Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance)
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instructed her, “I’m going to park the van as close to the side entrance of the
house as possible.  To block the door from street view.  You can get out with
the duffel and stand beside me in front of the door, by the wall on the other
side of the door frame.  Just in case things get intense.” 

do you think is going to happen?” Olivia asked nervously.

answered her, “Rick may be prepared for us.  He may have seen the van pull up
and may be suspicious.  You have to be prepared for anything.  I need you to
get your gun ready in hand.  And stand well away from the door.  Just in case
he starts shooting at us from behind it.  Bullets have a harder time getting
through brick.”

flurry of nerves flew through her again.  For the first time, she started to
feel really freaked out.  That bad vibe again.

don’t feel so great about this Vic.  For some reason, I’m starting to get a bit
scared,” admitted Olivia.

be.  No one knows we’re here.  This will all be done before you know it and
we’ll be sharing a nice maple whisky on the rocks in the mountains somewhere. 
And after this is over, I’ll try to make all those girly fantasies you’ve ever
had come true.”  He looked her deeply into the eyes and held her head in his
cupped hands.  His voice lowered further and she could hear the emotional
gravel tone inflected in it.  “After this is over, you’re the next most
important thing in my life.  My next quest.  I’ll dedicate my life to winning
your heart all over again with each new day.”


choked back a nervous sob and nodded silently.  She knew this man meant every
word he said.  The both got out of the van and walked towards the door.  Olivia
had her hand closely by the butt end of the gun, ready in case Victor needed
it.  Victor took a huge breath as he stood in front of the door.  Then he
raised a foot and started kicking the door in.  He bashed it several times with
his heel near the hinges and made some leeway.  The bottom hinge gave way and
he started in bashing near the lock.  Pretty soon, the whole door caved into
the house.  Olivia could hear yelling from inside the house.  It sounded like the
voices were coming from upstairs. 


heard heavy steps bounding from the stairs downward to meet them.  Victor
quickly entered the cover of the house and had his gun at the ready, pointing
it at the person who was coming to meet them.  It was Rick, with the blonde
Olivia recognized as Rick’s lady behind him.  Olivia could see small feet
hanging out at the top of the stairs.  She heard the lady behind Rick scream as
she saw the gun in Victor’s hand and stop in sudden fright in the middle of the
staircase.  The look of surprise and anger hit Rick’s face as he recognized
Victor, and saw the gun pointed at him.  He turned his head slightly sideways,
never looking away from the muzzle of the gun.


“Jayden, I want you to stay upstairs!  Carlie, make sure he doesn’t come down,”
he said.

squinted harder at the top of the staircase.  Her eyes were getting adjusted to
the dark interior of the house.  A small boy hung about the top of the stairs.

what’s going on?  Who’s the man and the lady?” the boy asked.

woman spoke up, “Jayden, I want you to go to your room now!!”


     The boy
didn’t listen.  He looked at the two strangers, transfixed on them.  They had
entered his home, and his parents were acting funny already to them.  And the
door was open in a weird way.

what happened to the door?” he asked.

woman spoke again.  “Jayden, for the last time, Go To Your Room!”

     The boy
walked away from the line of sight, moping.


looked hard at Victor, and then the gun.  “Victor, what are you doing here?  At
my house?  Threatening me and my family.  You are a part of that family.  I
don’t understand.  What is the meaning of this?”

spoke low, and malevolently.  “You betrayed us.  Shane told me the whole
story.  About how you sold us out to the Iscariots.  You brought us into that
bad deal.  And you expected us to take the fall.  I’m here as a promise kept to
my brother.  As I held him to me and I saw with the pain in his eyes the moment
he knew he was taking his last dying breath.  That pain
caused.  And
I’m here to take the proper payment that is due for that.”

brother was no saint,” Rick growled.

replied angrily, “He didn’t deserve
.  And neither did I.  I thought
of you as the decent father I never had.  At first, I couldn’t believe what
that bastard Shane told me.  I thought you could never pull such terrible shit
on us.  But seeing you here, and
not even denying it
, I can see he could
be in the right.”  

replied, still staring down the gun that was pointed at his face.  He wanted to
calm Victor down before things got really out of hand.  This fucker had broken
into their house, and was threatening him and the safety of his family.  He had
to find a way to make him stand down.

toned down the growl in his voice.  He began again in a gentler tone. “I have
nothing against you, Victor.  You were always considered family to me.  And you
were always loyal, to a fault.  But your brother was another story.”

argued, “I’m not saying Troy didn’t make mistakes Rick.  He owned up to them. 
But that wasn’t good enough for you.  You had to go and waste his life, just
for your own petty revenge and self-gain.”

tried to talk him down further.  “It wasn’t petty revenge Victor.  Your brother
got my sister drunk and took advantage of her.  It scarred her.  And you know
he could never set that right again.  But with you, you always defended him,
whether he was deserving of it or not.  You always protected him.  You could
never see Troy for the prick that he was.  And when that damned prick damaged
my sister, I wanted him in on that bad deal.  I had no bad feelings about you, and
I didn’t want you to go and be part of what went down.  But with the both of
you, where one went, the other would follow.  You were just unfortunate
collateral damage.”


turned to look at Victor.  Confusion entered her face.  This snippet of
information was news to her.

saw the doubt cloud her face.  He smiled at her and shot out, “Didn’t tell you
, did he?”


