Halloween Submission (3 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Bliss

Tags: #sadomasochism, #short story, #bonnie bliss, #BDSM, #irish wolf publishing

BOOK: Halloween Submission
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“Yeah, leaving the bar area free for drinking. The covered area is out of sight of the neighbors. I was thinking the pool area could be for more public display. We could have a couple of scenes throughout the party, free for all. Anyone who wants to get a thrill from being watched in the open can do.”

“Sounds good. I take it you checked the weather forecast. We don’t want subs freezing their asses off.”

“It’s part of the fun buddy, watching all those goose bumps and hard nipples standing to attention.”

“Guess so. Well I think you have it all sorted.”

“Well I’m glad you’re my best friend Tom, you are my right hand when it comes to my party. Well I’ve decided, you get the dungeon tonight.”

“Are you going to pick me a sub too?”

“No, I know what you like but that’s your decision.”

“It’s amazing what a gym bag will get you huh?”

“It’s the contents, not the bag. In all my time as a Dom, I’ve never seen anyone with that unique kink. You are a draw. You make my parties.”

Tom gave his friend a wry grin and took a swig of the beer. It felt good as it went down his throat.

“Now I need you to go down and put the bag in the cellar ready for tonight.”

“Will do, have another beer ready.”

Robert laughed.

Tom lifted his bag and descended the stairs. The walls were painted in neutral shades, continuing down to the basement. The room opened up. It was a Dom’s dream. Robert didn’t scrimp on his house. The lights came on as if by magic and Tom couldn’t help but smile. Tonight, this was his domain.


Chapter 3

Lucy’s gaze went over the provocative costume her friend had gotten for her. She’d slept for about ten hours. It wasn’t enough, not by a long shot. A long shower brought her out of her groggy slump. The costume helped. As she turned to the side, examining her profile, Lucy couldn’t help but thank her friend silently. It was a black corset that brought up her mass of creamy breasts. They nearly spilled over the top of the tight black top. Her legs were encased in sheer black thigh highs, topped with black lace. The sexy stockings were held up by four garters of black satin. Her ass was covered, not well, by black sheer lace boy shorts. It was a cheap attempt at making her look like a cat, it was more like a role-play session in the scene. She had on black sequence cat ears and a soft fuzzy cat tail that swayed with built in wire. She wiggled her ass, turning to the side and watched it move back and forth. Lucy wanted to giggle. No normal cat would look like this. Her gaze took in her full hips, and generous breasts. She was stuck in this curvy body, yet she was petite, and short. Nearly everyone in her life towered over her. This get up, being submissive, made her feel like the sexiest woman alive.

She looked up at her reflection. Her eye make-up was done meticulously. The kohl that lined her eyes swept out to make them very cat like. The shadow was in golden tones. Millie had applied it generously and it made her eyes look like giant emeralds glowing back at her. She looked good. That she couldn’t deny. Her thick blonde hair was curled in a ringlet mass, and brought up to pile atop her head. Little tendrils spilled free, a couple brushing her shoulder. Reaching for the mask her friend had got her, she took a moment to admire it.

It was beautiful.

Where Millie had found something so delicate, yet expensive looking, she didn’t know.

She didn’t ask.

It was black and silver. Tiny little rhinestones swirled with the silver glitter. It covered only the top half of her face. Her lower half would be free. Her lips open to kiss. Lucy let her mind wander to thoughts of Tom. Would he play with her? Would he know it was her? She was ripped from her internal musings as Millie burst through the bathroom door.

“Oh my god! I look so slutty it is hilarious. God I wish Brad was here,” Millie turned around and moved her spill of curls to the side. “Can you zip me, please?”

Lucy smirked as she zipped up the naughty maid uniform Millie had found. She was in six inch hooker heels, and the same thigh highs and garters. Millie bent over and Lucy squealed in shock.

“Is that a thong?”

Millie’s creamy, perfectly shaped bare ass moved out of view as she straightened. Turning to give Lucy a mischievous expression, she shrugged.

“Yes, I mean, there is no reason I can’t get laid. Brad is at war. The man looks at me like I’m thirteen. I still have needs, Lucy.”

“Yeah, but Tom—“

“Tom needs to get over himself. He acts like I’m ten. It’s worse. No, grab that mask, get it on, and let’s get going. I’m hankering for a spanking. Let’s see how bratty I have to be to get one,” she winked and darted out of the room.

