I Must Be Dreaming (11 page)

BOOK: I Must Be Dreaming
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We all decided to go hunting and feed. I get weak when I send messages that long. I am getting better at it though. We were out of the blood that Jake had grabbed so animal blood had to do for the night. I had to drain a rabbit to just recoup. “We need to head back to the cabin to get some more supplies and things.” Leburn said. “No it could be a trap. He could have his followers there waiting.” Samual seemed like he was the leader of the group. He was smart and thought every plan through. He was kind of an attractive man. He did have a bald head but there was something very sexy about him. He was not old (by human years) and he did have some outline of muscles; not that I was looking. He still was not Jake, but not bad to look at either.

“I think we need to stay put and set a trap. It’s our best hope and it will be on our turf.”  Everyone sat and considered the options. There really were none. It was either go to him or him come to us. I’m all about going for him but Samual was right. Our turf and we will have the advantage. We all talked a bit more about staying and what to do when and if Daymon showed up. Everyone had a part but if we knew Daymon was coming I would be bait. It was three to one; Jake was the opposing one as usual. I really didn’t mind being bait especially if I got to be the one to kill him!

Things seemed to slow down. It felt like months since we left the cabin but I think it had been only a couple of weeks. I almost lost hope that Daymon was even interested in coming after me. Every night we searched the area then went to our tree house to hang out. Samual even went back to the cabin and got some more blood and clean clothes. Against his better judgment but we had voted and he lost. He only agreed if he was the one to go. Jake and I would go to the spot where we could practice fighting techniques. There was a little river there so I would get in and somewhat bathe in private. I had to, I felt so nasty and no one thought it was a good idea for me to shower outside by myself at the tree house. I was getting good at fighting and it took my mind off of being stuck in a tree house in the woods. Every once in a while I would see those psyches around. They would watch me and Jake. I never said anything to Jake about them because last time he saw that yellow one he tried to squeeze it to death. I never minded them they made me feel like home for some reason. I was happy when they were near, which I guess is wired but I figured I am freak anyways.                                                                                                                 Our fights were the only time we had alone and sometimes the guardians would come to get a work out to. I don’t think we are ever truly alone either. I could feel Samual and Leburn watching us. Every once in a while our practice fights would get a little to intense and we end up with clothes coming off. I sometimes get to rough for that sole purpose! But all in all it has been a nice get away, if you forget we were being chased by a crazed vampire. I kept up with Zadok and still trying to figure out about the key. I wanted to know so much and just if I could remember. I get so frustrated.

The next day while we slept Zadok came to me. Told me he and his family would be here when we woke. Daymon is on the way, and he has built a small army of followers. “My dear I want you to be ready. He will try to kill everyone around you first.”  I felt my body jerk I was about to wake up.  “I can’t have that happen. I am just getting to know you and myself for that matter.” “I know this doesn’t seem fair but I want you to know how much I love you. And how much of your mother is in you!”  “ I don’t want you to say your goodbye’s to me.”  “ I’m not, I just want you to know that your mother and I love you and wanted the best for you, and I’m sorry I didn’t kill Daymon a long time ago.” I smiled at those words. “Get some rest and stay safe until I can get to you.”  He slowly left me and I was back to tossing and turning trying to sleep. I had so much on my mind. This was not going to be just a fight it was going to be a war!

