opened his mouth to say something, when he heard the wail of a police siren. 
Victor gestured to Olivia to peek out of the window.  She looked outside.  Four
police cruisers were parked outside of Rick’s house, lights flashing.  A loud
voice over a megaphone started droning.  Inside the house, the sounds were
muffled by the walls of the house.  Olivia pressed her ear closer to the glass
pane as she hung out safely by the corner of the wall.  She concentrated to
listen to what they had to say.

started in alarm.  “Victor, they know we’re here!  They’ve asked us to drop
whatever we have, come out and walk outside.  What should we do?”

turned and glared at Rick.  “We’re going to stay awhile and chill with Rick. I
don’t think I’m done chatting with him yet.”

wailed, to no one in particular.  “How did they find us so fast?”  She looked
around the house like a trapped animal.  Fight or flight was beginning to hit
her right in the gut.

smiled calmly at them.  “Drone camera on the neighbor’s roof.  They were
watching for you the whole time, waiting for you to show up.  You two have been
quite popular on tv, lately.  Like the new biker trash version of Bonny and
Clyde.  And they figured there was a really good chance you wanted to come and
find me again.  But you would be looking around for cars or loitering people
skulking around my neighborhood.  Thanks to technology, you can put a secret camera
anywhere, nowadays.”

grumbled under his breath.  “Goddammit.” 


Upstairs, everyone heard the wail of what sounded like a young child.  The boy
poked his head out from the hiding spot behind the wall.

Brody is crying again,” he said.


woman slowly inched her way up the stairs, her eyes wide on the gun that was
still held in front of her husband’s head.  As she realized Victor was letting
her go up the stairs, she hurried her pace and disappeared behind the upstairs
hallway.  The crying faltered, and then stopped.  The boy quickly disappeared
behind the wall again.  The muffled sound of loudspeakers entered the fray
again.  Olivia was pretty sure the police were announcing they wanted the pair
of them to come out of the house.  She ignored it; the tension in the house
they were now in more than held her full attention.  Olivia wondered how this
was all going to go down.  From her grim outlook at the moment, it looked like
there wasn’t going to be much of a happy ending for her.


smiled at them again.  “You better listen to them.  There’s no way out of this
for you.  It’s better for you both to just walk out there, and give yourselves
up.  Whatever time you do, it will be reduced for good behavior.  And I’m sure
you’ll get away with most of it.  What was mentioned on the news was mostly
circumstantial evidence.  And that will not hold in court.”

shook his head.  “No. Not yet.  I’m not done here,” he said.


     Out of
the corner of his eye, Victor caught movement at the top of the stairs.  Victor
cringed and instinctively ducked as a loud bang ran through the house.  He felt
the sharp whizz of something whip by his head.  Olivia looked up and saw Carlie
with a gun, aiming at Victor.  The first one missed.  She was apparently, a
very poor shot.  Victor twisted his position to aim at her side profile,quickly
aimed his gun and shot her in the hand holding the gun.  It dropped out of her
hand and clattered down the stairs as the pain burned through the tissue that
was singed around the bullet.  She cried out and held her injured hand with the

fucking asshole,” she spluttered and spit at him.


Victor momentarily distracted by Carlie shooting at him and missing, Rick saw
his chance.  Rick lunged for the gun in Victor’s hand.  Olivia stood by, frozen
by fear with the scene in front of her.  She knew she couldn’t take a confidant
aim at Rick without avoiding Victor in the process.

fought over the gun, with it centred between the two of them; the nuzzle
pointing down.  Suddenly, Victor jerked it upward and fired.  It hit Rick
straight into the abdomen.  He crumpled to the ground, clutching the area where
the bullet made a direct impact.

called Carlie from upstairs.  She started rushing downstairs, cradling her shot
hand in the other as she made her way to her injured man.


     The boy
upstairs started screaming and crying uncontrollably at the loud sound that
scared him.  He stopped soon after and kept repetitively whining for his mommy
and daddy while pacing back and forth at the top of the staircase.


saw the blood seeping out of Rick’s abs.  To her, there seemed to be a lot of
it.  Suddenly she got a panicky feeling in her chest.  They were surrounded,
and from outside, they were sure to have heard the gunfire from inside the
house.  She had images going through her mind of a swat team storming in with a
hail of gunfire.  And her caught in the middle of it all.  She figured she was


scrunched his face up in pain and gripped the area where the bullet hit.  He
gave out a growling sound of pain as he hunched over and pressed his hands into
the wound.

“Someone get me some towels or something,” he said.  “Scotch would be nice

looked up to Victor and seethed, pain also showing in the expression on her
face.  “You bastard,” she hissed as she turned her back on him and went to the
kitchen to grab some towels.  She came back, with one tea rag wrapped around
her hand and several more in her good one.  Olivia could see the blood seeping
through the one on her injured one.


     The boy
upstairs whined louder.  “Mommy, mommy, mommy..”

“Quiet!” Victor yelled.  Of all the sounds that aggravated a human being,
someone’s kid whining nonstop had to be at the top of his list.  Worse than the
fingernails on the chalkboard.  With the kid repeatedly whining for his mom,
Victor couldn’t concentrate.  And he needed to be firing on all cylinders if he
was going to figure out a way to get out of this mess.

     The kid
ignored him.  If anything, the strange man that was yelling at him only made
him whine for his mom in a louder tone of voice.

“Mommy!  I want you to come to me!  Sit in your lap!!  Mommy!  Brody is crying

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