I Must Be Dreaming (3 page)

BOOK: I Must Be Dreaming
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              We had walked or run whatever vampires do with great speed, through the woods. It took me a few tries to get it right. I almost hit a tree or two the first few times. Karrie I thought was going to start rolling on the ground, she was laughing so hard. I think that’s what they were laughing about earlier. If I had known this I may have decided to stay back, but now I was out here and I was going to show them I could do it. I started to get the hang of it but I was getting tired of the stop and go, Jake told me we were close thank goodness.                                                                                                   We soon came to the out skirts of a city. We stopped at an old subway entrance. It had been abandon for centuries you could tell with part of the tunnel falling down and all the do not enter and danger signs nailed up and posted on trees. We went underground that’s how they travel without being seen. It was a huge underground system that the vampires had been using for years. Clever things they are, I mean we are. Man it's going to take some getting used to.                                           After running what felt like on minutes which I'm sure being human would have taken hours or maybe even days I'm not for sure, we came to a stop. We went up a bunch of wooden stairs that by far needed some repairs. They led to a huge metal door that a semi could have gone through. Jake made three quick knocks then spoke in some language I did not recognize but somehow understood. He said open and the door unlocked and swung open. Inside the building looked like an executive tower. There were elevators in the middle of the room. The floors had tile the color of egg shells with little dark specks. At the front by the doors, it had a counter like an information center with two guards seated there. They didn’t even look our way. Like we weren’t even there. There was one painting on the wall. That seemed a little out of place. It was of a light house. There was something about that painting, I had seen it before. Right as I started to walk that way Jake grabbed my hand and we went to the elevators. He looked at me, later was all he said.                             There were twenty-five floors. Jake pushed sixteen. We had not talked much since we had left the cottage. The only thing he had said when we left was "stay close to me". Which I was not going to complain about. I didn’t want to be away from him for even a second it was like I was hypnotized by him. He turned to me and said; “during the meeting please don’t say anything. Let me do the talking and see what we can find out. I don’t want them to take you away from me.” Take me away from him? I froze not able to move. “Why would they do that?”  Fear pulsed through me with that one thought. I can’t be taken away from him; maybe I should have stayed at the cottage. I wanted to cry. Tears started to push to the surface. He took my face in his hands and leaned in so close to me that I could feel his hot breath on my lips. “I will never let anyone hurt you; I will die before that happens.” I wanted to believe those beautiful green eyes. My fear melted into his warm hands for those few seconds.                                                                                       The doors to the elevator opened and he dropped his hands from my face and guided me out. I think I had to wipe the drool from my lips as we walked into the room. It looked like a formal dining room. The chandelier hung with at least fifty sparkling crystals hanging from it. In the middle of the room sat a long table that was made of mahogany with black leather chairs seated all around. There were at least twenty other vampires standing around talking. Jake leaned down “These are the heads of each family from our own areas.” Everyone was wearing black. What is with the black? I guess some kind of vampire dress code. We made our way to the head of the table. Everyone began to take their seats when a vampire named Victor walked in. He had dark hair and a dark mustache that moved when he talked. All I could say was that he looked very much like what a vampire costume looks like. All that was missing was the cape. He even had a thick accent just like I watched on TV.                                           I looked around the room; everyone was beautiful in some way or another. Hair, eyes, lips, whatever they all had something special. Even the men, but no one is as beautiful as Jake. I shook my head again, why was I having all these mushy feelings for him. If it was anyone else I would vomit, I never did like all those sappy movies but I felt like I was smack dab in the middle. I finally looked up from the table and I realized all eyes were on me. Oh no I had not been paying attention to what was being said. I looked at Jake, his face was like stone and his hands were in fists. Then a girl with long dirty blonde hair, a round face and black leather so tight I was uncomfortable looking at her; spoke. “Was she not your pet before? How do we know you did not do this?” She tilted her head at me as she spoke. Jakes eye’s turned red. Wait I was his pet, I'm no one's dog! Jake had a lot to explain later. “I cannot erase memories, none of us can. This had to have been someone with a lot of influence and magic. I had left her two weeks prior to her being turned. Someone had to have known about me, her, where I live, that I’m a vampire.” His voice was that of a monster, my monster. “Why don’t you tell everyone who doesn’t know; what your relationship with her really is?” Her words were like venom but I didn’t care I wanted to know what Jake had to say. Even with the blonde eyeing me the whole time as she spoke. “Stop it Molly! I swear I will hurt you if you don’t stop.” Jake slammed his fist down on the table. I was getting the feeling this was not going to end well. Victor looked at Molly and very politely said “Jake finish what you were saying.