Halloween Submission (6 page)

Read Halloween Submission Online

Authors: Bonnie Bliss

Tags: #sadomasochism, #short story, #bonnie bliss, #BDSM, #irish wolf publishing

BOOK: Halloween Submission
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“You are the most selfish asshole I have ever known.” Millie hit him on the chest, pushing him back. Another thump and he lost his balance, only managing to right himself as he gripped the back of the couch. The door slammed behind her.

“Lucy is a fucking mess. Why the hell did you run off and leave her?”

Tom just held on and looked at her.

“Do you realize what you did? Come on, out with it, why?”

“I panicked.”

“Panicked, what was there to panic about? You were having a great time.”

“I didn’t know it was her, Millie. I respect her.”

“Fuck that, if you respected her you would have stayed and sorted it there and then.”

“I like Lucy, a lot. I’ve always wanted to date her and take it further. But doing that with her, I’ve spoilt everything. She will never look at me again.”

“Lucy thinks she did something wrong, Tom, did she? Only you know.”

“Is that what she said?”

“In not so many words yes.”

“So she said it without actually saying it?”

“How much have you drunk? You smell like a brewery.”

“I went too far, Millie. Lucy was perfect, a perfect sub. I couldn’t ask for anyone better. She was my equal. My Sadist to her masochist. We suited each other.”

“So what the hell did you run out the door for?”

“I violated her.”

“What?” Millie stood with her hands on her hips. Her face said it all.

“I went too far sis. If I had known it was her I’d have done things different. Hell I probably would have just walked around all night just being a Master. I’d never have taken her somewhere alone. I wanted her so much but I wanted to take it slow. I fucking violated her.”

Tom slumped and fell on the couch. Millie came around and faced him, bending so she could look in his face.

“Well she’s so sad about this she’s talking about hanging up her collar.”

“Shit.” Tom put his head in his hands.

“The two of you are supposed to be made for each other. Now you’ve fucked it all up.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry doesn’t cut it bro. You have to sort this. Not me, not Robert, YOU.”

“I can’t.”

“You have to. No choice here. Lucy thinks it’s her fault. It’s not. You didn’t violate her Tom; she loved what you did together. Get over there and sort it or stand to lose the best chance of happiness you’ve ever had. Lucy and you are meant to be together. Fucking sort it!” Millie grabbed a beer can and threw it at his chest then stormed out. The door slammed shut behind her.



Chapter 6

The last week had been a mess. She spent a good portion of her time off sleeping. Just wallowing in self loathing over the man she would never have. Ice cream had shoved ten pounds on her rear end. That was the least of her worries. Tom wanted nothing to do with her. She had texted him four times and called him so many times she had lost count at about thirty. Lucy just wanted to talk. It seemed that Tom had answered loud and clear when he didn’t respond.

She had two options. She could continue to wallow in disgusting self pity, or she could get up, go to work, and get on with her life. Tom and her just didn’t work. No matter how much Millie had tried to tell her over and over. Millie said she talked to Tom, that they needed to just discuss the whole thing. Lucy knew it would be like talking to a wall. Tom wouldn’t even call her back. Lucy ran her tongue over her lips as she went over a patients chart. It was the little boy Tom had brought in the night before Halloween.

Putting a smile on her face, she entered the room.

“Hello, Timmy. How are you doing today?”

Timmy looked better. He was up watching cartoons and eating a very large bowl of ice cream. His mother was sat next to him looking guilty. Lucy gave her a knowing smile and started to check his vitals. Timmy started to chat a mile a minute. About how he had tried to be like Batman and get to his mom, but it was just too hot, but Tom the Fireman was like Batman. He wished he could be just like Tom when he grew up. Lucy felt the tightening of her chest. The well of tears was lifting again.

Damn that man!

She finished noting the chart and dropped it in the bin at the end of the bed.

“Has Tom come to see you?”

Timmy nodded his head excitedly. He pulled out from under the pillow a shiny red fire engine. Holding it out to Lucy he smiled big.

“He brought me that yesterday. He said he was looking for the pretty nurse with the blonde hair, asked me if I had seen her.”

