His Number One Fan (13 page)

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Authors: Danyell Wallace

BOOK: His Number One Fan
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“How's school going?”


I look up from the photo album from my spot at the table, and at Mrs. Walker, who was busy preparing a salad.


“Tough. I'm so close to getting my Bachelors in Biology. Once I'm done with that I start my other medical training and residency.”


“That’s so amazing. I'm so proud of you Nyla.”


“Thank you. It's feels like I've been in school forever, then I think about how much school I have left.”


“Well keep up the good work. Have you decided on what field you wanted to go into?” 


“I'm leaning towards women's health. My aunt was an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, and I've decided to follow in her footsteps.”


“That's wonderful.” She says while dicing tomatoes.


I look back down at the photo album and I start turning the pages, coming across familiar images until I see a photo wedged between the pages. I pull it out, and I see a picture of a little boy that looked to be around the age of three years old, smiling bright with his eyes closed tight. After further inspection of the photo, I knew he was actually laughing.  He was standing beside Mr. Walker, who was looking down at him with a smile on his face, and they were holding hands. I frown when I notice the little boy in the photo had dark hair instead of blond.


“Mrs. Walker. Who is this?”


She puts the knife she was using to chop up the vegetables down on the cutting board, and she comes around the counter to get a better look. When she sees the picture her face suddenly goes pale. With a shaky hand she reaches out and takes the photo from my hands.


“I'm not sure Nyla.” She responds in a hurried manner, then shoves the photo in the pocket of her sundress. With nothing left to say she walks back around the counter and resumes her chopping.


What just happened?


The sound of voices coming down the hall, redirects my attention.


“Hey boys.” Mrs. Walker says. She touches her face and wipes away a tear.


Is she crying?


Why don't you all head upstairs and wash up for dinner. It should be ready in about forty-five minutes. Help yourselves to any room.” She continues.


Evan, Jeremy, and Jax leave the kitchen and jog up the stairs.


I close the photo album and I place it on the counter.


“Here you go Mrs. Walker.”


“Thank you Nyla. Just leave it right there and I'll get it later.” She responds, not wanting to look up at me.


“Are you alright?” I ask her.


“Yes Nyla. I'm just fine. Do you mind finishing up the salad for me? I'm going to head up stairs for a minute.”


“Sure.” I respond, with concern in my voice.


“Thanks honey.” She puts the knife down and rushes out the kitchen.


I walk around the counter and resume making the salad. 


“Hey.” Mason whispers in my ear. Sneaking up behind me. He wraps his arms around my body pulls me against him.


“Hey.” I respond turning around slowly in his arms.


I look over his shoulder to find Caleb standing behind him. Looking at us with a smile on his face. I Pull out of Mason's arms, and I turn my attention to Caleb.


“Hey you. Your mom let it slip about the official record deal.” I say, giving him a sad smile. “I'm really happy for you guys.”


“Thanks Nyla.”


Reaching out, he grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug. “Too bad we haven't had much time to catch up.”


“Well we still have a couple of days left.”


“Actually we don't. We leave out Wednesday. Dad's in the process of getting you a plane ticket as we speak. So I guess you'll be leaving sooner than you thought.”


“Wow! Well I guess I’ll have to catch one of your concerts.”


“Most definitely. I should have a schedule of our concert dates by tonight. I'll text you the info.”




“Yeah no problem. Where did my mom go?”


“Um she went upstairs for a minute.”


“Well I'm going to head up and get some rest before dinner. Talk to you two later.”


He walks off, leaving Mason and I standing there.


“Are you okay?” Mason asks me, with a look of concern on his face.


“Yes.” I lied.


“Okay.” He says staring down into my eyes. Not being able to help himself he tilts my head back and lowers his head to press his lips against mine. Sucking and tasting the gloss off my lips. He pulls his lips away, and we stand there resting our foreheads against each other, trying to calm our beating hearts.


I look up and see Mr. Walker looking at me and Mason. When he sees me looking in his direction, he leaves the kitchen.


