I Must Be Dreaming (5 page)

BOOK: I Must Be Dreaming
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              When I woke up and my head really hurt. I almost thought that Jake did some kind of cave man thing to drag me back but I knew better. He would never do that. Speaking of Jake where is he? I called out to him but no answer. Did they get him too? Oh damn this is my fault, if something happened to him I can‘t imagine what I would do. I had to calm myself down. My eyes were taking a long time to focus in. Whoever did this must have used some kind of drug.               I could hear talking in the back ground. Use my resources I thought to myself. I started to listen in. “She has not woke up yet. We were told not to hurt her.”  “He is not here is he? I will be quick about it and he will never know.”  I heard at least two men talking. They don’t know I’m awake that’s good. “Give her a few more minutes and then we will wake her.”  I had to think fast. What do I do first? I had to get out of these chains.                                                                       I forced myself to focus through my headache. I peeked one eye open. I was alone in a room. They had sounded like they were right there but with this vampire hearing everything sounded right there. I had to regroup; I’m a vampire now, I can kick ASS. I wiggled and moved and wiggled some more until I could get enough leverage. I pushed myself up off the ground and balanced myself on one of the walls. Once I got steady on my feet I quickly got the chains loose enough so I could break free. I started to think these guys were not so smart. Why lock up a vampire if they can get out of it so easy? I looked up and I saw one window off the side. This must be a cellar or basement. Then that smell hit my nose with such force I almost started to vomit. Hold it together I told myself. No breathing through the nose. They must be on the way down here, what else could I use as a weapon? I scanned the room. I heard a bang and what sounded like fighting. I stood up and went right to the window. I was shaking I was so scared but excited at the same time. Then I stopped what if that was Jake? I had to help him out, if he was here. I turned around and saw no one. I tried sniffing the air for Jake, but it smelled so bad that I gagged again. I couldn’t do that again or I really would heave. So I started to listen and at first it was kind of hard to sift through all the sounds. I could hear cars, trucks, (there is a difference) people walking from miles away and close by. People, I could hear people. That means they won’t do anything in front of them. To scared of being exposed. Then I heard a familiar voice. I’m not sure from where but I would know it anywhere. She was very mad and ready for a fight with someone. It was Karri! Yes, she came for me and Jake. I started to scream as loud as I could. “Karri! Karri down here.” I didn’t know how far away she was but I know her hearing was better than mine. "Karri" I yelled again. Suddenly the air became thick with that same odor and was dreadfully strong. Two men came at me and my body reacted without my control. I was in a crouch and my fangs had retracted out. I was ready. The first one came at me and in one quick movement I knocked him down with one kick. The second one which was a lot bigger and slower so when he came at me and I jumped out of the way. He looked confused and then down at his chest. He was oozing green and then he crumpled to the floor. Karri was standing behind him holding a knife that looked like it was glowing. “Did you need some help?” She was smiling obviously enjoying this. “I guess so.”  “You didn’t need to yell I heard you just fine.” She said and we both laughed but she stopped as she looked around the room. “Where is Jake?”   “I don’t know.” I could hear the fear in my own voice. “The last thing I remember we were in the woods and I got hit in the head or drugged with something powerful, then I woke up here.”  “Let’s go up stairs and see if we can find him.”                             I followed Karri up the stairs and into a kitchen. It was safer behind her, she has more experienced. When we made it to the top of the stairs I was confused. It was a house right out of the suburbs and it was stunning. It looked like a house you would see out of a home and garden magazine. This didn't make sense. Someone who lived here kidnapped me and Jake. Every minute was getting stranger and stranger.                                                                                                  We moved through the house fast but careful. I caught a scent the homemade vanilla ice-cream was almost intoxicating. It was Jake! “Karri he’s in the last bedroom down the hall.”  She moved back in front of me and handed me a glowing knife like hers. We were as ready for a fight, or as ready as we could be. She eased the door open. I saw Jake crumpled on the floor out cold. “Jake“, I ran past Karri and strait to him as fast as I could and picked him up. I put him on the bed and started to rub his face. "I’m going to do a sweep of the house; you try to wake him up." Karri was out of here in a flash. “Jake, please wake up. I will listen to you from now on if you just wake up.” I was about to cry when I heard him make a noise. He groaned a little then jumped up. You could tell he was a little confused but ready for whatever to happen. He looked around and focused before saying “Where are we?” He was looking at Karri already back standing in the door way. “I don’t know but we need to get out of here. I tracked you two down with your scents. If it was that easy for me I know it won’t be long before someone else does.” Karri said as if this was a regular occurrence. “There is nobody here and whoever brought you two here does not live here. The family is out of town. I just listened to the answering machine. Jake are you ok to move?” She took control with ease. “Yes” Jake said still looking a little out of sorts. “Let’s go.”

