Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (24 page)

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Shit I knew he was a few cans short of a case and my gut was right. That fucking bastard, if he has so much as put a scratch on Roxy
’s perfect skin he will pay for it.



I climb through the window frame and jagged glass. I make a run for it through the dense forest, as far away from the cabin, the fire, and Dylan that I can.

I frantically keep checking behind me and clumsily I trip on a large log that sends me toppling to the ground straight onto a jagged rock. It slices through my scar opening the flesh with blood pouring out, it stings and makes me feel nauseas.

Now lying down to stop the dizziness, I take a few deep breaths and compose myself. I slowly stand, through the pain I keep going now limping and flinching from the stinging and burning.

I hear Dylan’s voice. “Roxy! I will find you. You can’t run from me any longer, you little slut. I will not let him have you!” he calls out to me and I start to shake. I’ve never been so frightened in my life.

He is
violent and mentally unstable.

What kind of person kidnaps someone, ties them
up, then tries to set them on fire?

If only
my prince charming Kade knew I was up here, he would save me.

I vaguely hear the bushes moving so I know Dylan is gaining on me. I veer off down a different path hoping to detour him and I collapse. I
’m tired, aching and my leg is still bleeding, not to mention the headache from being drugged and smoke inhalation.

I don
’t care how mentally depressed this guy is, I will testify to getting him locked up. First he prayed on Cassie and now me.


Zooming down the freeway, the v8 engine purrs like a kitten; it was made to speed like a demon. I am doing twenty over the limit following the directions on the find my phone app.

Jemma and I also grabbed Dan along the way. The more people the better for back up, in case the psycho is armed.

When its confirmed that Dylan has her I will be calling the cops, no more mucking around they can haul his crazy arse to a padded cell.

Ten more kilometres’ Kade and we should be to Irone Stone road and that is where her phone is. Let’s hope she is there too. I swear to god I will fucking kill Dylan if he took her,” Jemma says angrily, and then she starts sobbing. They are more like sisters than friends and anyone can unmistakably see just how tight their bond is.

I angrily slam my foot down on the pedal and increase my speed further. I will get to Roxy, if it
’s the last thing I do…

We propel forwards skidding around the corner onto Irone Stone road and there are towering flames, heavy smoke and embers flying around.
Full-blown panic is hitting me.

Jesus Christ, there is a fire!” I scream now furious that Roxy is amongst the fire; I drive in as close to the raging flames as possible, not caring about my god damn car right now when my exquisite girl is in grave danger.

I pull on the hand break and frantically jump out, Jemma and Dan follow close behind and I can hear Jemma on the phone to the Fire Brigade reporting the fire.

“Roxy!” I call out desperately hoping she can hear me, praying to the heavens above that she is okay.

Roxy, its Kade are you out there?” I call into the woods, as the house is now up in flames and even if I wanted to I couldn’t get inside.
Please don’t be inside…

A suspicious
looking shadow hurries through the dense forest, and then it’s gone out of sight.

Roxy!” I call out again louder than the first time. “Roxy can you hear me?”

We will head down the side of the cabin Kade and have a look,” Dan shouts me and he and Jemma take off to investigate.

The smoke is getting thicker, starting to burn my eyes a little. I can feel the temperature increase from the flames as they increase in width and height.

There is a shadow nearing me then I feel a weight on top of me and I’m tackled to the ground hard. A punch is thrown to my face, then again.

I push with all my strength and send him flying. As I jump to my feet, I see his face and I know it
’s that fucking scumbag Dylan.

Where the hell is Roxy you psychopath, what have you done?” I scream at him for answers, and then I can’t control my temper any longer as I fly at him in a rage and now tackle him into the hard concrete.

It’s too late for Roxy,” Dylan says to me with craziness in his eyes.
What does he mean it’s too late?
He’s lying, he has to be lying. I am so angry I slam his head into the concrete.

Where is she?” I scream again and punch him in the nose, spraying blood sideways. He laughs, spitting blood at me.
The motherfucker actually laughs.

