Read Love Redeemed, Book 4 Online

Authors: Love Belvin

Love Redeemed, Book 4 (54 page)

BOOK: Love Redeemed, Book 4
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“Our world has truly come together, huhn?” I ask.

“What do you mean?” Rayna asks after swallowing her water.

“Remember right after you had the twins and we were still living at the marina, you fired Ruby Mae
and Louise, saying you didn’t need the luxury of a nanny and housekeeper? You said you and Akeem are only 11 months apart and Samantha managed you just fine without a nanny, housekeeper and chef?”

Rayna rolls her eyes embarrassingly. “Yeah, and that lasted all of four days. I thought I was going to lose my mind. The feedings, diaper changes, burping, soothing—”

“…times three,” I interject.

“Yup,” she slowly nods her
head, with a roguish grin. “Can’t forget how demanding you are. I still can’t believe the way you made a big deal about wanting to taste my breast milk, Azmir. Who knew you were competitive of my time and body, even with
kids,” she chides.

Yup! I was and still am. I could never share with my
goons how I threw a hissy fit each time I saw my wife breasting feeding our helpless newborns, all because they were experiencing something from her body that I never had…until I pushed for it. I glance across the table to see Rayna shaking her head exasperatingly, obviously reminiscing about it internally just as I am.

“Anyway, I don’t know what I’d do without the help we have, including our mothers. They’ve been so great. I know they’re getting up there in age…” Rayna sounds like she’s about to cry.

“Hey,” I reach over for her hand. “They have the energy for their grandchildren. Samantha’s health is holding out, and you can’t tell Yazmine that she isn’t just six years older than what she was when she went in the pin. They’re having the time of their lives with the twins.”

Rayna fights down a cry as she nods her head
convincingly. Her nose has even turned red.

“I know,” she whispers.
She’s been very sensitive lately.

We continue our meal with more lighthearted conversations over the romantic crooning. The music is great. My buzz sets in as Rayna chats animatedly about everything and nothing at all. This is exactly the place I was aiming for when I coordinated this evening—wel

I’m over
the forty-year-old hill now, still in shape, still work hard in all my businesses, including
Global Fusion
. My contract with
has been renewed twice and that venture has been extremely profitable.

Big D is still in prison. He was sentenced to eighteen years. I
heard from him a few times, just after his arrest, but he eventually got the memo that I’m no longer a part of his life. Tara’s doing well from what I hear. She’s dating a music producer. The first year after her father’s incarceration and her daughter’s father’s death was hard on her. She would text me from time to time, venting. Rayna would see the texts, but never flexed.

Rayna texted back, letting Tara know it was her who was messaging her and invited Tara to reach out if she needed a listening ear. Crazy, right? I thought so myself. But it came as no surprise to me. Rayna has come such a long way since entering my boardroom. She’s far more secure in my world and with herself. Tara took her up on her offer. They did two playdates with the kids before mutually deciding it was best that they left the children out of their association. Apparently, Tara couldn’t get past seeing my children by another woman. Rayna didn’t trip, she’s never had desires to be friends with Tara, just an associate if she needed a shoulder to cry on—a shoulder that isn’t mine.

Not much in my life has changed over the past five years, especially my incredibly magnetic draw to this woman.
Rayna has been much more than I propositioned her for in a wife. She’s strong, loving, consistent, nurturing, and sexy as hell. And I can’t forget stubborn as hell. Though only part-time, Rayna still works. She took off a year after having the twins. When she decided to return, she quickly realized full-time employment was a hefty load for a woman with twin children and a demanding husband who travels heavily. She eventually recommended Amber to assume the role of assistant supervisor in the LBC branch of their practice. Crazy, too, right? Yup! But that’s my new and improved Rayna. Her bosses bought it so long as she stayed on as the supervisor to offset Amber’s lack of experience,
as if Rayna had so much when she started as supervisor
. Rayna does more administrative work than attending. She’s worked out a three-day work schedule with a two administration days and one attending day. She’s content with that and…
I’ve learned to live with it

As our table is
cleared from our dessert course, we talk and I observe my wife’s glowing caramel skin. When she dips her head back in laughter, my groin tingles.

“You remember the first orgasm I gave you?
” I ask abruptly.

Rayna quickly draws in a breath. I’m happy out my ass that I still have that affect on my wife. It does a lot for my ego that seems to incline to her
more the older I get.

“The one you gave while you touched me or when I was alone?”

“You masturbate without me?”

Rayna giggle
s bashfully, still shying at conversations of sexual nature. “No…well, once when we were in Mexico the first time.”

My cock twitches beneath the table.

“For real?” I’m intrigued.

She nods as she tries to suppress the mirth in her embarrassment.

“Ain’t that some shit,” I muse.

Things get quiet as Raheem belts out notes about the “Four Letter Word”…
. I take in the romantic atmosphere during the bridge that he repeats. Rayna leans back and sighs contently. Her gaze eventually rotates the alcove of the booth to meet mine across the table that’s almost bare, but for our drinks. We find ourselves caught up in each other’s gaze. Rayna’s mood isn’t so ruminative anymore. She’s now someplace else.

“Show me.”

-huhn?” she sputters.

I incline in my seat, take a swig of brandy, and instruct. “Show me how you touched yourself in Puerto Vallarta. And if you’re good, I’ll show you what I really wanted to
do to you here, the night of the re-opening.”

Rayna’s eyes bounce between mine, trying to process my suggestion. Then she
observes the table and large partition that surrounds our well-nestled booth.

