Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (26 page)

BOOK: Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series
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Chapter 29

Hold Me in Your Arms


I’ve secretly lined it up to take Roxy in a hot air balloon, across the island of Oahu. It’s a monumental token to show her just how sincere and in love with her I still am. This is the most romantic gesture I could think of a thousand metres in the air, flying through the clouds, just her and me.

After winning the world comp, we have celebrated our butts off. Now it
’s time for me to spoil, indulge, and prove to her just how much I adore and appreciate her taking me back.


“Oh my god, we are going to be flying in a hot air balloon! That’s freaking insane Kade!” I scream frantically and enthusiastically at him.

As we pull up to the large grass area where the sign
‘Balloons Aloft’ is displayed. I notice four coloured balloons on the take-off strip. I observe the sheer size of the balloons, they are amazing, so much more colossal in size than I ever imagined. The thunderous roar of the flame makes my already frantic heartbeat flutter faster than a dragonfly.

Good morning, I’m Shane and I’ll be your pilot for the next few hours,” a white haired, fit looking man dressed in a cool Hawaiian print shirt with khaki shorts tells us.

“Hi Shane, I’m Roxy and this is Kade,” I tell him joyfully. “I am beyond excited to be going up in the hot air balloon,” I add feeling beside myself with delight.

Shane skilfully opens the gate entry to the wicker basket under the balloon.

“All aboard you two love birds,” he tells us. I hurry toward the entry and hop onto the balloon feeling impatient, just longing to be up in the clouds and off the ground.

I walk to the edge of the basket and hold onto the corner, I can see the beautiful countryside and I breathe in the fresh air feeling eager to start this ride.

Kade comes in behind me and wraps his arms tightly around my waist. I turn my head and see those big brown puppy dog eyes that I know so well. They are so inviting, so addictive. My heart doesn’t just skip a beat, it trampolines, catapults, and backflips.

The flame blares and I feel the heat as the balloon starts to rise higher and higher.
“Whoa,” I say while giggling from the rush. I tightly grab onto the edge, watching the trees, fences and houses get smaller by the minutes as we make our accent into the clouds.

Roxy I need to talk to you and get a few things straight. You already know how much I love you but can you please hear me out?” Kade pleads with me as I see the creases in his forehead from his frown.

Why does this sound serious? I don’t really have a choice, not like I can just jump off this thing,” I tell him slightly smirking.

So much has happened over the last few months since we have been back together, but I feel I need you to know what happened when I left you. I have regretted the way I left ever since that day, but I felt my father needed me and I had to have space away from my mother.

truthfully walking away from you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my whole life Roxy.”

I can see all that now Kade, but for me to heal completely you need to know that you shattered me. You destroyed me and broke my heart into a billion jagged pieces. You walked away without talking to me about why you were deserting me and it fucking hurt like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It was a knife through my heart.”

Oh Rox, I am so very sorry. I know it sounds like a cop out but I am so ashamed of how I left you,” he tells me while fidgeting his hands I can tell how nervous he is.

I can
’t stop the words that keep coming out, I need to get it off my chest, this is my closure.

But you ran Kade. You were such a coward; you should have fought for me Kade, fought for us. You gave me hope, love, and happiness and in the blink of an eye you ripped it all away from me. You cut me so deep, I cried myself to sleep for months!” I scream at him and hit his chest.

I feel a tear trickle down my cheek. I shakily sit down on the bench and sense Kade move closer as his thumb wipes away my tear. I feel the spark between us that is always there, just the same.

“Oh Rox I have regretted that day ever since and I hate myself for hurting you, it was the biggest mistake of my life,” he tells me looking into my eyes, into my soul.

My heart broke that day too; a piece of me shattered and emptiness replaced it. Roxy, I used to think that I loved you because I needed you in my life... But now I know I need you in my life because I love you.”

I smile a wide beaming smile at the man I love as I reach out to caress his face.

“Then at the club I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw you there Roxy. I felt that amazing jolt of joy I always feel around you, the spark was still there between us. Just seeing your beautiful face it started to make me whole again. One look at you and I knew I still loved you and needed you in my life.”

is words are so heartfelt and warm to hear. It’s him, my knight in shining armour, he’s returned again. But what if he runs again? There are no guarantees in life; my heart will not survive it a second time. And as if he reads my mind he answers my question…

‘Roxy I can one hundred percent guarantee you that I will never ever leave you again. I promise you that I would rather die a hundred deaths than be without you. To me you are the ultimate woman and all the love in the world wouldn’t be enough to describe how full my heart is of love for you, always and forever. I’ve realised your happiness is the most important thing, and I want to spend the rest of my life making you deliriously happy day after day, after day.”

