Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance)
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“Absolutely.  Anything.”  He groaned as she flexed her hand a little more on
him, and started caressing his sack with the other.  “What you got in mind?”

left his balls for a minute to grab at the tiny purse she carried with her over
her shoulder.  Inside were a pair of handcuffs, with cheap pink camo fur lining
the double and single strands.  “I like my sex a bit kinked up.  Could you wear
these for me?  It gets me all wet when a man kinda lays there all helpless in
the heat of pleasure while I work over a nice big cock.  They’re not real,
anyhow.  I got them from a joke shop in town.  It just gives me enough of the
illusion to completely get me off.” 


     He eyed
her warily for a minute.  Until she took off her bra and rubbed the fake fur of
the cuffs on top of her large pink nipples.  His stare surrendered to her after
he watched her face change to a look of pure bliss and she arched her back to
push her breasts closer to his face.  Her fake orgiastic party of one with the
sex restraints was bought and sold in quick time.  But not without a condition.


sure know how to get me going.  I’ll agree, but only do the one arm.  I still
want to feel up those nice titties of yours.”

right, sounds like a happy compromise.” 


gently wrapped her hand around his wrist as she clamped the cuff around it and
tightened the ratchet over his wrist.  She made sure there was little give with
the space between the cold metal and the hard bone in his wrist.  She secured
him to the solid wood post on the headboard.  He wasn’t going anywhere.  Those
cuffs were the real deal.  She just dressed up the fakery with a little visit
to the craft store for a bit of fake fur and a glue gun.  Olivia leaned back,
inspecting her work.  She gave him another seductive smile.


be right back,” she said, as she shuffled off of him, leaving him with his now
neglected cock sticking straight up into the empty air.

     The sex
haze quickly left Curtis, replaced with some moderate concern.  “Where you
going?” he asked, almost pleading with her.  She was leaving him hard and
horny, explanation unknown.


nimbly jaunted down the stairs.  Victor was waiting quietly for her at the foot
of the stairs, inside the house.  He silently entered and listened for his cue
to call him into action.  She smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss on the


all yours now,” she said confidently.


softly and grimly padded up the stairs.  Olivia timidly followed behind him. 
She was morbidly curious, but not entirely sure at that point whether she
wanted to see what happened next.  Epinephrine pumped through her veins and her
nerves fired up with the anticipation and dread of what was going to happen
next.  At that moment, she was totally living in the now, more so than she had
ever remembered feeling in her life.  She knew what was going to happen next,
and was still debating whether she wanted to be a spectator on the following
events.  She watched as Victor entered the room, her heart thumping in her


eyes filled with terror as the sight of Victor filled the doorway to his
bedroom.  He started rambling in fear. 


no, no ,no,no…”


words were cut out by a strangled cry.  Olivia’s view of Curtis was blocked out
by the figure of her just –out- of- prison boyfriend hunkered over his trapped
victim.  She could see his free arm flailing and weakly hitting Victor’s arm as
he began the determined process of cutting off the air in his windpipe. 
Hearing the choked sounds of distress, Olivia turned away and jolted down the
stairs.  She didn’t want to see anymore.  Victor was right.  It was very ugly. 
She guessed she didn’t have the intestinal fortitude for it after all.


     She sat
in a chair downstairs and waited for him to finish.  It didn’t take him long. 
Victor slowly plodded down the stairs, with a severe look to his face.


done,” he said, all emotion drained from his voice.  “I’m going to get the keys
to his car.”  He tossed a set of keys to her, which she caught in the air.  “I
want you to follow behind me in the van.”


silently obeyed him and walked out of the house and got behind the steering
wheel in the van.  She saw the garage door of the house open, and an old red
Mustang backing out of it.  Victor made sure the garage door closed before
driving away.  Olivia drove the van close behind him, and kept her speed close
to his, trying to keep to no more than one or two vehicles between them. 
Finally they left the main roads as Victor headed towards some of the county
back roads.  Soon enough, they were on dirt roads again, leading into farm
fields and wooded areas.  Victor pulled into a narrowed stretch of dirt road that
led to a corn field.  A gate in front of it blocked the way.  Victor got out of
the car and swung the gate open, then drove through it.  A deep gutted dirt
road parallel to the cornfield led the way to an open clearing of long grass
surrounded by large trees.  Victor suddenly gunned the car into the medium
sized clearing and stopped in the centre.  He opened the driver’s side door and
got out.  Victor walked towards Olivia in the van.


