Halloween Submission

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Authors: Bonnie Bliss

Tags: #sadomasochism, #short story, #bonnie bliss, #BDSM, #irish wolf publishing

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“Such a pretty Kitty you are.”


“I have always wanted to spank Catwoman. You’re not focused are you?” He was shaking his head.

Her body shivered. She wanted this, but not with him. She wanted it with the stranger—with Tom. Lucy knew more than anything she could place her fantasy in the arms of this leather clad Adonis. Robert had been a means to an end all those months ago, a body to suck out the stress and pain through his Sadistic edge.

“On your knees! Crawl to the bench, you know which one, don’t look at me that way.”

She averted her gaze. Her head dropped in respect. The new focus of her attention—it went right to the man at the door. He had gotten closer though, having actually stepped into the room. The heat of his gaze penetrated her to the very core and shot straight to her pussy. The walls of her vagina clenched. Lucy sucked in a deep breath as warm fingers pressed against her chin and lifted her head. Looking at Robert felt wrong somehow. She kept her thoughts on the mystery man in black. It was him. He gave her the mind set to put Tom in Robert’s place.

“On the bench, Kitty. You know the drill.”

She did. God, did she know the drill. Every hair on her body felt lifted. Her heart pounded and she started to tingle from head to toe. Even her scalp took on the effect. Nipples puckered in the tight confines of the corset; hidden to the riveted gaze of the stranger watching her. This was her test. To show him how beautiful her submission was. That was all she needed now to wash away the stress and exhaustion from the long shift at the hospital. She wanted it so bad to be Tom, but she settled for the fantasy as she laid her body across the padded branch. Her breasts, if they were free, would be dangling off either side. Robert didn’t bind her. The man knew how to keep a woman bound with the power of his authority and his voice.

In her line of vision came a beautiful paddle. It was thick dark wood, oiled to shine. On one side the word naughty was etched. That was for moments with one good swat; a reminder spanking. This was something else entirely. It was a show, a game. Robert knew, she knew, and the man watching knew this was all for him. Lucy definitely wiggled her ass, still covered in sheer lace.

“How many Kitty?”

“Eight,” said without hesitation.

She could feel his smile as Robert rubbed his suddenly scalding palm against her buttock.

“Such a pretty Kitty you are.”

The hand was gone. Pulses sounded off loud in her ear. It seemed like hours before the shot of pain vibrated through her flesh, exploding out of her in a moan that came out as it was supposed to.


Sweet euphoric bliss settled into the heat that now simmered in her ass cheeks. Two and three came quickly, to the top of her thighs. The sting mixed with dull pain made her whimper out the count. The fourth came to a lower spot on her left thigh. Her fingers started to curl up. Her toes were like shriveled things in her high heels. The man was watching. He was now standing in front of her, a few steps away, causing an orgasm to rise to the surface as if she would boil over.



Copyright 2012 by Bonnie Bliss

Content Advisory: the below may contain graphic material of a sexual nature, adult situations, sexual reference, explicit sexual description, and depiction of alternative lifestyles.

Bonnie Bliss. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental. No portion of this work may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the author.


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Cover Design by Defy Gravity Designs Formatting by Mr Bliss Published by

Irish Wolf Publishing


Praise for Bondage on the 4
of July “Oh goodness Bonnie Bliss took a family BBQ and dirtied it up!!” ~ KcLu (Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews) “I loved the contrast of the big family party going on while Kenny and Brad are tying up Millie and exploring her submissive nature.” ~ Becs (Sinfully Sexy Books) “This is a light, funny, sexy tale and I enjoyed it! No deep, dark secrets, nothing compelling or angsty, just an entertaining story.” UniquelyMoi
(Blithely Bookish) “Hot! Hot! Hot! Bonnie Bliss has created a fun and sexy story.” Lacey Wolf (Romance Author)

“Longing. Heat, passion, desire, 2 of her own men in uniform , fireworks!!!” Simona Wright (Amazon Review)



Halloween Submission

Chapter 1

Lucy Morgan watched as the thick dark coffee filled up the glass carafe. Her lips parted, and the sound of exhaustion filled the small break room. It always amused Lucy that they called it a break room. There were no breaks as an Emergency Room nurse. Drawing in a deep breath, Lucy looked up at the clock on the wall. Her hazy mind tried to wrap around how many hours she had been at work this shift. It was going on forty eight hours. She would be home and snuggled in bed by midnight. Two hours to go. Well, she hoped that would be the case. Lucy closed her eyes tight. She pinched the bridge of her nose and tried to clear the burn that set into her tired, dry eyes. A light jingle went off at her hip. As she started to pour the fresh coffee into the Styrofoam cup, the tendrils of steam lifted to her nose and alerted her to the sounds and sensations around her.

She grabbed at her hip. Pulling the little device free she flashed the screen to function and it was the nurse’s station. That could mean only one thing—an emergency was on the way. Resigned to the fact that she would be in this building for perhaps another twenty-four hours, she headed out and down the hall. As she rounded the corner, Ella Thomas, the head nurse, gave her a look of sympathy. She didn’t need sympathy. What she needed was a solid eight hours of sleep.

