I Must Be Dreaming (7 page)

BOOK: I Must Be Dreaming
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              I had packed almost all of the clothes that Karri had bought me. I didn’t know what the weather would be like or even where the City of Lights was. I needed to talk to Jake but I didn‘t know what to say. There was so much to consider. I had a father but he was a monster from what I saw. He was my only family other than Victor. Which I’m not sure how Victor is taking this, I felt bad for him. I think he was struggling to do the right thing but wanting to protect his brother. There was a knock on the door. Karri came in and sat on the bed. “Can I help you with anything?” She asked but I don’t think she meant it. “No, I think I’ve got most of it done.” She grabbed a shirt out of the suitcase and started to fold it. “Have you talked to Jake?” I asked her. “No, he went to Victor to see if he could go along with you. I don’t like it Izzy. I don’t want him to go. If they find out he marked you and he thought you were already marked. He will be in big trouble.” She loved Jake, behind that tough exterior she was a softy. “Karri I would never let anyone know that.” I grabbed the shirt she had now folded three times. “Daymon knows and he will use it to his advantage. He is well known for his…. well let's just say he has a reputation for being a bad guy.”  “I know firsthand how he can be. That’s why I’m going. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt.” Karri grabbed my hand and stopped me from putting the rest of my clothes in the suitcase. “Izzy you need to be prepared to see and hear things you don’t want to. The council is the law and sometimes they are fair and sometimes they aren’t. I am very fond of you but my brother, well is my brother. I don’t know what I would do without him.” I could see the fear in her eyes. All I could say was, I know. She quickly changed her tone. “What time are you leaving?”  “We leave as soon as the sun sets.” She hugged me fast then let go. “Just be careful and I’ll see you when you get back.” She walked to the door. “Good luck.” and just like that she was out the door. I had two hours before time to go so I decided to get in the shower; I needed some time to clear my head.                                                                                                   I started to wash my hair and noticed there was an extra pair of hands. I turned around and it was Jake. “I thought you could use some help.” I could not help but smile. “I guess I could.”  He grabbed the soap and started to wash my body. Our eyes were locked on to each other. He is so beautiful especial wet…. and naked. Then he moved my hair out of the way and started to gently kiss my neck. I knew I should talk to him but I needed this too much to speak. I needed him to touch me, love me.                                           My legs automatically wrapped around him. It was as if he knew how to read my body like a map and it welcomed him like an old friend. Every move he made my body reacted to it and in a good way. Within a few minutes he was in me and I was in the air floating. “You will always be mine.” He whispered “Always” I said as the steady flow of water rained down on us.

After the water turned began to turn cold, we decided we should get out. I sat down on the bed drying off. “I don’t want you to go to the council with me.” Jake looked like I just hit him in the stomach. “Jake I don’t want you to get in trouble. I hate us being apart but I have to go you don‘t. I want you to be safe.” This conversation was all too familiar, we had just had it except now it was me tell him not to come.  “Izzy I am not letting you go alone.” He tucked some of my hair behind my ear as he talked. “Daymon is my father, I think and I need to figure it out without distraction.” I took his hand down from my face. “Izzy you cannot trust Daymon.” “That’s why I don’t want you to go.”  “I’m going with you and I don’t want to argue anymore.” Jake was getting angry. Not with me just he was helpless in this situation. “I’m not arguing but I still think it’s best if you stay. I’m marked now by you and no one can touch me, remember.” I moved my hair to the side to show him. Even though I know he has not forgot. “I’m not worried about that. I’m worried that they might keep you or let Daymon. You are the first to be born half vampire. They will want to know more.”  His words scared me I didn’t want to be a lab rat but I didn’t want him in danger either. “Izzy I’ve already packed, Victor knows I’m coming so that’s that.” I hate to say it but deep down I was glad he was going. “Alright but if things get messy I want you to get out and leave as fast as you can. Promise.” I held my hand out to him. “If it makes you feel better I will say yes but I would never leave without you.” I smiled because I already knew that. “Well ok then. Since that’s settled will you tell me about the City of Lights?”  “I’ve never been there only the oldest and richest have. But I’ve heard it’s the most wonderful place. Where we can go out in the light and it not hurt us at all. I mean I know you handle it better than I do but we can sun bath if we wanted and leave no scar on us.” He looked like a child lost in a fantasy. “Also no humans so we can be ourselves, run as fast and free.”  “That sounds exciting.” I could watch him like this forever. “We do need to go eat before we leave.”  “I am a little hungry now that you mention it, I always seem to be hungry.” He laughed a little. “We will need to feed off a human for this.” The thought of that scared me, I don’t want to be a monster. “I’m not sure I can do that.” I could feel the sweat starting to bead. Well I thought it was sweat until I reached up and nothing. Again getting use to being a vampire takes time. “What if I kill them? I don’t think I can live with myself.” He came to me and put his big arms around me. “Izzy I will be right by your side. I will let nothing happen, I promise.”  And he was right, nothing happened. We didn’t get the chance to eat. Victor showed up and needed us to go right away. The ship we were taking was ready to leave.


