Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (21 page)

BOOK: Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series
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Jesus Christ, that was intense,” I say to Kade with my legs trembling and goose bumps breaking out up my back.

Amazing and intense,” he comments still inside me as he caresses my back and plants gentle kisses.

You must be sore from laying like that, sorry Rox,” he adds pulling out and helping me up from the table. I am putty in his hands but I can’t wipe the smile off my face. He scoops me up and carries me into my bedroom laying me on the bed where he climbs in next to me snuggling as we pull the covers up and drift into a much needed sleep.

Thank god I am on the pill after all these sexscapades

Roxy baby, how you feeling?” I hear Kade’s unmistakable voice whispering, waking me from my sleep.
I wonder how long I was dead to the world.
I stretch my arms up, and every muscle is sore and aching, including my groin.

Um every part of me hurts, but in the best possible way. Talk about fucking every which way from Sunday. I think we broke our old record mister,” I answer him grinning from ear to ear and leaning into kiss him playfully.

I really don’t think we will ever beat it either,” he jokes to me and I think he may be right. “It’s nearly three in the afternoon Rox. Can you believe I gotta go to surfing practice in an hour?” he adds.

What? Nearly three? Shit we sexed and slept the day away,” I state to him and part of me really doesn’t want him to leave
surely I would be sick of him, but I’m not one bit.

These past few days with you, have been nothing short of sensational Roxy. I think we are on the right track when it comes to us and a relationship again. What do you think?” He asks me anxiously awaiting my response.

Sensational is totally the right word Kade”.

If we can venture out of the bedroom and the car long enough, are you up for seeing a movie one night this week?” I question him and I guess it’s our first date all over again, in a weird kind of way.

Definitely it’s a date Miss Thorne. Now I need another shower and I better get going to training or coach will have my arse,” he tells me as his naked butt hurries off to shower yet again.

Yep you got a Pro tour comp to win Mr. Thomas,” I call out to him and I guess that will be another hurdle for us, his comp. Hawaii and all.

We are both dressed and heading out to Kade
’s car by three thirty and I can’t help but think about Dylan’s strange phone call so I find myself feeling paranoid and checking the street. There are a few parked cars, nothing suspicious looking.
Dylan’s jeep would be pretty noticeable.

I might just say bye here at the front of my building,” I tell Kade not wanting to parade us together.

I’m just unsure whether Dylan may be watching me, so don’t think I’m being cold by not walking you out properly,” I tell Kade honestly thinking he may get the wrong idea.

That’s cool I get i
but he better not be fucking watching you”.

You will be giving me a proper goodbye kiss whether he likes it or not beautiful,” he tells me playfully and I suddenly feel hot and giddy. I giggle like a school-girl as he kisses me hard, lovingly and leaving me breathless.

We are interrupted by a loud screeching sound of tyres along the road, someone going way too fast and doing a burn out. I stop and turn to look when I hear a smash and another tyre screech.

“What the hell?” I say wondering what in the world just happened. Kade runs over to his car so I follow behind, the view of broken glass is evident. Someone vindictively smashed his window.

Shit, who the hell would do that?” I say out loud feeling concerned as I turn to face Kade.

Who do you think Roxy?” he says to me kind of pissed, and insinuating who he suspects.

Oh shit, it must be Dylan. He has a few screws loose Kade. I haven’t had a chance to talk to you about him,” I say truthfully.

I’ll pay for your window, it’s the least I can do,” I say to him feeling guilty and the cause of the damage.

No way, it’s not your fault one bit. If he’s not stable I’m just glad he is away from you Rox. I’m so glad you are back in my arms where you belong,” Kade tells me sweetly as he wraps his arms tightly around me.

I am now feeling
dishevelled and really annoyed at what has happened. I no longer care if Dylan sees us as I gaze up into Kade’s alluring eyes and smile, and then kiss him deeply. Pulling back I tell him, “I am so glad to be back in your arms too.”


Chapter 22

More Lies and Deceit

venture into work Monday, dawdling somewhat after an amazing weekend, minus the smashed window. I am extremely sore in all of the places I assumed I would be, and I can see a couple worthy bruises to go with our bedroom or shall I say dining table antics.
I will not be telling Jemma about that one.

We sit in the large spacious boardroom
, most of us suffering from Monday-itis, for our usual office meeting.

Roxy we have another big project for you if you are up for it? It is a coffee shop, here are the details,” Neeta states to me giving me a folder with specifics.

Sounds like a fun design. I’ll start on some drafts, thanks Neet,” I reply with enthusiasm to begin.

I am already excited to get started on plotting out a few designs. I bring up a few pictures and graphics to use with the colours I am envisioning. Chocolate, beige, white, and caramel would be prefect for a coffee shop. I save a few ideas on my computer when my work phone rings and I can see from the light flashing, it is the front office.

“Hello,” I answer casually assuming its Rachael.

Hi Roxy, there is a lady named Cassandra here to see you,” Rachael tells me cheerfully into the receiver.

I can’t think of a client named Cassandra? I wonder who that is,” I say back a little puzzled.

All good, I’ll be down in a second,” I reply still not sure who I will be seeing, but I will find out soon enough.