Mason pulls me closer to his body and kisses my forehead. “Let's go upstairs.”


“You go ahead. I'm going to stay here and finish up dinner until Mrs. Walker comes back down.”


“Okay. I need to call Brooke and tell her the news.”


“Okay.” I respond.


He walks out of the kitchen and grabs our bags from the front foyer, before making his way upstairs.


I turn around and my eyes land on the photo album, with confusion clouding my thoughts.



*  *  *


After dinner, I finish up with the dishes and I make my way upstairs. I'm walking down the hall towards Mason's room when I hear the sound of Mr. and Mrs. Walker's voice. They were arguing and yelling at each other. Mrs. Walker never came back down for dinner, due to the fact she wasn't feeling well; which was the excuse Mr. Walker gave us when he showed up without her. I stop in front of their bedroom door, but all I could hear were low muffled voices now coming from the other side. Deciding to mind my own business I walk two doors down to Mason's room.


I open the door and I lock it behind me. The sound of the shower going and Mason's voice fills the room. I strip out of my clothes and I walk into the bathroom to see Mason's naked form through the fogged up glass door of the shower. I grab a wash cloth off the shelf near the sink then I pull the shower door open and I step in.


Mason stops singing and turns around and looks at me. He dips his head back under the shower head to wash away his shampoo. My eyes slowly roam over his slick hard body, then back up to a smiling face.


Man I was going to miss him.


“Hey.” I step forward and I reach up to run my hands through his wet hair, bringing his head down so I could kiss him.


“What was that for?” He asks me, kissing my lips again.


“Do I have to have a reason?”


“No. You can kiss me any time you want, and anywhere.” He says with a sexy smile on his face.


I roll my eyes and shake my head to myself. I pour some body wash on my cloth and begin lathering my body.


“Caleb sent me a new tour schedule and it looks like you'll be in my area once the tour with Hurricane ends. I can't believe you guys are performing at the Madison Square Garden. Maybe Brooke can fly in around that time and she can stay with me if she wants. I don't have an extra room but she can take mine and I'll take the couch.” I ramble on not noticing the silence coming from him. I stop talking and I look up at Mason to see if he was listening, and I see him in fact listening but not saying a word.




“Do you realize that your plane leaves tomorrow morning and it will be awhile until I see you again?” He asks me.


“I know.”


He grabs my right hand and places it over his heart, where I could feel his heart pounding hard in his chest.


“Do you feel that? This is what you do to me whenever you're around or when I'm just thinking about you.” He says pulling my hand down from his chest to his stomach, then to finally rest between his legs. He manually wraps my fingers around his dick and directs my movements in an up and down motion. “I've never been in a long distance relationship, but I would try for you Nyla.” He moans.


He pushes me gently against the tile wall and his mouth attacks mine. My arms wrap tightly around his neck and he lifts me up by the back of my thighs, and with one swift smooth motion, he enters me.


“Mmm.” We moan in unison into each other's mouth.


He tears his mouth away and looks me in the eyes.


“I can't get enough of you.” He whispers against my lips.


It's strange because I couldn't get enough of him either. It was as if he needed me and I needed him.


He made love to me against the shower wall until the water started to turn cool, causing our bodies to shiver, and our fingertips showed signs of wrinkling.


*  *  *


The next morning Mason and I reluctantly pull our naked bodies away from each other. I showered alone this time, and did my daily morning routine.


After getting dressed I make my rounds around the house making sure to say goodbye to everyone.


Now Mason and I were outside waiting on my taxi to arrive.


“It's funny how my whole purpose for my trip was to spend it with Caleb, but somehow I was with you more.” I say trying to lighten the mood.


“I can't help that I'm irresistible Nyla.”


I turn to look at him standing beside me and I couldn't help but to laugh.


The sound of an incoming vehicle has us both turning our heads in its direction.


“That's me.”


He pulls me close to his body and leans down and places his lips against mine, then he lifts his head. “I can ride to the airport with you.”


“That’s alright. I’m already having a hard time saying goodbye to you. I think it’s best I go alone.” I respond.


