Halloween Submission (2 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Bliss

Tags: #sadomasochism, #short story, #bonnie bliss, #BDSM, #irish wolf publishing

BOOK: Halloween Submission
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Tom walked past the reception desk and out into the foyer. His throat was parched. A tickle was building and he coughed to quell it. The huge glassed area including the double entrance doors allowed him to see the state he was in. The sooner he got outside the better. His face was covered in soot. Walking closer to the glass brought the whole night’s affair back to his mind. Timmy had been lucky, staying huddled under his bed. The duvet kept the smoke at bay. Of course the flames had crept in eventually. The behavior of a fire, the unpredictability held no regard for human life. Another few minutes and Timmy would have died. His father had rung in time. It still didn’t help that his father had started it, mistake or not.

The doors parted and Tom unfastened his coat. The cool damp air felt like a friend against his warm skin. Heat wasn’t a fireman’s ally on the best of days. Tom could still feel the touch of the little boys hand in his own. No matter how many times or how long the job held you in its grip, it never got easier. Seeing someone hurt hit you right where it ached. It blinded you with grief. It could always be someone you loved.

The blare of the two tone siren brought him back. Tom looked up and was glad to see the flash of the red lights. Robert waved at him.

It had been one hell of a week. The run up to Halloween always was. Kids started fires, crank calls wasted time and money. Everything went crazy and chaotic. Thankfully Tom had the week off. Halloween wasn’t easy to get but for some reason the Chief hadn’t argued or made a fuss. He’d just said yes. Another hour and Tom could relax.

Walking to the rear, Tom pulled the door open to the Ford Expedition and climbed in. The suppleness of the seat felt good under his aching thighs. Tiredness rested in his spine and spread out to his muscles.

“Don’t you fall asleep in the back Tom.” Robert peered at him through the rear view mirror, a distinct twinkle shone in his eye.

“I’m not making any promises.”

“How’s the kid, is he going to be okay?” Robert asked. His expression was one of concern.

“Forty percent burns to his arms and back. But he’s going to be okay, yes. I’m going to come and see him tomorrow once he’s sorted.”

“Well, could’ve been a lot worse. It always gets me, parents being idiots.”

“Yeah, I’d never take a risk with my kids.”

“You have to get some first.”


Robert laughed.

“So was Lucy on duty?”

“Yeah, don’t think she liked me though with my war paint on.”

“True. You are a bit overcooked.” Robert half turned, resting his right hand on the top of the seat. “So you got Halloween off. Are you coming to my play party?”

Tom took a deep breath, exhaling in a deep sigh. “I’m bushed man. It’s been a hard week.”

“Hey come on, you’re young, healthy and smart. A party is just what you need. Plus you can sleep in all day tomorrow and get all that energy back.”

“I haven’t got a date Rob.”

“Since when has that stopped us?”

“I’d like to come but I’m really tired.”

“Look there will be a few single subs there. I’ve invited them from the club. They’ve all been tested, they’re all clean. You can have the pick of the bunch. Once you get dressed to impress, they won’t be able to stop drooling.”

Tom smiled. “Yes, well you can say that Adonis. Once they see you, they’ll all desert me.”

“No, cos I’ll say look, see that guy over there. He’s got a party trick that makes me so dull.”

“Bull shit.”

Robert burst out laughing.

“So you’re expecting me to bring the bag?” Tom sighed.

“Fuck yes. You, BDSM and the bag go together. We can’t have a play party without the bag Tom. The bag’s a legend and you with it.”

Tom nodded. “You’re right. I’ve made subs out of the hardest bitches with the contents of that bag.”

“See. Not bad for a twenty four year old. You’ll be raking the cash in from dominance instruction before you know it. The only fires you’ll be putting out are women spontaneously combusting from sexual need from you.”

“You’re an asshole.”

“Damn right. So you’ll come?”

“Yeah I’ll come. Probably.”

“Okay that’s as good as I can ask for.”

