Read His Number One Fan Online
Authors: Danyell Wallace
I hear someone calling my name.
I turn around and see Jordyn running after me.
“Hey.” She says catching up to me. I didn't see you in Biology today. That's not like you. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I'm good. Just feeling a little under the weather. Did I miss anything that would require me to copy your lecture notes?”
“Actually you did, but I'm sure your nerdy ass will catch on quick.”
“Whatever.” I say while rolling my eyes.
“So are you heading back to the apartment?”
“Yeah. I told Brooke I would show her around the city, before I see Mason tonight.”
“Well I can't wait to meet your man tomorrow night. I'm heading to the mall to find something to wear to the concert.”
All of a sudden I start to feel weak and sick at the same time. I stop walking and I place my right hand over my stomach.
“You okay?” Jordyn asks me.
“I'm fine. I'll see you later okay? I'm going to head to the drug store and get some stomach medicine.”
“Okay girl.” I hope you get to feeling better.”
Jordyn walks away and I continue my walk on the side walk, making a stop at the campus bookstore instead. I walk inside and I make my way past the drinks, snacks, magazines, medicines, and I stop in front of the feminine products. My eyes roam over the tampons, and the pads. Landing on the pregnancy tests.
I can't believe I'm even thinking about taking one of these
. I've been on birth control since I was a teenager, because of irregular periods, and of course to prevent pregnancy, and I never missed a pill. Even though I was on the pill I made sure I had condoms. I think back to all the times when Mason and I were intimate. We didn't use condoms all the time but I was still on the pill, so why was I debating on taking a test? Being a Pre-med student I should have known better than to not use a backup method while being on antibiotics. Even the warning label on the bottle tells you that birth control can become ineffective and you can become pregnant
. How could I be so careless?
I grab two tests off the shelf. One digital and one that revealed the results by showing a plus or minus sign. I make my way to the counter to pay for my items. As soon as they are bagged, I grab them off the counter and I make my way home.
* * *
Thirty minutes later. I'm standing in my bathroom looking at both tests showing the same results. Before I could process how I was feeling about my results, I hear Brooke yelling my name from the living room.
“Nyla!” Hurry up and get in here. I walk out my bathroom and bedroom, then I rush down the hall to the living room where Brooke stood watching a gossip news television show. On the bottom of the screen, the words breaking news were scrolling across.
“What is it?” I ask her.
“Shhh. Listen.” She lifts the remote and cuts the volume up.
Just hours ago we received news that Mason and Caleb, members of Wildfire are brothers. This picture was leaked to the press just minutes ago.
I gasp when I see the same picture I saw wedged in the photo album at the Walker's house, pop up on the screen.
We are unsure of who leaked the photo, but sources say that these allegations are true. Along with the picture we also received an official birth certificate that shows Isaac Walker is the father of Mason Scott. Our people have tried to get in contact with all three parties involved. Isaac and Mason have failed to comment but this is what Caleb had to say.
The screen changes and a prerecorded video of Caleb shows up.
I should be surprised but I'm not. For all I know my dad could have other children out there. I just hate this comes out now, and right before our concert. I hope this doesn't change my relationship with Mason because I've always looked at him as a brother just like the rest of my bandmates. He's the innocent one in this situation.
Then the cameraman shows Caleb walking away.
I turn to look at Brooke. “So does that mean he’s your father too?”
“No!” Brooke says while shaking her head no. “Mason and I just have the same mom.”
“Have you talked to Mason?” I continue.
“No he won't answer his phone.” Brooke says sounding worried.
“Shit.” I rush back to my room and I grab my phone. I call Mason first but it goes straight to voicemail. Next I call Caleb, and he answers on the second ring.
“Caleb. Can you text me the address to your hotel?”
I'm sitting at the bar in the hotel staring at what I think is my fifth tequila shot. The bartender tries to cut me off, but all I had to do was flash him a hundred dollar bill, and the drinks kept coming. I glance up at the flat screen television hanging on the wall showing breaking news clips of my new chaotic life.
Isaac Walker is my dad?
My phone vibrates against the bar’s counter for the hundredth time. I pick it up and see it's Nyla again. I press the ignore button then I signal the bartender over.
“I'll have another...”
“I'll have what he's having, and you can put it on my tab.” A female voice orders the bartender. I turn my head and see a pretty red head. Her eyes were green and she had lips made for sin. My eyes continue down and land on a pair of fake tits.
“See something you want?” She asks leaning into me. “How about we go back to your room and I'll make you forget about all your problems.”
“Really?” I asked drunk out my mind?
“Yes really.”
“I'll pass. I have someone special in my life right now, and I refuse to mess it up.”
“Too bad. So where's your special someone now? As sexy as you are I wouldn't leave you at a bar drinking away your sorrows.”
“I refuse to let her see me like this.”
“I'm sorry to hear that. How about this. Let's go to your room and I'll suck your dick and fuck your brains out. How does that sound? It will be our little secret and your special someone will never find out. So what do you say. Wanna get out of here?”
My taxi pulls up to the five-star hotel and I see nothing but reporters standing around. On my way here I called Caleb letting him know I was just around the corner, and he told me that he would be on the lookout for my taxi.
I pay the driver and I get out. I walk towards the crowded entrance, but I stop when I see someone wearing a baseball cap walking in my direction. He lifts the hat up a little so I could see his face.
“Hey.” He says, pulling me into a hug.
“Hey.” I respond pulling away. “Is it always this crazy at every hotel you're at?”
“Sometimes, but since that story hit the media, every got damn news show and magazine column have been parked outside the hotel.”
“How are we supposed to get inside?”
“Side entrance. Let’s go.”
I follow Caleb to the other entrance of the hotel. He swipes his card and immediately we're given entrance.