              We boarded the ship; it was like a small cruise ship. And when I say small I mean one of the smaller cruise lines not a small boat you take out on the river. We went straight to our suite. Victor had put me and Jake in one and him and Daymon in the one across the hall. The suites were very nice. They had all the amenities of home plus some. The bed was a queen size with a wooden headboard and footboard. It had carved angles on both ends. I lay down on the couch that was big enough for an army and as soft as feathers. There was one bathroom with a huge tube and separate shower. I was tired and hungry now. Victor came in and told us that there was blood in the fridge and there were humans on board if we preferred. “After you have settled in I would like to talk with you Izzy. Please meet me on deck in an hour alone.” It was more of an order than a request. “Of course Victor.” I said trying not to look at Jake but couldn‘t stop myself.  The look on Jake’s face told me he was not too pleased with it but there is nothing he can do. Victor bowed his head and was out the door in a flash. Jake turned around and I could tell he didn’t like to be left in the dark. “It is only Victor, and I think we should talk. He is my uncle, maybe.” I was so wired to think of him as my family.  “I want to protect you Izzy even if it's from your family.”  “For one you are the only family I want and second, I want to protect you too. So let me talk to him.” I needed to distract him. “We need to eat and maybe you could help me change into something else after.” His eyes got big and then I could tell he was ready for another round of my legs around him.


I was running a little late to meet Victor, thanks to Jake. I think he was trying to make me late on purpose. Not that I could complain. I was still floating so to speak. As I walked off the elevator and on to the deck images of Jake and what just occurred on the floor in front of the bed. I walked up where Victor was sitting. The table was littered with bottles. He had drunk a lot of blood! I was starting to wonder if you could get drunk on blood. He stood up when I came over to him. His hand gestured for me to take the seat. I smiled a half smile at him and sat down. Victor stared at me for a while before he spoke. “My dear Izzy I am truly sorry for all that has happened. Especially now that I know you are my family by blood.” I just sat there. I didn’t know what to say to him or where this was going. He kept on talking. “I think Daymon I mean your father, is not going to make it back with us. He has made a many enemies and a lot of bad blood between many vampires. I tried to help him but He made some choices in the past and now I think he went too far with you and your mother. I am very sorry about her you know that Izzy, right? I never got to meet her but I hear she was a beautiful and wonderful woman.” I think he is drunk, he was waving his hands around as talked and seemed out of sorts. “Victor I know there is a difference between you and Daymon. You are nothing like him so don’t put yourself in that category. He is a big boy and made his own choices.” I could tell Victor cleaned up a lot of Daymon’s mess’s and probably would still if it weren‘t for me. “I know there is a big chance that he will not come out of this… mess. And though he did kill my mother I don’t think I want him to die either. I’m very confused Victor, my memories are still coming back and things are getting clearer but I still want some answers from Daymon.” I was being honest with him. “Izzy you are truly unique. You are one of a kind.”  “I’m a vampire just like you. There is nothing unique about that.”  “No, my dear you are very unique not only to have been born half vampire half human. Which it’s never happened and believe me we have tried that for centuries. But you still have so many human qualities, and the love you have for life.” He looked almost envious for a moment. “I have spoken to Daymon about how this happened and he is not sure how either. It does baffle the mind how it happened. At the same time I want you to be ready for what is in store ahead. Things I fear will never be the same.”  “What do you mean?”  “Izzy there is a lot you still have to learn and to be so new at this; you’ve been through a lot. And I am afraid it is only going to get worse before it gets better.” He stopped for a second and drank some more from one of the almost empty bottles. “I wanted Jake to come along for you. So you had comfort and support. I am here for you as well but I think Jake can help you more than I.” He made a little grin at me when he said that. “Just do me one favor. If you remember anything at all it doesn’t matter how small, please tell me.” He hit himself a little harder than I think he meant to.  “Ok Victor I will.”  “Thank you Izzy. We have two days before we get to the City of Lights so rest up and I will speak to you soon.” He got up kissed the top of my head and disappeared into the night. I sat there wondering what this all means. He would not tell me exactly what was going on and why had I not seen Daymon. Or why my memory mattered. I needed to remember. If I don’t my father may die but I’m not sure how I felt about it, and I’m going to be questioned on my childhood that I don’t remember. This is too much pressure right now. I needed some sleep.

