Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance)
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gazed once more at her naked body, impatiently tensed for him, silently
screaming at him for more, almost at the brink of release.  He roughly stripped
the pants off his body and poised his hard shaft at her entrance, rubbing it
and teasing her with the thick head.  Olivia moaned and gyrated, pushing her
hips into him, feeling the moistness of his precum against the engorged lips of
her pussy.  Victor lunged into her, filling her with his girth and testing the
depths he could take himself to in her body.  She screamed out as he filled
her, and he groaned when the contact of her moist heat hit the sensitive skin
on his rod.  She closed in on him and he felt the tension created by the
tightness of her pull and stretch around his shaft in pleasurable waves of ecstasy.
He pumped hard in her, then broke his momentum by withdrawing his shaft almost
fully and slamming it back forcefully into her.  She took it all, and vaulted
her hips back into his, savagely urging him on.  He could feel the nails of her
fingers dig into the muscle mass of his arms as he thrusted inside her.  He
heard her gasping and panting and knew she was close to climaxing.  He
relentlessly charged his hips to collide with hers, and concentrated on the
cues of her body.  She made small moans and violently shot her hips up against
his and cried out as the orgasm shuddered through her body.  Victor felt one
last sharp internal shudder from her as she constricted even more against him and
squeezed the liquid load out of his throbbing cock.  He felt the warm jets of
his climax spill out into her warmth as he gripped her ass and locked her into
him firmly to take his full release.  He relaxed his hold on her and took a few
minutes to catch his breath as he hovered over her on the couch.


for that,” he said in between gulps of air.  “I needed that.  It’s been a long
time.  Too long, in fact.  Was almost forgetting what it was like,” he joked.

I hope I was ok for you,” Olivia said.  “I liked it….very much.  I can say that
no man’s made me feel that way before .  Or even made me feel attractive like
you have.”

glad, dear.  Now you can go and make me that sandwich.”     



name is Rick.”

     “He was
your boss?”

of.  I guess you could say that.  He’s the club leader.  I need to talk to
him.  To set things right.”

he know you’re out now?” Olivia asked.

sure he does.  News travels.  But I don’t think he’s expecting me to visit

     “So are
you ready to tell me the whole story of what happened to you?  I think you
mentioned one time that your brother was involved.  Where is he?  Why isn’t he
here with you, helping you now?”

a brother.  We were set up.  It was a crooked deal, right from the start. It
was between a rival gang, called the Iscariots. Rick had arranged the whole
thing with the other MC leader, Dale.  Enough bad blood ran through both clubs
over territorial rights that a truce was finally called.  A goodwill deal was
made where things would finally be square between both groups for a while.  We
provided a shitload of cash for a good 30 kilos of high grade uncut coke.  We
were just the middleman, and Rick had already lined up a buyer who would take
it to New York and sell it for a premium.  The drugs ended up not being
smuggled in from the Mexican cartel distribution center.  It was one medium
grade sample sitting in amongst a pile of fake shit.  The other members of my
gang unloaded on them, and in the process, my brother got shot.  I didn’t have
a chance to target any of them.  I saw him go down, and I went to him, to get
him to safety. The rival gang took off with the cash while my brother lay
bleeding to death.  Rick never admitted it, but he blamed me for the missing
money.  I was then ratted out by an anonymous tip to the authorities.  From one
of the guys in the Iscariot club that lived to tell about the firestorm that
broke things all to hell.  I was scapegoated, televised, framed and caught. 
And that pretty much sums up the last seven and a half years of my life.”

listened with considerable empathy to his story. “I’m sorry your brother died
like that.  I had no idea.  I’d like to go with you.  To help you, if I can.”     

replied, “Sure thing.  The club headquarters had to move since my stay at
Gentle Acres, but I know where they are.  I kept tabs.  And until I get my own
ride, you’re my way there.”


Club Iscariot


pulled up to the run down, non-descript two story house that was located in a
more rural area on the outside of town.  According to Victor, this was the
place where his chapter, MC Lucifer’s Breed was located.


parked the car and they both got out.  They walked together to the front steps
and Victor knocked on the door.  It opened a crack, and Olivia could see a pair
of hard eyes staring back at them from the small crack in the door.


are you?” came the gruff voice from inside the house.

“Victor.  An old friend.  I’ve come to see Rick.  He’ll be expecting me.”

outside.”  The man inside shut the door and locked it.  Victor and Olivia loitered
a few minutes by the front entrance. 

    “The guy
must be new to the club,” Victor said.

heard footsteps approaching the door again and the snap of the lock opening
behind it.

wants to see you.  Come in,” answered the man, in still the same gruff voice.


entered the house, with Victor offering Olivia a gesture of the hand to go in
first.  She stepped inside.  It was much cleaner than what she expected a biker
hang out to look like.  The floors looked polished, and pictures of men with
their bikes and various official looking badges and plaques hung on the walls
in the hallway.  As they walked past the living room area, they passed several
men lounging in the area.  One of the men recognized Victor.