Lucy gave herself one last once over. She filled her purse and secured the mask over her face. Letting out a sigh, she turned and followed the sounds of Lucy hollering about how much fun this Halloween would be.


Tom stepped out of the shower. The cold flooring made him rush to the tiny bath rug, where his feet warmed quickly. His taut skin languished under the million water droplets as they slipped down him like tiny streams on a window. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he brushed his damp locks back. He was in a quandary. Firstly, he was tired. His body still ached from the last two days. Secondly, he wasn’t sure he wanted to spend time with a stranger. Sure, Rob would have invited faces he’d know. But he was choosy. Tom had one woman on his mind.

The problem was that things seemed to be working against him tonight. He’d rung Millie twice to cancel. He’d even rung Lucy to see if she was going to the party. But neither of them had picked up. Even Rob’s number was engaged on both occasions he’d rung. It was as if he was meant to go.

The heat in the bathroom began to stifle him. The moisture level was making it hard to breathe. Without drying himself or grabbing a towel, he entered his bedroom. Much better, however the cooler temperature made his skin tremble. His cell phone lay on the bedside table. Blinds first though, he was naked. He didn’t want to startle the couple next door. Tom twisted the rod and closed the slats to the outside world.

Rob would be pissed tomorrow if he didn’t go. Tom sighed, turned and looked at the bed. The black leather pants were carefully laid out. The leather jacket was hung on his chair. If this was a fire situation, he’d be there. His instinct would take over and he’d be through the door, pulling bodies out. Why did women cause so much confusion? He could just stay home, dress in t-shirt and running pants and watch TV.

Fuck it.

Tom picked up his phone. Pressing the lower button, he stirred it into life. The menu lit up. His thumb hovered over the phone icon. Tapping it, he dialed Millie. A few seconds and fifteen dialing tones later brought a hint of frustration. He ended the call and shifted his finger across, bringing up Lucy’s name. Tom stopped and pressed the menu button again. This time he slid his finger to the photo icon and pressed. In the menu he brought up the party album. Lucy’s photo hovered in his vision. She was dressed in a low cut dress. It was Millie’s last birthday. He tapped the picture and made it full screen.

In a few seconds his cock had started to fill with blood. The shaft stiffened and it rose slowly into its favorite erect state. Tom shifted the phone to his left hand and touched himself with his right. The warmth of his cock was like a security blanket. Like an old trusty friend. He held the phone to eye level then sat back on the bed. His legs were apart, his hard cock still in his palm as he started to stroke it. The fingers gripped it tightly. Lucy looked at him, her cleavage arousing him in the cups.

Could it be he doubted himself? The truth of the dilemma wracked his thoughts. He knew full well Lucy was what he wanted. On the other hand, did she want him? It hurt him, it made him feel guilty that he would go to the party and cheat on her with another woman. And yet, he needed the release. He needed to let go. Time had been hard lately. Pressure and work had built up and he also needed rest. He stretched the image, making the screen full of Lucy’s face. Her bright green eyes gazed back at him. They made him swell. The head ached, his shaft tightened. A temporary fix would have to do. He laid back, shifting his body. Knees bent and legs apart he started to fist his cock. Lucy’s eyes, the smile, they just set him in motion. The decision could wait, and all the nonsense that came with it. Now, the mind, the heart needed to sit back and let his urges do the talking. Lucy glared back at him as he heard her thoughts in his head.

Come for me Tom, come all over my face.

And he did.


Chapter 4

Lucy walked up the winding path that led up to Robert’s house. It was a simple family home. One storey and spread out. Cute little pumpkins lit the path up to the front door. Millie ran up to the front of the house. The door had a man standing guard. He was checking ID to make sure each person was listed, as well as of legal age. She bounced as she waited for the man to find her name on the list. Turning towards Lucy, she smiled.

“This is so exciting. I mean, these parties are like personal playrooms. God, I wish Brad was here.”

The large hulking man nodded to Millie and she squealed and darted through the door. Lucy shook her head and looked up at the man who towered over her.

“Hey John, you going to get any play time tonight?”

“Doubt it Luce, I am on Dungeon Master duty today. Once I have everyone signed in, I have to watch the monitors. Robert wants me to keep an eye out for Millie. Tom knows she’s coming and I don’t think he will be keen on seeing his sister naked in a play room,” Luce nodded.

