Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: Ignition (BBW Alpha Male MC Biker Romance)
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baby upstairs started up again.  Olivia could hear its tiny cry unanswered
coming from the upstairs room where he was located.

yelled and pointed at the boy at the top of the stairs. “Can some one shut that
kid up already?  Otherwise, I’ll make him quiet.”

was busy holding the towels to Rick’s injured body.  She looked up and said in
a stressed out voice, “Jayden, the man asked you to be quiet.  I want you to go
to your room and shut the door.  Now, please.”

     The boy
wouldn’t listen.  He was anxious and scared.  He kept whining.  “Mommy I want
you to come with me!  Come up mommy, come up!  I want to sit in your lap!! 


aimed in the boy’s general area and fired his gun again.  It flew into the hard
wood of the banister and exploded into the pole in an impact that flowered the
air around it with sharp jagged splinters.  Some of the scattered debris flew
directly in the path of the young child that was in its way.  Shards of wood
pieces jabbed themselves into the tender calf of his exposed leg.  Some entered
his body in a painful spray that went down his left forearm.  Some jutted out
of his cheek.  The boy melted down into a full blown cry.  Victor nodded in
approval, satisfied with his work.

     He said
calmly, “Good.  I like that a lot better.  I couldn’t take it anymore. I prefer
the crying much better.  Gives me a sense that I disciplined them.  It may be a
bit extreme, but it’s a damn sight better than all that nonstop goddamn whining.”

glared at Victor.  She didn’t think he was capable of shooting at such a young
child.  She was obviously a poor judge of character.  Olivia started chastising
him, “Victor, he’s only a kid.  How could you shoot at him like that?”

     He replied,
“Easy, darling.  For peace of mind.  I know I feel more centred now.”

looked at Olivia and snarled at her, “What kind of sick asshole shoots at an
innocent kid?  So, Princess, what do you think of your Prince Charming now?”


     She was
learning all sorts of new things about him.  This was more enlightening, than
say, moving in with someone.  Being in the thick of a hostage taking/showdown
with the law was more revealing of someone’s personality than, for example,
leaving some dirty dishes in the sink.  Or installing the toilet paper roll in
the improper overhang position.

made a valid point.  Olivia didn’t know what to think of her man now that she
knew the truth about his brother and saw him around other people’s bratty kids
that didn’t listen and follow basic instruction.  She was going to have to have
a good sit down and talk with him after all this was done. 


right now, she was too freaked out about the current situation to have a
rational, meaningful conversation.  Olivia started blubbering, “Victor, I’m
really scared now.  How are we going to get out of this?  They probably heard
you shooting.  They’re going to come and get us soon, I just know it.”

started crying.  She scanned her eyes at the broken scene in front of her.  She
could hear the drone of a megaphone blaring outside.  The voice on it sounded
more urgent and threatening.  She feared it wouldn’t be long before the police
came in and started strategically taking them out.


talked to her softly, to try to settle down her fears.  “I’m sorry ‘bout this
Olive pip.  I never wanted you to be involved at all.  Especially this deep
into things.”  A small part of him silently cried for her.  He never knew
anyone that was with him in their complete heart and soul ever since his
brother.  She was with him, guns blazing around them to the very end.


started babbling and repeating to herself, “There must be some kind of way out
of here.”  She looked around.  Rick held the bloody towels to his stomach. 
Carlie went upstairs to collect Jayden, since he was now injured.  She was
inspecting the splinter spray that coated his arm, leg and face like so many
porcupine quills.  Olivia heard the loudspeaker outside; the voice getting more
frantic, more authoritative.  She looked back to Victor for a way out.  She had
no ideas.  Her brain was completely on flaky autopilot and she was trying to
keep her sanity together.  “There’s too much confusion.  Can we get a

did his best to comfort her.  “Don’t worry, I have a plan.”  He went towards
her, hugged her, and gave her a slow lingering kiss on the lips.  He stared at
her hard, with this solemn, intense look.  “0 to 1000 baby.  That’s the only
way to go forward now.  We will be legend.”


looked up at Carlie, who was in the middle of picking out the gnarliest wooden
spikes out of her child’s skin.  “Carlie, get your kids and walk out of here. 
I want you out the door.  You and the kids are free to go.”

piped in, “Do it, Carlie.”  Rick gasped and collapsed lying to the floor.  He
couldn’t hold himself upright anymore.  The pain was starting to be too great.


hesitated, then drooped her head a little.  She knew she couldn’t leave her kid
and the baby in this house.  She walked out of sight and came back with the
baby.  A diaper bag and her Coach bag was slung around her shoulder.  She
reached for and took her older son’s hand and led him down the stairs.  Olivia
watched them slowly leave out the front door. 

yelled out to the police waiting outside.  “Please, don’t shoot!  I have my
kids!  They’re letting us go.”