I approach the front desk reception to a smiling Rachael. She is perfect for the front desk role, very pretty short brown hair, styled in a modern way with layers, and she has crystal blue eyes and is very professionally dressed every day. I give her a friendly smile and a nod.

“The woman is just outside in the lounge Roxy,” she tells me.

Okay thanks Rach,” I reply and I’m quite eager to see who my mystery visitor is.

I slowly push open the front door,
and proceed around the corner to the waiting lounge; there I spot a rather pretty and graceful looking brunette woman in a wheelchair. Her eyes find mine and she smiles looking slightly nervous. I am a little gobsmacked still at the mystery woman and haven’t quite put all the pieces together.

Are you Roxy?” the attractive girl dressed in a simple jeans and t-shirt attire asks me.

Yes, I am Roxy. Sorry have we met before?” I question her totally thrown by who she is.

No we haven’t met before, I’m Cassandra, and I’m Dylan’s ex-girlfriend,” she admits to me and it throws me for a six. This is Cassie, Cassandra, his high school sweetheart involved in the car accident, now in a wheel chair. Okay all the missing pieces are slotting in now.

Oh wow, I am a little shocked to see you. Sorry if I seem a bit disorientated,” I state to her so she doesn’t think I am just being plain old rude.

I am here as I am concerned for your welfare Roxy. Honestly Dylan isn’t mentally stable,” she confesses openly to me.

No shit,” I tell her before I can stop the words from coming out. “How did you find out where I work?” I question her, with a number of things flowing through my mind and all at once.

I’m sorry; I just thought here at your workplace was less intrusive then your apartment. I’m here to try and help you Roxy. Has he told you details about me? Did he ever mention the car accident or anything more?” she queries me.

Look I appreciate your concern but I ended it with Dylan. He didn’t tell me anything about you or the accident but I found out myself. I really just want to get on with my life, and forget about that controlling guy, “I plead with her.

I totally understand but he’s unstable Roxy. His mother hasn’t heard from him or seen him, his boss fired him and he’s off his meds.” Cassie tells me, leaving me dumbfounded.

What the hell? You have me confused, meds what meds?” I ask her feeling quite shocked and questioning everything I thought I knew about Dylan.

Wow, you honestly don’t know?” she asks me looking surprised.

I don’t know anything about meds. But truthfully it all makes sense now, his mood swings, sketchiness and violent behaviour,” I remark to Cassie and shake my head now needing to take a seat to take all this new information in.

After the accident Dylan came to see me in the hospital every day. He came until the police put him in jail for drunk driving and causing grievous bodily harm,” she states to me in detail.

That place destroyed him; he came out shattered, dark and lost his belief in the good in the world. He believed he should be locked up for life for what happened to me,” Cassie tells me as a tear runs down her cheek. I notice her dark shiny hair; it’s layered with a few foils at the front. Her eyes are blue like mine, but more sky blue. I imagine her and Dylan as high school sweethearts being the glamour couple in high school.

He cut off all contact with me but I kept in contact with his mother. I know he tried to overdose after the jail time so he was admitted to rehab. He was kept in for one month, attended counselling and was medicated. He went back to work and seemed normal again. But Sandra called me two weeks ago asking if I knew how to get in contact with you. His doctor called her since he never returned for his new script,” she continues to tell me blow after blow shocking details about this stranger, that I never really knew.

Dylan has also been charged with assault against me. I have a restraining order out against him. He claims self-defence against me; he said I tried to throw a chair at him. It is all lies though,” she confesses.

He grabbed my neck with both hands strangling me. His grip got tighter as he tried to choke me hard cutting off my oxygen. If my brother didn’t walk in and tackle him when he did I wouldn’t be alive today,” she admits all these confronting details to me looking scared when she talks about him.

He was always a very jealous guy. I could see the anger in his eyes one day as he was jealous of a friend of ours named David that would talk to me, so he beat him up pretty bad.” These confessions and details must be hard for her to relive.  Now I realise that she had to come and warn me, her intentions are all good.

Oh my God Cassie. This is crazy, everything you have told me. I am so sorry you had to go through that,” I say sincerely to her thinking of the terrifying events.

Dylan called me yesterday. The call was brief and very strange, an hour later someone smashed my friend’s car,” I relay the details to her of the past few weeks.

I can’t forget last weekend he got into a fight at Charles’s engagement dinner. Oh it was with someone named David, must be the same one you know,” I say to her and another piece of the puzzle fits in.

If I were you Roxy, I would call the police. Dylan has a record, so if you report the car window was smashed then they might question him, it might calm him down,” she tells me with concern and worry in her voice.

His mother is so sick with worry; if you hear anything else or he calls you again can you please call me? Here is my number,” Cassie tells me handing me her business card.

Cassandra Rowe

Accountant – Richardson Accountancy Firm

Okay I will be calling you if I hear from him again. I really hope that I don’t to be honest. Thanks for coming to see me Cassie, it must be hard for you to still have to deal with his bullshit after what happened,” I comment to her and put my hand on hers for comfort.

I just wouldn’t want to see him hurt anybody else the same way he hurt me,” she tells me so I squeeze her hand. We say our goodbyes as she wheels herself out the front automatic door.

Shit. What the fuck have I gotten myself into?






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