“Victor!  You’re back!” he said, getting up from his chair to meet them.

Good to see you again.  I’ll talk to you later, after me and Rick have a chat.”

bro.  Catch you later then.”


     A few
of the men whistled at Olivia as she walked by.  Olivia couldn’t remember the
last time any man whistled at her.  She thought that was probably a good
thing.  Some of those men looked like they had been through some stuff.  Stuff
she didn’t care to know about.  They were led to another waiting area, which
was empty, with the exception of a man standing in the center of it.  He was
tall, rough looking with brown and grey stubble on his lined face, and had
semi-long brown hair.  His arms were large, and the long tattoo sleeves did
little to hide the fact that he probably had an in-club home gym stashed somewhere
onsite.  The man walked towards them to greet them.  He grabbed Victor’s
forearm and squeezed it in a brotherly show of affection.  Olivia thought that
must have been their way of hugging.


“Victor, so good to see you again.  Finally, after all these years.  You look
good.  And you brought a friend.  She your old lady now?”

Rick, she’s with me.  Rick, meet Olivia,” Victor said.

“Olivia, it’s nice to meet you.” Rick said it with a smile and a little polite nod
of his head.  

Victor, it’s been a long time.  I’m sure there are things we need to discuss. 
Come into my office and we can talk in private.  Olivia can stay in the waiting
area.  I’m sure what we need to talk about is not for such delicate ears to
hear,” Rick said with a smile.

Livs, but he’s right.  The less you know the better, in some things.  Wait out
here for me.  I won’t be too long,” Victor said with an apologetic note in his

pouted a little bit, but accepted it.  “Ok, then.”


and Victor went into his office and shut the door behind them.  Olivia looked
around the waiting area.  Black leather chairs surrounded a dark wood coffee
table with a few magazines strewn onto it.  She picked up a few of them. 
Playboys and JiantJuggs magazines.  Ugghh.  She didn’t even want to touch
them.  Her eyes zoned in on something more palatable; a National Geographic
magazine.  She was about to pick it up and read it when she heard the muffled
conversation start behind the door of Rick’s office.  She walked over quietly
to the door and pressed her ear against the wood surface to hear clearer.


brother is dead, Rick.  We were set up.  You know it.  Time for some

     “I know
Victor.  Since then, they’ve taken all my best broker contacts.  And with it,
huge swathes of territory ripped out of my grasp.  When they left with that
money, I could barely keep the club together in the fallout.  I had some people
bail out on me.  Betray me.  I suffered too, Victor.”

can I do to right this?” she heard Victor ask.

can’t get the club involved.  I’m just starting to build it back up from the
ground up.  I can’t risk another shake down. The heat’s been monitoring us for
years, just waiting for a solid tip-off.   No one here is experienced enough
yet to take on that kind of trouble, or the big deals we used to do.  If things
go poorly, it could mean the end of Lucifer’s Breed.”

go it alone.  I just need a few things.  Some transportation for one.  I can’t
have my old lady driving me around to all the hit points I need to go to.”

enough.  Ben can source you an unmarked beater to drive.  And we have a
warehouse full of stuff off Highway Eight.  I’ll give you the directions to it
and you can get started.”

heard the sexy growl in Victor’s voice again as he spoke.  “That’s good.  I’m
also going to need to know where their clubhouse is located.  You should give
me as much info as possible.  After that, I’ll be going lone wolf and dark so
nothing leads back to you.  I won’t lose sight of that.  I’m doing this not
only for my brother, but for the club.”

“Thanks, Vic.  You always had our back.  You always put the club first.  After
all this time, you still do.  It’s good to have you back, man.”

     “For Troy.”

for Troy.  Despite everything, he always did good for the club, Victor.  He
will always be remembered and respected by the other members here.  Go talk to
Ben and he will set you up.  We’ll get you the address to the Iscariot place.  Be
careful Victor.”

always careful.”


heard hard footsteps coming towards the door and she backed away.  Quickly
sitting down, she picked up the National Geographic magazine and pretended to
read it.  Victor opened the door and looked at her.


done, hon,” he said, looking at her.  “I just need to go talk to a friend and
we can be on our way.”

she said.  “You want me to come with?”

you can wait here until I’m done.  It shouldn’t take too long.  I just need
some directions.  And a new ride.  I’m sure you’re tired of being my chauffeur.”

raised her eyebrows at him and went back to fake reading the magazine.  She watched
him walk into the next room and disappear.  Fifteen minutes later, after reading
an article on some bird species close to extinction, Victor came back. He
smiled at her and jerked his head to the front door.


go.  I’m done here,” he stated.

followed him outside where a man was waiting for him beside an old white van.

turned towards Olivia.  “This here’s Ben.  He’s setting me up with this fine
ride.  The bike’s inside.”

saw Ben hand Victor two licence plates. 

Ben.”  He turned to Olivia with the plates in his hand.  “See these?”  He waved
them in front of her face.  “Made them myself.”

“Really?” she asked, doubting him.

