Heated for Pleasure (8 page)

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Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #contemporary erotic romance, #Multiple Partners

BOOK: Heated for Pleasure
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Andre shifted behind her, using his hands to lift her hips up a bit. Then his cock was sliding deep. She was so wet from her previous orgasms she took him easily. Each thrust was slow and deep while his fingers began working her anus again. She felt the trickle of more oil. Then he was slipping two big fingers in her back hole and spearing them inside her.

“Yes,” she hissed through her teeth as he prepared her.

“You feel so good, honey. Your ass is so sweet, so perfect.”

“Fuck me there. Take my ass, Andre. Give me your cock.”

He groaned behind her. His fingers pulled free. Then his cock left her pussy empty. She felt him running it up and down along the seam of her ass before he lodged the head at her opening. He pressed it against her, and she took a deep breath and pushed back into him. They both groaned when he finally slipped past that first ring of muscle.

It burned as he stretched her more than his fingers had. The edge of pain was sharp at first, but quickly bled into a pleasure so intense she cried out with it. Her chest dropped to the bed, lifting her ass higher. His hands held her hips, and he slowly began pumping in and out of her.

“Oh, fuck,” he groaned. “So good. Too good.” He pumped his hips a bit faster, making her moan louder.

“Feel good, honey? You like my dick in your ass?”

“Yes! Oh, God, yes!” She panted. “Faster, Andre,” she begged. “Fuck me.”

He picked up the pace, taking her a little harder, a bit faster. She could sense he was still holding back. She didn’t want him to. She wanted all he had to give. So, Ashley rammed her ass back into his thrusts. She braced her elbows on the bed and met him thrust for thrust. “Fuck me!”

She slipped one hand down to finger her clit then slipped her fingers into her pussy and pumped them. She ground her clit against the pad of her palm and fucked herself with her fingers.

“Fuck me!” she demanded again.

She felt Andre’s control snap. His hands tightened on her flesh, and he began to ride her harder. His cock plunged and retreated, fucking her just the way she wanted him to.

She felt her orgasm swell and knew without a doubt she was about to come again. She wanted him coming with her.

“I’m going to come,” she moaned.

“Yes,” he hissed behind her.

Her pussy rippled around her thrusting fingers, and her ass tightened around his cock.

Andre grunted as she cried out. His cock pummeled her as he forced his way in and out of her clenching muscles until he finally joined her. He surprised her by jerking his cock free. He must have pulled the condom off because she felt the hot spray of his cum on her lower back and buttocks.

She collapsed to the bed, not even moving when someone tugged the pillow out from under her. “Oh, my God,” she moaned. “You guys are amazing.”

“I would say you’re the amazing one,” Linc said.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Diego added.

“Amazing.” Andre panted behind her. “Absolutely amazing.”


Chapter Nine



Saturday flew by far too fast. Ashley lay on the couch snuggled against Andre while Diego rubbed and massaged her feet. Linc sat in a recliner to the left of them. There was a movie on the television. She’d wanted to see it since it hit video, but she couldn’t focus on it.

“What’s bothering you?” Linc’s voice interrupted the movie.

Andre hit pause on the remote.

“What do you mean?” she asked, feigning ignorance.

“You’ve been antsy since you sat down here,” Andre stated.

“Even my foot massage isn’t relaxing you,” Diego added.

“Are you regretting stuff?” Linc sounded guarded, and she felt horrible he even thought that could be possible.

“No!” she exclaimed. “Never. I’ve had more fun this weekend with you guys than I think I ever have.”

“Then what?” Diego asked. “Do you not like the movie?”

She laughed. “It’s fine.” God, she was such a woman. How did she explain what she was thinking without sounding needy or clingy?

“Then what is it, Ashley?” Andre wasn’t letting her off the hook.

She sighed. “I guess I’m just wishing it wasn’t flying by so fast. I don’t want this weekend to end.”

“There’ll be other weekends,” Andre promised with a chuckle.

“Who says it has to be a weekend?” Diego demanded.

“You think this is all we want from you?” Linc zeroed right in on her biggest fear—that this was all she was going to get with them. One amazing weekend. “You think when we head back to the city tomorrow, we all go our separate ways and pretend this didn’t happen?”

“I can’t see any of us pretending this didn’t happen.” Her voice came out as a whisper. But she knew he could tell he’d hit on her fear by the way his eyes narrowed.

Yet, instead of getting upset with her, he just shook his head and rose from his chair. Then he walked over and knelt on the floor at her feet. “Ashley,” he whispered her name, reaching up to caress her face. “I don’t do one night stands. Or even weekend flings. None of us do. Not anymore. Not in a long time.”

“Okay,” she nodded her head, not sure what her response was supposed to be.

Linc sighed and shook his head. “I’m not saying this right.”

She was confused.

“What Linc means is we all had a talk last night while you were sleeping.” Andre spoke up. “We each admitted we didn’t want this to be just a one-time thing.”

“We’re hoping you won’t want it to be either,” Diego stated. “We hope you’ll want to keep seeing us.”

“All of us,” Andre added.

“We have crazy schedules,” Linc pointed out. “Risky jobs. We never know what might happen in a given day.”