Jake was waiting for me patiently in our room. “So how did your visit with Victor go? “ I could tell he had been pacing. “Confusing. I think he just wanted to tell me he was here for me.“ I yawned. “I just need a good night’s sleep.”  “The night is young are you sure you want to sleep it out? They have dancing.” I laughed at him trying to persuade me as he swayed from left to right. “Jake I have not stopped. If you want to roam the ship you can but I need to relax for a while.” I went to the bed and let myself fall back. “I’m not going to leave you.” He said but the look on his face was like a child that just got told he couldn’t stay the night at his friend’s house. “Jake for real I’m ok. I think I’m just going to take a hot bath and then get some much needed rest. Go, please I will feel bad if you don’t.” I said with all the energy I had left.  “How about I go for an hour and then come back to see how you feel.” I knew that was all I could get him to agree to. “That sounds good.”  I told him this but I really just wanted some time alone to think. I got up and gave Jake a kiss on the cheek and went into the bathroom. I heard the door open and shut to our room. I came back out of the bathroom and went over to the bed. I took a deep breath and was about to let it out when Daymon walked out of the corner of the room. ”What are you doing in here?”  I asked a little nervous. “Did you not want to see me?”  He was looking at me with those beautiful angel blue eyes. “Did Victor tell you?” and before I could finish the sentence he responded. “No, Izzy I can feel you. I know when you are happy, sad, tired, LYING.” He tilted his head at me. “How?”  “You are my daughter. My blood runs through your veins. How do you think I knew where you were all those times.”  “Sometimes I think you are a good man and then I remember what you did and I get confused.” He walked over to me and ushered me to sit down on the couch beside him. “Yes, I have done some bad things but not intentionally. How about we start over. Get to know each other then you could make your own judgment.” He smiled and I could see what my mom saw in him. “If I ask you questions will you not lie to me no matter what the truth is?”  “Have I lied to you yet?” he said in that cocky voice again? “Let’s just start over.” He tilted his head up. “I have to get back Victor is headed to our room but I will be back to talk later” and just like that he was gone. I never even saw him move. This is going to be another long night.

I was in the bed and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. I was dreaming of my mother. She was so beautiful. She had the same color hair as me but it shined and she had a radiance to her skin that never went away. She was reaching out to me. I put my arms out to grab her. As soon as I had her she had fangs and she bit me on my arm. I was so startled that I woke up rubbing my arm. I was in the bed alone.                             I got up to get a drink and I saw a note. It was from Jake he had gone back out and would check on me in a little while. I was still upset from my dream. I need some fresh air. I grabbed my coat and started to put it on when I saw my arm. I had been bitten there! I almost started to scream but Daymon was at my side. I put my arms around him and started to cry. He was holding me like a baby saying all the things I wanted and needed to hear. He sat me down on the couch. I looked up at him “was she really here?” I asked.  “I know just what you need.”  He grabbed the phone and within seconds a vampire and human came to the door. It was a young woman. Her blonde hair looked like strands of silk running down her back. She was very pretty, she could not be much older than me maybe twenty-five tops. She had a blank look on her face. Daymon told her to come and sit and she did. “Drink from her.” He said. “I can’t.” I scooted away on the couch. “You need to, it will help you sleep.” He held out her arm. “Drink!” He said with his smooth voice and I felt an urge to move. Somehow I had moved close to her, and started to smell her without thinking, my fangs retracted out, I had bit her!                                                                                     The taste of her was somewhere between sunshine and that sweet tangy taste. I wanted more. “Slow down, enjoy it.”  Daymon said. But I was getting excited and my body was tingling all over. I was gulping every drop down. I could feel it in the back of my throat all the way to my toes. Out of know where Jake pulled me off her and I fell on my butt on the floor. “GET OUT!!” He was growling at Daymon. I felt drunk off the rush I had and could not get my thoughts together. “Izzy you almost drained her. Look at her!” I looked up and the poor blonde girl was slumped over and pale white. “She needs this Jake. If you knew what was best for her.”  “I do. That’s why I stopped her.” I didn’t know what to do but I didn’t want to come off the high I had. “Jake it’s ok. He was just trying to help.” I felt the words come out slowly. “Izzy I think you need to go back to bed and Daymon you need to leave.”  “I will go when she says, not you!” Daymon was now flashing his fangs at Jake. “Ok, that’s enough boys. I’m going to try to get some sleep. Thank you Daymon for being here when I needed you.” I stood up and Jake had to catch me. I was still a little tipsy. Jake picked me up and took me to the bed. Before I put my head on the pillow I was out.

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