Lucy entered the front hallway. She took a few steps and the wall dropped away. It was an open floor plan. The den opened to the living room, which opened up to the kitchen. It once had an island, but now a stockade. No one was in the extreme bindings yet. Taking center stage in the den space was the punishment bench. It was made from high end oak. The scent filled the room. Mixtures of wood, freshly oiled. Scents of leather blended, sexual arousal made the room hot. Air conditioning meant nothing when you were primed for masochistic punishments. Her gaze scanned the room. A woman on her knees, naked but for a tail and some ears, looked up with adoration at a very tall, lanky man. Lucy felt a pang of jealousy. Shaking her head she heard Millie giggle. She looked up just as Robert swaggered over to her bouncing form.

Robert was an imposing beast. He stood a good six foot five, his dark hair, and olive complexion made women swoon. His eyes were like black diamonds. They glowed yet held an authority that made submissive women drop to their knees. He was leaning over Millie. Lucy watched as she dropped her gaze. Her giggling halted as Robert seemed to be whispering in her ear. As Lucy walked in closer she watched Robert run his finger across Millie’s lips. The shiver that ran the length of Millie’s body was telling. Lucy knew that feeling. The moment when you knew a man could take you over, totally possess you. Ownership was nonnegotiable. Robert had that effect on women. Lucy remembered playing with him a few times. There was no sex involved. Robert didn’t use sex for power like most Dominants. He used his very impressive personality. Control without sex was the most powerful gift to have.

Robert, the man with the golden whip.

Taking a step closer, Lucy’s heels left the silent comfort of the cream carpeting and clicked loudly against the kitchen tiles. Scrunching up her shoulders, she knew that every eye was now on her dressed as the naughty kitty. Lucy took a step back as Robert moved in on her. She knew that if Robert started on her the night would never end.

Heat rose inside her as he looked down. Lucy knew full well that Robert knew how she was. He had been pushing her to play again. Her level of submission was deep. It ran through her like a soul mate.

“Look at me, Kitty.”

Her body vibrated with heat, though it wasn’t for him. All she saw was Tom’s face when she looked up at him. Robert had no shame. He wore no mask, just a pair of tight black leathers. The heat of his flesh radiated at her. She gulped. The front door shut loudly.

“On your knees, Kitty.”

She dropped gracefully, and with a methodical ease that slipped through her like wet silk. Her pussy grew damp. Her heart was starting to pound. She let her eyes roam until they locked on the feet of the man who had just entered. Well, the shoes, steel toed black boots. Her breathing hitched. All she could think of, all she could focus on was this man. A stranger that looked right at her. Lucy felt her throat contract. Her mouth dried up. He wore a mask, elaborate and dark. It covered his forehead and nose, all she could see were his eyes. His powerful legs were wrapped in tight black leather, a matching biker jacket was open, and it exposed his firm, chiseled chest. Lucy’s body shivered. A dominant mystery man stood in the doorway, and his entire focus was on her. Licking her lips, she saw flashes of him pressing that bare chest against her. The clear blue eyes were like a memory from some place wicked and dark.

A large hand started to pet the top of her head. The hot fingers kneading against her scalp before they started to fist. Panic swept through her. The man just watched. His chest rose and fell. Arousal glimmered in his eyes—blue eyes. They were like a storm. Lucy’s head was jerked back. Her neck ached as it was pulled to focus back on Robert.

“I have always wanted to spank Catwoman. You’re not focused are you?” He was shaking his head.

Her body shivered. She wanted this, but not with him. She wanted it with the stranger; with Tom. Lucy knew more than anything she could place her fantasy in the arms of this leather clad Adonis. Robert had been a means to an end all those months ago; a body to suck out the stress and pain through his Sadistic edge.

“On your knees! Crawl to the bench, you know which one, don’t look at me that way.”

She averted her gaze. Her head dropped in respect. The new focus of her attention—it went right to the man at the door. He had gotten closer though, having actually stepped into the room. The heat of his gaze penetrated her to the very core and shot straight to her pussy. The walls of her vagina clenched. Lucy sucked in a deep breath as warm fingers pressed against her chin and lifted her head. Looking at Robert felt wrong somehow. She kept her thoughts on the mystery man in black. It was him. He gave her the mind set to put Tom in Robert’s place.

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