Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (22 page)

BOOK: Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series
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Chapter 23

’s Surf School


I just can’t believe my amazing run of luck lately. It is phenomenal reconnecting with Roxy, having her back in my arms, feeling her velvet skin, kissing those plump lips. My favourite part is watching her tremble as I bring her to orgasm.

Sex with her in the
car, was damn hot. She is still the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, her sarcasm brings me to my knees and keeps me on my toes that is for sure.

We connect on so many different levels
- talking is easy, silence is comfortable, and fuck, the sex is unbelievable and then some. Balls deep entering her from behind on her dining table, damn that vision will be etched in my mind till the day I die.

I am over the moon at today
’s events. I had a phone call before I met Roxy at the beach and the offer I gave to buy the Surf School was accepted and now I am a business owner.
How awesome is that!

I plan on asking Roxy to design me a sign with KT
’S SURF SCHOOL on it. I am busting to tell her, so I ask her to meet me at the beach after work Monday. I am training with the owner, getting to know a few of the kids and parents.

’ve just finished up teaching Brayden to surf; he is seven years old with long brown curly hair.
What a dude.

My heart skips a beat when I see her, my one true love walking along the beach kicking her tanned legs in the whitewash of the waves...

Roxy is still the most beautiful girl on the planet to me, without a doubt. Her metallic blue eyes find mine, I see them widen in shock, when she sees me with a shirt on that says trainer, I hadn’t told her anything about it just yet.

“Brayd go wax your board some more buddy for tomorrow’s lesson, I’ll just be a sec,” I call to him.

Hey I’m glad you came,” I say smiling at her as I see her trying to put two and two together.

You are working here now?” she questions me as I see her gorgeous mind ticking away.

I am distracted by her beauty
. My heart is thumping hard in my chest, my mouth is dry and my palms start to sweat.
What the hell?
I can’t believe how nervous I feel. Although I’m still totally excited to see her all the same.

I take her in gazing at her
pretty, flawless face, the perfection of her skin.

Well you are now looking at the new owner of Manly Surf School,” I admit to her with excitement and it feels damn good to say it.

Oh my god, you bought this? That’s amazing, wow, Kade I’m so proud!” she tells me and kisses my cheek so softly stirring my groin to life.

It’s a new adventure for me, and the owner is still happy to help out when I have tournaments, so I don’t have to feel bad about that either,” I state to her and I feel joy to share something so true to my heart with her.

Just let me finish up with Brayden and packing up and I’m all yours beautiful,” I tell her as I need to make a good first impression with the boy’s parents too.

Sure, I will take a walk along the sand. I forgot how tranquil the beach could be,” she replies with that angelic voice of hers.

I say bye to Brayden and his father as they drive off, waving to me his little hand in the back seat.

I help pack the combo van that came with the franchise with the boards, sign and witches hats. I’m officially taking over starting fresh from Monday.

Bye, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I call out to the owner.

Then I jog off over to Roxy
, eager to spend some time with her. She is sitting in the sand staring out at the sea, her long blonde hair blowing in the wind. She is a vision of a catwalk model, perfect in every way.

slowly creep up behind her as she hasn’t noticed me, and grab her shoulders making her squeal. That has to be one of the most amazing sounds on the planet that’s for sure.

We sit and cuddle, watching the waves hit the shore
. It’s melodic of our life together, one step at a time… Slow and steady wins the race, but something about her makes me want to take a short cut and make her mine forever.



Chapter 24

Daddy’s Little Girl

I drive towards my place feeling content after a beautiful evening watching the sunset with Kade at the beach. I am so proud of him for taking a big step and buying the surf school, it is such a huge achievement. I too can
’t wait to someday own my own graphic design studio. I will be on top of the world when I can follow and live that dream.

is now the only dream that I can think about. Everything with him is so perfect. He is my sunshine on a rainy and cloudy day. He is the bright and blossoming flowers at springtime that brightens the scenery and my existence by just being close.

Dylan did help me with maybe sixty percent of the null void feeling. He made me smile, feel secure and loved. He was sweet, for a while. But he is not t
he sweetest taste I’ve ever had, Kade wins by far, with the saltiness of the ocean waves, his fresh damp hair after surfing practice. The rough calluses on his hands that would add to the heated passion between us.

The shocking conversation with Cassie
replays in my mind. Dylan off his meds, missing and was in jail for assault. I have every reason to be concerned for my safety.

It just wasn
’t the time or place to tell Kade all of this new information. I didn’t want to spoil his proud moment.

’s Thursday and I have plans for a family dinner tonight at dad and Fiona’s. Jeremy won’t be there, him and Seline have flown to New York for some much needed couple time, plus dad and Jez haven’t bonded like I thought they would. Men and their feelings, blah…

I can
’t help but think about the past few months and my father coming back. Being in contact with dad again has been amazing. I’m grateful we were thrown back into each other’s lives, even if part of me still hates him for leaving and giving up on us. I guess now I understand better.

I get the shock of my life when mum calls me.
“Hey mum,” I answer casually, looking forward to catching up on the latest with her and Phil.

Roxy your father has had a heart attack. He’s in the hospital. Can you meet me there?” my mother’s shaken voice tells me through the phone.

Oh my god mum, shit. Is he okay?” I ask frantically, feeling sick to my stomach with anxiety.

He is stable Roxy, that’s a good thing,” mum replies with her sweet reassuring tone.

I nervously walk into his hospital room and catch sight of my poor father lying in the hospital bed.

He looks so vulnerable and pale with leads everywhere, an oxygen mask and a monitor beeping is such a scary sight. My heartbeat is racing and my hands are clammy.

No I
’ve just gotten him back I can’t lose him.