“Then I guess I'll see you soon. I promise to call and text you every chance I get.”


“Promise?” I ask him.


He leans down and kisses my lips again, sealing his promise.


The taxi pulls up to the curb and stops. The driver gets out, gives his greetings and starts loading my things into the trunk. When he's done he gets back into the car.


“I have to go.”


He pulls me into another hug.

“Bye Nyla.” He whispers in my ear.


I turn my head until my nose touches his.


“See you later.” I respond before touching my lips to his.


I pull away and I make my way to the taxi. I open the door and get in. The taxi pulls away from the curb and continues towards its destination. I sit there looking straight ahead and never looking back. The rest of my ride to the airport consisted of silence and tears.



Two Months Late
New York...


Caleb is it true that you're dating a super model?


Over here Jax. What designer are you wearing today?


Hey Mason are you single?


Were just some of the many questions being thrown at us as we make our way into one of New York's popular radio stations, 108.6 Rock On. It was official. We were now the hottest rock band signed to Rocktown Records. After our two-week tour with Hurricane. We hit the studio and recorded our first three singles that were now climbing the Rock Billboard Charts. Everywhere we turned we saw flashing lights from cameras, fans wanting our autographs, and our faces were plastered on every magazine. 


The reporters continue to take our pictures and yell out their questions as we are led by our team of bodyguards past screaming fans holding up posters and screaming I love you. We finally make our way inside and hop on an elevator that would take us up to the eighteenth floor.


“Man, sometimes I feel like all of this is a dream.” Evan speaks beside me. “Who would have thought just a month being signed to a label our single would be on top of the charts.”


“I feel you on that man. I’m just excited to be in New York. Not everyone gets a chance to perform at Madison Square Garden.” Jeremy says with a huge grin on his face. “So Mason why you so quiet man? Doesn't Nyla stay in this area?”


“Yeah she lives about fifteen minutes from our hotel.”


“Well I know where you'll be crashing tonight.” Caleb says from the other side of the elevator.


The elevator comes to a stop and we all exit.


“I know one thing. I hope you get some pussy soon because you've been walking around like you lost your damn best friend, when you could have had any girl you wanted. Matter of fact when we were in Detroit two nights ago, you had these women wanting you to partake in an orgy with you, and you turned them down. Were you losing your fuckin' mind?” Evan puts his two cents in.


“Man leave Mason alone. Maybe you should learn a thing or two from him. At the rate you're going. You're going to end up catching a STD or your dick is going to fall off.” Jax responds.


“You can't get a STD from a girl sucking on your dick.” Evan says.


We all stop in the hallway and we all turn our attention to Evan.


“Can you?” He asks.


“Stupid ass.” Caleb says under his breath.


We turn around and continue down the hall until we come to a desk with a middle aged receptionist sitting behind it. She's on the phone but when she sees us, she ends her call and stands up and starts squealing.


“Omigod. Wildfire my granddaughters and I, love you guys.” She says coming around with a poster of us in her hand. “Can all of you please sign this for me?”


“Sure.” I respond. I take the poster and pen out her outstretched hand, and I sign it.


“And since I have you standing here with me. Can you take a selfie with me?”


“Sure.” I laugh.


“Thank you. Thank you. My granddaughters are going to flip when I show them your pic. They just love you.”


“Well it was nice meeting you Miss...”

“You can call me Donna.”


“Okay. Are you going to the show tomorrow night?”


“What kind of question is that? Of course!”


“Well I hope you enjoy the show tomorrow. If you would excuse us Miss Donna. We have an interview to do.”


“Of course boys! Go on in. I'm sure Steve is ready for ya.”


Everyone signs the poster, then we walk behind two double doors and into the radio station.


New York's popular DJ, Steve sits behind a control panel with a pair of sunglasses on and of course he’s wearing our t-shirt. He motions us to sit around the large table and raises his hand, signaling to us to give him a minute.