We made our way down the busy streets of down town Mobile at night. We didn’t use our speed because of the human’s that were out. We weaved in and out and finally made a turn down the last street. As we past I noticed on one of the light post a picture of me. I was on a missing person’s flyer. There was a phone number to call. I snatched the flier down. Who would be looking for me? Jake grabbed my arm and started to drag me down the street. “We need to head back to the woods before someone else grabs you.”  “Jake who is looking for me?” All I could think was what if it was my family? “I don’t know.” He started to raise his voice. “You’re lying to me.” I jerked my hand away from him. “Izzy lets just get out of the public eye and you promised you would listen to me remember.” So he did hear me. “That’s when I thought you were hurt.” I meant every word I said when he was hurt, but he was not now and I want to know who is looking for me. “I heal fast.” He shot his eyebrows up. “I see that now.” I said under my breathe as I rolled my eyes. “I guess this is what I deserve for not listening to you.”  “Please Izzy don’t be stubborn.” He looked at me with those stunning green eyes and a pouty lip. Who could say no to that face, not me? “Lead the way." I said exhausted.

We hit an alley way and started to blend in with the night. We started to pick up our speed and before I knew it we where miles away from the city and entering the woods. ” Ok stop.”  Karri turned around and said. ” I’m out guys; I have got to meet someone in a few minutes anyway.”  “Thanks Karri, I’m glad you were there for me tonight.” I smiled at her. “Anytime Izzy.” I was starting to grow very fond of her. I turned to Jake and said, "Tell me what is going on. Do I have family looking for me?” We started to walk at a regular pace. It was a beautiful night full of stars. “No. Your dad was never around and your mother died right before we met.” He was in the hot seat now! “ How?” I snapped at him. “By accident…. on a vampires fault. I was sent to see if you knew anything about us.” He hesitated after he said that. “You were so sad and alone, I just could not leave you.” I could feel the rage coming to the surface. “What Vampire did this?” I wanted to scream, vomit, throw something, and scream some more. “That is not for me to say.” I took a step closer to him, I wanted to get face to face but I was too short. “Jake screw the rules. Tell me, I deserve at least that.” There was a little shakiness to my voice. Jake held his hand out and when I did not take it he looked down at the ground. “Ok" He threw his hands up in the air. "Victor’s brother Daymon killed her. That’s what they told me. Daymon is older by human years but younger by vampire. Victor turned his brother a few years after he was. He has been a lot of trouble for Victor ever since." He stopped to look at me and I could see the pity in his eyes. "Daymon has loved a many women. He had been with your mother and wanted her for a while. I know she refused him after a while but I don’t know what happened after that except that he drained her dry one night. Of course they made it look like a car accident.” I was trying to steady myself “What did Victor do?” I could barely talk it was like a whisper. I knew if I said to much or got to loud I would lose it. “He could not kill his own flesh so he banished him and he is never to drink human blood again or turn anyone. He will be killed if he does. Victor can do nothing if that happens.” He was shaking his head like that was a real punishment for killing my mother. “So he lives and gets a slap on the hand." Tears rolled down my cheek, the very thing that killed my mother is what I am now, a monster. I had to sit down; I could feel my knees buckling. “Izzy are you alright.” He knelt in front of me careful not to touch me. “I need a minute. You know I can’t even remember her. This is not fair!" I screamed out. "And you only liked me because you felt sorry for me.” I pushed him back so hard he fell on his butt. “Izzy that’s not it.” Jake said with as much tenderness as a guy can sitting Indian style. “Yes I came to you because of Victor but I fell in love with you because of you. You are my world now.” That was the first time he had said he loved me. “You love me?” My heart would have been beating furiously if it still had a beat. “Izzy if you don’t know that by now you really don’t use your senses, vampire or human.” He gave a smirk then smiled at me. “Jake I’m not sure about anything right now. You won’t even touch me.” I crossed my arms and turned my head. “Not because I don’t want to.” He leaned in to touch my leg but pulled away before he made contact. “Jake I need you to touch me, to show me.” I reached my hand out but he wouldn’t take it. “Izzy I can’t, don’t ask me that again.” Jake was shaking his head but I had already decided he was going to touch me. “I’m not asking you Jake.” I stood up, walked the short distance between us and straddled him. He didn’t move a muscle. But when I put my hands on his chest, he moved them just as quick. I grabbed his arms with as much force as