Kade I’m safe. I’m here!” I hear her angelic voice call out to me as I turn and look into the pine trees. I see her limping with blood running down her leg.
But she is alive.

Quickly jumping off Dylan, who is not worth another second of my time I eagerly run to her.

“You are bleeding, what the hell did he do to you?” I question her so concerned for her wellbeing.

I fell onto a rock while trying to escape, it cut open my scar again” she tells me as I embrace her, never wanting to let her out of my sight ever again.

Dylan stands and tries to make a run for it, as Dan tackles him.

“Where do you think you’re going arsehole?” Dan says to him holding his arms behind his back and now sitting on him so he can’t move.

Oh Roxy, thank god you are okay. I was so worried about you,” Jemma says running to her side then hugging her.

The fire brigade and police should be here any minute. Dylan will be going away for a long time,” she says as she looks over to where Dan is holding him down.

You are my hero Dan,” she says to him blowing him a kiss.

We hear the sirens, and breathe out a sigh of relief. My angel is safe, no thanks to him. He will be locked up and he will pay for taking her captive. I hope they throw away the key.

I embrace Roxy and caress her soot covered face; I gaze into her perfect blue irises, leaning in to kiss her lips.

Oh Roxy, the thought of being without you literally killed me. I swear on my life I won’t be going anywhere ever again, this has shown me just how deep my love runs for you. You give me courage and strength that I never knew I had and I cannot bear to live another single day without your love. I love you Roxy. I always have and I always will,” I say to her feeling exhilarated and thrilled to admit my true feelings.

Oh Kade, I never stopped loving you and I know I never will. I love you too baby, with all my heart and soul,” Roxy confesses to me and it makes me grin so wide from happiness, that my cheeks hurt.

Let’s get your wound checked out baby. Then I’m taking you home where I can keep you safe,” I say to her sweetly.

Yes baby please take me home. Let’s hop into bed and stay there forever,” she says smirking.

Roxy the sound of your voice is the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard, but you telling me to take you to bed, is like music to my ears,” I can’t help but say to her after her last request.



Chapter 28

Hawaiian Pro Tour Kade

amazing life with Roxy has moved forward in leaps and bounds. We are inseparable and spend every waking moment together.

After the kidnapping and fire, we took some
much needed time away at the lake house. Now we are looking to the future and what lies ahead.

’m ecstatic that the love of my life has agreed to come to Hawaii with me for two weeks, for the Pro tour. Life is fantastic.

Pete graciously drops Roxy, dad and I at the airport.
“Sorry I can’t come and watch bro, just with work and the new baby coming money is tight,” my best mate admits warmly to me and I just know he is going to make a great dad.

I totally get it Pete, don’t worry about it,” I state to him not wanting him to feel bad.

I am totally stoked for you and Roxy Kado. You two are just meant for each other,” he adds just before I close the car door. I give him as smile and lean into shake his hand, and nod to him in appreciation of his words.

We have
scheduled plans to meet my coach and a few others from the squad at the domestic terminal to board the plane to Hawaii. I have Roxy’s hand entwined tightly in mine and I’m literally on top of the world. Dad insisted on coming to watch his son win the world title and isn’t that a change of tune, to back when he told me surfing was a waste of time.

I sure showed him.

“Kade, Roxy hey,” I hear my sister calling our names.  I turn to see her dressed in a bright summer dress, which obviously is emphasising her excitement about coming to Hawaii.

Hey Eb, hey John,” I say to them both as my bubbly and slightly embarrassing sister embraces me first, then Roxy and last but not least dad.

Oh my god we are going to Hawaii!” she screams and jumps up and down.

Calm down for god’s sake Ebony,” dad says to her in his serious tone. I can’t help but have a good chuckle to myself.

Don’t be a spoilt sport father. Hawaii is going to be amazing and my little brother is going to smash this comp out of the water, pun intended!” Ebony tells dad pointing and now giggling at her own joke.

