I Must Be Dreaming (10 page)

BOOK: I Must Be Dreaming
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The next day I felt so good I could have sung, but I would not dare I sound horrible. It didn’t even bother me that everyone was following me again. I sat at the bar in the kitchen and drank me three bottles of blood. I was really hungry. Jake sat there watching my every move. I had filled him in on what happened and he was in amazement. “Jake I would like to take a walk. I need to get out of the house. Just around the house please.” We had had this argument three times already but I wasn't giving up. “I’m not sure this is a great idea…but I guess if all of us are together it will be ok.” I was in shock now! “Thank you, thank you.”  I gave him a big kiss and went to get my shoes. Samual and Leburn were not happy about this, explaining to me that they cannot protect me as good as they can inside. I told them, they would do a fantastic job also that they were the best at protection or Zadok would not have left them to me. That last one seemed to work.                                                                       My guardians took about thirty minutes checking everything out before I could put a toe outside. Finally it was time and I got to see the outside world since I had been here. The sun was behind clouds it was almost dusk and the wind had a chill to it but it was not cold yet. I didn’t realize how much I missed the small things like, the sounds of animals, the smell of the trees. Oh is that grape vines I smell? And the sight of…. well everything! It was all so beautiful I missed the outdoors... I almost wished we could live outside.                             We must have been deep, deep in the forest because that’s all I could see or hear. The trees blocked out most of the sun anyways and was our camouflage. I couldn’t hear any cars or people around. I did hear running water nearby like a river. I could even smell a grape orchard in the distance! It didn’t matter at that moment though, I felt so much better being outside. Which I didn’t know soon I would be wishing to be in the cabin not running for my life again.








Hide and Seek


              Two days had past and everything was going good. We all even got into a route around the cabin. Leburn had the early shift of watching and Samaul had late shift. So before Leburn would go to bed he would take out some blood for all of us and have it ready for when we woke. Samaul did the same thing for Leburn. We also would rent movies through netflix. Zadok had an account under a false name. We would make sure we ordered one for me and Jake and something they would like. If we wanted to take a walk we would make sure we made plans two day in advance so we could make sure Samaul and Leburn would both be available and ready. Of course I always wanted to but I had to be considerate. It was almost like a family, a protective family but a family never the less.                                                                                     Jake told me to get use to this since I was a Royal. I was suppose to have them anyways. Jake explained that there was not many Royals left because they were VERY picky on who they breed with. Of course it was mainly with other Royal and because vampires don't have children that often(except in the extremely rare cases, like me). I still didn’t understand what was so special about a Royal. But Jake seemed to think that was enough explanations for now.                                                                                                                 Today was our next scheduled walk around the house and we all were enjoying each other and laughing. Ok so it was me and Jake laughing but I could have swore I saw Leburn and Samaul smile at Jakes jokes about how vampires are smarter than humans. They were pretty lame if you ask me but I laughed because he was trying. We all had been a little too relaxed when I got a vision from Zadok. He showed me Daymon and water. He showed me him not far behind Daymon. Then the words ”RUN” were whispered in my head. “He will kill you.” I jumped up and grabbed Jake. He had a confused look on his face. “We have to run Jake.” Samaul and Leburn were by my side. There tattoos were moving all over their bodies. “She is right Jake we have to go now!” We all were now on high alert looking everywhere around us. “What is going on Izzy, how do you know?”  “Zadok sent me a message, we don’t have time he showed me Daymon on a boat on his way.” Jake ran in the house and was out in a second with a backpack and a cooler full of blood. “Izzy jump on my back, let’s go” I took a step back. “ I can run Jake.”  “I know you can but I want you safe and the Samual and Leburn can watch you better this way. We have discussed this already.” He was yelling so I huffed for the fact they discussed this without me, but I knew this was not the time to argue so I climbed on Jake’s back and we were off. I noticed as we left there seemed to be a foul smell but was not sure if that was one of the bad guys or the dead deer Samual had killed earlier this week.                                                        I had a little time to think while I was on Jake’s back. I decided that no longer will they (as in anyone) treat me like a child. I know deep down that when the time comes I will be the one to kill Daymon not Jake or Zadok. I want to be the one! Dawn was coming close and even though we can handle sun light it still is better if we stay indoors. We went to a town called Bear River. Come to find out we are in Canada! We came upon an old light house. It was well taken care of but you could see the wear and tear from the years that had past. The light house was the one from the picture in the building I saw. My mom had painted it. Things were starting to fit together like puzzle pieces.                                                           