Halloween Submission (5 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Bliss

Tags: #sadomasochism, #short story, #bonnie bliss, #BDSM, #irish wolf publishing

BOOK: Halloween Submission
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Tom unfastened the cuffs.

“Kneel before me, kitty.” She struggled a little, but managed it. Her eyes lowered. Tom watched her for weakness or fatigue. She was a strong one. Her mask hid her true emotion but he left it on.

Her lips quivered.

Tom unzipped his pants, pulling out his erection. He scooped his big balls and let them hang over the zipper which hurt as it dug into him.

“Look up at me.” Kitty raised her head. Her eyes seemed to shine as she saw his cock, a glint of recognition maybe? He couldn’t see the color of them as he gripped his hard shaft and hit her cheeks with the head. Laying it across her lips Tom issued his next order.

“Suck it! Take it deep in your mouth. Don’t come back up until I tell you. Understood?”

She nodded.

“What do you say, kitty?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“That’s better, good kitty.” Tom watched with such delight as her lips opened and encased his cock. Deeper and deeper it went, hitting the back of her throat. He held her head, gripping her blonde curly locks tightly. He pushed it hard in her mouth. Second by second he gauged her reaction. Her instinct would be to pull back but she couldn’t. As she started to gag he pressed his cock into her then let her come up for air. Tendrils of her saliva hung from her lips to his stiff length. He let her rest a few seconds and then grabbed her hair, forcing her head down. Tom eased his cock inside her, this time fucking her lips. She made loud sounds with each thrust. He felt so good. The feel of her lips around him, it was heavenly. He wanted more, wanted to feel her other holes. Tom pulled out.

“Suck me. Stroke my shaft with your lips.”

Kitty started to suck him. She rolled her lips down and back, stroking his shaft. Her grip tightened. Her hands were clasped behind her back as her head bobbed. Tom stroked her hair. He was so lost in her. He’d never met a sub like her, she was so into this.

“Yes, just like that, god kitty, suck it hard.” Her head bobbed quicker, her lips were like a vice around his aching girth. “Look up at me.” Her eyes flicked upwards. Was that a hint of a smile? Tom grinned, almost laughed as he patted her blonde locks. He pulled out. Grabbing his wet shaft he held it high against his abdomen.

“Suck my balls.” He inched forward for her. Her warm tongue circled each testicle before she took each in turn into her mouth. He stroked his cock. His balls were treated to a display of talent. Her warm tongue lovingly rolled them around inside her warm oral cave. Tom breathed deeply as he watched and enjoyed every second of her devout attention. He could have gladly let her do that all night.

“Time to enjoy ourselves, kitty. Stand up.” He didn’t help her but watched her rise. Her mouth dribbled saliva and pre-cum. He lowered his head and kissed her sweet lips. They were warm and moist. She tasted so good. Pulling back he grabbed her wrist and moved to the table.

“I want you to climb up and lie on your belly. Put your arms out to the side like a cross and put your legs together.”

“Yes Sir.” He lifted her up and sat her on the edge. Watching as she flipped around and got in the position he requested.

“Good girl.” Now Tom kneeled on his right knee and heaved the bag from under the table. He tipped the huge chain onto the floor. It was around eighteen foot long. Each link was three inches across and the metal half an inch thick. It weighed a ton, or felt as if it did. Lifting it carefully on the table he began to shift it, placing it on her. He laid it across her calves and across her thighs, winding it up the end of the table. Now he put it across her left forearm, spreading it above her head and down across her right forearm.

There was no way she could move. “Are you able to cope with that? Is it hurting anywhere?”

“I can cope, Sir.”


He walked around her and checked again, making sure. Once he was happy he grabbed the cane again. He flicked it down on her pretty ass. She flinched, or tried. The weight of the chain allowed her little or no movement. Only the flesh of her buttock quivered. Four times more the cane came down on her flesh. Tom walked round her again and placed the cane above her head where she could see it. Next he moved to the table where her dainty feet in those high heels lay. He looked at her and turned, walking to the toy wall. He scoped the many dildos and plugs. Eventually he plucked a realistic cock, eight inches in length. Tom climbed on the table, straddling her legs. Pushing the dildo between her thighs, he eased it in her wet pussy, sliding it as deep as the restraints would allow. It was a tight fit going by the moans that left her sweet lips. Tom grinned.

