From Fed Up to Fabulous: Real stories to inspire and unite women worldwide (7 page)

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Authors: Mickey Roothman,Aen Turner,Kristine Overby,Regan Hillyer,Ruth Coetzee,Shuntella Richardson,Veronica Sosa

BOOK: From Fed Up to Fabulous: Real stories to inspire and unite women worldwide
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Chapter 4. You absolutely can have it all - Regan Hillyer

is a Serial Entrepreneur, Investor, Mindset Coach and Author of the bestselling book "Be Your Brand".

My name is Regan Hillyer and I am here to tell you that you ABSOLUTELY can have it ALL, in WHATEVER way that looks like for you, on your terms!

I am an international speaker, a bestselling author, a kick-ass coach and I undoubtedly have a powerful message.

I believe that YOU also have a powerful message to shake the world with.

I believe that you have greatness within you.

I believe that you’re only operating at most likely, less than 10% of your true performance potential.

I believe that you can have it all, on your terms and you can have it NOW.

I also believe that you don’t wake up just having it all, you MUST do the inner and outer work required to achieve your desired success.

Everyone has a story, and know right now, that there is power in your story. Your story is what has led you up to exactly this point, reading this incredible book right now. And the good news is, if you don’t like your story, you can decide to change your future story at any point.

For me, my story is not one of being completely broke, drunk and living on the streets, instead, everything was just “average”. Ultimately I had mastered the art of being average. Average money, average lifestyle, average health, average relationships… the list goes on.

It is with immense gratitude that I write that I was blessed to have an incredible upbringing. I went to a great school in Auckland, New Zealand, had (and still have) an amazing family who loves me and one thing’s for sure, I have ALWAYS worked my butt off.

Achieving success in life and business at such a young age, I’m often asked how much was handed to me.

The answer - nothing.

Although my family were extremely supportive, I was always conditioned to believe that I had to work to create my own success in every area of my life. So guess what, I did just THAT!

I was the girl who tried to do it all right. I worked hard at school, got great grades and went to university (I have a degree in both music and in architecture believe it or not!). I worked hard at university but it was only half way through my first year of study that the feeling started to kick in.

That feeling, deep inside you.

That feels like a pull, a nudge and eventually it turns into a stab.

It’s uncomfortable.
it’s emotional.

And you just know.

DEEP down inside you, you know,

That you’re not on the right path.

Everything started flashing through my head.

Where would I be in 5 years time, 10 years, 25 years?
What would my life look like?

My job?

Did I even want a job?

My money working in that job?

My impact?

My lifestyle?



My head was spinning.

What the HELL was I doing here.

I had to get out.


But what?

What else would I do?

What were my options?

I was stuck in this degree because I had NO idea as to what I really wanted to do,

Or, who I really want to be.


And then it started.

The endless journey of personal development and diving deep,

Deep into, ME.


Course after course after course.

Seminar after seminar after seminar.

Books, SO many books!

Coaches, mentors.

Time, money, LOTS of money.
I’ve spent over $350,000 on personal development, mentors and coaches as I write this. And in fact, it’s probably more, because recently I stopped counting…


And I became addicted to the journey, the process.

I became addicted to working on my mindset and seeing fast, if not INSTANT shifts and results.

Money, lifestyle, impact, relationships, health, it was ALL shifting.

And it was shifting faster than most people could fathom.

Except me, I already KNEW where I was headed, I KNEW what I was creating and I already EXPECTED everything that was showing up in my life to show up!

Addicted to change, I began not only working on creating my own change, but helping other people implement their own change in their life.

It was at this point that one thing became completely apparent to me: Success is COMPLETELY related to your mindset, and your ability to condition your mind.

In the past, when I had been going to courses and not seeing results, I was focusing purely on the strategy, the “how”, and I was frustrated when things never seemed to work out.

It wasn’t until I began working DAILY on my success mindset that everything began to shift.

I had finally broken through to realize that success is over 80% mindset and only 20% strategy.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in the day, everyone has the same opportunity to “make it” in this world, but it’s what you CHOOSE to do that counts and ultimately your MINDSET will determine the extent of your results and your success.


My clients were getting incredible results through every area of their lives and in turn, my business was growing bigger and bigger.

Before I knew it, I was speaking to large rooms of people, travelling constantly and I had more clients than I could deal with, I was turning people away.


On the outside everything looked great.

I had this perfect life.

Extensive financial abundance.

A growing business.

My health was great.

An incredible partner (that I’m currently engaged to).  

I was travelling constantly.

I was impacting thousands.


Yet something wasn’t right.

I remember standing outside one of the rooms I was about to speak in. There were hundreds of people eagerly waiting for me to walk in.


And I remember, the feeling was back,

The pull, the nudge, the stab…

And I thought to myself “I don’t want to go in…”


Seriously Regan.
People would KILL to have this level of success.


And after extensive sessions with my coaches (you can never see your own blind spots), I realized that I wanted more.

I wanted to impact people GLOBALLY, in a smarter way, that was more leveraged and which required LESS of my time.

I wanted to be impacting people at any time of the day or night, share my true message, in whatever way I chose. I wanted to do it from anywhere in the world I chose, completely location free, on my terms.


I was ready to go to the next level.

So, I did.


As I sit here today writing this in Bali, Indonesia, I am immensely grateful.

Regan Hillyer International is a global, online empire, that I have built and developed from scratch. Our team is located literally all over the world, all working location free - not trapped in an office, and each day (thanks to social media, technology and the internet) we impact thousands.

Personally, I have never been more aligned, more satisfied, and more excited about what I know is unfolding over the next few years.

Knowing that we have helped and are helping so many people do the inner work and condition their success mindset, as well as giving them the actual strategy to unlock their true message and create their own online empire, is THE best feeling in the world.


So as a part of my contribution to this book I was asked to contribute two key things, over and above my story. If you haven’t taken away two key things from my chapter yet then you need to go back and read it again, as there were nuggets and truth bombs dropped ALL THROUGH that section.

However, here you go:


My NUMBER 1 piece of advice that I have for people who are in a similar place to where I started out:


Here it is:

Screw the rules.


That’s my advice.

Screw the freaking rules!

There ARE no rules! - Only the rules that we imprint upon ourselves.


Ask yourself, what do you TRULY desire?

What makes you itch?

What makes your heart beat?

What makes you so freaking excited that you can’t stop thinking about it?




You need to go and do that.


You absolutely CAN have it ALL in EVERY area of your life.

You don’t have to sacrifice the money for the family, or your health for the money.

If you do the correct inner work and implement the correct strategies then watch EVERYTHING unfold right before your eyes.


Too many people dull down their dreams.

They create their own limits which in turn limits their own success, happiness and fulfillment.


Let's take money as an easy example.

Let's say you have a dream of creating a million dollars a year - actually, that’s too common these days… Let's say you have a dream of creating a HUNDRED million dollars a year.



Yes I felt that.

That internal reaction.

That slight uncomfortable feeling.

The self talk that says “I can’t do that” or, “That’s impossible” or “But I don’t know how”.


Well… Are there other people who have created 100 million dollars a year?

Okay let me answer that for you - YES, yes there are many people who have done that.





You do not have the life you desire simply because of the limits you are choosing to create for yourself.


Quit worrying about how it’s going to happen,

Quit worrying about whether or not you’re worthy of it,

Quit worrying about if it’s too big a goal,

Go and get a coach, do the inner work, and then go and make it happen.



If you are a good little boy or a good little girl and follow the rules, simply put, you will end up a product of the rules.

You will become a product of the rules of society:

Working 40+ hours a week,

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