     “Ok my
little firestarter, you can do me the honor again if you like,” he said.

     “It’s a
perfectly nice car.  Why would you want to set it on fire?” she asked.

opened the trunk of the car.  “Because our victim is inside.  I wasn’t going to
leave him inside the house, where it’s obvious he’s been killed.  I want it a
bit more ambiguous.”


stared in fascination at the body inside the trunk.  She had never seen a dead
person before.  It was eerie, the stillness of him.  And the way the body lay
unnaturally crumpled in position in the trunk made it all the more unnerving. 
She swallowed timidly, but felt the pump of blood in her system pick up.  She
watched as Victor confidently picked up the man formerly known as Curtis and
slung him over his shoulder.  He propped the body up in the front driver’s seat
of the Mustang.


     “Get the
gas cans please, Livia.  Time to burn this Mother out.”


hefted out the gas cans they refilled at the gas station on the way back from
the clubhouse.  She absentmindedly wondered if the lotto tickets she bought in
there had won anything.  She was having the most absurd life right now. 
Winning a big jackpot right now would fit right in with that.


worked together as they poured the gas inside the vehicle.  Victor let her have
the privilege again of lighting the fire.  Mesmerized by the rising flames
licking the sky, they both had a moment of silent reflection on the day’s
serious events before heading home to Olivia’s for some homemade fried chicken.

Jesse Martinez


watched and waited for a good 40 minutes before going up to the house and
trying the doorbell.  From in the van, they couldn’t quite figure out if anyone
was home.  It was just after 3:30 PM, when most people were still at work. 
They saw no motion coming from inside the house.  No lights turning on and off,
no sound emanating from inside the walls.  An old blue Buick sedan was parked
in the driveway.  As the minutes passed by while they staked out the house,
Olivia got out of the passenger side and straddled Victor in the driver’s


leaned the seat back for leverage room.  Olivia hiked up her skirt, and then
unzipped his jeans.  Feeling for him.  He was hard, all right, and she was
ready for him.  Adjusting the crotch of her panties to one side, she
manoeuvered his cock to the warm wet heat of her anxious pussy.  She moved her
hands under his shirt and braced them on top of the smooth bare skin of his
steely abs.  They had it hot, fast and dirty.


grabbed the sides of her thighs clamped over his on either side as she subtly
began rocking her hips.  Feeling the inertia of her growing uninhibited lust,
his fingers bore into her flesh harder with each enticing tug, pull and caress
of her tightening channel.  He leaned back into the chair, closed his eyes and
moved further into her, feeling the pressure mount in his rod.  Right now, he
didn’t give one sweet damn at that moment whether anyone could see them.  All
he craved was release.  And currently, he predicted it could be a contender for
the intensity record, the way things were building inside him.  He couldn’t
remember a time when a woman moved on him with such wild abandon, giving in
completely to the sensation and shutting the world out completely around her. 
He had the feeling he was quickly becoming entangled with a severe adrenaline
junkie.  She was starting to impose her physical demands on him with greater
frequency, mostly focused around the morbid events he was involving her in.  Olivia
gave a sudden jerk back as she pursed her lips together and then let out a choked
cry as her body rippled through another climax.  Victor felt the intimate
squeeze and twist of her over his rod.  Not being able to hold back any longer,
he came hard and jettisoned several hot loads into the snug bliss of her
clenched wet space.


no movement in the house.  They both walked up and rang the doorbell.  No
sound.  Figuring the doorbell was busted, they knocked.  Nothing.  They knocked
again.  Victor tried the door.  Locked.  He got out a couple of tools from his
back pocket and clicked the lock open.  Quietly opening the door, they listened
inside.  It was silent, except for a low drone of what sounded like a radio or
television.  It was coming from upstairs. 


