Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance)
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looked at him, as sadness filled her heart.  There was no way, after what they
had just experienced together, that she was going to just let him leave her
that way.  She let the guilt and the shame of that choice flit past her out of
sight and memory.  She responded, “I’ve always told you, that I wanted to be
there for you.  And that hasn’t changed.  I can’t let you do this to us. 
Besides, I feel that whatever the choices I make in life, the universe is still
going to mock me for them anyway.”

giving you a way out, Livs, I really need you to think about this.  Seriously.”

made my choice.  I choose to stay with you,” she said with determination in her

    “So you
are with me, then?” he asked one final time.

     “I am.”




rode back in the direction they originated from.  Olivia was clinging to him
behind him, feeling the wind whip against her helmet as they zoomed through the
back roads.  Before leaving the motel room, Victor unpacked and packed the bags
again to try and make Olivia’s burden a bit lighter.  Her arms still ached from
shouldering the heavy bag during the day’s previous ride.  Before going into
the main town again, Victor took a detour into a small village, and drove past
a chain of small houses.  He then turned away from the tiny suburb and
travelled back into the country.  After heading into an abandoned looking
industrial area, they hit more isolated houses.  He drove down a narrow dirt
road for a few miles before heading up a laneway hidden in some bushes.  They
saw no sight of any other traffic on the dirt road for the entire length they
were on it.  Olivia felt completely isolated in this place, like whatever was
hidden behind the trees was abandoned long ago.  Victor rode up to what looked
like an old abandoned small house.  The garage door had fallen in and paint was
peeling everywhere on the wooden accents of the house.  On the corners, Olivia
could see some of the grey brick crumbling away.

rolled the bike up to the garage and parked in front of it.  He stopped the
bike and got out.


stop,” he said curtly to her as he walked in the front door.  It was unlocked,
and when Victor opened it, one of the hinges fell away.  The door lay crooked
and wide open on an angle.

was about to follow him inside.  Victor turned and glanced at her, empty
handed.  She had relieved herself of the baggage that she had to support on the
way there.

the bag please, Liv dear,” he said.

Obediently she went back and grabbed the duffel.  She walked into the dark
unlit house and followed behind him.


     “Me and
Troy used to keep a separate secret stash of stuff here,” he said.  “In case we
needed it.  No one at Lucifer’s Breed knows about it.  I don’t know if I can go
back to the club warehouse.  You never know if someone is watching it now,
looking for us.  Fortunately, we have everything we need right here.”


started unzipping the bags and pulling the money out.  He went into the garage
and found a large Tupperware bin and started stacking the money inside.

spoke, “We don’t need all this cash now.  We can come by and get it later after
we have that happy family reunion with Rick. You can unload the other bag for
me.  We’re going to fill these with a bit of added firepower.”


the money was emptied into the bin, Victor hefted it away and took it down to
the basement of the house.  He then walked back up and opened the closet by the
front door.  Inside Victor picked out and checked out a few handguns.  He
grabbed several boxes of ammo from the top shelf and started stuffing them into
the bag.  He waved for Olivia to toss over her bag.  He started filling hers
with guns and boxes of bullets as well.  He left one gun and two boxes of
bullets out, and zipped up the bags.


     “Ok Liv
darling, I’m going to teach you how to shoot.”

frowned at him.  “Will anyone hear us out here?”

The last residents that called this area home moved out probably fifteen years
ago.  I’ll see what I can find around here to use as targets.”


went back and forth around the mostly empty house and scrounged a few knick
knacks and items for Olivia to shoot at.  He found a box of empties and they
rattled as he carried them out to the back of the house.  After five minutes of
setting up, he called Olivia to come out and start practicing.  He lined up her
body to show her how to take the perfect shot.  And showed her how to aim. 
After ten to fifteen moderately successful attempts, she started to hit the old
beer bottles with some degree of accuracy.  After she had lined up a few shots
to Victor’s satisfaction, he nodded and held up his hand.

think you can stop now, you’re aim is getting much better.  Good enough to suit
our purposes, anyway.  I don’t see us doing much long range shooting anyway. 
And if everything goes according to plan, you won’t have to use it at all. 
Let’s hope for that, Liv’s,” Victor said.


let him take the gun from her hand.  She wrapped her arms around his burly
shoulders and started kissing him, using her tongue to feel for his, and
melding with it.  Victor took her in, and kissed her back hard for an extended
moment.  Then he gently pushed her off him.  


sighed and said, “I’d like to right now, Livvie, but we should get going. 
We’re so close to finishing this thing forever.  Once we’re done, I’ll make
sure we have all the time in the universe, just for us.  But the endgame comes

simpered, “What if we don’t have another chance?  What if this is the last one
we have?  I’m worried, Victor.  You know they will probably be looking for us
to make the next move.  They probably expect us to contact him at some point.”

put forth a convincing story.  “Don’t worry.  I doubt Rick has 24 hour
surveillance on him. I’m going to see if we can trail him and snatch him at a
convenient place.   Ride in, grab him and hightail it out of there.  It will be
quick and clean and all over in less than an hour.  And no one will be the
wiser, until it’s too late and we are heading along the coast on the scenic
route to the border.” 

pouted a little, and moved away from him.  For both their sakes, she hoped he
was right.