heard some shouts and commotion from several men as she assumed that Carlie and
her children were being whisked away to safety.  She could hear yelling and
commands to hold fire coming from outside.  Olivia’s heart fell as she knew she
wouldn’t be leaving so easily. 


grunted, “Ok Rick, we’re up next.”

looked up at him, with a pained look on his face.  “I’m not in good shape to do
much walking, you know.”

replied, “No worries, I’m going to half drag, half carry your ass out of the
house.  You’re going to be my hostage.”

laughed at him.  “Your futile plan isn’t going to work.”

hefted him up by one arm to a crouch position.  “I’m going to find a way to
make this plan work.”

looked at Olivia.  “I’m going to try and get me and him in the car.  I want you
to stay here.  I don’t want you in the line of fire.  If you  stay far from us
right now, everything will be fine.”

said those words to her with such smooth confidence, Olivia almost believed
him.  It almost sounded like he had a similar experience before and handled it
with the same cool attitude.


started to flip out at the thought of being left alone in the house.  Victor
had been her rock for so many days now.  She wailed at him, “Please don’t go
and leave me.  I don’t want to be separated from you.  I won’t be able to bear
it alone.  I feel lost already, with just the thought of you gone from me.”

grabbed her to her roughly, and hugged her hard and tightly to his body. 
Pressing the memory of her form into his body.  He replied sadly, “You have to
stay here.  I need to leave.  With him.  It’s the best way for you, to remain
behind.  That’s your safest option.  It’s the only way.” 

With tears
pooling in both their eyes, he walked away from her, towards the front door,
leading Rick away.  Victor turned back and choked a final response to her
before heading out into the danger zone.  “Olivia, dearest one, I’ll come back
for you.  I promise, I’ll come and find you.”   

watched him walk out the door, picking up Rick, who was slumping and dragging
himself on the ground.  Olivia knew what he said wasn’t going to be true.  In
any reality.  There was no hope out of this.


stumbled again in front of Victor before leaving the house.  Victor hefted him
up.  “Up you go, human shield,” he said with little encouragement.  Victor held
him up with one broad forearm while pointing a gun to Rick’s temple with the
other.  Olivia watched the pair exit out the front door.

Victor Colton


shouted to the armed crowd collected in front of the house, “Me and my good
buddy Rick are going to take a scenic drive around town for a while.  And you
are going to let us.  We are just going to have a pleasant talk.  So we can all
just relax.”

jabbed the barrel of the gun harder into the side of Rick’s forehead.  He
wanted everyone to know, he meant business.  He figured, that once they were in
the vehicle, they would try to follow him.  Well, they could if they wanted. 
Because he already had another plan in mind. 

timidly peeked out at the scene unfolding from inside the house, ducking behind
the wall in case someone from outside was watching for her and aiming for her. 
She could see Victor shuffling towards the van, with Rick in tow, doing his
best to make the small journey to the van as slow as possible.  Victor had to
jerk Rick’s limp body up repeatedly to keep a somewhat steady walking pace. 
Suddenly, Rick pulled himself downwards and tried to pull Victor with him. 
Rick clumsily tried to alter his stance and attempted a footsweep on his
abductor.  Rick dropped out from Victor’s hands and forced himself to the
ground as Victor faltered and tried to recover his grip on Rick.  It was too
little, too late.  With Rick tumbling to the ground, that left Victor open for
the perfect shot.  Olivia heard two loud blasts and felt in her gut the pelt
pelt pelt of the bullets hitting Victor.  One hit him in the jacket, but the
others met their soft target.  One in the arm.  One in the neck.  And the last
in the bridge of the nose.


     She saw
him go down.  And she felt pure anguish.  She dropped the gun and rushed out of
the house, her vision bleary from tears pooling in her eyes.  She didn’t care
what happened to her now.  She saw the man she loved get taken down, and
possibly wiped out of her life forever.  Without him, and what he brought into
her life, it wasn’t worth experiencing anymore.

ran to him, but a fiery heat blasted through both her legs and caused her to
crash to the ground.  She used her arms to crawl to him, and cradled him in her
arms.  It didn’t feel like to her that he was moving.  Her vision was so
blurry, stained with tears and affected by the searing pain burning in her
thighs.  She didn’t even notice or even feel men lift her up and take her away
in cuffs to the ambulance. 




was now on the inside, looking out.  She had made what would be for some, an easy
and blissful choice.  And that was to follow her heart.  Unfortunately, the
path led her to a spot in a prison cell that she had to share with a rude
former alcoholic, who also happened to be coming off from an oxycodone
addiction.  She was a black widow type that met men online, then started in on
the rush job of dating and marriage, then killed them for the insurance money. 
Her cellmate Florence always had to have first dibs on everything.  These
selfish con artists that always put themselves first.


did have one solace, and one hope.  Two weeks ago, she filled out all the
necessary blanks on the form, and handed it to the project co-ordinator.   With
most of her former friends abandoning her, and many of the women acting hostile
and aloof towards her in this close environment, Olivia decided she needed more
friends.  And Victor, the only man she ever cared about, was now gone.  She
missed the sensation of his masculine power against her skin and the sweet
endearments he would whisper to her after the heat of the moment was over. 
Those memories made her feel so empty now, and she longed for him so bad it
hurt.  She wanted to feel those things again.  So she filled out an application
for the prison pen pals program.  After all, it worked so well for her before.