Her eyes go dark and I see her chest
rise. “You planned this,” she deduces rather than questions, in a husky tone.

Again, I don’t answer verbally. I stare into her beautiful face, challenging her obedience. There’s a
tentative pause, but soon after, Rayna’s head tilts to observe her dress and then she slowly boards the table, positioning herself before me. She lies down with her legs slightly parted and her toes inches away from my abdomen.

“Open and show me,” I hear the groan in my order.

Slowly and nervously, Rayna parts her legs and I see her treasure, neatly manicured and partially hidden b
ehind thongs. I reach up and rip them in two to remove the obstruction of my view. Rayna’s breathing increases. I glance up to her face and see her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Show me!”

She drags her right hand between her legs, pushing through her labia. My eyes collapse at the sight of her arousal.
Fucking beautiful
. Rayna’s hands rove purposefully between her lips and eventually exclusively on her tight bud. When her hips start to gyrate, I rise up, reach over to the top of her dress, at her cleavage, and pull down the zipper. Rayna’s eyes pop open and so does her globes. They sit perky and I can see they’re pebbled at the apex. I see her lick her lips.

“Keep going,” I growl.

And she does.

I lick her breasts
around her bra, not wanting to release them just yet. I stroke my tongue down to her flat abdomen and moan at her belly button when I get the first whiff of her feminine aroma. Things are getting hectic. There is one too many people tending to her pussy; namely her. Gently, I swipe her hand away as I take back to my seat and bury my face between her thighs. Rayna’s moans are not that quiet, but unsuccessfully rivals the music.

is exactly where I had planned to be when I organized this date with my wife. I’m growing to hate my travel. At first, it served as a healthy break for the two of us, at the very least. However, now that I have a full family and life has changed for Rayna and me, I feel like I need her even more if that’s possible. Since having the twins, she regularly surprises me with pop up visits when their schedule permits. She throws the kids and nanny on a plane and surprises me, sometimes lying in my hotel bed naked…or the dining room table of the suite, coincidentally, this is how she was able to easily assume the position tonight. My desire for Rayna still burns wickedly.

“Ahhhhh! Azmiiiii—”

And when she moans my name in ecstasy like this as she claws the back of my head, I have no doubt that this woman is mine and I made the right decision chasing her each time I did all those years ago. Rayna detonates deliciously in my face and trembles in a fit, reminding me there is no better place for me to be. I slow my lapping while she comes down. When I pull back, I look over to her and find her chest still rising and falling viciously. Her face is flushed and it’s clear to me she’s in her zone. I know it’ll only be seconds before she’s ready.

leaps upward, grabs the sides of my face and throws her tongue into my mouth, devouring me. I let her take her time tasting herself on me. She eventually reaches down to undo my belt and pants without removing her lips.
My little minx
. I assist her, preparing to give her what she’s asking for. I manage my pants down, just enough for my cock to spring out, and before I know it, Rayna sinks down on me. I stifle my groan, her not so much.

Quickly, I glimpse over to her glass of wine that’s still full.
She starts with cautioned plunges to acclimate herself to me. Eventually her grinding turns wild and so does her tongue, lashing through my mouth. I feel her thighs clamp around me, her breathing growing desperate, her cries are feverish. I’m caught up immediately, pushing my pelvis into her, giving her all that I have. I grip her ass to being sure to fill her to the hilt.

Goddamn, we have to do this live music
thing again!

Rayna’s walls
constrict around me and I piston into her frame like a lunatic, I can’t stop if I wanted to. I feel my heart about to beat out of my chest. I feel my orgasm tip well before I’m used to.
This is the crazy spin she puts me into, only tonight drives me into more of an intense whirl.

My mind literally dizzies as I sputter, “I-I…I’m—”

“I’m coming!” she pushes directly into my ear as my ass lifts and dips
on the bench.

I feel my orgasm
all the way in my ass, which has only happened a number of times. Very rarely. Rayna is still gyrating on top of me, though at a much slower rate, dragging out the last of her release as she clutches my head with her breasts buried into my face.

My head is trying to slow it
s spin, but before it’s able to, I blurt, “You’re fucking pregnant, Rayna?”

Her clutch onto me intensifies. Within seconds, I feel her neck nod against my head.

If I could slow my breathing I’d let out a long sigh. It all makes sense now; her pensiveness over the past couple of weeks—even over the phone, her elusiveness, her not touching her drink. She’s pregnant, and something deep down believes she wanted me to figure it out, taking the easy route. This concerns me.

“Why couldn’t you just tell me?”

I can hear the whining in my delivery. I don’t want her regressing to not verbally communicating and me having to use her body to tell me things her mouth can’t. I peel her off my head and shoulders so I can see her face. She’s sulking as if she’s going to cry.

“Answer me!” my words shoot out harsher than I intend for them to.

“I-I was. I just couldn’t decide when would be the best time,” she murmurs apologetically.

“Wouldn’t that
have been when you found out? What’s the big deal with just telling me that you’re expecting?” I’m growing frustrated. “Did you miss a pill?

She shakes her head as
bites her bottom lip.

“Well, what the hell happened, baby?”

Rayna’s eyes go all around, but don’t seem to want to focus on me.


“I didn’t miss a pill!” she nearly shouts impatiently.

“Well, what the fu—”

“I stopped taking them. Okay!”

“Why would you do something like tha
t? I thought you didn’t want more kids.”

I’m so lost right now. When the twins turned two
, I expressed that I wanted more children and Rayna protested and adamantly. I dropped the issue, seeing that she’d put such effort into getting her body back.

BOOK: Love Redeemed, Book 4
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