     Victor noiselessly
crept up the steps, with Olivia shadowing behind him, her hands lightly
touching and pulling on the shirt she untucked from his pants for security when
they were in the van. They tiptoed around the upstairs of the house. 
Cautiously looking around, they scanned the Master bedroom.  Empty.  The radio
sounded like it was coming from the Master bathroom. They walked towards it in
hushed nervous silence.  Victor knelt down and pulled out a small handgun
strapped to his ankle, and pushed open the door to the bathroom.  Olivia’s
voice sucked and stopped in her throat as she uttered a small shriek of horror. 
Lying naked and cold in the half-filled tub was their next intended victim. 
His head was lolled back at an unnatural angle, the face grey, still and
frozen.  His dead eyes faced them in the doorway, looking at nothing.  His left
arm was extended on the frame of the tub, with the tourniquet still in place. 
She observed an empty syringe that had dropped to the ceramic tile of the floor.
Victor shut off the radio that was sitting on the bathroom counter.


like this guy went ahead and did the job for us.  I always knew Jesse was into
the shit.  Never a good idea to use yourself as a regular tester for what you
are trying to sell. Hard to keep it together once you start using what you

long do you think he’s been like this?” she asked.

went up and touched his skin.  He picked an arm up and let it fall again back
on the lip of the tub.  “At least several hours.  He’s cold.”

shrugged.  “Hey, wanna do something?”  He figured he could use the time he was
planning to take care of the guy to do something else instead.

let a wicked smile escape through to the surface of the calm horror she
displayed before.  “What do you have in mind?” she asked.  She already knew the

Two.  Fuck!!” he replied, parodying his favorite video game.  “But first, let’s
make sure the place is empty before we start.”


split up and quietly had a look around.  The place was indeed empty.  They met
back upstairs in the Master Suite.  Victor already was sliding the shirt off
his body, waiting for Olivia to come back to him.


said, “Looks like we have the place to ourselves.  But really Vicky, could you
maybe close the door to the bathroom?  I don’t want it open.  It doesn’t matter
if he’s dead.  I can’t do it with those awful eyes looking out at us.  It grosses
me out.”

thing, hon.  I can see how that could dampen a girl’s vibe.  But only if you
can agree on one thing.  Never call me Vicky in front of the guys.”

sorry.  Will do.”


stripped down her skirt and shimmied her panties off her body.  She pulled the
blouse over her head and let it drop on top of the growing pile of her clothes
on the ground.  She walked towards him, unsnapping her bra in the front as she
glided to him.  Her hands rested on the hem of his jeans.  He playfully pushed
her back onto the bed.

stood in front of her laying on the bed.  “Want to do something different?”

turned and lay on her side to face him, with her hand propping her head up by
the ear.  “Sure.  What do you mean by different?”


snickered at him.  “You mean Slot C?”


Laughing some more, and tilting her head back to gaze at him directly, she
replied, “You got bored of receiving then, and want to see the other vantage

     He gave
her a hard stare. He went serious for a minute.  “The things you hear about
prison, you know, they aren’t always true.  It is a terrible place to be, but
sometimes, stuff like that gets exaggerated.”

stifled a chuckle.  “Like dropping the soap?  How often does that happen?”

sighed.  He knew she wasn’t trying to be mean.  She was just curious.  But her
insensitive sense of humor was getting in the way.  “I’d rather not talk about
that.  But know this: You have to be at the top of the food chain there.  It’s
survival of the fittest, baby.  And the ways to get there are not easy.  You
have to prove yourself.”

how?” she asked, giving him an analytical face in return.

are several methods to reaching the ghetto penthouse.  Showing them who’s boss
is a good way to start.”

smiled seductively to him and leaned back, raising and tenting a leg in front
of her.  Letting him see her pussy in full view.  Enticing him.  “And I suppose
that’s what you did?  Showed them you’re boss?”

point, baby.”

gave him a teasing smile and snickered at him again. “Tell me how.”

do you one better.  I’ll show you.” 

roughly shoved her, sliding her body smoothly into the center of the bed. 
“Turn around.  Face away from me,” he ordered.  She sat kneeling on the bed,
staring at the wall.

yourself on your hands,” he said. 

obediently got on all fours.  Olivia heard the clink of metal as he unbelted
his jeans.  Victor slid them off his body and caressed the soft rounded cheek
of her plump ass.

muttered a low growl under his breath.  “Curve appeal,” he rumbled.


hands continued skimming over the skin that sizzled under his touch.  His
fingers bit into the tender flesh in her thighs and around the sloping of her
hips, in the erotic anticipation of entering her.  He bent down and licked the
pink rosebud entrance he was about to breach.  Olivia sighed at the unexpected
blissful sensation it gave her.  She shivered at the thought of Victor
penetrating her again, and she was eager to experience more with him.  But a
small uncertain part of her held back a little.

she said.

had stopped massaging her ass with his tongue, and was poised and ready to
enter her.  He paused, and took a long forced breath out, to stem the burning
impatience and need that was commanding his body to pound out her virginity #2
into nothingness.  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

     “Is it

not usually.  I think everything will be fine.  What does it matter?  We’re not
doing it on your sheets.”