Qantas Flight to Honolulu boarding in forty five minutes,” we hear the speaker announce.

The flight is extremely
long; thank god the seats are comfortable. The food is not so great, but edible, it’s just the restriction, goddamn we are stuck on there for ten hours. Thank god Roxy was there to keep me calm. Giving me something beautiful to look at and her idea of joining the Mile High Club totally had me distracted and desperately trying to get her arse into the bathroom.

We finally arrive in Honolulu just after
lunchtime and the humidity is a killer. I can tell the training leading up to the heats is going to be intense. I squeeze my goddesses’ hand and give her a warm loving smile. I can’t hide my excitement that I’m on a tropical island with her by my side. She leans in to kiss me and I deepen the kiss and hold her close.

After collecting our luggage we leisurely walk outside to meet our resort driver and hired van that coach has organised for us. As we drive along the road, I take in the amazing scenery of this country.

There are waving coconut palms swaying along the sidewalks, the brilliant sun shining high in the bright blue sky, the tropical haven has me in awe of its natural beauty.

I unwind the window and I can smell the salty air, knowing there must be a beach close by, has me itching to jump on my board and try out the monster waves.

The Hawaiian driver pulls up to our resort and I am speechless. It is picturesque and tranquil and I think I’m in heaven. The islanders are waiting welcoming us as we climb out, we are given bright and colourful leis to wear, and Roxy can’t wipe the grin from her gorgeous face.

The resort is enormous yet elegant, modern and refurbished entry and foyer, beautifully landscaped gardens, palm trees line the entrance. I can see two large pools, and again my sensitive senses know the ocean is just over the rocks.

The hospitality so far is friendly and very pleasant. No wonder they call this island paradise, I could live here tomorrow.

Roxy this place is amazing,” I say to my angel as I kiss her cheek with adoration.

Yep it really is amazing, and we have only been here a couple hours. I can’t wait to explore with you,” Roxy tells me looking deep into my eyes. Giving her a wink I wonder what kind of exploring she is actually referring too.

Our deluxe beachfront room is spectacular. It has full ocean views, modern furniture and all fully contained kitchens, large spa bath with double vanity. Roxy is in awe of the architecture and design. According to my very own graphic design professional the dining table, chairs and other items are classic contemporary pieces.

“Wow Kade look at the abstract canvass’ they are all so unique and breathtaking,” she tells me in awe of it all, I am in awe of her knowledge and her beauty. “Check out the ambience when I lower the lighting shades of the low hanging pendants,” she informs me making me chuckle.
I really don’t care about the lights.

Now on the other hand the magnificent king size bed catches my eye. I scoop Roxy playfully up into my arms and lower her onto it, and we get all hot and heavy creating our own paradise while we christen it for the next couple of hours.

The afternoon is picturesque as we go exploring the island. We walk along the spectacular beach, watching dolphins glide through the ocean, enjoying the beautiful sun’s rays and bright hibiscus flowers.

There are three rectangular pools; one is Adults only so we make note to try that out later,
clothes not an option, another with a slide, spa, sauna and double tennis courts.

We make plans to go snorkelling and scuba diving next week and even parasailing when the comp is over and I can relax. I plan to do as little as possible with the woman of my dreams.

Coach has me on an intense training plan that has me collapsing into bed each night and up at the crack of dawn. It will be worth it if I can make my dreams of winning come true.

I hesitantly start my morning sprints, then legs and abs, jogging and cardio followed by chest and triceps.
Aching and sore is an understatement.
Next morning I work on back, biceps, abs again, shoulders, calves and more sprints.

At least afternoons surfing training are the fun parts. It
’s where I can be one with the waves. Coach has me carving, side railing, doing more difficult floaters and adding three-sixty manoeuvres to my technique
. Love it.

We have had five amazing days on the island so far. It really has flown with the training for
me; at least having Roxy by my side has made life in general more enjoyable and pleasurable.

As the night before my huge day rolls around, we spend it by having a nice casual dinner with the family, coach, and my squad, who have come along for support and no doubt the Hawaiian babes.

