Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (15 page)

BOOK: Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series
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Chapter 16


Hey Jem, it’s my first workday as a single woman. I feel like I should celebrate. Want to meet me somewhere for lunch?

I text her as I
’m feeling happy but hoping the walls don’t come crashing down.

Rox. I’ll meet you at The Chocolate Room at say twelve thirty, sounds like you need a choc fix.

She replies and she is totally fucking right, chocolate can fix anything and everything!

See you then

I message her back.

I spend the rest of the morning sending a few emails to clients for their graphics and playing around with a few ideas for Bella’s Photography Studio, my newest client. Red, black and white are the main colours.
Should be pretty funky when I’m done with it.

At twelve-fifteen I grab my grey embroidered cardigan and black Guess handbag.
It is of course a present from Jemma, her choice is always the brand names. I walk out past Neeta’s office and poke my head in her door. “Just heading to meet Jemma, do you need anything?” I ask her just in case.

No thanks sweetie, have a nice lunch. Oh on second thought maybe you could bring me back a surprise, and you know how I love the chocolate room,” Neeta answers grinning.

Sure thing girlfriend,” I say to her and make my way out to my car, grateful the drive is only ten minutes to the café.

I pull my shiny blue car into the tiny car park and see Jemma
’s car here already so I proceed inside. Even though it’s only been twenty-four hours since I saw her last, I feel so much warmth and instantly settled when I spot her sitting at one of the modern looking tables.

She instantly stands.
“Come here, you,” she says pulling me firmly into one of her famous bear hugs that I so desperately need.
I am a mixed bag of emotions right now.

Oh Jem, you always know how to make me feel better,” I say to her and a single tear rolls down my cheek.

That’s why I am and always will be your best friend,” she declares to me smugly with a large grin.

I’m not even crying because I’m upset. It’s more a tear of relief that I have done it. The weight of ending it was heavy on my shoulders and now it’s lifted,” I say to her feeling relieved but still uneasy about it all.

Of course Roxy, that was a huge thing you did, you were with Dylan for months so there are always going to be feelings involved. But it’s for the best. We all know there is something not right about him,” Jemma says reassuring me and I nod.
Totally something not right.

That is what fucking scares me Jem. He slammed the front door and left but didn’t scream or throw things, and it just feels like the calm before the storm. What the hell is he going to do?” I ask her honestly, as now I feel a bit on edge not knowing.
But my gut feeling is telling me he won’t just take this break up lying down…

Who knows Roxy, maybe he will just mope around and watch sad movies? He might just surprise you and be mature about it,” Jemma announces to me trying to alter my mood and make me feel better.

You don’t really believe that do you?” I ask her knowing she can’t lie to me - it is an unsaid rule between the two of us, plus we just are not capable of lying to each other.

Um no, not really babe. But it’s wishful thinking, right?” she tells me smirking and shrugging her shoulders.
I knew it

A petite brunette haired waitress casually meanders over to our table.
“What can I get you ladies?” she asks us holding her note pad and pen to take down our order.

I’ll have a hot chocolate please,” I tell her smiling, totally looking forward to my beverage of choice and with marshmallows.
Diet starts next week.

A cappuccino please with skim milk,” Jemma orders when the waitress looks her way and smiles.

We will also have the large chocolate fondue with pancakes and fruit to share thanks,” I finish off our order, knowing the delicious chocolate fix will help me feel better for the time being. Jemma nods to the waitress and smiles as she takes our menus and heads to the kitchen with our sugar filled order.

leans sweetly across the sturdy black table and squeezes my hand. “Just try and forget about it and about him. I won’t let anything happen to you Roxy, I promise you,” she tells me. “You will just be stuck hanging out with me, Dan, Tia and the rest of the girls for the next few weeks’ twenty-four-seven.”

I smile widely at Jemma and can
’t help but yawn. I have had the most terrible nights sleeping the last few nights and I really thought I would feel different now, I’m so grateful it’s over with Dylan but unsure of what is to come.

Sleep brings dreams though. I don
’t want the nightmares to come back, only the sweet calming dreams of tropical islands back in Kade’s arms.
where I desperately wish I was right now…

I can
’t help but think back to Dylan. “He must have known I wasn’t that into it. I mean do you know how many fake smiles I gave the poor guy that last week Jem?”

Oh and I’m sure fake orgasms too, Roxy,” Jem announces laughing at her own comment.

Aint that the fucking truth Jem. I never realised my G-spot wouldn’t work if my mind wasn’t in it. Well damn you learn something new every day, that is for sure,” I say to her and we break into a fit of hysterical laughter.

I enjoy the rest of our lunch date immensely. Oh how I love this woman. My best friend since we were four.

Jemma really is my person.

Like Kristina is to Meredith on
Grey’s Anatomy.

Like Jack is to Emily on

And well I am so unbelievably happy she has met someone. Not just a random like most weekends, but someone who respects her and takes her for dinners and spoils her. And well yes, has hot steamy sex with her too. But respect. That is the best and biggest part.