Lucy was speechless. He could have just called. She took the toy fire engine in her hand and ran her fingers over the surface. Her mind was running through all the things she wanted to say. All the time she had wasted, not telling him how she felt. She didn’t hear the clearing throat behind her.

“Um, Miss Lucy,” she looked back at Timmy.

“Yes, what?”

He pointed behind her and she turned around. She was spinning so fast she nearly tripped over her feet. Tom stood in the doorway. He looked tired, his clothes were disheveled. He had on sweats and a dirty white t-shirt. A heavy coat was slung over his shoulders trying to hide the mess under it. His hair was all over the place. As if he had just woken up and left the house.

Lucy couldn’t say anything. All she could do was look him over and thank the powers that be that he was there. He was in front of her face. It was the best thing she had ever seen in her life.

“Miss Lucy, are you going to talk to Mister Tom?”

Lucy shook her head and turned back to Timmy. She handed him the toy back and smiled. Ruffling his hair she nodded. When she looked back at Tom he had moved away from the doorway and out into the corridor. She bit on her bottom lip and stepped out with him, shutting the door behind her.

“Hey, um, I think we should. I mean I know, God Luce, I’m so sorry—“ Lucy cut him off before he could ramble on anymore.

“It’s okay, Tom. I get it. You were loud and clear when you ran out on me on Halloween.”

She moved around him. It killed her inside to just walk away. For her own sanity, to make it all better, she had to just leave him be.

“No, Luce, it’s not about that at all. I just thought, God why is this so fucking hard!” He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at her with pleading eyes.

“Can we get out of here? Just go out and talk.”

She was at the nurse’s station and she looked up. The girls there all nodded.

“Go on, Lucy. Take as long as you need.”

Thanks to Millie the girls knew the whole sordid story. Not the bondage, chains and submission part. They knew that they had sex, and then Tom had just left her at a party. Millie was miffed at her brother and dramatized the situation to make him look so bad he couldn’t get another date again in Chicago.

Turning around she answered, “Yeah, we can go. There is a diner around the corner. We can talk there.”

Some place public so she wouldn’t cry or make a fool of herself. Lucy grabbed her purse and headed out with him. Tom was awkward the whole way. He fidgeted and ran his fingers through his hair constantly. He kept opening his mouth to talk, but shut it. They got to the diner. It was mostly empty and she picked a booth in the back corner. If she started to cry she didn’t want anyone seeing her there.

As they took their seats the waitress came over, a big smile on her face. They both ordered water and coffee. It wasn’t past ten and Lucy hadn’t eaten since breakfast the day before.

“Lucy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to leave you. I didn’t mean anything I did.”

“Then why did you do it?” The words came out before she could stop them.

Somewhere deep in her subconscious she wanted to know all this. She wanted him to explain why he would leave her bound in subspace. Lucy was far from damaged from it. She got it. She just didn’t understand it—if that made sense.

He scrubbed his hand over his face. It didn’t seem like he understood much either.

“I don’t know, Luce. I was scared. God, I wanted it to be you. It was you. For me, the whole time I saw you.”

Lucy was stunned.

He had never given her that impression. The way he ran. How he had just run from the house like she was some disease.

“We were always friends, Tom. You could always ask. I mean—“

“I didn’t know you were in the lifestyle. I knew you knew that about me, but not the other way around.”

“Why was Halloween so terrible then? I mean, you just left, left me—in chains.”

He reached for her. Taking hold of her hand he looked her in the eyes. The Dom was still in there. The Master of her body, her heart, and her soul.

“I have always wanted you, Lucy. I didn’t want it to be like that, like we were strangers having a one night fuck. What Millie and Robert did was out of line. They should have just asked. They should have let us ask one another. I wanted to ask you. I wanted to date you. Fuck, Lucy I am fucking in love with you, I always have been.”

Lucy knew she was crying. It was why Tom had cursed like that. He thought she was sad. So many things ran through her and sadness wasn’t one of them.

“Thomas Newton. You realize that neither of us are
. We don’t date. We Dominate and submit. When I realized you were a Dom. God, I knew. I could just be me. I could get on my knees and ask you to use me,” she looked up at him. “Do you know how totally liberating that is?”