Pursing her lips, she came around to the back of the counter and leaned her full backside against the ledge.

“Well, what you got for me, Ella?”

“A fire broke out, we have about eight victims. Three of them are children. One is seriously injured—“she turned around before she finished and tried to the hide the amusement in her gaze. “Tom Newton called ahead. He asked for you specifically. Said that the injured boy wouldn’t let him leave his side, and he needed you to tend to him.”

Just the name Tom Newton woke her up far more than the caffeinated drink still steaming in her palm. He was the one man she wanted, needed. He was also the one man she knew she couldn’t have. There were reasons. One being her particular taste in sexual activities, the other being he was her best friend’s brother. That alone made him off limits. Even if Millie relentlessly told her how good she would be for Tom. When they were off work, the three of them were always hanging out together. They just clicked. Lucy couldn’t help but wonder how it would be if she did pursue Tom. Would he run for the hills like all the other men she asked to anally fuck her, while they spanked her ass?


She couldn’t think about any of this anymore. Halloween was right around the corner, and it was their busiest time of the year. She would no doubt get called in on her days off. Lucy needed to focus on getting out of here and getting some sleep.

“I guess I will just have to get moving then, won’t I.” It was a statement, not a question.

The look in Ella’s eyes screamed that she knew exactly what Lucy was thinking. She averted her gaze and took one final gulp of the scalding liquid. Lucy was used to chugging the hot beverage and didn’t even register the heat. With a resigned demeanor, her limbs running off fumes she headed off to prep the E.R. and get cleaned up. She just finished drying her hands on the large towel, when the E.R. outer doors burst open and commotion broke out.

Lucy didn’t walk, she ran. If she gave herself one thing, once the shit hit the fan, adrenaline kicked in and she could handle anything that came at her. Lucy weaved through the three stretchers that came barreling at her. Blowing the stray bangs from her face, she tried to hunt down Tom in the chaos. As she stepped out of the way of a fourth stretcher coming at her, she spun to avoid it and slammed right into the man of the hour.

Strong fingers curled into her upper arm. She took in a deep breath. He smelled like fire. It wasn’t a bad thing. Lucy tended to associate it with heat, sex, and hot leather. Her mind flashed a brief image of him in leathers and nothing else. Lucy took a step back and looked down. His free hand, the one that hadn’t been grabbing her, wasn’t so free once she looked. A little boy aged about seven or eight gazed up at him with hero envy and pain. The agony burned deep into her soul once she realized the extent of his wounds. Licking her lips, she moved to his side and started to do a visual run down of his body.

“40% burns Tom. Did you know this?”

“Yes, I knew you would be careful. He hasn’t let go of me since I found him. He was under his bed, it was already on fire. By the time I got to him…” he hesitated.

Lucy looked back down at the poor child, his eyes still on Tom. The side of his face looked like it was burned. She bent at the waist; her eyes scanning the flesh. Lucy realized it was just soot. His skin had reddened from the heat. Her eyes roamed over the rest of his exposed body. His right arm was a mess. The possibility of skin grafting looked high. She didn’t want to move him until a doctor arrived. Lucy looked back up at Tom. His eyes were blood shot, his breathing still erratic. It looked as if he was panting. Lucy reached out. Her fingers lightly brushed his arm.

“I got him Tom. We have to get him to a room now. The doctor needs to determine the extent of damage.”

The boy obviously heard. He whimpered and gripped Tom more tightly.

“What’s his name?”

“Timothy. Timmy”

Lucy nodded and smiled down at the boy.

“Timmy. I’m Lucy, I’m a nurse. Tom here is my best friend in the whole world. He brought me to you. I’m the one that can make all that burn go away. If you will let me…” She let her eyes drop to his. Tender and affectionately she brushed her fingers through the boy’s singed bangs.

He started to loosen his fingers.

“You don’t have to worry, Timmy. Tom will come back to check up on you. He might even bring you something from the fire department.” She looked up at Tom, “Won’t you Tom?”

He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. A conflict of emotions raged in his sea blue eyes. They looked tired, in pain, and exhaustion filled those sapphire depths.

“Tom?” She coaxed him.

He seemed to shake off his thoughts.

“Yes, yes. Timmy, listen to me. Lucy here has taken care of me more than once. She is the best nurse in the whole world,” he looked at her. “She is also a magical princess. So go with her. She will take very good care of you.”

Small, still chubby fingers slowly unclenched from Tom’s hand. Once he was free, Lucy gave Tom a look. She had to let him know the poor boy would be okay. Even a mess, straight from a fire, this man looked good. The other nurses fell all over him when he came in to have lunch with her and his sister.

“He will be okay, Tom. I promise.”

“Yeah, yeah I know.” He shook his head.

He gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. His finger stabbed into his thick brown hair.

“Go get cleaned up. I’ll call you when he’s got a room.”

He didn’t say anything. Tom turned from her, and headed out the swinging doors.

Lucy smiled and looked back at Timmy.

“Let’s go get you cleaned up. Do you like ice cream? I love ice cream! None of that yucky jell-o stuff; I’ll go find you some ice cream when we are all taken care of.”

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