Dan comes from a great family, has an older brother married with kids so that has helped him mature.

We finish up when Jemma says to me playfully,
“So I have an idea for a new extracurricular activity for you and me bi-atch”

What no pole dancing intermediate classes?” I say stirring, remembering the bruises from the classes.

Been there, done that,” she tells me matter-of-factly.

Something new and fun, where we can shake it. Belly dancing classes Roxy!” Jemma tells me and screams causing a few patrons to look our way.
She never ceases to amaze me.

Oh my god Jemma. Well I guess it’s time for my bff and I to spend some more time together! Last activity was pole dancing so this time it’s Belly dancing. We are gonna shake it baby.” I say to her just like the line from
Dirty Dancing

You are gonna show me up again tart, just like pole dancing?” I say to Jemma sarcastically.

Some people are just designed to be awesome at everything! And I’m one of those cool people,” Jemma answers me smirking like she won a Golden Globe.

Oh you are a walking goddess that excels at everything,” I say totally sarcastically. “So should I start calling you your majesty?” I joke to her and laugh till my chest hurts.

Yep sounds like a great idea or Princess Jemma even better,” she replies giving me a wink.

Thinking hard to myself there must be some way I can try and show her up.
Think Roxy, what can’t Jemma do?

Oh oh, I can name something that you totally suck at Jem!” I stir and point in her direction.

Hit me with your best shot girlfriend,” Jemma orders me moving her shoulders showing a bit of attitude.

Year Eight music competition, you Miss Jemma Donovan cannot sing to save your life!” I tease her and poke my tongue out.

Oh my god, no way! That was a low blow Roxy.” Jemma giggles knowing how true my words are.

Just because I forgot a couple of words to “Quit Playing Games (With my Heart)” by the Backstreet Boys, does not mean anything!” Jemma tells me trying to sound annoyed until another giggle escapes her lips.

Ha ha, I successfully found one thing you suck at. One out of a hundred I’d say your average is pretty damn amazing Princess Jemma,” I answer her and proceed to punch her on her arm.

We have our first Belly Dancing class booked in nice and quick due to a cancellation. It
’s with Madame Elvina.

Welcome ladies, tonight we will be learning the principles of Belly Dancing, it’s all about using your lower body which are your hips and feet to draw a shape, then adding your mid and upper body.”

Let’s do it,” Jemma calls out in her usual loud voice, and that of course encourages a few others to cheer along.

Hip slide first, feet under your hips and shift your weight from leg to leg. Once you’re in the rhythm add your hips out further to the side, like this,” Madame Elvina tells us and demonstrates looking glamorous in her purple Bollywood gypsy skirt and silk black and gold beaded bra with dangly bits. Damn those hips of hers are fast.

Your turn ladies. Side to side, hips out. Go!” she calls encouragingly to us. I attempt the move, feeling very uncoordinated and I’m sure looking that way too, glancing at Jemma she looks so graceful.

Perfect, now let’s shake it faster to some music!” she screams and presses play on her stereo which plays a very Indian style belly dancing music but it totally helps with the rhythm to this move.

I let loose and shake it feeling free, vibrant and happy.
Who cares how I look!

We then add a chest slide and head slide into these movements,
our bodies shake and grind, talk about a full body workout.

Feeling out of breath and sweaty we finish up our first lesson.

“Thanks for coming you are all such beautiful ladies. See you all next week,” the instructor tells us smiling and blowing us a kiss.

Well that was amazing Jem. I loved every minute, this was more enjoyable to me than the pole dancing was, that is for sure,” I remark to her truthfully.

We hop in her snazzy cruiser and set off home, both sweaty and tired and needing a shower then our beds.

The car starts up and drives along fine for a few kilometres when I notice is starts shaking slightly.

Why is the car shaking like that Jem?” I ask her feeling slightly uneasy.

No freaking idea, something doesn’t feel right though. That’s for sure,” Jemma answers me as she pulls the car over on the side of the road.

We both climb out, and I run around to Jem. We hold hands like little
schoolgirls. It is late and dark, but at least we are in a well-lit area and in the suburbs not on a freeway or deserted road somewhere.

Shit, it’s a fucking flat tyre look!” she tells me pointing to her back side tyre. “Let’s climb back in and I’ll call Dan. Bet my poor baby is already asleep,” she says sweetly which makes me smile how she thinks of him.

Twenty minutes later Dan pulls up to the rescue and decides it
’s too late and dark to change the tyre so he takes us home. The car should be safe until the morning.

Nice size tear in that tyre Jem. Hope it wasn’t intentional,” Dan remarks to us while driving us back.

No way. We must have just run over a nail or a screw,” Jemma says quickly either to erase the idea from my head or her own.

I shower and climb into bed. I feel exhausted from Belly Dancing so for the first night since I broke up with Dylan I sleep soundly like a baby and wake up to drool on my pillow. Out like a light.

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