Now for the pièce de résistance
, the final and most intimate act. Grabbing some lube, he liberally squeezed a dollop of the clear liquid onto her little rosette. Tom pushed two fingers of his left hand in her anus, spreading her. He looked in the mirror. Her mask had dropped onto the table. Obviously with her shifting her head from side to side she had loosened the ribbon ties. No matter. Her head was down to the left as he spread his fingers inside her. A ring of her juices formed at the second knuckle as he plucked them from her. He patted her buttocks and then knelt above her. Grabbing the girth of his cock, he guided it inside her anus. Resting his left hand on the table by her waist, he pushed his hard shaft deeper. Slowly but surely his cock entered her, now fully inside. His swollen balls rested against her pert red flesh. Now he put his right hand to her head, grabbing her blonde locks and raised her head.

Tom lowered his hips, driving his cock to the hilt. Her moans delighted him, making him swell. He felt his buttocks clench, the muscles tight as he started to fuck her. She whimpered with each thrust. Tom didn’t hold back, he loved dishing out pain and he loved the feel of it. The dildo inside her only added to the experience. It pressed against him, only the thin membrane separated his cock and the plastic one. His legs ached as he pounded her, half crouched. Her rim was delightfully tight. It gripped him and pumped his shaft. Soon it would milk him of his seed. He gripped her hair, fisting it through his fingers. It was soft and warm, like silken threads wound around him.

Tom was totally lost in this woman. He pounded her hard. He pounded her faster. His moans joined hers in a symphonic burst of sexual desire. He was close to orgasm. Her juices engulfed his cock, allowing it to slide with perfection inside her. The friction decreased and he had to fuck her harder to push his own limit, to bring about the spasms and tingling he craved for. At last he felt it, the crescendo. The buildup spilled and his seed rushed up his length. The feeling inside, the rush, the tightness as his seed tried to escape was almost godlike. Tom came. The thick cum shot deep inside her, the slit struggled with the sweet tight pain as it passed through it, almost molten. Tom thrust on, pumping out every last drop. Looking up as he ended his beautiful orgasm her green eyes met his. Heat passed through him, from the tips of his toes to his rosy red cheeks. The warmth coming from his body could have ignited the room as Lucy gazed back at him. The smile on her lips held his gaze.

Tom panicked. He pulled out of her and jumped down.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” He ran, barely hearing her incoherent calls as he made for the stairs.


Tom kept going. The momentum sent him sprawling on the first set of steps. He picked himself up and went on. His cock was still out, dripping in their combined fluids. He’d hurt himself in the fall. Quickly he put it away, zipping himself up. Tom felt dizzy, nauseous and sick to the stomach. What had he done? Reaching the top of the stairs he stopped to breathe, leaning hard against the door jamb. Faces looked at him.

Moving again he made for the door. Robert grazed his arm with his fingers.

“Tom, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“The dungeon, get down there, god, what have I done?”

“Tom.” The shout was loud but Tom was out the door. He looked back and saw his sister descending the cellar stairs. He saw Robert still watching him, and then he turned and disappeared into the darkness.


Chapter 5

He ran.

The only thought that passed through her orgasm hazed brain. It repeated, like a horrible reminder of her inadequacies. She felt lost. Her mind hadn’t cleared from the orgasm induced euphoria. There was no possible way that he was gone. Not after that. The connection they had; the total perfection in the scene. Lucy tried to lift her arms—stuck. Her head lulled to the side, her gaze locked on the thick chain that covered her forearms.

He would come back.

She had to believe it. There was no way that Tom would do this. He was experienced. Any man with that level of dominance had been in the scene for a while. She knew Tom. Tom cared about her. The incoherence of her thoughts slammed through her as Millie’s pretty and fearful face came into view.

“Luce, are you with me? Luce, I got you don’t worry.”

She felt the chains shift, then a slew of profanity.

“That fucking dick head! Luce, Luce, look at me. You got me, yes. Good, now I’m going to get Robert. You are going to be fine. Please let me know you are okay. Nod if you know what I’m saying.”

Lucy allowed her head to move up and down.

“Good. I’ll be right back.”

She heard the pounding of her feet, then silence. Only the thrusting beats of her heart against her chest kept her company in that moment. Lucy could feel the hot rush of tears slide down the side of her face.