     “If you
say so.  But, for obvious reasons, I refuse to use the shower next door.”  She cocked
her head towards the bathroom the dead body was residing in.

are others in the house,” Victor observed.  “If you aren’t comfortable with
this, just let me know.  I thought perhaps we could change it up, try something
new.  Some women really enjoy it.”

didn’t want to disappoint her man.  Despite her initial apprehension, she
consented to his request.  “No it’s ok.  If it makes you happy, I’ll do
whatever you like.  I just don’t know of anyone personally that has tried it
before, that’s all.”

smiled at her naïve concern, and smacked

 her lightly
on her right ass cheek.  “Don’t worry Olive cake, I’ll make sure I’ll take good
care of you.”


     He started
in on her easy, slowly inching his way into her ass.  He gasped in pleasure. 
The extra compression he felt on his cock in this new unbreached area was
exhilarating.  He gritted his teeth and groaned in an uncontrollable outburst
as the euphoria of the sensation hit him like a tidal wave rushing through his
body.  He heard Olivia cry out and felt a shudder ripple through her body as he
sunk into this new untapped region of her body.  With the knowledge that she
was willing to give up to him anything he wanted, he was so close to coming
already.  He started pulling in and out of her, feeling her tight bud choke him
off and rub smoothly, compacting against the base of his shaft.  In a few long
drawn-out deliciously indulging thrusts, Victor felt the pressure give in his
body as he drained his powerful load into her body.  Victor knew that if he
were to push for more, he would have to find some way to lubricate her better
there.  He slowly pulled out of her, savoring the last few seconds of her
constricting around him.


wasn’t bad,” she confessed, turning to face him.  She could still see the heat
of his climax on his face. “I kind of liked it.  It was…..interesting. 
Different.  Still pretty good.”

wiped the sweat away from his forehead.  “Give me a few minutes,” he said as he
moved off the bed.  “Don’t go anywhere yet.  I’m coming back for you.”

walked over to the washroom and opened the door.  He shut it behind him as a
courtesy so she wouldn’t have to see the grisly scene inside once more.  Victor
ignored the corpse like it was generic beige wallpaper.  Olivia heard the sound
of a tap flowing for five minutes before Victor walked outside again, closing
the door behind him.

where did we leave off?  On your back, Missy,” he ordered.


dutifully assented to his request.  She lay on her back, with her legs folded
to the side.  Victor ran his hands down her thighs to her legs, and parted
them.  Tenting them up, he moved his head between her legs.  Using two fingers
to spread her open, he lightly flicked the nub of her clit with his tongue,
teasing her to submission.  She rolled her head back onto the mattress while
Victor continued tapping her aroused nib using the blunt tip of his tongue with
greater frequency.  She sighed and groaned, tilting her hips into him, letting
his thick fingers slide into her, testing her arousal.  She moved her body into
him, grinding his fingers into her pelvic bone as he reached in and curled his
fingers into her g-spot.  Olivia let out a senseless sound of urgency as she
jerked her hips in sharp determined motions, feeling his rough fingers charge
their way into the soft pliant areas that yielded so completely to him.  Victor
sensed the juiced running out of her and trailing down his wrist as he
continued pressing down into her silky erogenous zone.  Olivia jolted her hips
as Victor covered her entire clit with his mouth and began sucking down hard
onto her, still prodding her with his tongue.  She squealed, clenched and
jerked her body with one last hike of her pelvis before Victor felt the sharp
jab of her close around his fingers and the involuntary tremors rippling
through the smooth walls of her channel.  Her hips hung in the air as the
orgasm ran its course though her system.  With a satisfied groan, she let her
lower half fall down in a heap and relaxed. An electric hum of contented
gratification ran through her for a few lingering blissful minutes.

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