     “No, of
course not.  But wouldn’t it of been cool if I had?” he asked.

they have you make anything in prison, then?” she asked.

Braille books for blind people.  Those ladies sure like their Fifty Shades.” 

don’t say,” she laughed.

“Truth,” said Victor with a sly smile.


laughed at them.  He took back one of the plates and put it on the front bumper
of the van.  Victor screwed the other plate to the back.  Getting up, Victor
shook Ben’s hand and said, “Thanks, Ben.  You’re a good friend.  I’ll make sure
I’ll send your proxy vote special delivery to those Iscariot bastards.  They
deserve it, after all.”

replied.  “For sure.  The club hasn’t been the same since that day.  Rick had a
hell of a time keeping shit together.  I miss the old days.” 

days will be back again.  I’m gonna try to make that happen,” Victor said.

right.  Take care Victor.”

you too Ben.  All the best, man.”

clapped each other by the forearm and waved goodbye.  Ben walked back inside
the house.  Victor turned to Olivia.

gonna make sure you get home ok.  Then I gotta get to work.  But before I go,
I’ll try to put a big smile on that pretty face.”




and Olivia drove back to her place, with her in front, and Victor driving up
behind her.  Victor followed her up the stairs to her front door and smiled at
her.  The small delicate hands holding the house keys weren’t shaking now.  She
unlocked the door and Victor moved cat-like behind her to close the door.  His
arms encircled her body as he jerked her into his hold and started carrying her
upstairs.  He almost tripped on his way up as he bent down to slide his tongue
over hers, feeling for it in his mouth, and caressing it with his.  She moaned
as she took his eager tongue in her mouth, letting the passion for him wash
over her and causing her core to heat up.  She gripped his hard shoulders as he
leaned her down onto the bed.  Frantically scratching at his shirt, she bunched
it in her hand and yanked it up over his head in a desperate effort to feel the
touch of his fevered skin against hers once more. 


felt the hardness of his lust pinning her thigh down on the bed.  She moved her
mouth over the solid pectoral muscle and tasted the sweat beading on his body. 
His hands roughly groped her full breasts.  He kneaded his grip into them, and
moved his tongue down her neck into the V-neck of her T-shirt, swirling it
slowly in the hollow of her neck.  Olivia tugged at the hem of Victor’s pants
to free the swollen erection that was indenting the smooth skin of her legs. 
Feeling the rock hardness of him forcing itself against her body drove her
crazy with heated desire.  Victor shuffled off the pants and quickly took a
hand to swipe his briefs off his body.  He leaned over her, with his massive
erection swaying in front of her.  She reached out and grabbed it, ever so
lightly scraping her nails along the shaft and circling the head and tip. 
Victor sucked in his breath and tightened his abs at the sensation of her touch. 
It was feminine, and yet, with the nails, an erotic bit of sharp wicked
temptation.  She smoothed the precum over the head and took one finger up to
her mouth to taste it.  Victor’s mouth closed over hers once more as she let
the salty masculine taste of him linger there.  She felt his rough hands strip
the pants and underwear from her lower body.


air touched her skin.  His wide finger tested her entrance.  Victor made a deep
throaty sound of pleasure.  She was so wet and her body gripped to him as he
smoothly inched his way inside her.  He slowly moved his finger in and out of
her body, coating it in her lubricating fluids.  He watched them glisten with
her moisture and bent his head down in front of her entrance.  Pushing her legs
to tent up, he spread her open and starting tonguing her wet pussy. Olivia
arched her back and shoved her hips into his face.  He responded by gripping
her ass hard and shoving his face into her needy hole, forcing his tongue down
into her as deep as it could go.  Olivia screeched with instant pleasure as his
tongue dove into her aching cleft.  She felt the muscle swirl and dip into her,
stretching down and tasting every corner of her intimate space.  She hefted her
hips into him and tensed her legs, sensing the powerful pull of her climax
building up.


rocked her pelvis into him, letting his tongue probe her body, feeling the
solid push of his tongue against her swelled lips.  She groaned, knowing she
couldn’t take much more without igniting.  Victor withdrew his tongue from her
and quickly replaced it with his fingers.  She felt the sweep of the moist edge
of his tongue move to her clit.  He moved back and forth over the hard
sensitive nub, causing her to buck upwards uncontrollably.  Olivia moved her pelvis
with the motion of Victor’s fingers, groaning and sighing.  Her sounds became
more urgent, and as she moved her hips faster she began to peak.   


withdrew his fingers and plunged his cock into her body.  Olivia felt his shaft
spread her channel open wider to accommodate his massive size.  The fullness of
him in her was almost too much for her to bear.  She groaned and screamed as
the feeling of him expanding her taut entrance sent spirals of pleasure singeing
through her system.  She grabbed onto the strained biceps surrounding her and
pumped her hips into his, slamming his cock to hit the deepest walls in her
body.  Victor made a primal sound of urgent need as he felt the response in her
movement and in the way she held him fast within her.  The soaked heat of her
inner channel melded to him as they moved together in unison. 

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