His Number One Fan (10 page)

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Authors: Danyell Wallace

BOOK: His Number One Fan
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The ring tone that I have assigned for Jax, starts ringing, filling my room with the soft rock melody from one of my favorite bands. Instinctively I pull Nyla's body closer to mine, not wanting to wake up. Hell I would stay in bed the rest of the day, if it meant having her with me.


My phone stops ringing, and Nyla starts to shift in my arms. Just the slight wiggle of her ass against my dick, had me moaning and tightening my hold around her stomach.


“Good morning.” She says yawning, and turning on her back in my arms.


My eyes roam over her naked body, that was currently uncovered. After we fucked, we got so hot that we didn't even need a blanket to keep us warm from the cool air coming from the AC, but just our body temperature alone was enough.


I wouldn't mind having an instant replay from last night, but before I could make my move, my phone starts ringing again.


“You should get that. It must be important if they're calling you a second time this morning.”


She sits up and pecks me on the lips.


“I'm going to shower real quick.”


I watch her climb out of my bed, keeping my eyes on the sway of her hips as she walks into the bathroom.


With a groan, I get out of bed and walk over to my cargo shorts that were laying on the floor. Picking them up I reach inside and retrieve my phone. Once again my phone stops ringing again. I enter my passcode and I call Jax back.


After three rings he answers.


“Where the fuck are you?”


“I'm just waking up. What's up?”


“Man we've been sitting in this studio waiting on your ass for the last thirty minutes.”


“Fuck! Man I'm so sorry. It slipped my mind. Give me fifteen minutes and I'll be there.”


“Look man I know you've had a lot going on lately okay. Just be careful and bring yo ass!” Jax says into the phone before disconnecting the call.


I toss my phone on the bed, and I walk into the bathroom and see Nyla's silhouette through the steamed up glass shower door.


I walk quietly over to the shower door and I slide it open and step inside, sliding it behind me. I stand there in silence, watching the water slide down the length of her body.


I walk closer and I place my hands along her back, and immediately I feel her muscles tense under my touch. I run my hands up and down, before leaning down to place gentle kisses against her shoulder blades.


“Mason.” She moans my name. “Is everything okay?”


“Everything is fine. It was Jax. I forgot we had rehearsals today, so now he's pissed.”


She slowly turns around and leans her back against the shower tile.


My eyes lock with hers for a moment before they travel down to her nose, lips, breasts, stomach, and the spot between her legs.


“You're so beautiful.” I say while stepping closer. Gently placing my hands on the sides of her cheeks, I lower my head and kiss the lips I've been dying to kiss all morning.


“Mason. Stop. You better hurry up and get going.”


“Why? Don't you want my kisses?”


“Of course.” She responds.


I grab some of my body wash and begin lathering up my body.


“Nyla, last night was amazing.” I stare into her eyes so she could see how serious I was. “I don't know what you've heard about me, but I don't want you to think this is just about sex.”




“We can talk about this later. But I thought you should know.”


She stands there for a moment just staring up at me. “But what if I want to talk about it now?” She asks in a teasing voice.


She reaches between my legs and begins stroking me.


“Nyla.” I say in warning through gritted teeth.


Standing on her tip toes, she presses her lips against mine. Pulling away she runs her tongue across my bottom lip, before sucking it into her mouth. Releasing my lip, she kisses my chin, and works her way down to my neck, then my chest. Stopping to circling her tongue around my left pierced nipple, then she pulls away from me.


“We will talk about this later Mason.” She says turning away from me.


“Wait a minute. Where are you going?” I asked aroused and pissed at the same time.


“Remember it's not about the sex right?” She winks at me before leaving the shower.



*  *  *


After fifteen minutes of getting my ass chewed out by my band mates and two hours of practice. I turn onto the road, to a place I called home for past couple of years of my life. As I get closer I see an ambulance with its flashing lights on, parked in the yard. I increase my speed and park my car. I get out and look around and I don't see my sister's car anywhere. Which means my grandma was home by herself. I jog up the stairs, but pause when I see four EMTs, transporting my grandma on a stretcher. I jog back down those several steps, to make room for them. I rush to the side of the stretcher, and catch a glimpse of my grandma. I call out her name but she doesn't respond.


“Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to step back.” One of EMTs say.


“That's my grandma. What's going on?” I ask matching their pace, as they make their way to the ambulance.


“Sir.” A female's voice interrupts me. I turn around and find one of the EMTs beside me. “A 9-1-1 call was made from inside of this house. Your grandma was complaining about chest pains and not being able to breathe. When we got here, we found her unconscious, not breathing well, and unresponsive. I noticed her medical alert bracelet which alerts us that she doesn't want to be resuscitated at any time.”


“She didn't know what the hell she was thinking when she made that choice. You do whatever it takes to bring her back.” I yell in anger.


“Sir I'm sorry and I know this is a tough time for you, but we have to honor our patient's wishes. With that being said, she'll have to come to on her own. Right now we're giving your grandma oxygen.”


My mind goes blank and my body becomes numb. Everything that the EMT was saying, was going in one ear and out the other. My body was officially operating on autopilot.


“Sir, you can ride in the back with your grandma.”


I nod my head acknowledging that I heard her and I unconsciously move until I'm sitting in the back of the ambulance with my ma.



I was out visiting with a couple of old friends that I knew still lived in the area, when I got a call from Caleb letting me know that Mason's grandma was in the hospital.


I speed down the freeway, making my way to East Sacramento Hospital. As soon as I find parking, I rush through the automatic doors, bypassing the elevators, and making my way down a long hallway until I reach the doors that lead to the stairwell. Going by instructions alone provided by Caleb, I run up several flights of stairs, until I make it to the fourth floor to where the ICU unit was located.


I looked around the waiting room and find Brooke, Mason, Caleb, and the rest of the band sitting there. I stand there glued to my spot for several minutes unnoticed, until Caleb lifts his head and sees me standing there. He stands and walks in my direction. I look around him and I see Mason, but he wasn't paying anyone attention. My eyes leave him and connect with Brooke's. She gives me a sad smile, then wipes a tear from her eye. 


“It's not good Nyla. She was found unconscious and not breathing well.” Caleb explains.


“Has there been any changes in her condition?”


“No. She wears one of those medical alert bracelets letting them know to not resuscitate her. She's going to have to wake up on her own. Only thing they're giving her is oxygen to help with the breathing that she's still struggling with.


“I have to see him.”


“Nyla, give him some time. He's been sitting there like a zombie for the past hour or so. We've all tried talking to him, but he won't respond.”


I look over at Mason again, but my attention is averted to a doctor heading in his direction. Brooke blocks the doctor’s path, and he stops. From what I could see from where I was standing, he was giving her an update on her grandma. He walks away and Brooke walks over to Mason, kneels down and starts talking to him. When she's done, he nods his head yes and she turns around and walks down the hall, and disappears into one of the rooms.


Ten minutes later I find myself pacing back and forth, unable to be still. I wanted to go over and comfort Mason, but I decided to keep my distance.
Did he know I was there for him?
I continue to pace, when a noise rings out on the floor.


“Code blue!” A nurse shouts from behind the counter.


Several doctors and nurses scramble from out of nowhere and they make their way down the hall, in the same direction Brooke went.


Mason immediately comes to a standing position and starts making his way towards his grandma's room.


I follow behind him, keeping a safe distance, but stop when I see all the doctors and nurses walk out the room. The doctor that was assigned to his ma, walks over to Mason and delivers the devastating news.


Mason falls to his knees and the most pain filled noise escapes his mouth.


I stand in the middle of the hall feeling every bit of his pain. My tears start to cloud my eyes. I blink and allow them to run down my face, to a point I was unable to stop them from flowing.



It felt like I was on that floor forever, but I find the strength and come to my feet. I walk over to the closed door of my ma's room. I look through the small window and see my sister's body sprawled over her, screaming and crying.


I rest my head against the door and I continue to let my tears run down my face. I take a deep breath and I push the door open. Brooke looks up from my grandma, with mascara streaking down her face. I walk around the hospital bed that held my grandma's lifeless body, and when I'm close enough, Brooke gets off the bed and into my arms.


“She's g-gone.” She weeps into my chest.


I embrace her. Holding her as tight as I possibly could.


“It's okay. It's going to be alright. She can finally rest now.” I say in a tear filled, strained voice.