His eyes grew wide. Lucy knew she had shocked him. Most men don’t expect the woman to be this open, this liberated and to know herself this well. But Lucy knew what she wanted. In every way possible she knew what she needed.

“Lucy, I didn’t want you in public. Not the first time.” He looked down, ashamed.

“Well, then there is only one thing we can do. Actually, there is one thing I can do for the man I love.”

His gaze darted up.

“What did you say?”

She started to get up, “You mean I love you? Oh, yes, I love you. And since you wanted that other way so bad, because Halloween was so horrible for you…” She started to get up to leave, Tom hot on her tail. She turned and he bumped into her.

“Just one question, Tom. Did you come?”

He opened and shut his mouth.

“Did. You. Come?”

“Um, y—yes.”

She couldn’t help but smirk. Her eyes took on a heavy lidded aroused gaze.

“I am going to give you one more chance to be the Dom I know you can be. Your house, tonight, make it count.”

Lucy turned on her heels and left.


Lucy made her way up the steps of Tom’s house. Her heart was pounding. At the end of her shift she had received a note that told her to show up at eight that night. She was to wear jeans and a blank tank top—nothing else.

The feel of her hard nipples as they brushed against the rough cotton was like a dream. Anticipation had her pussy weeping with excitement. A note on the door told her to come in. She pushed open the front door. The handle felt like ice against her scalding, sweaty palm. Casually, she made her way in a few steps. Then in front of her walked an image of perfection.

“Good, kitty cat. Now, strip, and on your knees.”



Now a naughty excerpt from Bondage on the 4th of July book one of the Holiday series

The voice slid over her flesh like wet silk--cool, damp, but altogether appealing when confronted with it. Her fingers wiggled, tiny tremors took over her body and her phone slipped right from her hands into the grass. Millie hadn’t looked up yet. Her throat contracted to get rid of the abundance of saliva that filled her mouth. Her gaze shifted to see the large, callused hands that picked up her phone before disappearing from sight. Visibly shaken by his sudden appearance, she gave herself a firm mental reprimand, and allowed her gaze to travel up his body. His jeans encased firm things, a tight t-shirt covered steel like abs, and broad shoulders that could keep her safe for the rest of her life. Finally, her eyes locked with his. The devastating smile that decorated his masculine features made her want to sigh like some virgin in a Harlequin novel. He was perfect. For her, he was everything she wanted in a man, and that would never change. To be with any other man would be settling for second best. She didn’t want to settle. She wanted him, and this time around she would have him.

Get it together, Millie.

Pressing her lips together, and rising from her chair, she launched herself at Brad. He caught her easily, with a deep, rolling chuckle that made her heart beat faster, and wetness to seep between the now swelling slit between her legs. It was so much, it was overload, and she could feel her skin start to heat with a blush. His thick arms wrapped around her back and waist and she buried her face in his shoulder.

“I’m missed you, dummy.” She nearly purred against the bare flesh of his neck.

“Missed you too, kid.”

It was like ice water between her legs.


She wanted to scream, cry, and then punch him in the face. Her nipples were like hard pebbles poking through her tank top and against his chest, and he didn’t feel that? Kid? Her inner musings were shut down as he loosed his grip and started to slide her down his body. She avoided eye contact.

“I’m glad your home. Food is over there if you want any.”

She was abrupt and wanted to get away to plan a new form of attack. Maybe she needed to change into a skirt with no panties.

God, you’re not a slut, Millie.

No, she wasn’t. But she had seen him laughing and flirting with those other girls from the neighborhood, and they were all in micro minis and tube tops. She was the cute girl next door with shorts and a tank top.

“Millie I—“

“Hey, buddy, aren’t you going to introduce me to the infamous best friend.”



Also by Bonnie Bliss Dominance Chains and Chocolate Whips and Wax

Kitten’s Fantasies The Postman

Lilly and her Wolves Lilly and her Pet Wolf Lilly’s Christmas tale Double Trouble

When Lilly met Bryn Devil and the Diamond Twisted Oz Twisted Dreams

Twisted Ropes

The Holiday Series Bondage on the 4th of July

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