              I never did go to sleep that night. I let Jake sleep as long as I could. When I couldn’t wait any longer I woke Jake up a little early and told him what was going on. He hugged me tight and gave me a good long kiss then walked out to find Zadok. The guardians had been awake for a few hours talking with Zadok and some of the others were deciding where and what was to happen. When I came down the tree house and saw just how many vampires where here and I realized Zadok had built a small army too. There had to be at least fifty to sixty vampires. Zadok came straight over to me and hugged my neck, I couldn‘t help but smile at his warmth. “These vamps are here not just because of me but because of you.” He waved his hand out across the rows of vampires standing around. “Why? What did I do for them to want to help me?“  “My dear most of them are your family and the rest are your friends.” It took me a minute to realize my search for my family was over. I had been looking for something that was and always had been here I just didn’t understand that until now. I looked back at Zadok and smiled. “You have given me everything!”  He looked at me and just smiled as he squeezed my hand. “Now, Izzy I want you to stay in the back. Jake, Jamie and the two guardians will be just here to protect you.” I looked a little disappointed at him. “I know everyone wants to protect me but I don’t need it. I can fight too.“  “I know you can but you are too valuable to me to lose.” Jamie walked up as I was about to object some more. “Hi Isadora, I’m glad to see you again. I guess us girls are going to hang out today” I gave her a hug. “Hey Jamie, it seems that way. Even if I do want to take in part in fighting.” They both laughed. “I’m sure we are going to have some action even in the back.”  I was starting to get a little mad when Karri came walking up. “Karrie, what are you doing here?” I said while squeezing her tight. “Well, you know me; I’m never going to miss a good fight!” I wasn’t mad anymore since she was here. Even though she was Jake’s sister and I’d only known her a little while. It felt like a little piece of home. Me and Karri walked off talking about what’s been happening over the past few months. I had missed a lot.

After the last few vamps showed up Zadok gathered everyone around and started to speak about what was about to happen. “I have had some of my guardians following Daymon and I have just received word that they will be here by tomorrow‘s dawn. We need to set a perimeter up. Some of us have been traveling a long way and need to rest so they may fight at full strength. Also I know some may need to feed but I would greatly appreciate it if no one goes into town. In other words no humans please. There are plenty of animals here around us.” He looked over at a couple of vamps moaning about it, but they stopped with one look from him. “Now tomorrow I do not want anyone going after Daymon, let him come to us. He has tricks up his sleeve so don’t let him catch you off guard. Also he does not go by our code.”  He kept on with his speech. I kept thinking of what was going to happen and how I can get to Daymon myself. I also thought of Jake and Karri. I didn’t want anyone hurt. I started to feel a little sick to my stomach, “My little Izzy I’m here and waiting for you.” I was meant to be playful but it came out menacing. I looked around in a panic; where is he? No one was paying attention to me. Zadok kept on talking and everyone seemed very interested in what he was saying. “Come out and play. Come alone and no one has to die, except Zadok, and Jake, and you.” He laughed a cold disheartening laugh. The sound of his voice sent shills down my body. Again I heard it as if he was right in my ear. I guess no one else can hear him; but Zadok, Jake and the guardians all knew something was wrong. Jake came running to me. “What’s wrong, you’re sending messages of panic.”  “Its Daymon he is here.” Zadok hollered “to the trees.” Everyone was running, and jumping getting into spots and others spreading out to find him. Jake and Jamie had grabbed me up by my arms and we were back in the tree house before I could blink. The guardians were already in position in front of me. Jake and Jamie to my sides and back. It happened pretty fast even for vampires. I have to admit it was a little scary watching them and waiting. “I need a weapon.” Without words Leburn turned and tossed me a long sword. He snatched another one off the wall in the room that he and Samual slept in. The sword was heavier than I thought but I still could maneuver it well enough.                                                                                                                                             We started to hear screeches and screams. Swords were clanging and you could hear the flesh ripping from bodies. The first wave of vampires had come in from Daymon’s clan. The cold of the metal under my hand started to itch at me. “I can’t take this anymore!” I screamed as I ran and jumped down to the ground. I heard someone yelling my name but I never slowed down. I hit the ground and went straight to the first vampire I saw. It was a tall man with no shirt on and brown hair. He smelled horrible so I knew he was bad. I swung the sword around and cut his head clean off! He never even seen me coming. I started to run again and Jake grabbed me by the arm. He was lucky I didn’t cut his head off because I had started to swing again when he grabbed me. “Are you trying to die?” Jake asked. “No, but I’m not going to stand helpless up there just letting everyone else die for me.”  “That’s my girl!” Jamie jumped in and patted my on the back. “Now let’s go kick some ass. Stay close though.” She winked at me. I grinned looked at Jake and told him to come on and show me what all he could do.               Jake stayed close most of the time but would go and kill someone and come check on me. Jamie was having the time of her life while making it look so graceful. The guardians stayed on my tail and if anyone got to close, well they died. I got to kill only three. That’s only because everyone else was busy and one would slip in. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I had forgotten about the amulet until I looked down and it was glowing a deep red. No one could get to close to hurt me because of the amulet; I guess the bad guys didn't have a chance to begin with.