We stand there holding each other for god knows how long with just the sounds of our sobs echoing throughout the room.


The sound of footsteps catches my attention. I look towards the door and see a nurse walk in, and Nyla standing in the door frame with red eyes filled with unshed tears. I move my attention back to the nurse and see her removing tubes and cutting off machines around her.


“Mason.” I hear Nyla whisper my name. I turn my head and find her standing in front of me. “I'm so sorry.” She says covering her mouth with her hands.


I look at her with tears clouding my vision, unable to respond. Even though I knew this day was coming, I was still in shock.


“I'm heading home. If you need me. Please call me okay?” She says with a look of sadness in her eyes. With one final look at my grandma, then at Brooke and I. She gives me a slight wave of a goodbye, then she turns around and leaves.


*   *   *


The last couple of days went by in a blur. Three days ago, my ma passed and today we were saying our final farewell to a woman that did whatever she needed to make sure that my sister and I was taken care of. Unlike my bitch of a mother. 


My phone rang nonstop, people were stopping by my ma's place I guess to give my sister and I their sympathy, but we really didn't know because we avoided everyone.


I found myself not being able sleep. The only way I could was with the assistance of a bottle of tequila or whatever liquor I could get my hands on. What I really wanted and craved was Nyla. I wanted her. All I needed was to feel her touch, and I knew I would be okay. I ignored every call, text, and I'm sure visit from her. I know she knows I'm grieving and I hope she understood it had nothing to do with her. It was just my fucked up way with handling my emotions. Most people wanted to have their friends and family around. Not me.  Brooke seemed to be handling the death of our grandmother better than me. Yesterday she told me that she was going to stay with a friend on campus. I guess my behavior was depressing her.


I'm standing in my bathroom looking in the mirror at my pale complexion. My face was slimmer than I remembered. I had a beard now, dark puffy circles under my eyes, and I smelled. I pause my examination of myself when I hear the creaking of the front door opening and closing.


I walk down the hall making my way to the front of the house.


“Hey Brooke. Have you seen my suit?” I ask out loud. “I've looked everywhere for it and can't seem to find it.”


I walk into the living room, and stop dead in my tracks.


“It's just me.” Nyla responds. “Brooke gave me the key to the house. She's running a little late, so she asked me to pick up your suit from the cleaners and bring it to you. She'll be here shortly.” She says sounding congested, then she sneezes. She grabs a tissue from the tissue box sitting on the coffee table and wipes her nose.


“Bless you.”


She looks up at me shocked that I was speaking to her, since I've been avoiding her for the past couple of days. She stuffs the tissue into the pockets of her black two-piece suit jacket, and walks over to me. Looking me up and down.


“Come on. Let's get you ready.”


She grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall until she finds the bathroom pulling me inside. She releases my hand and opens the small linen closet in the bathroom, and pulls out a washcloth and towel for me. She turns around and pulls the shower curtain back and starts the shower.


“I'll leave you, so you can shower. I'll be waiting in the hallway. When you're done, I'll help you shave.”


She walks around me and leaves shutting the door behind her.


I strip out of my clothes, then I shower and wash my hair. Totally forgetting the way water felt against my skin.
Had it been that long?
The sound of the shower cutting off let's Nyla know that I'm done. As soon as I wrap the towel around my waist, she opens the door and steps inside.


“Now you need a shave.”


She opens the medicine cabinet and pulls out a fresh razor and shaving cream. I’m standing in front of her, watching her every move. She cuts on the water, and puts a small amount of shaving cream on her hand, then gently applies it to my face.


She picks up the razor and shaves me in complete silence. From time to time I would catch her biting her lip in concentration, or her eyes would briefly lock with mine.


“All done.”


Nyla cuts the water off and wipes the remaining shaving cream from my face.


“I'm sure Brooke and the guys are on their way over. Don't forget your suit is up front on the couch. I'm going to head back to the house to start some of my packing before the service.” She says avoiding eye contact with me.


“Wait. What?” I speak louder than I should. Startling her a bit. “You're leaving?”


“Yes I leave for New York tomorrow afternoon.” She pauses. She stands there for a moment with a look of confusion on her face. “Mason when was the last time you spoke with Caleb or any of the other band members?”


“I haven't.” I respond with regret.