I lovingly hold his fragile hand and gently squeeze it. He lays stagnant but the monitor shows me his heart rate is okay for the moment, this much I know.
Thank god.

He opens those crystal blue eyes of
his; they are puffy and swollen as looks up into my eyes and gives a tiny smile.

Oh dad you scared me half to death. You better be okay, do you hear me?” I state to him meaning every word. If he’s not okay, I just wouldn’t cope.

A hospital nurse comes into the room.
“Hello, I’m Sally and I’ll be your father’s nurse for today,” she looks middle aged and has a dark brown pixie style haircut.

Hi, I’m Roxy. How is my father doing?” I ask her needing some answers for reassurance.

Doctor Ross, this is Roxy, she is asking about her father,” Sally tells a male doctor who walks into my father’s private room. He approaches me and dad’s new wife. Giving her a nod, assuming they have already spoken I question him. Sally smiles at me and continues checking monitors and making notes in my dad’s folder.

I’m just going to get a coffee Roxy, leave you to speak to the doctor,” dads new wife Fiona tells me and kisses my father’s cheek before heading to the hospital café.

Is he going to be okay?” I ask the doctor feeling scared and unsure of what to expect. I see mum has her arms wrapped across her chest, obviously worried as well, so I grab her arm and link mine through it.

Your father had a minor heart attack, or myocardial infarction. It is permanent damage to the heart muscle. ‘Myo’ means muscle, ‘cardial’ refers to the heart, and ‘infarction’ means death of tissue due to lack of blood supply,” he explains in detail to me and my mother, which I am grateful for.

Our goal now with drug therapy is to break up or prevent blood clots.  We have started Bill on Aspirin to try to stop issues that may worsen the heart attack. He will need to stay in for at least three days for us to monitor him, but so far so good,” he assures me and gives me a nice warming smile, then to my mum. She breathes out a deep breath that she was obviously holding, not knowing what to expect.

Okay, thank you so much,” I say to him, feeling grateful that it was minor and that he is recovering as expected so far. I can’t help but wonder if it was caused by anything in particular so I ask the question. “Did something trigger the heart attack?”

Your father’s heart attack was a less common type, which may have been stress related as he doesn’t do drugs or smoke. But we will never know for sure,” he responds bringing light to the situation.

Good to hear, he was very lucky mum by the sounds of it.” I look to my mother and see she is now smiling as dad.

Thanks for coming Roxy, and you too Denise,” dad says to us both in a whisper. Mum takes dads other hand and rubs her thumb along it. I can’t help but wonder what is going on inside her head.

Of course I would come Bill. Don’t be silly,” she states to him and smiles as they look at each other, making me feel a little awkward, especially if Fiona was to walk back in.

I finally leave the hospital at ten, feeling optimistic and thankful that dad is going to be okay. My hands are still shaky thinking that he actually had a heart attack. I mean the statistics aren
’t great for that kind of thing, not to mention Cancer and other diseases.

When someone you love is hurt or injured it puts life into perspective that
’s for sure. Feeling sentimental I send Kade a message letting him know about dad and he immediately offers to meet me at my place as surfing practice finished hours ago.

Yes please, I
’d love for you to come over.

I reply back to him. I just want to be held and engulfed in his large and safe arms. It
’s the only place I really want to be right now.

At home I quickly shower and put on my track pants and a t-shirt, usually I would care what Kade would think of me looking daggy and without makeup and my hair done. But tonight I really don
’t care. I curl up on the lounge leaving the door unlocked so I don’t need to get up and I stare at the wall, now getting slightly teary at the thought that I could have lost my father.

Knock, knock,” I hear the husky and deep voice call out. It’s the voice that I have needed to hear since I got the call about dad.

It’s open, come in,” I say feeling extremely relieved that he is here. He opens the door and seeing him standing there, is enough to send me into hysterical crying. He is next to me in a second, arms embracing me, head on my head and caressing my hair.

Shhhhh, Roxy. It’s okay, I’m here,” he tells me so in such a low caring tone.


“Oh Kade, I could have lost my dad. I just got him back in my life and I nearly lost him again I guess it just hit me hard,” I whimper through my tears as his arms tighten around me.

He’s okay Roxy. Your dad is fine, but I can see how you would get emotional. I am so glad you messaged me, I want to be here for you at times like this. You can count on me,” he says with compassion and adoration that makes me feel so lucky he is back in my life.

Oh Kade, thank you for coming, it means a lot to me. I must look a mess,” I say to him feeling ugly and puffy from the crying.

Look at me,” he orders with a stern voice. I lift my head and my eyes find his, like a lost puppy who finds their owner. Our eyes make contact and I just know the connection we have is forever.

You are beautiful with or without make up. You are such a natural beauty. Your blue eyes are the colour of the ocean; your scent is sweet and addictive. The sound of your giggles and the moans you make when I pleasure you are my favourite. Your taste is my favourite flavour, one I hope to indulge in every day for the rest of my life,” he tells me holding my gaze as I shake my head, in disbelief of his words.

I feel like I have won a million dollars in the lottery, the jackpot.

“Well shit, you say stuff like that to a woman Mr. Thomas and she will be putty in your hands,” I admit to him. “I feel like I need to pinch myself Kade. Are you really back for good? Do you mean all the words you say to me?” I question him as there is always the thought, he left once before, and maybe he will leave again…

Every single word I said is true, and I will be by your side everyday picking away at the wall you have put back up to keep heartbreak out. I will heal your heart Roxy. It will be full and a hundred percent glued back together, I promise you,” Kade tells me with heartfelt emotion and leans into kiss me softly, making me believe the most beautiful words anyone has ever said to me.




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