The air became thick with a stench of the dead bodies that lay. Most of which were Damon’s men. We had five dead that we knew of and a few that were wounded but were healing fast. Everyone started to get ready for the next round; you could feel it was coming. It was like that feeling when you know someone is watching you but you can't see them and all you could do was wait for them to show themselves. I began to search out for Daymon. But he was nowhere to be seen. I know he was watching from a distance not just because I could feel it but he was waiting for the right moment. He wanted me alone; his glare was on me with hate filling up inside of me. Jake was standing beside me and I guess he tried to touch me because Zadok yelled at him not to. Jake backed away from me, I'm sure my eyes were blood red and the hair on my body was standing on ends. I couldn’t control the feeling anymore so I growled to the sky. “Come out Daymon. You are nothing but a coward, watching as your family dies. My mother NEVER loved you.” I taunted him willing him to come out. Zadok motioned for the guardians to jump to back to my side. The next wave of vampires came raining down from the trees. This time they were everywhere, and they were fast.                                                                                                                               Most of which had some kind of tattoos on them. A lot of them were coming after me or really the amulet. One actually tried to snatch it off my neck! He died needless to say. These vamps were going full force like they were on steroids. I had to fight hard this time even with the amulet glowing bright. They were attacking me one after the other and it kept everyone busy. It was difficult watching out for everyone and fighting at the same time; but somehow that made me fight more intense. I was slicing and stabbing faster, with all my strength. I was killing anything that got close enough. Another wave of vampires came running up on us. We were outnumbered but no one was giving up; I sure wasn’t going to! We had an advantage over them though, most of the vampires on our side were much older, stronger, and had fought in battles long before they were even human. The sword under their hand was like a piece of their body. It was amazing to see.                                                                       A female vamp came running toward me. She looked familiar; oh my gosh it was Molly! She was charging strait for me! I started to get into a stance to brace myself because I didn't have time to move she was going too fast. I told myself, "This is going to hurt." I looked over and saw Jake; he was fighting as hard as he could. He just happened to turn and see what was about to occur. I felt his flash of worry right before the flash of Molly was coming into view. Then out of know where Karri jumped right in front of me and blocked Molly. Molly paused for a second then whipped out her sword. I could tell she didn’t care who was in her way, she was going to kill anyone to get to me.                                                         Her hate for me was pouring out of her. She and Karri went round and round. Every blow Karri made Molly came back full force. Molly’s rage was proving to help her and she was getting to close to Karri. I ran and kicked Molly as hard as I could to move her. Karri was not going to die on my watch. The amulet glowed a deeper amber. Molly swung her sword. I could feel the wind on my neck that came off her swing. My fangs slide out and I jumped. We rolled around but Molly was trying to bite me, she couldn’t the amulet would not let her. I twisted and grabbed her from behind. I whispered in her ear “He loves me.” I wanted those to be the last words she ever heard and I bent down over her neck and bit as hard as I could. I ripped her at her throat until I could feel the warmth of her blood running faster over my mouth. I took out the knife that Samaul had given me earlier while Zadok had his speech. I had not wanted to take it but now I was grateful. I showed the knife in her heart. I stood up and tore the rest of her head off. Blood was dripping all down my face and my hands. I was a monster but I truly loved it! I got up and wiped my face off on my sleeve. Jake came up behind me. I got scared for a second but he kissed me quick and hard then was off to kill someone else.

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