“ Everyone started to stir around in their seats whispering. “Also whoever did this left her out in the open and by herself!” When he said that everyone got quiet. “My relationship with Izzy is not the issue it’s who did this and why?” Jake slowly sat back down never taking his eyes off of that Molly chick. Victor made sure Jake was done and then he spoke in a hushed tone. “I have known Jake long enough to know when he speaks the truth and if anyone has doubt speak now.” The table was quite with all eyes on Victor. He went on. “The law has been broken and someone has done this to our brother. That means it is an attack on all of us. I want e
veryone to find out what they can. We need to be careful though, if this is what I think. Someone may want to expose us.” The girl vamp named Molly with dirty blonde hair stood up. Wow she was tall and very thin. “Why should I endanger my family for HER?”  She said with a lot of anger pointing at me. “This is Jake’s problem not ours!” Victor smoothed his hair and calmly spoke. “She is now part of your family too Molly.” He said without looking at her. “She is NOT my family!” showing her teeth at me. “Molly“, Jake was on his feet and growling at her. “That’s enough,” Victor jumped in. Both Molly and Jake kept on staring at each other ready to fight. “You will obey me or take the penalty. That goes for all of you and your families.” Molly sank back in her seat glaring between me and Jake. I will remember never to be alone with her. Not sure what I had done to her but sure didn’t want to ask either. Victor carried on; “this is not the time to fight amongst ourselves. We need to protect each other. Jake I’m leaving Izzy in your care. I know you will explain all the laws and punishments to her. Until we figure out why this has happened I’m sending a few body guards to watch after Izzy also.”  “I can take care of her Victor.” Jake said with his pride on his sleeve. “I’m sure you can Jake but I want them there, especially when you go out to investigate with the others.” I could tell Victor‘s word was final but Jake was determined to defy him. “I want to stay with Izzy I can protect her better then they can.” Victor glared at Jake with an intense stare. A few seconds later Jake bowed his head as if in defeat. “Now that that’s settled, Izzy meet your new family. I want everyone to welcome her, she is our new sister.” It was wild he went from intense stare to all smiles. “I wish this was on better terms for you Izzy but I know we all are glad to have you.” He made a glare at Molly when he said that last part. “Thank you” I said and then with a wave of Victors hand everyone got up and started toward me. I got nervous fast but Jake grabbed my hand and stood so close to me that no force, vampire or not could have tore us apart. Which the feel of him that close did make me calm down.                                                                                                                I met everyone in the room except Molly and some of her clan, which was ok by me. She needed to stay as far from me as possible. I had a feeling her dislike for me had something to do with Jake and I didn’t want to know about his past. The thought of him and her made an anger inside me churn and I didn't even know I had it. I watched as Victor made his way to me and everybody moved except Jake. I could feel his body tense almost like he was standing his ground with Victor. He took my free hand and kissed it. “I’m so sorry for how you were turned. Jake can explain the right way to do it and that we are far more compassionate then what was done to you.” He smiled looking back up at my face. “I hope Jake has been accommodating.” You could tell he did a lot of cleanup work for the vamps over the years. He was very charming and knew just the right amount of appeal to put on. “Oh yes, I’m just a little tired and overwhelmed with everything right now. I keep learning new things every time I turn around.” I looked up at Jake at that same moment. Hopefully he got the hint that he had a lot of explaining to do! “I understand” he said and for the first time he really looked at my face. He leaned in really close almost nose to nose. I wanted to back away but thought that maybe rude, I mean this could there way of saying hello. So I just let him but I could feel Jakes body tense up. I started to get scared of what might happen but then he shook his head, grinned and forced smile. I could tell it was forced because I had been doing the very same thing all night. It was a strange action and I didn’t know how to take what he had just did.                                          “Jake why don’t you take Izzy back to your home and let her rest. I will send word of the rest of the meeting.” He looked very serious now. “We will be in touch, and if you ever need anything or have any questions that Jake cannot answer please let me know.” Victor said with the kindness and sternness of a father. “I will thank you.” I smiled my fake smile as big as I could. Jake squeezed my hand to tell me it was time to go, thank god. He escorted me out of the room as fast as he could without anyone noticing. As soon as we got in the elevator I looked up at Jake and in my most calm voice and said. ”I want you to start telling me the truth and no leaving out anything.” Jake looked down at me with sincere eyes. “I have not been lying to you. I just did not want to overdo it right now. You needed your rest; can we please talk about this at home?” He pointed to the doors. “They can still hear us.” He was in whisper that I almost didn’t hear. I looked at him with anger, frustration, and now shock. We were in an elevator going down almost to the bottom and they could still hear us? “How can they hear us?” This was so new to me and I was curious. “Izzy you can too if you just concentrate and listen.” He said with irritation. I was tired and frustrated, obviously he was too. “Alright we can wait.” I paused for a second. “One more thing though.”  Jake made a huff sound. “What?” He looked down at me not in the mood for any of my questions. “I’m kind of hungry.” I said in a sheepishly way. Jake just grinned at me. “Now I can take care of that.” When we came out of the elevator Jake pulled me straight to the door but when I saw the painting again, I started to walk that way. He pulled me back fast and said, “we’ll discuss it at home, come on.” I guess I was going too slowly for him because once we hit the underground tunnel he pulled me on his back and we were gone. I put my head down on his shoulder feeling his muscles move under me. I couldn’t help but take in his scent. He smelled so good, like homemade vanilla ice cream and a light trace of honey suckle. I inhaled him in as much as possible until it flowed through my body and burnt in my mind. I closed my eyes and relaxed, I must have fell asleep because when I opened my eyes I was in bed and Jake was about to slip out the door. “Jake.” I said in a sleepy voice. “Izzy you need some sleep we have plenty of time to talk.“ He was like an over protective father watching out for his child. “That’s fine but I’m hungry remember.” I was so embarrassed to ask but my tummy was rumbling something fierce and the itching in my throat was getting worse. “I’ll be right back,” He said as he slipped out the door and as soon as he was gone he was back with one of those black bottles. Vamp speed, I got to get use to that.  He opened it up and handed it to me. It still made me a little squeamish to think about, but I was hungry and I needed to learn to get use to this, right?                                                      
   As the luke warm liquid ran down my throat, the sweet tang calmed my stomach. It tasted so good I was beginning to chug it down. “Slow down Izzy. I can get you more.” I didn’t realize I had finished it until I could see through the bottom of the bottle. I felt my body reenergize and I needed more. I guess Jake could tell because he went and got another one without me asking. I took it and drank. This time I could feel heat running through my body. It felt like a warm blanket running through my veins. I looked at Jake; he had been watching me I felt myself flushing. I moved in one quick turn. I leaned over and grabbed him. I started kissing him pulling him to me. I heard him groan a little and he was on top of me. I’ve never wanted someone as much as I wanted Jake right now. His hands affecting every part of my body, like bringing it to life. Our bodies moved together like they were made for each other. All of a sudden he leaned back, “maybe we should wait.” His voice was not controlled like it usually is. I grabbed his hair and pulled him to me harder. He groaned some more and then rolled off of me. “What now?” I said very annoyed. “I think we need to talk before we get too involved.” He looked worried but I could only think one thing….his naked body on mine. “Oh all right.” I knew the moment was gone. I propped up on one elbow and looked at him, ready.                                                                       “Izzy I want you to understand I never wanted any of this to happen to you.” Well if we were going to do this then I was going to ask everything. “Is that why you left me?”  