We walk in and take the elevator to the lobby floor. The elevator doors open and we step out walking around people who were going on with their daily lives. We continue to walk, making our way to the hotel bar.
“I spoke to Jeremy before you came, and he mentioned something about Mason being down here.”
Caleb says over his shoulder. I continue to follow him until the bar comes into view, and there sitting at the bar was Mason, and he wasn't alone.
“Shit.” I could hear Caleb say. As we make our way to where he was sitting with another female.
We come to a stop right behind Mason's stool without bringing any attention to us.
“I told you I have someone.” I could hear Mason slur.
“Again she's not here is she?” The bitch says while running her hand up and down his thigh. “Come on let me take...”
“Bitch are you deaf? I think he just told you that he isn't interested.” I interrupt.
Mason clumsily turns around on his stool and sees me standing there with Caleb with a look of relief on his face.
“Well it looks like you came just in time sweetheart because I was getting ready to have a lot of fun with him.” She says while allowing her eyes to trace over Mason.
“Yeah. Well I guess you’ll need to find someone else's man to fuck.”
“Damn.” Caleb says behind me.
“It's his loss. How about you?” She asks looking over my shoulder at Caleb.
“Caleb.” I say through gritted teeth. “Help me get Mason to the room.”
“Well maybe next time.” The red head responds. Then she walks off.
“Come on let's get you out of here.” Caleb says.
We help Mason to a standing position. We both wrap one of his arms around our neck. Mason turns his head in my direction and says my name. The smell of tequila on his breath has me feeling nauseous. I turn my head away to take several deep breathes.
“Nyla you ready?” Caleb asks me.
I turn to Caleb and I can see the look of concern on his face.
“Yes.” I finally respond.
We make our way pass the lobby where you could see through the automatic doors, a swarm of reporters and paparazzi trying to get in, but security was preventing that.
We step into the elevator, Caleb swipes his keycard and we make our way up to their penthouse suite.
I unwrap Mason's arm from around my neck and I allow him to put all his weight on Caleb, then I move to stand on the other side of Caleb, waiting on the elevator to stop.
“Nyla.” Mason slurs my name again. He takes his arm from around Caleb, and tries standing on his own but stumbles back. “I wasn't going to fuck her.” He continues.
“Man if I were you. I would shut the fuck up right now.” Caleb suggests.
“Baby are you listening to me?” Mason slurs again.
I ignore him, and I continue to wait. The elevator eventually comes to a stop.
“Where's your key and which penthouse are you guys in?” I direct my question to Caleb.
After he tells me the room information, he gives me his key. The elevator doors open and I leave Caleb and Mason behind. I make my way down the hall to their suite. I insert the key and as soon as I have the door open, I rush inside.
I keep straight, walking past the kitchen where I see Jeremy.
“What's up Nyla. You alright?” He asks me.
“Where's the bathroom?” I ask him.
“Down the hall to your left.”
I jog down the hall, and into the bathroom slamming the door behind me. I drop to my knees in front of the toilet and I release all the contents in my stomach up. Once I'm done, I flush the toilet and I go to the sink to wash my hands, and I rinse my mouth out with the hotel's complimentary mouth wash. I take a seat on the edge of the huge bath tub and I break down. Unable to keep the tears from falling.
A light knock on the door has me wiping away my tears quickly.
“Who is it?”
“It's Caleb.”
“Come in.”
He sticks his head in and I wave him in.
“Close the door.” I say to him.
“Are you crying?”
“Where's Mason?” I ask him. Ignoring his question.
“In his room. Knocked out.”
“Okay good.”
“Are you going to explain to me why you're crying?”
I look up into his eyes and the tears start falling again.
“Shit Nyla. What's wrong? Don't let what happened at the bar get to you.”
“It's not that.”
“Okay. Then what is it. Talk to me. You've got me worried over here.”
After sitting there for several moments, trying to get my nerves in check. I look back up at Caleb. “I'm pregnant.” I respond with tears running down my face.
“Nyla.” He says my name in a calming voice. “Come here.” I stand and I walk into his open arms.
“Everything is going to be okay.” He whispers to me. “Have you told anyone else?”
“No you're the first to know. If Mason wasn't drunk right now, I would tell him.”
“How long have you known?”
“I found out today. I took two tests and they both came out positive. What is Mason going to think? Everything is happening so fast.”
“Shhh. I’m sure everything will be okay. Just talk to him, and if he decides he doesn't want you or the baby to be a part of his life, just know I'm always here for you.”
“Thanks Caleb.”
“Any time big head.”
We both laugh while still embracing each other.
“How are you holding up?” I ask him.
“I'm fine. There's so much you don't know, but I'll be okay. I really hate it for Mason though.”
“Have you talked to him or your parents?”
“Mason? No not yet, and I'm just not ready to face my parents right now.”
“Well if you need to talk to someone, I'm here for you.”
“I appreciate that Nyla.”
He kisses the top of my head and pulls away.
“You look tired.” Caleb says, looking down at me.
“I am.”
“Come on. I'll let you have my room and I'll take the couch.”
Too tired to argue. I agree.
He hugs me to his body and walks me out the bathroom and across the hall to his room.
“If you need me, I'll be in the living room. Good night.”
“Good night Caleb.”
He closes the door behind him leaving me alone. I was so exhausted and hungry since I haven't been able to keep anything down lately.
“Bath. Snack. Bed.” I say to myself.
I walk into the bathroom and I run a warm bath. After several minutes of bathing and soaking in the tub. I dry myself off, and I wrap a towel around my body. I walk out the bathroom yawning several times.
Snack later. Sleep now.
I pull back the covers, leaving the towel wrapped around me, and I get in. I pull the covers up to my shoulders and as soon as my head hits the feather stuffed pillow, I was fast asleep.