Then Roxy and I relax and soak up the tranquillity outside in the spa, my favourite place in the world is being in her arms or by her side.

Sorry I’ve been training so hard baby, next week I’m all yours I promise,” I tell her sweetly, as I am fretting over not spending as much time together lately.

I totally understand Kade. You are going to smash it tomorrow baby, I just know it and I love you unconditionally no matter what the outcome,” she tells me with adoration.

I love you too, so god damn much,” I admit openly to her feeling so in love with this amazing woman by my side. I can’t wait to show her the surprise I have planned for next week.

The sun has not long risen, as I wake at five to shower and head out for a morning jog. Today is the day; finally I can show the world what I can do on a surfboard! I have become quite familiar with the territory, but the thing about Sunset Beach
besides the sand, is that the waves are unpredictable, and with the wind picking up already, I know we will be dealing with some big shit.

The Surf comp in Manly was pretty damn big, but pulling up to phenomenal Sunset Beach I swear there must be ten times the amount of fans and supporters here today.

We take our bags and gear to the tent we are assigned. Our sponsor is Vans so we are given shirts, bags, hats, and shoes. I can just see Pete’s face when I take some home for him.
Definitely one of the perks

Over the loud speakers the hosts for the day make a start on the events and schedules.

“Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Sunset Beach for the World Cup of Surfing. The World Cup of Surfing is the second jewel in the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing. Held at Sunset Beach, we are expecting a fantastic line up of amazing surfers here from around the world!”

Sunset Beach pulls in the largest swells seen in surfing comps and the waves are usually wild and untamed, just the way we like them. Every wave I have ridden so far in training has been unique.


Let’s get the Surfing rounds underway, I know the competitors are eager to hit the waves, let’s give them all a warm welcome to Hawaii with a loud cheer”

Woo hoo!” the crowd roars and screams, getting me pumped and excited. Mind you my heart is imitating a drummer’s solo, like it might burst out through nerves.

First heat Competitors are:

Kai Waits

Laine Bradley

Troy Slater

Kade Thomas

Hamish Flores

Okay Kado, the first three competitors pretty well nailed their waves so you have to be fierce out there like I know you can be son,” Mm coach challenges me as I know he believes in my ability, sometimes even to a higher degree than I believe in myself.

Really the others did nothing spectacular, but none of them wiped out either. It
’s me then Hamish from France left in this heat.

As the commentators calls my name for my turn out there, I wave to some fans, groupies, regulars that I see around. There is a blonde in the crowd, waving to me frantic, that bleach blonde hair looks familiar.
Not now Kade you need to focus.

I jog with my board under my arm, it
’s an all too familiar feeling now and I’m so used to doing it. The sheer magnitude of the crowd watching, cheering, and the amount of fans is mind blowing. I know it’s a big event but huge doesn’t even begin to cut it. I wave to my beach babe Roxy, she blows me a kiss.

Reaching the ripples of the ocean, I lay my K small board in the water, lying face down I begin my paddle for the ride of my life. Judging from my training sessions here this event will be the highest waves I
’ve ever surfed and they are increasing height by the hour.

I hastily paddle with a swiftness that is rapid, no lagging off. I thrash through the water fast and hard with the strength I
’ve been training to build.
Who wants second place? Not fucking me!

The vigorous waves are constant, not gradual just frequent and unrestrained. As George from
says, “The Sea was angry that day my friend.”

Towering, rough and dangerous
but a surfer’s wet dream...
I’m feeling slightly scared yet aroused and eager to surf these monstrous waves.

I pause and straddle my board to let a couple slam down, they weren
’t calling to me. But the fourth wave has my name on it!

Hands digging deep into the water, increasing my speed I
’m speeding toward the amazing mountain of water before me. The board I am using is the K Small; it’s a smaller board than I had used previously to help enhance my power and style. Used by Kelly Slater himself.
So there’s gotta be some truth in it. Right?

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