“Well I'm going to let them tell you the news, but yes I leave tomorrow...” She stops and starts coughing, then sneezes several times.


I grab several tissues and I hand them to her.


“Thank you.” She says while grabbing the tissues from my hand.


She pushes a strand of her now straight hair behind her ear, then she starts rocking back and forth, trying to debate on what to do next. Was she trying to find a way to leave? I wouldn't blame her since I've ignored her these past couple of days.


“Look Mason. I have to go. I've got to run by the pharmacy and pick up my antibiotics. I went to the doctor this morning and found out I have a sinus infection. I guess it's due to the climate change, and it doesn't help that I already suffer from allergies.” She rambles off.  “I'll see you later okay?”


She turns around and starts to leave, before she could go any further my hand reaches out and grabs hers. She stops but doesn't turn around to look at me.


“Thank you Nyla. For everything.” I squeeze her hand before releasing it.


“Any time.” She responds. She walks down the hallway with me standing in the doorway of the bathroom watching her. My eyes stay glued on her form until she turns the corner and disappears from my line of sight. I hear the front door close, signaling to me that she was gone.


*  *  *


“Dearly beloved. We gather here....” The minister continues.


The weather was cooler than normal on this spring day as we stood outside in the grave yard, paying our final respects to my ma. Brooke and I didn't want nothing too big. Something intimate, so it was just the two of us, a couple of her friends that knew our grandma, the band, and of course Nyla.


My dry eyes were on the white casket, that’s covered in white and red roses, ma's favorite. I turn my head and see Nyla standing between Jax and Caleb. Just like everyone else she was wearing a pair of sunglasses to shield her sad eyes. From time to time I would catch her lifting her glasses to wipe away her tears. Not one time did she ever look in my direction. I had a lot on my mind and so much to think about after Nyla left this morning. I realized too late that my ma wouldn't want me in this state of mind, and pushing away the people I cared about the most. I knew it wasn't going to happen overnight, but I had to get my shit together, and move on because life was too short. Right? Brooke needed me and it was time for us to move onto the next stage of our lives.


This afternoon when Brooke came back home, bringing Jax, Evan, Jeremy, and Caleb with her. Caleb told me that we were flying out to Los Angeles Monday. He mentioned something about a possible recording deal with Rocktown Records, and that his dad wouldn't go into much detail, but he wanted to see us no later than Tuesday. Then we would fly out from Los Angeles to Toronto Friday. Since we already had our plane tickets scheduled to leave out to Los Angeles, we were able to swap them out for earlier flights. From our understanding we wouldn't be coming back to Sacramento, until after the tour. So we had a lot to do before we left.


With Brooke being in college, she decided she would stay here, then if everything went well with Rocktown Records, she would fly out to her city of choice to watch us perform in concert. She stood beside me, holding onto my arm. I pull my gaze away from Nyla and I look down at sister. She gives me a small smile and we turn our attention back to the minister.


Everything was going to be alright.


*   *   *


“Should we keep these?” Brooke asks me.


I turn around and see her holding a box full of stuff. I take them from her hands and put them on my bed. I rummage through them, not seeing anything too important, but several photo albums that we could keep. “Here, put these away for safe keeping.” I say passing the albums to her.




I turn around and finish removing clothes from my old closet, and into a box marked charity.


“I've been staying at Caleb's house.” Brooke says out of the blue.


I turn around and I look at her.


“What are you talking about?”


“I couldn't stand looking at you let your life wither away, so I stayed over there. Nyla was nice enough to let me stay in her room.”


“Where did she stay?” I asked shocked by her confession. All this time I thought she was staying with a friend on campus. “How has she been?”


“Didn't you talk to her when she was here?”


“Not really.”


Shaking her head, she continues. “She's been okay I guess. We talked. She always asks how you’re doing. You need to talk to her.”


“I will.”




“I will.”


“Fine. Are you staying here tonight or are you going home?”


“I haven't decided yet.”


“Well I'm staying there another night, so I can gather my stuff and bring it back here. I guess you'll be sleeping on the couch if you do decide to go home, because Nyla's been using your room.” She says staring at me, waiting on my reaction. “Well I guess I'll leave you to your cleaning then. Later bro.” She says before walking out my room.



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