friction with SACO,


Office of War Information (OWI),

Okada Keisuke,

Okamura Yasuji,


Okinawa: US captures,

Okuma Shigenobu,

“On New Democracy” (Mao),


“On Protracted War” (Mao),

One Person’s War of Resistance
(Fan Jianchuan),

Operation Buccaneer,

Operation Ichigô,


; effects on civilian population,


Operation Overlord,
; planning of,



Operation Ugô: in Burma,

opium trade,
; effects on China,


Opium Wars,



P-40 Warhawk (aircraft),

Pan-Asianism: Japan promotes,


(ship): Japanese sink,

Patel, Vallabhai,

Pearl Harbor: Japan attacks,

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