usual, Olivia had the last word.  Once they made their way back into the
abandoned house, she practically pounced on him again.  She wanted him, hard,
fast and dirty.  Never one to really turn down a free opportunity for some hot
sex, he pinned her to the wall and stripped off her pants and snapped down her
underwear.   Unstrapping his belt, he quickly shifted his hard shaft poking out
of his boxers and forced it up past the wet soft folds into the warm needy
channel they guarded from the outside.  He groaned as he felt himself slip
inside her.  She raised one leg up and grabbed at the creases of his shirt on
his back.  He relentlessly pounded into her, letting the interior of her body
mold, hold fast and release the rod that slammed into her in quickening
rhythmic waves.  She grunted and rotated her hips roughly into him.  He gripped
the haunch of her upraised thigh and pumped up harder than ever into her,
revelling in the slick heat of her.  His heart raced to keep up with his body
as he strained and pushed into her with a sleek momentum.  She pushed her head
against the wall and tilted her pelvis into him further, letting him use her as
he wished.  She could hear from his short stifled breaths that he was getting
so close. Rolling her lower half into him, she vaulted forcefully into him. 
She didn’t want to be left out.  She aimed herself so that he pummeled her core
to the spot that would make her contort internally and suddenly detonate in an
orgasmic reaction on impact.  She gave a stifled groan and gasped when Victor
gripped her more tightly, lanced up into her sharply one last time and felt the
rush of his climax leak out in hot rivulets down her thighs.

patted her playfully on the bum.  “Well dearest heart, I hope I gave you what
you wanted.  Because the road ahead could be much bumpier.  But for now, I hope
that satisfied you.”




minutes later, they were on the road again.  One last confrontation, and it
would all be over with for good.  Olivia was starting to feel really tense. 
She had a bad vibe hitting her when she spied the familiar buildings on the
outskirts of her town.  But she knew it was too late to go back now.  She was
in it with him for the long haul.  Victor swerved and moved his bike through
the haunts he used to visit with Rick.  Hoping to catch a break and see if he
could find him and secretly make a grab for him.  He had no such luck. 


knew he had to stay away from the Lucifer’s Breed clubhouse.  The police were
probably watching it and too many people would be inside.  Victor decided he
would go to a parking lot in the less policed area of town and get himself a
car.  Then he could hang around close to Rick’s house and see if anyone was
watching it.  He steered his bike towards an old industrial area.  He noted
some of the hollowed out buildings and found a few still had vehicles parked in
the lot.  He spotted an old rusty greenish van parked in the distance. 
Perfect.  He headed towards it and looked inside.  It was hard to see through
the mildly tinted glass, but it looked like it had not been driven in some
time.  He could just barely see a thin layer of dust coating the dash and the
top of the cup holders.  He reached inside one of the duffel bags and took out
an arrangement of fine tools shrouded in a folded black envelope of fabric.  He
grabbed one or two of them and used them to open the door, ducking under the
window to escape detection from the building, in case someone was inside.  The
rest of the parking lot was devoid of people.  Forcing the door open, Victor
then took off his helmet and plopped it in the passenger’s seat.  He bent down
under the steering wheel where he quickly exposed and started tugging at a mass
of wires.  Not a minute later, Olivia heard the start and roar of the engine
burst into life.

turned to her and grinned wildly at her.  “We’re in business,” he said. 

hopped inside and slid the side door open.  She heard him root around in the
back for a few minutes.

Victor popped out his head from the side door and spoke with her.  “Looks like
we can’t fit the bike back here.  I can’t do anything about the seats.  If I
had the right equipment, I’d take them out and put the bike in the van, like
the last one, but there isn’t time.  We’ll have to leave it here for now and
come back for it later if we can.”


had mixed feelings about the bike.  She wasn’t quite used to riding it yet, and
disliked carrying the luggage around her back, but she was just starting to
enjoy the rush it gave her when he bent into a steep turn.  Olivia would
squeeze into him and hug Victor hard at his sides to keep from feeling like she
was falling off the bike.  And that part was nice. 


gestured to her helmet and he helped her take it off.  It felt good to have it
removed.  After a while it started to feel like a bowling ball was strapped to
her head.  Victor tossed the helmet in the back and took the second duffel bag
from her.  He moved his helmet in the back to keep the other company and
unlocked the passenger door.  Olivia circled around and got in the hotwired van
beside him.

put the van in drive and started out of the parking lot, leaving the bike to
sit by the few forgotten idle vehicles that remained.  He spoke, “Game on. 
Let’s finish this Liv’s.  We’re almost there, babes.”




     Victor headed
to Rick’s house and did a random pass by his place.  It looked like no one in
particular was watching it.  No unfamiliar vehicles were parked in the
streets.  No strange people were loitering about near the sidewalks.  And there
was a bike parked in Rick’s driveway, parallel to an SUV sitting beside it. 
Looked like Rick and the family were home.  Rick did a second turn around the
house to make a final decision.  The street looked abandoned.  No traffic and
no people walking their dogs.  Most were probably at work.  Victor made a choice. 
He was going in.


growled low at Olivia, like a lion that trapped its prey.  “Lock and load,
Livvie.  I think our master planner is chilling at home.  We are going to pay
him a house visit that will be in his mind until the end of his days.  Which
may be sooner than he thinks.”   


jumbled up in Olivia’s head.  For the first time since she started going on
Victor’s personal home visits, she got very apprehensive.  Something just felt
‘off’ about the whole situation.  She almost felt like turning and running in
the other direction.

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