Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (12 page)

BOOK: Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series
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It’s the Pink Ladies!” I call out to Jemma’s main work friends Karly, Jasmine and Crystal who are dressed up as just that from
, obviously fitting in with the theme.

We’re gonna rule the school,” the three of them chant in time, they’ve obviously been practicing that line.

Oh I love it,” I tell them as I burst into laughter and admire their pink jackets with Rizzo, Frenchie and Jan embroidered on the front.

I see my brother Jeremy enter with his new woman so I make my way to them.
“Hey Jez you look awesome bro.” And it is the truth, he is wearing white bell-bottom pants and a white jacket obviously from
Saturday Night Fever
as John Travolta.

Hey Seline, you look stunning,” I say to his girlfriend who is in a pant suit hippie outfit with the main colours orange and yellow, and her figure to die for.

Hey Sis, you scrub up alright yourself. And shit did you decorate this place?” Jeremy says to me impressed and full of compliments.

Yep I’m taking the credit, looks fab if I do say so myself,” I answer and usher them over to grab some drinks that I am in dire need of.

Where is Dylan?” Jeremy asks me the dreaded question.

Don’t ask!” I answer annoyed but in some way I feel relieved. I need a night to unwind and party with everyone but him. Jeremy gives me a concerned look but I smile back to assure him I am okay, more than okay to be honest…

The next guests I see stroll in
are Jason from the movie
, shit that mask always makes me shiver… Carrie is at his side. “I love your outfit Trish, that was my other choice. Carrie is a favourite of mine,” I tell Trish who is a close friend of Jemma’s through college.

Oh thanks Roxy. You are so funky in that hippy dress girl,” she tells me and I smile feeling just that free and funky.

Excuse me, I am in need of a few drinks,” I say to them and head to order the cocktail I eyed Jemma with earlier, and maybe a champagne or three while I’m here.

Lola” by The Kinks is playing so I groove along while in line, as Superman comes up behind me and I have no idea who it is so I smile to be polite.

You must be Roxy. I am Scott, Dan’s mate, love your outfit by the way,” he introduces himself and wins me over with his compliment.

Oh hey, great to meet you Superman,” I tease and smile at him enjoying the easy friendly conversation.

I heard this was your handy work, it’s impressive,” he tells me now pointing to the decorations and obviously flirting with me but not being over the top about it.

Oh thanks, well Jem means the world to me so I wanted it to be perfect and it’s very seventies if I do say so myself,” I reply cheerfully and realise it’s my turn to order a drink.

I’ll have two champagnes and the cocktail I saw the birthday girl with earlier,” I tell the brunette bar tender, who looks less than impressed to be working a Saturday night.

Nice to meet you Scott, I’m sure I’ll see you again over the night,” I say as I walk past to find Jemma and hopefully have a boogie on the dance floor.

You can count on it,” Scott says to me now definitely flirting and grinning. I wonder if he knows I am with someone. Well am I still with someone? Fuck, who knows and who cares right now.

I take a minute to check out the cake table, hoping the cake looks the way I want for Jemma.

“Perfect,” I say out loud to myself when I see it. It looks tremendous with its two tiers of a larger circle shaped on the bottom followed by a smaller one and with a giant disco ball on top. The fondant icing is white mainly with purple and pink vertical stripes and disco dancers, music notes and records scattered sparingly.

Le Freak” by the Chics starts to play as I make my way to a table where we had put our purses, placing my champagnes down. I enjoy the fresh creamy taste of this cocktail, the taste come alive on my taste buds.

There are a few girls on the dance floor but when
“My Sharona” by The Knack starts I stalk the room for Jem, this is an all-time favourite of ours and I hear her before I see her.

Woo hoo best song ever! Roxy lets go girlfriend.” I dance my way to her grabbing her hand and shimmying my body to the addictive beat, feeling very much in the festive mood with this music, outfit and atmosphere.

An hour later the food is being served so we line up as
“Who are you?” by The Who plays in the background. It always reminding me of
and I giggle to myself feeling happy from the effects of the alcohol, no doubt.

You can really dance you know that?” I hear a male’s voice behind me in the line.

I turn to see Scott, or
Superman, as I know him. I smile to him. “Why thank you Superman, can you bound buildings in a single leap?” I say to him now smirking at my silly yet humorous reply.

Why yes I can actually hippy chick,” he replies and I notice he is quite good looking. He has dark brown messy hair and light brown eyes. I am even wondering if that suit has padding or if it’s his own muscly chest. Down girl…

I guess it
’s just male attention. Someone is talking casually to me, not arguing. It’s relaxed and even though there is no way I would ever do anything, the thought of someone showing interest in me is boosting my deteriorating confidence.