“New York!” He screams into his microphone. Guess who's in the studio... You guess it! The hottest rock band around right now. Wildfire! That's right! Who wants to go to their concert tomorrow tonight? What the hell. I'll give you tickets if you're caller number ten. So hit me up. In the meantime, let's listen to their current number one single that I'm sure will be going platinum soon and it’s called, Your Love.” He taps a button and he removes his headset.


“Well how the fuck are you guys this afternoon?” He says with excitement in his voice.


“We're doing.” Caleb responds.


“I see. You guys are blowing up the charts. Well I must say I'm happy to have you guys here. Just like any interview you've been to. I'll ask you some simple questions, I'll give some of your fans a chance to call in, and I'll see you guys on your way. Sound cool?”


We all nod our heads in acknowledgment that we understood.


“Alright well go ahead and put on your headsets and let's get started.”


Steve pushes a button and we begin.


“What's up to all the Wildfire fans out there! I still need a caller number ten so I can give away these tickets, we're going to go ahead and open the phone lines for anyone out there who would like to ask Wildfire a question. And look a there. The lines are already blowing up! So Wildfire you guys are really hot right now, did you ever think you would become so big in such a little amount of time?”


“I'll answer that Steve.” Caleb says bringing his mouth close to the microphone. “First I would like to say hello to all our fans. Without you we wouldn't be here right now, but to answer your question. We didn't know where our music would take us. If it wasn't for Sierra, the owner of The Grind who decided to give us a chance we probably wouldn't be sitting here right now, and of course there's our manager Rich, who couldn't be here today.”


“I hear ya man.” Steve responds. “So Mason. A lot of critics like to say you have a talented raw voice. What do you have to say about that?”


“Well Steve any good mention of how I sing or how my voice sounds. I take it as a great compliment. I even love to hear the bad reviews too, but seriously when I sing I put my all into it. I want our fans to feel what I'm feeling through the lyrics.”


“Well if this counts any. Your voice is very unique. I must say you have your own sound going on.” Steve says.


“Thanks Steve.”


“Of course man. Well I'm going to go ahead and let some of your fans ask you a couple of questions. But before I do. Caleb how did it feel being on tour with your dad for two weeks before you guys signed your own tour contract? For those of you out there listening; who should know, he's Isaac Walker, the lead singer of Hurricane.”


“It's been a learning experience. He's been doing this for a long time so when we have a problem he always gives us good advice. I'm glad he believed in us enough to invite us on tour.”


“If anything I think it's just helping his career, but don't tell him I told you that.” Steve jokes. “Okay let's take some fan calls. You're live with Steve and Wildfire. Caller go ahead with your question.


I can't believe I got through. I'm so freakin' out right now, but anyways. My question is for all of you. Are you single?”


“How did I know that question was coming?” Steve asks.


“I'm single.” Caleb responds.


“I would rather stay single because I have a lot of love to give.” Evan speaks up.


“What's up New York. This is your boy Jax. I'm very single, but if any of you ladies have the guts to approach me. Who knows what will happen.”


“This is Jeremy and I'm also single.”


“And that leaves you Mason.” Steve says into his microphone.


“Well unlike my band mates I actually have someone very special in my life right now.”


“Whoa! I'm sure you just broke a million men and women’s hearts just now. So who is this special someone?”


“I respect her privacy so I won’t say her name on the air, but I will say this. If she's listening right now. I want to let her know that two months without her has been pure total hell and I can't wait to have her in my arms tonight.”


“So she lives in New York then?”


“She does.”


“Hmm. Well ladies I’m sorry but it seems like Mason is taken. But I'm still single ladies.” Steve laughs. “Well it was a pleasure meeting all of you. When you're back in the area. Please stop by.”


“We will and thanks for having us.” I respond. “You should come out tomorrow night. I'm sure we can get you backstage.”


“Trust me. I'll be there.” Steve responds. “That's all for me today folks. I would like to say congratulations to Teresa. She was our caller number ten. Don't forget to catch Wildfire tomorrow night at the Madison Square Garden. This is Steve with 108.6 Rock On, signing off.”

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