Robert moved back and started the engine.

“I’m just a bit concerned about my sister.”

Robert looked back, “Millie, why? She’s not a kid anymore. What’s she done now?”

“She’s been snooping around. She’s taking an interest in the club scene. I don’t want her getting involved.”

“Millie’s what, twenty three. You are going to have to let go Tom. She’s a big girl. That little girl is all grown up. And what’s more buddy, she is one hundred percent submissive. Both you and I know that if a woman is submissive, nothing is going to stop her looking. Best thing to do is to have her around. That way you can be there and keep an eye on her. Sure I guess you don’t want her seeing you do what you do. But with you around the chances of her getting hurt lessen. I’ll invite her.”

“What? No, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Okay. I’ll shush. Let’s get back to the station. Fingers crossed that’s it for tonight.”

“My fingers don’t cross that far.”

They both laughed as Robert pulled the Ford into the traffic. Tom sat back. He closed his eyes and thought of Lucy. She looked good in her greens. Men liked girls in uniform too. It wasn’t just a woman thing. He saw her face clearly in his mind, those hidden curves. Her blonde hair slung over her shoulders. God, he’d dream of her later while in bed alone. He shook his head and put Lucy aside for now.

Lucy was his best friend. Her words made him smile. Timmy was in good hands. A good sleep tonight and he’d check on them both tomorrow.


Chapter 2

Lucy pulled into the car port. Her white Toyota Corolla slipped into the space without issue. The lids of her eyes felt like lead, and her body was so worn down. She didn’t know if she could even get inside the house.

“Get up body.”

As she yanked the keys from the ignition, she pushed open the car door. She left her purse, but made sure to grab her phone. She wanted nothing more than to get to the door of the house quickly. Unfortunately, her body didn’t agree with that demand. Lucy felt like she was moving at a snail’s pace. Finally, reaching the door of her apartment, she slipped the key in, and went inside. The windows were open, and she could hear music coming from her roommate’s room. Shutting the door without a sound, she was hoping to make a clean escape. Her gaze drifted to the couch. She couldn’t help but smile. Lucy shuffled over to the creamy thick love seat and plopped down. It was six o’ clock in the morning. She was right. She had to stay for that little boy Timmy until he fell asleep.

It was officially Halloween. That would mean it was the first year she would sleep right through it.

“Luce! Is that you?” The high pitched shout came echoing down the hallway and right into the room with her.

Everything was loud. Right now, it was all way too loud. With a groan, Lucy realized she was found out, and there was no way to escape. Millie’s feet padded against the ivory carpeting and she heard a squeal as she rounded the corner.

“Thank god you are home! I was gonna text ya, but I figured you were working hard to not have come home on time.”

Lucy rolled her head to the side just as Millie collapsed on the couch next to her. She rested her arm across the back of the couch and her head against her palm. The smile on her face screamed trouble.

“Ok, out with it.”

The smile grew. It lit up her bright eyes and Lucy couldn’t help but laugh, despite how tired she was.

“Ok, so you know Robert, Tom’s friend?” Millie didn’t even give her a chance to answer. She just plowed on. Which was better, Lucy didn’t have the strength to form questions just yet.

“Well, you know how he is a Dominant in the ‘scene’ right?”

It amused Lucy that Millie called it ‘the scene’. She was like fresh meat. Lucy refused to take her to clubs or play parties. She knew that once Millie got the taste, she wouldn’t be going back. It was a hard love life to have. You never knew who you could trust, or who would be accepting if it wasn’t in a club setting. After her last debacle and ex boyfriend, Lucy had decided it was time to stay away from clubs. It had been lonely to say the least. She only nodded at her friend, allowing her to continue.

“He is having one of those play parties. He called and invited me. Said he needs new blood in his house. He also said I could bring a plus one.” Millie added to that statement by winking at her.

Realizing what the woman was about to propose, she got up.

