Happy Accidents: Serendipity in Major Medical Breakthroughs in the Twentieth Century (59 page)

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Authors: Morton A. Meyers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Reference, #Technology & Engineering, #Biomedical

BOOK: Happy Accidents: Serendipity in Major Medical Breakthroughs in the Twentieth Century
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targeted research and lack of, 181–182
serotonin, 18, 244–245, 275, 277, 279, 298
Serpasil, 274–275
sex hormones, 138–139
shark cartilage, 143
Sheskin, Jacob, 343
Shimkin, Michael, 176–177
shock treatment
electric, 250–251
insulin, 247–249
sildenafil citrate, 222–223
Sippy, Bertram W., 100
Sippy diet, 100
606, compound, 43–46
sleeping sickness, 35, 43
Sloan, Alfred P., Jr., 171–172
Sloan-Kettering Institute of Cancer Research, 172
soil microbiology, 82–83
Sones, F. Mason, Jr., 200–203, 206
Sontag, Susan, 181
Spiegelman, Sol, 174–175
spinal taps, 78
stagnant knowledge, 103
stains and staining techniques, 36–37, 40–41, 331
Stanley, Leo L., 221
St. Anthony's Fire, 296–297, 365
Starzl, Thomas, 22
Stehelin, Dominique, 344
stem cell research, 3, 165–168, 183
stent-grafts, 213, 352
Sternbach, Leo H., 281–283, 363
Stevens, Jay, 296
St. Mary's Hospital (London), 59–60
Stoll, Arthur, 287
Stoll, Werner, 290
stomach cancer, 111–112
streptococcus, 50–55
streptokinase, 235
streptomycin, 85–91
streptothricin, 84
stress, ulcers and, 100–101
string galvanometer, 190–191, 194
Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The
(Kuhn), 4
St. Vitus's Dance, 296
Styron, William, 360–361
sulfadiazine, 57
sulfa drugs, 50–57, 73, 329–330
sulfanilamide, 53–55
sulfapyridine, 56–57
bypass, 203
lobotomies, 252–259
microvascular, 204
postoperative infections and, 32
vascular, 208–214
Svoboda, Gordon, 133–134
sweet clover, 235–237
synesthesia, 292
synthetic dye industry, 48–55
syphilis, 42–47
Szent-Györgyi, Albert, 13, 307
Szmuness, Wolf, 96
Tagamet (cimetidine), 101
tamoxifen, 139
targeted drug therapy, 162–164
targeted research, 170–180, 302–303
Taxol, 177
Temin, Howard, 155–156
Terramycin, 88
tetanus, 61
tetracyclines, 88, 368
textile industry, 49
thalidomide, 151–153, 343
Thomas, Lewis, 69, 345–346
Thorazine, 241, 245, 258, 266–269, 291, 305
thyroxine, 3–4
Till, James, 165–168
Tillet, William, 235
TNP-470, 145
Tofranil, 291
tranquilizers, 18, 241, 245, 270–272, 281–283
(journal), 326
transorbital lobotomies, 256–258
Tréfouël, Jacques, 53–54
Tréfouël, Thérèse, 53–54
tricyclic antidepressants, 277–278, 305
trypanosome infections, 44
tuberculosis, 36
cure for, 83–91
reemergence of, 91
scourge of, 86–87
tumors, 140–147, 152–153
p53 gene and, 160–161
viral cause of, 154–156
Tyndall, John, 332
typhoid fever, 59–60
tyramine, 362
tyrothricin, 84
ulcers, 306–307
gastric biopsies and, 102–104
H. pylori
and, 102–113
prevailing opinion on, 99–101
urease, 106
vaccines, 32–33
hepatitis A (HAV), 336
hepatitis B, 96
polio, 159–160
typhoid, 60
Valenstein, Elliot, 246
Valium (diazepam), 241, 245, 281–283, 291, 363
vancomycin, 88
Vane, John, 237–238
Vaniqa, 312
Varmus, Harold, 156–158, 344
vascular surgery, 208–214
Velcade, 344
Viagra, 222–224, 354
vinblastine, 132, 134
Vinca rosea
, 131–134
vincristine, 134
Vinculin, 131
Vinyon grafts, 212
Vioxx, 150
retroviruses, 155–158
spread of tumors and, 154–156
visual imagery, 15
vitamin C, 307
Vogelstein, Bert, 160–161
Voodoo Science
(Park), 12
Voorhees, Arthur B., Jr., 209–214
Waddell, William R., 149
Wagner von Jauregg, Julius, 246–247, 357
Waksman, Selman, 82–91
Waller, Augustus D., 188–189
Walpole, Horace, 6, 41
warfarin, 236–237, 356
war on cancer, 173–181
Warren, J. Robin, 102–103, 108–109, 113
Watanabe, Yoshio, 230
Watts, James, 255
Way of an Investigator, The
(Cannon), 7
Weinberg, Robert, 164
white blood cells, 59, 122, 127, 129, 132, 152, 165, 339
Wills, Lucy, 127
Wolff, Harold G., 101
wool sorter's disease, 33
World War I
bacterial infections during, 61–62
chemical warfare during, 338–339
World War II
Bari tragedy during, 117–126
penicillin and, 75–77
psychosomatic medicine and, 100–101
Wright, Almroth, 59–60, 61, 78, 330
X-rays, discovery of, xii
Yalow, Rosalyn, 19–20, 22, 306, 367
Yang, Chen Ning, 13–14
Zantac (ranitidine), 101
Zoloft (sertraline), 279
Zubrod, C. Gordon, 176
Zyklon B, 329

