Healing my Heart: Book 2 - My Heart Series (19 page)

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Adding another finger he works up a nice rhythm and his thumb finds my clit.
“Yes,” I can’t help but moan the words out at the instant pleasure. Removing his fingers Kade puts them to his mouth and licks them.

Fuck Roxy you are so wet and edible,” he tells me and then his mouth is on my wetness as  he sucks and nibbles my folds before his tongue enters me nice and deep. “Shit that’s good,” I moan blissfully to him. He increases the pressure on my clit and rolls his finger over and over, his tongue swirling inside me and flicking in all the right places.

You taste so good Roxy,” he tells me though his assault on my core.

I want you inside me when I come Kade,” I say to him and start to pull him up, feeling so close to a release and not wanting to waste it.

He grabs his wallet out of his board shorts pocket and finds a shiny silver packet. I greedily take it from him and pull down his underwear quickly not wanting to wait another second. His enormous cock springs free Oh man I had forgotten how large and thick he was. I can
’t help but lick my lips thinking of him inside me again.

I rip the condom out and start to roll it down his already steel hard length giving it a nice squeeze and rub as I do it. Kade looks deep into my eyes and I see his hunger for me, I am equally as hungry for him to fill me and pleasure me.

His lips find mine and he kisses me hard with hunger, passion, and want. I kiss him back hard wanting him, I add my tongue and find his where we entwine and kiss passionately.

You ready Roxy?” he asks me sweetly.

Yes ,I am so ready,” I tell him with intenseness.

He adds a finger inside, then two, then three stretching me, and then with one swift move he motions his cock over my entrance and pushes it slowly inside inch by inch. Fuck it
’s amazing already.

Pulling it out then pushing in again, he repeats this and now for the harder thrust.
“Yes!” I scream as his hardness enters me harder and harder on that spot inside that feels amazing.

grabs my face and gazes into my eyes with his chocolate irises. I have never forgotten those eyes and now as he shows me how he still wants me and needs me, I feel a part of my heart that was still wounded start to heal again.

He thrusts again and again never taking his eyes of mine, now rubbing my clit faster and faster my release hits me like a tornado, spinning me into a world of magic. I
’m shaking, throbbing, and screaming, “Yes, yes, yes!” As I ride the best orgasm I have had since this man walked out of my life.

I feel him twitch then two more hard thrusts and his liquid is squirting into me, he releases along with me both spent and reeling from our orgasms he collapses on top of me.
Couldn’t possibly get any closer than this that is for sure… Physically anyway.

He lifts his head and his eyes stare fixated on mine, then he kisses my lips softly.

“So what does this mean?” I ask Kade feeling clueless as to what will happen now.
Was it just sex? Should I have jumped back into bed with him so soon?

Well this means, I want to make it work with you Roxy. I know it will be hard for you to put your trust back into this relationship but hopefully you are willing to try?” he asks me looking sweet and sincere with those puppy dog brown eyes.

I reach around for my bikini and singlet, thinking it
’s a good idea to be fully clothed while trying to have a serious conversation. Kade follows my lead and puts his shirt on.

Well yeah, you are right. I do have trust issue with you of course. You up and left me Kade, without a proper reason, so I will need time to process it all. And no more sex until I figure it out,” I say smirking at him and playfully running my hand down his sexy abs one last time.

Do you think you can keep your hands off me Miss Thorne?” He says cheekily and honestly my heart melts a little at out fun and relaxed banter, damn I have missed this.

I won’t even give you a seductive glance Mr. Thomas as long as you can resist my charm we will be okay,” I say again with sarcasm and humour. This is how it always was with us relaxed, fun and full of laughter. Oh and the hot steamy passion.



hapter 20

The Electric Beat Concert

After the most amazing day at the beach with Kade, followed by sizzling car sex, I
’m home and showered as we are heading to see Jeremy’s band play. I can’t wait to see him again.

His band The Electric Beat, really do know how to rock. There is never a butt still on their chair by the time the gig is finished.

I thought about wearing a dress tonight, but it is a band after all, so I opt for my overly tight, faded light blue jeans and my chiffon purple midriff halter top. It’s a great cleavage maker and  hasn’t had much wear in the last few months.

Dressed up with black boots, large silver hoops earrings, chunky bangles, dark make up and presto I am ready to drink and dance up a storm. I throw a bit of mousse in my hair as it
’s already a bit tangled from the wind and other extracurricular activities.

I really hope Jeremy doesn
’t know too much about the whole Dylan saga. I know he saw the fight at Jemma’s party, but if he knows our relationship is over I’m hoping those details are enough.

Being the overprotective brother he did call after Jemma
’s party though to make sure I was okay - well actually it was Seline who called, with him in the background.

You still look like a woman that had hot sex in the back of your car, you know that right?” Jemma teases me giggling at her own words as I walk out into the lounge room.