Samuel went in first and checked everything out. It was all clear. We went in one by one, Jake stayed close behind me. The bottom had an old bench and some old photos hanging up in frames. It was big enough that we could have made a pallet but no one thought that was a good idea. So we headed up stairs. Flight after flight, I was tired of running and was ready to stop and I finally did.                             I laid down on the ground and closed my eyes. Jake needless to say was over me in a second. “Are you ok Izzy?” His voice full of worry. “ I can’t go on, I’m tired and need to rest. I want to sleep here.” I know I sounded like a spoiled child but it was true. I was very tired and I wanted to sleep. Anyways I didn’t see the point in going all the way to the top. We still have to go down the stairs to get out. Jake pulled a blanket and pillow out of the bag he carried. He didn’t say anything else; he just snuggled in beside me and let me sleep.                                                                                                   I started to dream again, Zadok was hurt. Daymon had too many of his followers helping him. They were searching for me. He was going to kill everyone on the council and anyone else that knew what happened. I could hear him telling Zadok while he beat and bled him. I wanted to kill him but I was a ghost on the ceiling watching. Zadok escaped after Daymon left him to bleed to death. But Daymon didn't know Zadok has many followers too. But Zadok was hurt and needed to heal. I woke with my arms reaching out for Zadok. No one else was up, even the guardians were asleep. I just laid there looking around when I heard a little buzzing sound. I looked up and saw yellow little wings fluttering in my face. It was the cutesiest thing I’d ever seen, it was no bigger than my hand. It had a body of a human but wings of a butterfly. She had a yellow dress on and the flowers in her hair were yellow. She was just adorable. I held my hand up and it landed on it. I would have thought it were a dream again but Jake had woke up and sat up beside me. He slowly put his hand up and grabbed it. “What are you doing here and what do you want?” He yelled at the tiny butterfly human. I think I was
in shock because it took me a few seconds to realize what just happened. “Jake you put that thing down right now. It was not hurting me nor trying to. So you just put it down this instance. Remember the amulet?” I picked up the amulet of my chest and held it in my hand. “Izzy this is a psyche and they harbor the soul to the afterworld!” He said while squeezing the thing tighter. “Jake this psyche was not trying to get my soul.”  “I don’t care, it will and it will trick you.” I knew somehow that it was not trying to hurt me. “Jake please let go. I want to see it and ask it why it's here.” I put my hand on his and he started to loosen his grip. Slowly he turned loose of the little psyche and let go. It yelled quite a bit and if I spoke psyche I probably would be blushing from what she said to Jake. The little psyche flew back over to me. She bowed her head and tried to talk to me. I couldn’t understand her. She looked frustrated then she grabbed my hand and opened it up. She dropped a key in it, and then the words open rang in my ears like a bell. I looked down at the key. It was silver and looked really old and kind of like a skeleton key but with a fancy design to it. I wasn’t sure what this meant, I looked back up at the psyche and she was gone. Disappeared right before my eyes like magic, it was magic.                                                                       Jake looked around and checked the perimeter. “If a psyche can find you so can Daymon. We need to find somewhere else to stay.” I was still amazed that that psyche thing was here and what did this key go to? “I vote to stay, we have good shelter and we have plenty of blood. I can fight too you know.” Jake completely ignored me and started talking to the guardians about where we can go. Leburn was from Canada when he was human and stayed hear a few hundred years and comes back now and again, so he knew the area pretty well. They mapped out the best way to stay hidden and without having our scent. Come to find out another great thing about being Royal, you have a strong scent! “I don’t want to play hide and seek anymore guys. I think we need to set a trap and fight!”  “ Izzy don’t be brainless. We cannot put you at any risk.” Jake waved me off quickly. “Jake if we keep running he will keep finding us and soon one if not all of us will die.” Samual spoke, “I think she is right. We need to leave here though to make him think we are running and once we have a good place to set the trap we can kill him.” I looked at Jake like I told you so. Jake I know wanted to kill Samual at the moment for saying what he did. His eyes flashed red then back to their beautiful green. “That is just crazy, there is NO way I’m using Izzy as bait.” Leburn spoke this time. “I agree with Jake, its way to risky and I don’t think Zadok would approve.”  “Look we all agree we need to leave so we can do that and then fight about what we are going to do next. The sun is about to go down and we need a head start.” I told them already folding the blanket. Everyone seemed to agree on that and Jake wanted me on his back again. I wanted to run but the whole scent thing came up again and I just huffed and climbed on, no use in arguing. We didn’t run to far. Leburn and Samual took my shirt and jacket and ran all over Canada. Then it was Jakes turn. He protested about leaving me but I kissed him and told him to hurry back! And he did.