He looked like a deer caught in headlights. “Well I tried to leave you but I could not stay away. You were starting to know too much and I was worried this would happen. I knew you were half vamp but you never knew about us or yourself.” He stopped and looked down before he began again. “So I decided I would just leave you alone.” "Have we…you know?" I wanted to say had sex and he knew what I meant because his eyes got big. “No! I mean I wanted to but I couldn’t I became too attached. I would never do that then leave you." I knew he was trying to say the right words which I think I understood what he meant. "I want to be with you, but not just like that, I can’t explain it. I’ve never felt this way about anyone." He took a breath. I had a smile on my face watching him squirm. "I was worried about my influence on you so I just watched from the side lines. When I saw how much it hurt you I started to come back.” So he left then decided to come back not so bad but still it hurt to hear. “How long have we been together?” I sat up. “A little over a year. I should never have let it get that far. Now look at you.” Now I’m confused. “You’re not happy we can be together forever?” I really didn’t like were this was going. “Not like this Izzy. Yes being a vampire has its perks, but it’s also a curse. You deserve better.” He said in a low tone. “Jake I’m glad I’m here, with you. I know we belong together I can feel it, I felt it when I first saw you in the woods.”  “Izzy you’re like this because of me, I think. Someone or something did this to you because I’m a vampire or at least it has something to do with it.” He stood up and faced the door. I wanted him to understand I wanted to be with him and it didn’t matter how it happened. “I don’t care.” I jumped up and touched his arm. “Let me finish.” He said very sweetly putting his hand on mine. “This is dangerous now, for you, my family. I think someone is out to hurt me and that means you are in the most danger. I never would have turned you completely, and when I couldn’t find you I went crazy looking for you. I thought maybe you just had taken off but I knew you wouldn’t do that without talking to me. Even if we had broke off our relationship. I looked everywhere we had been and anywhere I could smell you’re sent. I tracked it all over the city and then nothing, like you just disappeared. After a week of no leads I needed to rest and Karri said she would look for you while I slept, so I decided to come home and that’s when I found you in the woods.” He knew me in the woods, I felt so stupid. “Why did you not tell me then?” My hands were on my hips. “Because I didn’t know what to do when you didn’t recognize me. I knew you were turned full just by the way your body reacted.” He took my hands off my hips and put them over his heart. “I just wanted to get you inside, protect you. Whoever did this went to great lengths to erase your memory. They could have been waiting there, they still could be.” His eyes were full of worry. “If you remember anything do not tell anyone.” He ushered us to sit down still holding my hands. “I still don’t understand why turn me if I was already half? What’s so important about that?”  “I’m not sure maybe they knew you are rare. As in there is no such thing as a half breed.” I still didn’t understand what that was either really. “Like I said they could have been trying to get to me or I just don’t know.” This was getting confusing and I wanted to know more about my past but I’m not sure Jake could really help me, we only had been together around a year. But I would never tell him that, no I will keep that to myself. “Why would anyone want to get to you?”  “When you’re as old as I am, you form bonds with some and enemies with others?”  “Like Molly?” That blurted out of nowhere. “We are not enemies.” Oh crap I know where this is going. “You could have fooled me.” I was hoping she was his enemy because she is gorgeous, and you could tell there was something between them but I didn‘t want to hear it out loud. If I didn’t hear it, it wouldn’t be true. “We were together centuries ago.” I felt a lump form in the back of my throat. I hated her now. “Why did you stop being together?” I was scared of the answer but I had to know now. “I didn’t feel the same about her as she did for me.” Well that was short and sweet, I was hoping for she cheated on me or fell in love with someone else but him not loving her was a good reason too. I just stared at him; I didn’t know what to say. I was happy but scared about the way he felt for me now. He could have elaborated more about Molly. He must have known what I was thinking. “It’s different with you.” he said. “How?” I was prying it out of him and he looked uncomfortable. “Because I’ve never felt this way about anyone, human or not and now our connection is only growing stronger.” I knew right then what I already knew; I was in love with him and would always be for centuries to come. I could feel it deep in my soul but I didn‘t know how to tell him. I wonder if that’s what Molly had done, moved to fast. Vampire or not men are men and they get scared easy or use that as an excuse.               “Well I know why Molly hates me.” I almost felt sorry for her but remembered how she looked at me at the meeting and all that sorrow melted away. Then a thought jumped in my head. “Do you think she did this?” I couldn’t help but ask. “No, she may not like the idea of me and you but she would not risk her life or her families. But, right now to be safe, I just want you to trust me and Karri that’s it.”  “Do I have a choice?” I was playing a little now. “No, not really.” He was so cute when he had that know it all grin I just wanted to kiss him. “This is for your safety Izzy. I want you to be careful.” He had put his stern face back on again. “Well if you’re b

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