Who needs to add blusher when you can have that ‘just fucked’ tinge for free?” I joke back to her and we burst into fits of hysterical laughter.

What would I do without you Roxy? You keep me entertained sweetie that’s for sure,” she teases me.

My entertainment is tame compared to yours over the years though Miss Donovan.”

Shhhh, Dan thinks I’m an angel, don’t you baby?” Jemma jokes looking over at a relaxed Dan and it warms my heart the way she interacts with him.

Damn Jem, that’s the funniest thing you have ever said. Angel my arse,” Dan replies back to Jemma stirring her and then he kisses her playfully when she gives him the look that says ‘shut up’.

Grabbing my black and silver clutch we lock up and walk outside to wait for our taxi. The three of us need a few drinks, especially me to unwind, so we decide it
’s the best option.

Jeremy excitedly told me about a new song he has written with the band and I
’m itching with anxiety to hear them perform it tonight, it’s called “Promises.” That definitely is one thing my brother excels at, writing song lyrics, and he’s even better at singing them.

Dan, Jemma and I walk casually into the Manly hotel, it is pretty quiet so far but it will pick up over the next hour. I am sure of that from past concerts.

I immediately spot Seline sitting at a table with I’m guessing the band’s girlfriends or groupies. She is so very attractive, complete model material with her long brown wavy hair, green eyes and a slim figure. She is dressed in skinny black jeans, a pink top and leather jacket. Although I’m sure in track pants she would look amazing too.

She is perfect for my brother. She pulls him into line, doesn
’t take his crap and at least he has someone to share his life with. Something other than band gigs, drinking, and clubs.

I have heard them interact and have actual meaningful conversations. He takes her to dinners and on movie dates. Ever since the sharks he owed money too threatened me, Jeremy has become a changed man.

If it wasn’t for Mum loaning him the money, he may have taken a turn for the worse and he has already paid a quarter of it back so it is fantastic to see him in a better place.

I messaged Ebony and Dave earlier in the week to come along tonight, even though she is Kade
’s sister we have kept in contact and are great friends still. She doesn’t mention Kade very much as it’s a sore point as I know he shut her out too. When he and his father went away, it was just the odd call to let her know they were coping and still alive.

Ladies, I’m going to the bar. What is your beverage of choice tonight, wine or a cruiser?” Dan questions Jemma and me on our preferences.

Just get us one of each hunny,” Jemma states to Dan, and he gives her the raised eyebrow look but then walks over to order. He can’t really be surprised with what comes out of her mouth now can he?

I turn around just in time to see Ebony and Dave stroll inside.

“Oh Ebony it is so fantastic to see you,” I say to the sweet woman in front of me who I have nothing but love for. Still keeping in contact through the break up but it’s been at least three months now since I saw her.

Roxy it’s been too long. I was just saying to Dave how I missed you,” she says to me leaning in for a hug and squeezing tight.

It’s been way too long Eb,” I say honestly, and I can’t help but wondering if she knows anything about the events of the last few weeks.

Twenty minutes later and the band
has finished setting up, Jeremy saunters over to me giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Hey Sis, thanks for coming,” he tells me and I feel special. I notice the groupies giving me the evil eye.

Hey everyone! We are The Electric Beat hope you enjoy the show!” Jeremy says into the microphone as they start their first songs. The club atmosphere is now pumping, an array of groupies are on the dance floor fan-girling over Jeremy and the boys. It warms my heart, to know that’s my brother up there. The brother, who grew up without a father figure for most if his life, got mixed up in drugs, money sharks and the rest...

As I sip my drink I look at him up there playing guitar & singing his heart out, I am so proud of him. Since meeting Seline I have seen him mature in such a short time frame, I guess she is a priority now.

Sitting and enjoy the company and tunes, I take in my surroundings. The pub has timber round tables, silver iron chairs with pine. It’s is a classy pub, not stained with beer or glass rings like a lot of others.

There is an open plan sports bar, casual dining area and large outdoor balcony and decking. The timber and silver compliment and accentuate each other giving it a dressy casual type vibe that you would see in a more modern pub these days.

The Electric Beat plays alternative rock and punk rock. They also do a lot of cover songs from other bands but they also write a few of their own lyrics and songs. They didn’t quite make it huge in the US but they did well for an Australian band with no world experience that is for sure.

The music up next is a cover of a Ben Folds Five song
“Brick” and I’m swooning over this song with its meaningful lyrics. Unlike the words in the song I don’t feel like I’m falling anymore, maybe now I’m being swooped up and on top of the world. I pray to God that it doesn’t come crashing down.

Next song is Green
Day’s  “Time of Your Life.” I sing along to the words, it reminds me of graduating high school. We had that song at our year twelve presentation, I guess it was the time of our lives, young and carefree.