“No, no. I just got off a nearly fifty six hour shift, Millie. As much as a firm hand would feel really good, I would be the most not fun to play with partner today. I know you love Halloween, and this would be your first party, but Millie, I can’t do it.”

She turned from her friend and Millie charged at her.

“God, please Luce! I can’t go on my own; I would be way too scared. Besides, you and I both know this is Brad’s thing. He will be home this Christmas and I would love to know something so I don’t look like some baby doll.”

Lucy sighed. Getting to the fridge and pulling out the orange juice, she poured a glass. There would be no sleeping until Millie got off this topic.

“What if he doesn’t come home, Millie? What if he doesn’t come home until 4
of July, then you have time?”

“I can’t rely on that, Luce. Come on, for me, for fun, for the love of all that is spontaneous and crazy, please, Luce!”

“Okay, okay! Down girl! If—“ Millie started to squeal. “I said if I can get a solid afternoon sleep, then we can go. But you have to get us something to wear. I’m going to sleep until the last minute.”

Millie screamed. Jumping up and down in the kitchen she pounced, and locked Lucy in a tight hug.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won’t regret this at all.”

Lucy nodded. The annoyed look in her eyes said otherwise. She had been with a good number of the male Dominants that Robert knew. So, it was just another night for her. She didn’t repeat, and she knew most of the firemen were either married, submissive, or single men that didn’t do relationships—like Robert. Making it to the door of her room, she turned back to Millie, still jumping up and down and mouthing silent words in exhilaration.

“Um, Mill?”

“Yeah, Luce?”

“Is Tom going to be there?”

“Yep, I think he is going over to Robert’s this afternoon. He’s helping him set up the equipment, checking it or something. Robert said Tom was staying for the party.” She waved her hands around as if she didn’t care. “Maybe you can just play with him.”

“Right and maybe pigs would fly.” Lucy rolled her eyes as she slipped into her room, shutting the door behind her.

When Millie saw she had gone she dashed to her room and grabbed her phone. Quickly, she typed in her single response. He would get the picture.

She’ll be there.


Tom wasn’t jealous of Rob’s house. He didn’t have to pay for it. It was set back and had a large wraparound garden. The back yard was walled off for privacy. It was perfect for play parties. That was the main reason Rob had bought it.

Tom dropped the famous bag on the wooden floor. Oak it looked like. Rob walked out of the den, carrying two beers. He handed one to Tom.

“Oh my god, the bag. How much does that fucker weigh? I swear the bicep on your right arm is double the size of your left.”

“Try it.”

“Fuck that. I’d do my back in and I’ve got a party tonight.”

“So, what’s the set up, you all ready?”

“I think so, but I want to run it past you.”

“Okay, shoot.”

The kitchen and main living room were a large open plan space. The two areas flowed into each other perfectly. The kitchen windows overlooked the back yard. Huge couches, four in all were set facing the wall where a huge eighty inch TV screen filled it.

“Okay, I have made the kitchen living room area a social area. No contact allowed. The utility room has the monitors in, one for each play room.”

“Good idea, I can be the monitor guy.”

Rob looked at him, shaking his head. “Oh no, you’re my main attraction Tom. No monitor for you. You’re going to be on the damn monitor. The utility rooms big enough for people to stand and watch. That’s the whole point. I have a guy I can trust already booked to make sure no one goes over the top.”

“Okay, okay.”

“Good. Now, I have the five bedrooms all set up with cameras. There are toys in there and the usual restraints.”

“What toys?”

“I have floggers, whips, canes, crops and paddles. Let me think. Okay, I also got dildos and butt plugs. I put extra batteries too, on each bedside table. I put towels, creams in each bedroom. Oils too. Anything else I need?”

“You seem to have it covered boss. So just the bedrooms?”

“Patience Sir. I have the cellar set up, you know my dungeon well. You use it often enough. The den is set up with a bench. I was thinking of setting up the pool area too.”

“Under the cover you mean?”

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