I could and wrapped around them like a snake. He didn’t move this time. I leaned in and kissed him as passionate as I could. At first he tried not to but then he was in it as much as I was. He grabbed the back of my hair and tried to pull me away but it just made me more aggressive. I started to pull his shirt off. ”Izzy not here.” He whispered breathy. “Yes here.” I knew if we stopped this would never happen. “Izzy please let me take you somewhere else.” I didn’t say anything else, I started to gently kiss his neck and nibble my way down to the top of his shirt. I pulled myself as close to him as I could, not even air could get in between us. I could feel he wanted this too I didn’t need any extra senses for that!                                                                                                                              I finished pulling his shirt off this time. Jake had not spoken a word since then. He was as stiff as a board all over as well as in the right spots. When I looked at how amazing his chest was I almost stopped and forgot because of all his striking features. My hands started to shake as I came back to touch his body. Feeling his arms, and chest, with no clothes holding back what he truly is, Amazing! I rubbed his chest over ever ripple and indent. I was drunk off of his body. He looked in my eyes and kept them there for a quick moment. I gave one last look down at my hands on his magnificent body. This was it, this was going to happen. I grabbed his face and he leaned in and started to kiss me again. This time my body was screaming for him and I think his was too because my top had magically come off somehow and his hands were now in the top of my jeans.                             He rolled me over on the ground with vampire speed. My pants were off with one quick movement and he was kissing every part of my body. I had already worked his pants off but I had, had some trouble because of his bulge. He was caressing every part of my body. I was shaking on the inside and out. He looked in my eyes again and said, “are you sure.” I’ve never been more sure in my life, but before I could get the words out of my mouth, he gently entered me. At first, it stung a little and I had to breathe out from the feeling. He moved slowly in and out and it became the most intense feeling I‘d ever had. The electricity between our bodies was magnified hundred times. I felt alive for the first time since all this had happened. He speed up and it was like my body was made for his. All his groves met mine in some way or another. We started into a rhythm and I never wanted it to end, then my back arched for more. He was hitting all the right spots. I felt my fangs slide out. I couldn’t even think and then it happened! My body was on fire.                                                         Not literally but it felt like I had touched a blazing star and it was brilliant yet it burned at the same time. My emotions became so overwhelming I had tears run down my face but not in a bad way, in the best way a girl could cry. Right before he came his fangs sprang out and he howled “
you are mine forever” then he bit me in that small spot between the neck and shoulder where everyone could see that I was his.                                                                                                  We laid there for a few minutes not moving. I looked up at him and started to laugh. There was grass and leaves stuck all over his body and mine. But my happiness was short lived when he opened his mouth. “I’m sorry I should not have done this.” He was starting to back up off of me. “Why are you sorry Jake? Did you not want this? Do you not want me?” My voice was getting louder. A man should NEVER say I’m sorry after sex. “Of course I do but I should not have marked you.” I almost got up to try to look, remembering we were in the woods. I got a little excited. “You marked me? Wait how can I be marked twice?” I was feeling all over my body for some sign of where the mark was. “You can’t. I mean I’m not sure. That should not have happened. You can only be marked once. This is very strange." His hand was in his hair while the other was on his hip. "It should have prevented me from doing that.” He looked just as confused as he sounded. He grabbed my hand and put it over the mark I was so vigorously looking for. “Everyone will see what I have done” He looked right into my eyes. “Good! I want everyone to know I’m yours.” I had had enough. “Yes but if anyone finds out that you were already marked I will be killed.” I stood up. “Over my dead body.” I said with as much force as I could put behind it. “Izzy really this is serious.” I guess he didn't know I was just as serious. “Jake no one will know I was already marked.” He gently kissed my forehead then turned and paced naked for a few moments. He was deep in thought and so was I, probably not about the same thing though! He was a beautiful sight then he stopped pacing and looked as though he came to a conclusion, but was not going to share.

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