Table of Contents

Half Title






Introduction: Serendipity, Science's Well-Guarded Secret

Part I: The Dawn of a New Era: Infectious Diseases and Antibiotics, the Miracle Drugs

1. How Antony's Little Animals Led to the Development of Germ Theory
2. The New Science of Bacteriology
3. Good Chemistry
4. The Art of Dyeing
5. Mold, Glorious Mold
6. Pay Dirt
7. The Mysterious Protein from Down Under
8. “This Ulcer ‘Bugs’ Me!”

Part II: The Smell of Garlic Launches the War on Cancer

9. Tragedy at Bari
10. Antagonists to Cancer
11. Veni, Vidi, Vinca: The Healing Power of Periwinkle
12. A Heavy Metal Rocks: The Value of Platinum
13. Sex Hormones
14. Angiogenesis: The Birth of Blood Vessels
15. Aspirin Kills More than Pain
16. Thalidomide: From Tragedy to Hope
17. A Sick Chicken Leads to the Discovery of Cancer-Accelerating Genes
18. A Contaminated Vaccine Leads to Cancer-Braking Genes
19. From Where It All Stems
20. The Industrialization of Research and the War on Cancer
21. Lessons Learned

Part III: A Quivering Quartz String Penetrates the Mystery of the Heart

22. An Unexpected Phenomenon: It's Electric!
23. What a Catheter Can Do
24. “Dottering”
25. A Stitch in Time
26. The Nobel Committee Says Yes to NO
27. “It's Not You, Honey, It's NO”
28. What's Your Number?
29. Thinning the Blood

Part IV: The Flaw Lies in the Chemistry, Not the Character: Mood-Stabilizing Drugs, Antidepressants, and Other Psychotropics

30. It Began with a Dream
31. Mental Straitjackets: Shocking Approaches
32. Ice-Pick Psychiatry
33. Lithium
34. Thorazine
35. Your Town, My Town, Miltown!
36. Conquering the “Beast” of Depression
37. Librium and Valium
38. “That's Funny, I Have the Same Bug!”
39. LSD

Conclusion: Taking a Chance on Chance: Cultivating Serendipity 300



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