If you
enjoyed this book, below is a link to my other book with a free preview!! 
Thank you for reading!!


Books by Ashlee Beaunoir:


Hot On Arrival


Bryce had it
all.  A cut body built for wicked sin. Hot lonely trophy wives who begged him
to satisfy their deepest desires when the spouse was away.  And as an alpha
male wolf shifter in his territory, exclusive domain over mating rights.


One problem. 
Another shifter is moving in and staking his claim on his territory.  They
confront each other in an epic showdown to determine whose sexual stamina can
win out and who the most dominant male is!  The women involved are going to get
it fast, hard and without protection!



Trixie.  I’m Bryce.  And I’m going to give you a night that you will never
forget, even after old age hits you and you can’t even remember your own
fucking name.”


watched her eyes widen on him in surprise and a silent O left her mouth in a
breathy gape at the shock of his rash statement.  She squirmed in embarrassment
in her chair.  He could see that she was attracted to him, and her shy demeanor
paired with her barely legal lithe figure sent a thrill scorching through his
blood straight to his loins.  The alpha wolf shifter features he displayed so
prominently to intimidate Blaze quickly vanished as his mating urges took over,
flooding his body with molten heat.  He took her by the hand and gently lifted
her up to standing position in front of him.  He quickly smothered the
apprehension in her face with a long passionate kiss and guided his tongue into
her mouth to meet with hers.  A muffled exclamation of surprise changed into a
yielding moan as she set her mouth against his and eagerly returned his kiss. 
Bryce moved his hands down her semi-exposed cleavage and waist to her short
white skirt and pulled it up.  His hands travelled along the waist band of her
underwear and lightly traced along it around her thigh.  One of his fingers
dipped below the band on the inside of her leg and rubbed along her slit.  She
jumped in surprise at his touch and then gradually relaxed against him while he
pressed his body against her and kissed her harder.  Her hips began to move in
time with the finger Bryce was rolling across her wet clit.  Trixie grabbed his
shoulders and broke off their kiss and started to rain small bites along his
neck and chin.  


couldn’t contain the feeling of complete invincibility that washed over him. 
The pills he had taken not so long ago had started to take effect.  This
reaction coupled with the perception that he had boundless stamina to conquer
and command any and all of the girls so inclined to take a share of his action
in the room provoked a mad desire in his brain.  And the impulse that sent him
into severe overdrive was to ram his dick into the nearest receptive
recipient.  He savagely shredded the flimsy underwear on Trixie in an urgent
forceful attempt to penetrate her.  And she fiercely responded in kind by
clumsily unbuttoning his pants to slough them downwards to his knees.  She
grabbed wildly for his cock and led it toward her moist entrance as the music
continued to thump in the background and a crowd of girls gathered around them
creating a ragged perimeter to cheer them on.  The onlookers surrounding them
made Bryce feel more powerful and in control, as the pair of them would now be
the main focus of the group’s attention.  He could feel the women’s lust filled
voyeuristic expectation of viewing them in the act peeling off of them in a
heavy fog of pheromones.  His rod grew harder than he could have ever
remembered in recent history, as he poised the bulging tip of it to enter her. 
Just as he was ready to ram it into her, he felt the presence of another highly
unwanted male enter their private circle.


To read
the rest of
Hot On Arrival
, get it now from Amazon, free for
Kindle Unlimited subscribers!!


Bared to the Bear Clan


just wanted what every girl wanted in her sorority-to win a free trip to
Daytona for Spring Break.  There, she could get some sun, sand, and perhaps,
finally, lose her virginity.  In order to be the final contestant out of three
to be chosen, she has to complete one small task.  That is, go into the
abandoned mine and come back with a souvenir as proof.


Unfortunately, Shae-Lynn goes into the mine fully unprepared.  Her cheap
flashlight fails on her, and she is stranded in the dark.  Frightened and
alone, she is finally led to safety by a hot stranger hibernating underground
with four other sexy muscular shifter males.


look at her beautiful full-figured curves and their course was set.  Even
naive, inexperienced Shae-Lynn knows a good thing when she sees it.  Who needs
Spring Break when she has five willing studs ready to give it to her hard, fast
and with no protection?






















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