I am a sobbing mess, with his amazingly meaningful words that have enraptured my heart and my soul.

“Let’s move on Roxy. You and me, let’s start fresh and enjoy our lives being together. Just to have you in my life makes me wealthier than anyone,” he tells me and when I look into his hazelnut irises all is well in my world.

You know you are my soul mate. Even though we were apart, being so in love with you I was already there with you every step, I always felt connected to you.”

Okay,” I whisper.

I still love you more than anything and being with you again has been all kinds of wonderful. You are the highlight of my existence so far and if I didn’t give us another shot I would hate myself forever,” I tell him with jubilation and tenderness.

The wide smile on Kade
’s face is so bright and full of joy. He leans lovingly in to my face and presses his lips to mine. His rugged hands caress my face as he kisses me so adoringly I think I may have forgotten to breathe.

I pull back to look into his wonderful eyes.
Yep this is home - right here in Kade’s arms is my own piece of forever in my heart.
Pinks song “Just Give Me a Reason

comes to mind. We weren’t broke, just bent and we can spend the rest of our lives together, learning to love again.

I don’t know what the future holds for us Roxy, all I know is I will never let you out of my life again.

I will have you by my side for eternity you have my word. We can overcome any obstacle as long as we have each other. We are bonded as one,
” Kade tells me sincerely.

I have something little for you, to show you just how serious I am and how deep my love for you is. I never stopped loving you Roxy do you know that?” he asks me with such intensity.

He pulls a tiny white box from his pocket, and looks to my eyes for a response.
Oh my god, is Kade proposing? Is it too soon? Maybe it is, but fucking hell my answer is yes!

I am sure my expression must be one of shock, followed with a big giant smile. I shakily open the box. There is a silver ring, banded with three sparkling diamonds.
It really is stunning.

Roxy this is a promise ring to show you I am head over heels devoted to you. I promise to protect you, love you, and support you forever,” he admits to me as my heart flutters.

Not an engagement ring, but the next best thing…

“Oh Kade, it’s beautiful. Thank you for opening your heart to me, I needed to know that our relationship is all or nothing and well this, all of this is perfect.”

I lean in to kiss him, a deep mesmerising; passionate kiss that nearly knocks us both for a six it
’s that full of emotion.


After the most perfect day, with the most perfect woman, we arrive back at the resort.

Come on, take me bed or lose me forever hot stuff,” Roxy says teasingly.

Fuck I
’ve missed this goddess.

If I can master eight foot high waves, I think I can master you Miss Thorne,” I state to her with sarcasm and scoop her up and carry her giggling into our room.

You make me feel so alive Kade, do you know that?” she questions me and I nod, as she makes me feel exactly the same way.

I lay her sexy as sin body down on the monstrous sized bed.

I strip off our clothing and slide down her body. The heated glide of my mouth everywhere at once, tormenting her is too much and yet it’s never enough. It’s hungry and yet restrained, turning her wild and manic.

Without warning I delve into her core with my tongue, indulging and lapping up her juices. I swirl my tongue inside her, assaulting and pleasuring.
“Hmm,” she moans and my erection hardens wanting to be inside her warmness...

Her hands are fisted in the sheet, clutching for the control that I am taking from her. She shakes, explodes, and shatters coming to pieces from my mouth.

Roxy gazes deep into my eyes. I let her see inside my soul, longing for eternal love in my arms... I move my body onto hers, her naked breasts pushing into my chest, nipples hard and aroused.

Do you want me inside you baby?” I ask her even though I know the answer a hundred times over.

Yes, I want you inside of me baby. I never want you out,” she pants. I do as she wishes and push my cock inside her dripping core, it is so warm and juicy, and my dick is like steel from the feeling.

You’re a big shot Pro now, you might ditch me for someone more suited,” she jokes to me.

As I rub my hands along her body I tell her,
“This tanned skin of yours is so clear and smooth; I love the softness, your untouched beauty, no Photoshop, no Botox or plastic surgery. Roxy I love you and just you my all-natural Aussie beauty. You are my very cheeky, stubborn, way too independent, hotter than hell Aussie beauty,” I state to her as I thrust deep inside her wet core. I glide in with ease; she is so aroused and dripping.