“Some days we save lives,” Diego added. “And sometimes, we get there too late.”

“Maybe it makes us more willing to take risks in our lives,” Linc admitted. “We play hard. And when we find something we like, we hold on to it.”

“Someone we like,” Andre amended.

“What we’re saying is that we want to keep seeing you,” Diego confessed.

“We want this to be the beginning of something.” Andre said it, but it was Linc’s gaze that held her trapped.

“I’m not going to say I love you. I won’t use words I’m unsure of to try and hold you to me. None of us will. But I do want you. Not just your body, though that definitely has my devotion. But all of you. I want to learn what makes you happy.”

Ashley caught her breath at Linc’s words. She could feel her emotions flooding her just as tears were flooding her eyes.

“What makes you laugh,” Diego said, tickling her feet and making her giggle.

“I want the chance to see where this might lead. What could be if we wanted it.” Andre smiled at her.

“All of us?” She had to make sure she wasn’t misunderstanding. She didn’t want to agree to something then find out later they expected her to choose.

They all nodded.

“We discussed it. We’re okay with sharing as long as you are,” Andre confessed.

“But only the three of us,” Linc warned. “No one else.”

Ashley giggled. “I can’t imagine anyone other than you three.”

“So does that mean you’ll consider it?” Diego asked.

She wanted to say yes. To just nod her head and agree to anything that kept them in her bed and her life. But she was more practical than she wanted at times, and she couldn’t shut off the nagging questions in her head.

“How does it work? I can’t drive back and forth this far every day. It’ll exhaust me. I have the bakery in town. I don’t work most weekends, but occasionally, I have a wedding or event to help set up. I won’t be able to come here every weekend.”

“Neither will we,” Diego admitted with a shrug.

“We’re not always on the same shift. There will be times when two of us are on and one of us is off or vice versa. We can’t promise you there won’t be times when all of us are out,” Linc stated.

“Besides, we have an apartment in the city. It’s only a few blocks from the station. It’s not huge, but you can stay there with us anytime you want.” Andre smiled at her.

“My house is pretty big,” Ashley admitted. “I fell in love when I saw it and bought it even though it’s just me right now. You guys could stay with me if you wanted.”

“So there are options,” Diego acknowledged. “For all of us.”

“We’ll just take it a day at a time and see where this all leads.”

Linc and Diego both nodded at Andre’s words.

“What about other people? Will it bother you for others to know that I’m…” She struggled over what word to use to describe what they would be doing. “That I’m with all three of you?”

“Will it bother you for people to know you’re with all three of us?” Linc countered.

“No.” She shook her head. People would talk whether she was with one of them or all three of them. Gossip had never really bothered her. Besides, she let her gaze move over all three of them. They were worth any gossip she had to endure. Just thinking about everything they’d shared over the last few days made her shiver. Yeah, she could handle anything, knowing what was waiting for her.

“We want you, Ashley,” Linc murmured. “It probably won’t be easy. I’m sure we’ll argue and butt heads more than once.”

“But we won’t know if we walk away.” Andre kissed her softly on the top of her head.

“I’d like to keep seeing you guys,” she whispered. “All of you.”

“Yeah?” Linc asked.

“Yes,” she agreed.

He leaned in and kissed her. “One day at a time.”

She nodded her agreement.

Andre tugged her hair, and she turned to him. His kiss was soft and sensual. Diego shifted closer, and then she was tugged from Andre. She turned to Diego and met his lips with hers briefly. All three of her men surrounded her. Her men. How funny was that? But it was true as far as she was concerned. From this day on, they were hers. She planned to keep them. If it could work for her sister Mandy, then it could work for her, too.

“Now,” Linc stood up, “are you ready to settle down and watch the movie?”

Ashley grinned. “You know action movies really make me horny.”

Three groans filled the air, and she laughed as Linc adjusted his jeans to accommodate his hardening dick.

“Feeling cocky, Ashley?” he asked her.

She placed her feet on the floor and moved to the edge of the couch so she could reach out and wrap her fingers around the bulge in his jeans.

“Now I am.”

He groaned and shifted. “Keep it up and we won’t see the end of this movie until tomorrow.”

“How about this,” she purred. “If you guys can make it through the movie without begging me to suck your cocks, without begging me to let you fuck me just the way you want to, then I’ll get on my knees and suck you off.”

“Isn’t that how this all started?” Linc grinned.

“What do you get if we cave?” Diego asked.

Ashley laughed. No matter what they decided she got what she wanted, their hard cocks filling her up. Yep, either way she was a happy woman.

About the Author

Lacey Thorn spends her days in small-town Indiana the proud mother of three. When she is not busy with one of them, she can be found typing away on her computer keyboard or burying her nose in a good book. Like every woman, she knows just how chaotic life can be and how appealing that great escape can look.

So, toss aside the stress and tension of the never-ending to-do list. For now sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride with Lacey. It’s your world…unlaced.

Lacey loves to talk to her readers and can be found at
Join Lacey on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/#!/authorlaceythorn
Or on Twitter at @laceythorn1
And feel free to email the author at [email protected]

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