This time we stayed in a tree house type thing, we had to be at least five thousand feet from the ground. We had a very good advantage from way up here. You could see for miles and miles. The beauty of this place was unreal. It was the first chance I had to really look around. The greenery was unreal, the waterfalls and rivers just took your breath away. I could see smoke from the villages in the far off distance. I could see the grape vines; there was an orchard a few miles away.

The tree house we were in had to two rooms no doors. It had some blankets and pillows and a few weapons hanging on the wall. It had an outdoor shower. I don’t think I’m going to use that anytime soon. I’m not real comfortable getting naked in front of everyone and everything in the woods. Leburn explained this is where he comes to hide out or just get away and I could see why. It wasn’t much but it was a safe place to rest our heads and regroup. That night we sat around talking about what our next move was. I wanted to fight. To no surprise Jake did but not with me anywhere in sight. “She has no idea how to fight. She is still a baby.” I was on my feet in Jakes face. “That’s IT! Jake you have just crossed the line. I’m not a baby and if someone would show me I’m a fast learner. I am fighting weather you like it or not, end of discussion.” I turned to Samual. “Samual can you please show me some moves?” Jakes eyes went bright red. He was pissed but I had to stand my ground. “Yes, it would be an honor to teach my Royal.” Samual bowed his head at me as he spoke. “Why don’t we all do some practice rounds? I know just the spot.” Leburn said very excited. We jumped down and followed Leburn to a heavily wooded area by a little river. Samual told me to watch first and then try some of the moves. I watched as closely as I could trying to learn how to kill a vampire. Samual and Leburn had a rhythm. They knew each other pretty well and it worked to their advantage. When Jake got up and joined the fight it was amazing. He moved like a panther, so smooth yet so powerful. Every punch or kick flowed like water. I could not believe how graceful he was when he fought. Jake came over and grabbed my hand. "Come on your turn." He must have gotten over being mad because he had a big smile on his face. We punched, kicked, rolled, and flipped for two hours. I didn't want to stop I was having so much fun but the guys had had enough.                                                                                                  I had learned a lot about how vampires kill and kind of excited about the fight. We all were. You could tell that Samaul and Leburn were made for this and Jake he was too. Back up in our little tree house everyone ate there dinner (bottled blood) and got ready for bed. Fun, I was wishing we were back in the cabin. I could use a shower after all that fighting. Jake came over to me and put his big arms around me. “Izzy I could never forgive myself if something happened to you and I know you are not a baby, but I love you with all my heart. I can't live without you, I won't live without you.” I turned so I could face him. “I love you too, more than you know. I want to end this so we can be together and happy. But you are going to have to let me help Jake. Four is better than three. I promise I will listen and be as safe as I can.” He rolled his eyes. “When have you ever listened?" We both laughed, and then he got serious again. "I know you will. But Izzy let me or one of the guardians kill Daymon.” Everyone got quiet. “No, I will do that, I have to.” He looked at me with worry in his eyes but didn’t say anything else; he just held me tight and gave me a kiss every now and then.                                                                                     The next day I slept in a little late. We all had been getting up a little earlier just to be on the safe side but today I just wanted a few more minutes. Every night I had been sending messages to Zadok. I told him of the practice fights and the key. He didn’t know anything about the key and was curious to see it. I had not told Jake about me and Zadok but what he showed me today was not good and I knew I had to tell them but this was not going to go over well.                                          