He didn’t want me.

It was irrational, but she couldn’t stop herself. It all slid through her like a torrential rain storm. Her mind kept pushing thoughts of pain and sorrow at her. The buzz of her subspace was a nightmare. She jerked, frantic to remove the chains and get home. Somewhere in the back of her mind she could hear yelling.

Is that me? Do I sound that sad and scared?

The haze was lifting and reality was breaking through the bliss that once stood in its place.

She could hear the sound of feet again. The pounding was heavier than before.

“Shit! Millie, what the fuck did you leave her for? You should have just called me. I saw Tom, I would have known.”

The warmth of his hands made her whimper and reel back.

“Christ! I’m going to fucking kill you, Tom.”

Lucy knew that it was irrational. She knew that this was help, that Robert and Millie would get her out of this room, this nightmare, and into a safe place.

“Don’t worry, Luce. I got you. You need to focus for me. Before I let you out of here, I need you to look in my eyes and answer a few questions for me,” gentle hands brushed the hair from her eyes. “That’s it my eyes, Luce.”

Robert’s dark gaze looked lost, but penetrated hers. His smile was forced and didn’t fill that abyss that was his dominant gaze. She tried to focus. Blinking felt like an excruciating task.

“You with me, Luce?”

“Yes, yes, I’m here.”

Her mouth felt thick, dry. She tried to swallow but to no avail. The weight of the chains lifted and she wanted nothing more than to flee. Lucy could tell that her legs would only allow her to stand for a short time before she would fall to her knees. Strong arms picked her up. Her head rested against a bare chest. Robert’s heart was pounding hard. She lifted her hand and pressed it over his heart.

“I’m okay, Robert. A little emotionally stunned, but I’ll be okay.”

He didn’t answer, just grunted. Robert was a stickler for the rules. You could use a submissive as hard as they needed, but you took care of them at the end. The room he carried her to was his own bedroom. He sat down on his bed and pulled her in close. Almost as if he needed the reassurance that she was fine more than anyone else. He was petting her hair. The bed creaked. Her gaze shifted to Millie. She looked scared, nervous. She handed over a bottle of cold water. Lucy took it gratefully and sucked down the whole contents.

Looking up, she realized that Millie and Robert were giving each other a very strange look.

“I’m sorry Luce, this was my idea. You weren’t playing at the club anymore because of him, and you were sad. You looked sad. You wouldn’t even play with me.” Robert admitted.

Lucy smiled up at him. She couldn’t help it. The man was the most arrogant male on the face of the earth.

“I like you Robert, but you aren’t the Dom of my dreams. Just because you have the niche, that you can make a woman cream her panties just with a look, doesn’t mean we all want to come all over you.”

He reeled back. His chest convulsed from laughter.

“That was a bit crass don’t you think?”

Lucy looked down. Now sitting up she still sat in his lap. She played with her fingers.

“Crass but true.”

The room was silent for a good five minutes, “Can I go home now?”

“Yes, Millie?”

“I got her. Luce, let’s get home.”


The glass rocked as he grasped for it.

“Fuck you.” Tom wasn’t a good drunk. In fact it had been a while since he had reached this state. He’d got home, dressed and gone to the local store. Needing to drown his sorrows, but mostly his embarrassment, he had bought twenty four cans of beer. The glass held the remnants of can number eleven. His fingers found a grip and he tossed the dregs down his throat. Inside his messed up head he dwelt on the bad thoughts. The sex had been perfect. Why the hell had he run? Lucy had smiled at him. God it was a mess. He wouldn’t be able to look at her ever again. Robert would have to go into the hospital and see to things. He took a deep breath and issued a beer smell sigh.

Reaching down he picked up another can and tugged the ring pull. The loud knocking on his apartment door halted his half swig.

“Open this goddamn door. Open it now Tom.”

The sound of Millie’s voice grated against his oncoming headache. It started to pound. So did Millie’s fist.

“Oh fuck this.” He grabbed his pillows and pressed them to his ears, but it made no difference.

“Thomas Newton, open this fucking door now!” A deep sigh of acceptance left his mouth. He’d have to open it. Millie would thump on that door all night. Tom reluctantly pushed his body off the couch and staggered to the door. He braced himself. He turned the key.

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