I collect my plate and fill it with quiches, chicken kebabs, and potato bake, followed by a green leafy salad and make my way to the table.

The DJ makes an announcement. “The gorgeous Birthday girl Jemma has organised a few events for tonight so we are going to start with a Dance Contest. Men vs. Women! The men will be dancing to “Macho Man” and the lovely ladies will be dancing to “We Are Family.

Of course
Jem gets up there strutting her stuff and her sensational dance moves and Dan trying to compete and keep up. We all surround in a circle clapping and cheering. Scott makes his way over to me and again the chatting is careless and relaxed. Tia gives me a look and a wink. I filled her in on Dylan’s antics from earlier.

Jemma is a hoot,” he whispers in my ear.

You have no idea!” I shout back to him through the music of “Stayin Alive” and laughing at the dancers.

When the contest is over
“Dancing Queen” comes on so all of us girls dance together. Seline is dancing with us too as Jeremy chats with a few fans of his band.

One Way or Another” by Blondie comes on. “Woo hoo!” I scream feeling alive and carefree.

Okay the next game for the night is: ‘Suck and Blow’ and get your minds out of the gutter people,” the DJ announces.

We make a large circle and Jemma and Dan start it off. Jemma holding the playing card in her lips by sucking, and then passes it to Dan by blowing on it as he sucks.

It sounds much ruder than it actually is…

The loser is the one who drops the card. I am feeling drunk
- a lot of drinks have been consumed. I’m dancing and letting loose.

Okay focus
Rox, the card is coming. Oh Scott is next to me
. Susie on the other side blows it onto him and he turns to face me so I lean in to suck but it all happens too quickly and our lips touch for a kiss. The crowd roars, “Woo hoo” and laughter and cheers fill the room. I pull away laughing hysterically.

Whoops,” I say joking as Scott grins from ear to ear.

Oh so that was his plan.

“What the fuck Roxy?” I hear yelling in a male’s voice that I turn to see is none other than Dylan.

You have got to be fucking kidding me…

“You just kissed that guy Roxy, what the hell?” he shouts to me in front of everyone and now there is dead silence as everyone is watching the spectacle unfold.

Hey dude, it’s a game that’s all” Scott tells Dylan obviously trying to calm him down.

Keep out of it arsehole,” Dylan yells to Scott and looks back to me.

I leave you alone for a few hours and you are kissing someone else, you fucking whore!” he screams at me with fury and anger. I swallow the hard lump that forms in my throat. I am dumbfounded and in shock of Dylan’s accusations and the hostile tone.

Jemma is at my side.
“Don’t you dare speak to her like that Dylan! You can leave now!” she shouts at him giving him the look of death. I’ve seen her give numerous times but not to this extent.

You heard the lady, you need to go,” Scott tells him and moves forward trying to intimidate him.

Fuck you,” Dylan tells him and pushes him backwards. Scott bounds forward grabbing Dylan, but he manages to head butt Scott smack in the nose.  Blood pours out, gushing down his nose and face.

Fucking hell Dylan, what is wrong with you? What have you done?” I scream now crying at the mess that has unfolded and now ended in blood shed.

Two large bouncers make their way over and grab Dylan and drag him out the exit kicking and screaming, while
“Highway to Hell” by ACDC plays in the background.

What a fucking perfect song,
I am on the highway to hell

After a shit load of napkins and ice, Scott
’s nose stops bleeding and the shots he has consumed have numbed the pain.

Karaoke up next Roxy. You and me “Bohemian Rhapsody” girlfriend,” she tells me and I smile and nod, not one bit in the mood but I’m not going to let her down.

We smash out the song and embrace as
“Your So Vain” comes on for The Pink Ladies to sing so we join in.

After singing Happy Birthday and cutting the cake and dancing to
“The Boys Are Back in Town” and “Walk on The Wild Side” the DJ announces final drinks at the bar and the night comes to a close. I really am looking forward to my warm bed, as I’ve had a cold chill up my back ever since Dylan’s disastrous scene.

The last song of the night is
“Tiny Dancer” by Elton John. Dan and Jemma slow dance and I see the look of love when he looks into her eyes…

Kade, what was last week at the club? I need to know if it meant anything to you like it did to me.

Okay so thanks everyone for coming. It was such a fantastic night, thanks to my amazing best friend Roxy for her decoration skills and for just being her,” Jemma speaks into the microphone and blows a kiss to me as I blow one back.

Best Costume of the night goes to Superman Scott, hope your nose feels better, here is a twenty dollar voucher for your prize,” Jemma announces.

We end the night on a high note despite the fucked up drama earlier.

“Best party ever Roxy. I love you forever my bestest friend,” Jemma tells me slurring and gripping me in a way too tight bear hug.

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