When I woke everyone was up talking. I never liked it when they left me out of the conversation. I jumped right up and went over there. “What are we planning gentlemen?” Jake turned around quickly. I had startled him, he usually hears me before I get in the room. “Well I’m glad you decided to come around.” Jake said as he kissed my forehead. “We were discussing if we should stay or move on. Every day we have been taking some of your clothes and tracking through the country. We are just wondering how long before Daymon catches on.” Well this was it I had to tell them. “I don’t think we need to worry about Daymon for the moment fellows. Daymon has killed two council members and his brother Victor. Zadok has told me of this last night. Victor found Daymon and tried to arrest him and Daymon killed him.”  Jake sat there for a minute not looking at me. I laid my hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry Jake, I know you knew Victor well and he was part of your extended family.” Jake’s eyes turned red with furry. “He is in my area I need to protect it. My sister is there I need to go.” I was taken aback but I understood but I know this was out of revenge. “Of course go, we all understand Jake. But don’t go and try to be the hero, he will expect that and kill you.” I made my voice as calm as I could. “I cannot leave you Izzy. Not with this tattoo.”  He looked down at it with a little regret. Wow that look shot through me and hurt, but I never wanted him to do that. “Don’t be silly I just told you that everything is fine here, you go check on Karri and give her my love.” Jake hesitated before he spoke like he was confused on what to do or where his emotions should be. Samual and Leburn had a confused look on their faces as well. I know they don’t understand anything except being a guardian. They don’t love like we do. “Look Jake go I would feel very bad if you didn’t.” and I meant that, in a wired sort of way this was my fault. “Izzy can you send a message to Karri? Tell her to get out go into hiding.”  “I don’t know, the only person I’ve done it with is Zadok and he is a Royal and much older and understand what I sent.“  “Izzy, you have done this your whole life. If you wanted something really bad or wanted to tell someone something but couldn’t, you willed it to them. You told them without knowing. Izzy, you do it all the time with me.”  I looked at him like he had to be kidding. I was sending messages to people and didn’t even know it. “Great, just when I thought I couldn’t be any more of a freak, I do this crap without even knowing.” I had no idea what I was capable of or who all I had sent messages to. “Izzy I know you have had it rough and I was hoping you would figure this out in your own time but I don’t have that kind of time. Karri is my sister and she has helped you. I know sometimes she can get herself into trouble but this is not her fault.”  I wanted to find out more about this supposed “gift” but I couldn’t be selfish I needed to tell Karri first. “I won't know if she got it or if she is safe Jake. All I can do is try to send her the message.” Samual jumped in real fa
st. “Izzy please don’t tell her were we are, if she is caught or already caught they may try to see if she has any information.” I nodded my head because I saw Jake starting to pace. The last thing I needed right now was Jake to get angry or more nervous.                                                                       I sat down on my blanket in the other room and closed my eyes. I searched out until I could find her. “I see Karri.” I felt Jake get close to me. “She looks ok, she is at someone’s house talking and laughing.” I called to her then whispered to her, “Victor is dead, do not tell anyone or talk to anyone. You must go into hiding.” I showed her most of the images that Zadok had showed me but told her in words to get into hiding. I also told her that Jake was fine. When I started to float back to myself I could see Karri again. She looked scared but handled it well in front of the others I think. I wasn’t sure if what I saw was real but I just went ahead and opened my eyes. Jake was pacing again while Samual and Leburn were watching out the windows. “That took a long time Izzy.” I had to find her she was not at the cottage. “I told her Jake. I can only hope she got it.”  “I know she did, you send messages really clear. Especially when you are focused and really want something.” He said as his eyebrows went up and down a couple of times. I wanted to die because I just thought about how many times I wanted Jake and wondered how many times he knew it. I was so embarrassed my face felt hot but he just had a wicked little grin on his face.

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