I thrust again, relishing the feeling of being inside her. This is heaven to me.
My cock is the perfect fit for her. I thrust into her over and over, showing her body pleasure. She quivers beneath me as she explodes into oblivion, trembling.

My release is coming. I vigorously thrust and attain ecstasy. I come apart inside her, unrestrained and animalistic and nothing can match this feeling.

I can no longer imagine my life without Roxy, she completes me.

She has made me believe in myself, become more confident and alpha male. I love to see her vulnerable and letting me take charge. Letting me please her, seeing her squirm and come apart from my touch.

She’s given me pleasure I never thought possible. She has given me her whole heart and shown me the sensitive, sweet, and exposed part of her soul she tries so hard to hide and guard.

Loving her gives me a sense of calmness. All is well when I can shower her with my love.

I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together, taking our future one amazing day at a time…

The End



Forever in my Heart


“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

-Emily Bronte

Kade is a star out shining the others in the sky. When I’m cold, his arms embed me with warmth.

His love is deep and true and will never fade.

Now that I have the hostile drama with Dylan behind me and he is locked safely behind padded walls,

I feel free and euphoric, back to being madly in love with my soul mate. I honestly feel more in control than ever before and ready to conquer the world.
Kade has even spoken openly about our future and kids; it’s something I’ve always dreamed of, settling down, I did the party life for many years. But I think being much more serious with Kade now I can see it in the horizons. Not too close but far off enough that I can envision it starting.

giving me the promise ring, it’s just the commitment I need right now. He is a hundred percent invested in me, our relationship, and our future together, which seems so bright right now.

He gave me back a piece of my soul that I didn
’t even know was missing, he healed my heart and it is now whole again. Not cracked, not jagged but whole, the scar has gone and no remnants remain.

I am eager to start spending the rest of my life with my white knight who really did rescue me, quite a few times now…

My rock, my sparkling rare diamond, the fucking love of my life!





What another amazing rollercoaster this has been!

First of all a big thank you to all of my readers! Kade & Roxy from 'Breaking My Heart' were so loved it still amazes me the response I get about these two characters.

Whether it is to slap
Kade or shake some sense into Roxy.

Writing to me is something that I love and cherish with all my heart.

First and foremost to my beautiful Mother. You’re no longer with us, but your memory, love, & spirit is still here supporting me daily. Your loving and caring nature will shine on and I hope you are looking down on me and feeling proud.

To my fabulous editor Jennifer Tovar from Gypsy Heart Editing, Wow! Your editing skills are fantastic and personality to match, so happy to now call you a friend too. <3

To Rebecca Berto from Berto designs, thank you for my gorgeous cover and teasers! You are so talented and know your stuff. :)

To my formatter Angel Steel, thank you for your advice and skills, I just don't have the patience for it! You rock!

To the awesome authors and friends I've made along the way who have let me pick their brains and given me help & advice: Kristine
Englefield (Velvet Reed), Emma Fitzgerald, Jani Kay, PJ Beldon, JR Grant, Angel Steel.

To the fabulous blogs that have been a big help pimping me out: Kristy Louise from Book Addict
Mumma, Jenn from Read and Share Book Reviews, HEA Bookshelf, Angela Travers from Books n Friendz, just to name a few.

To my beta readers Emma Keating, B.L Berry, Michelle Rodrigues & Cheryl Brown your feedback and positive criticism was necessary to strengthen Healing My Heart. Cheryl you are a great friend too.

To my gangster girlies Tash, Kylie, & Liz; I love you so much & appreciate your friendship xx. To Ange my BFF, thanks for being there through thick & thin, for being supportive & a shoulder to cry on! Love you too:)

To Leigh & Megan, my kindred spirits, you have been there for me through the good, the bad & the ugly. I'm so
honoured you are still Amazing friends <3.

And last but not least to my wonderful husband and three beautiful boys, thank you for believing in me and supporting me through this journey. I definitely lost it a few times with lack of sleep, edits and publishing,
lol. You braved my mood swings and gave me strength to keep going and I love the four of you with all my heart & soul, always & forever xx.

And to my readers, thank you to the moon and back for embarking on this journey and for loving
Kade & Roxy like I do. I can't wait to share book three with you all.




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