Okay guys the next song is a new original that I wrote with my band members, so we hope you like it.”

Woo hoo, we love you Jeremy!” A young blonde girl screams from the front row of groupies. My brother the sex god, who would have ever thought? Definitely not me back when he was a scrawny, curly haired boy with glasses and braces at fourteen to this, up there living his dream with fans following him around the world.

Come dance with me Jem,” I summon my best friend out on the dance floor. Even though it’s a slow song, we hold hands and sway side to side just enjoying each other’s company and the enticing rhythm of the song.

Jeremy and the bass player sing the Chorus together in unison, complimenting each other beautifully.

You saved me, you are my salvation

’ll be eternally grateful

People can change, just look at me

These promises I make to you are deep and true

Forever in my arms

Is where you belong

A lone tear trickles down my cheek, as the words ring so true to home. For Jeremy and Seline, she did save him and my mum and I will be eternally grateful. I look over to her and she too is crying so I drag Jemma over and we all cuddle and connect with these beautiful words. I can only dream and
hope with every ounce of my being that I find true love with Kade again, the heavens above please just give me my happily ever after.

Hope you guys liked that original song. Hopefully we can get in on iTunes in the near future, but here is an oldie and a goodie, something to liven the place up a little, Pearl Jam’s “Daughter.”

I honestly don
’t think there is one song that The Electric Beat plays that I don’t love. I have always had eccentric tastes in music and movies for that matter. I see the good in everything, okay well maybe not, Cat Stevens that dude is just too classical for me.

We head over to the bar.
“Two white wines and two shots that you recommend for us Rick,” I say to the bartender who I know from being here quite a few times, plus he was a year below me in high school.

Hey Rox, Jemma, how about you ladies try a Sex on the Beach, you will love it,” Rick tells us smirking and winking as we shake our heads.

I’ve had Sex on the Beach many times before Rick,” I say to him stirring and probably making him hard. It’s all harmless fun of course and judging by Jemma laughing hysterically and crossing her legs I’d say she’s about to wet herself from laughing so hard.

Oh Roxy, I love you girlfriend,” she tells me through her giggles.

We down our shots. They are refreshing and strong from the vodka and peach liqueur and just what we needed.

“Damn good shot Ricky boy,” Jemma tells him sarcastically and I remember now that she called him that a few times in a joint math class they shared. Thinking back to high school, life was much more simple, no debts, no jobs, carefree guys.

We drink our wine as we head back to the table. Jemma grabs my hand, obviously feeling the effects from the drinks.
“Roxy do you know how awesome you are?” Jemma says to me with affection only a best friend can voice.

Awwww yeah I’m the best. You are pretty awesome yourself Miss Donovan,” I say back to her with compassion.

Jemma stops me and looks into my eyes all serious, I see her emerald green eyes widen.
“No really Rox, you deserve the best and I hope to God, Kade fucking sticks around this time or I will have his balls on a stick,” she tells me with such audacity that makes me feel all gooey inside for her protectiveness. I start to giggle at the thought of her dangling Kade’s balls around.

Oh Jemma, you are the sweetest, most outspoken, inspiring and amazing best friend I could have ever wished for! And I can’t wait to tell Kade about his balls,” I add and burst out laughing.

Oh don’t you worry, I’ll be telling him next time I see him.” She smirks with a childish and devilish grin that only certain people could love.

She runs up behind Dan and squeezes him on his arse in typical Jemma fashion and I see her whisper something in his ear - which I
’m sure, is very naughty. Judging by him turning around and ravishing her I am certain it was what she plans to do to him sooner rather than later. It makes my core tingle thinking of Kade, the back of my car, and how incredible he makes me feel in the bedroom and out.

Our last song for the night is another original and it is dedicated to the love of my life down there. Seline this one is for you,” Jeremy announces into the microphone and points down to his gorgeous girlfriend who is gobsmacked and looking up at him with affection.

Fucking hell, who is this guy and what has he done with my brother?” I say to the table of our close friends, totally blown away by the grown up male before me.

Jeremy starts singing about love, his one and only, forever and being saved from the darkness and the devil. Wow I didn
’t realise how dark it must have gotten for Jeremy, but I guess fame and success isn’t everything and money can’t buy happiness.

I have my phone tucked into my jeans and I feel it vibrate as I listen to this beautiful song. Wow, it is from him… How ironic.

Hey gorgeous,

Hope you are having a fun night, but not too fun without me.

Thinking of your beautiful face and hot body… Even if you told me not too.

Seeing you tomorrow I hop

I feel as though the ice around my heart has melted, like someone has defrosted it after years trapped in a frozen lake.

It’s now alive, beating and blissful.


That four letter word again.

Well that was some text surfer boy.

I am having a fun night, dancing and drinking.

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