Machines of Loving Grace (53 page)

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Authors: John Markoff

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Blade Runner,
directed by Ridley Scott (1982; Burbank, CA: Warner Bros.).

Leon Neyfakh, “Do Our Brains Pay a Price for GPS?”
Boston Globe,
August 18, 2013,


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Abbeel, Pieter, 268

Abelson, Robert, 180–181

Abovitz, Rony, 271–275

Active Ontologies, 304

Ad Hoc Committee on the Triple Revolution, 73–74

agent-based interfaces, 195–226.
see also
Siri (Apple)

avatars, 304, 305

Baxter (robot), 195–196, 204–205,

Brooks and, 201–204

CALO, 31, 297, 302–304, 310, 311

chatbots, 221–225, 304

early personal computing and, 196–201

ethics of, 339–342

“golemics” and, 208–215

Google and, 12–13, 341

Microsoft and, 187–191, 215–220

Rethink Robotics and, 204–208

singularity and, 220–221

Agents, Inc., 191–192

aging, of humans, 93–94, 236–237, 245, 327–332

“Alchemy and Artificial Intelligence” (Dreyfus), 177

Allen, Paul, 267, 268, 337

Alone Together
(Turkle), 173, 221–222

Amazon, 97–98, 206, 247

Ambler (robot), 33, 202

Anderson, Chris, 88

Andreessen, Marc, 69

Apocalypse AI
(Geraci), 85, 116–117

see also
Siri (Apple)

early history of, 7, 8, 214, 279–281, 307

iPhone, 23, 93, 239, 275, 281

iPod, 194, 275, 281

Jobs and, 13, 35, 112, 131, 194, 214, 241, 281–282, 320–323

Knowledge Navigator, 188, 300, 304, 305–310, 317, 318

labor force of, 83–84

Rubin and, 240

Sculley and, 35, 280, 300, 305, 306, 307, 317

Architecture Machine, The
(Negroponte), 191

Architecture Machine Group, 306–307, 308–309

Arkin, Ronald, 333–335

Armer, Paul, 74

Aronson, Louise, 328

Artificial General Intelligence, 26

artificial intelligence (AI).
artificial intelligence (AI) history; autonomous vehicles; intelligence augmentation (IA)
AI; labor force; robotics advancement; Siri (Apple)

artificial intelligence (AI) history, 95–158.
see also
intelligence augmentation (IA)

AI commercialization, 156–158

AI terminology, xii, 105–109

AI Winter, 16, 130–131, 140

Breiner and, 125–135

deep learning neural networks, 150–156,

early neural networks, 141–150

expert systems, 134–141, 285

McCarthy and, 109–115

Moravec and, 115–125

Silicon Valley inception, 95–99, 100, 256

SRI inception, 99–105

Strong artificial intelligence, 12, 26, 272

“Artificial Intelligence” (Lighthill), 130

“Artificial Intelligence of Hubert L.
Dreyfus, The” (Papert), 178

Asimov, Isaac, 101, 123, 131, 333

Association for Computing Machinery, 86, 192–194

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 336–337

Atkinson, Bill, 307

Atlas (Boston Dynamics), 229–230, 238, 247–249,
252, 254

Project” (Shockley), 96

Audi, 45–46, 50, 52, 57

augmented reality, 272–275

Automata Studies
(McCarthy, Shannon), 107

automated teller machines (ATMs), 81–82

(Diebold), 98

(MacMillan), 209

Autonomous Robotic Manipulation, 235–236

autonomous vehicles, 19–63

commercial applications, 45–46, 60, 61

DARPA and, 24, 26, 27–36, 40

delivery vehicles, 82

electric, 58–59

ethical issues of, 26–27, 60–61

Google and, 35–45, 51–52, 54–59, 62–63

Gordon on, 88–89

handoff problem, 57, 164

labor force issues of, 25, 61–62

legal issues of, 46, 60

Mobileye and, 46–54

safety of, 45, 49, 59–61, 62, 88–89

Stanford Cart, 120–122, 200–201

Stanley project, 19–23, 35–36,

technology transitions and, 23–27

“trolley problem,” 60, 76

Autor, David, 10, 78, 80

avatars, 304, 305

Aviram, Ziv, 48

Bagon, Eyal, 50, 51

Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, 203

Ballmer, Steve, 330

banking industry technology, 81–82, 188

Barlow, John Perry, 173

Baxter (robot), 99, 195–196, 204–205,

Beam (Suitable Technologies), 243

“beastie,” 231

“Beast” (mobile robot), 268

Beaudry, Paul, 80

Bechtolsheim, Andy, 134

Beckman, Arnold O., 98

Beckman Instruments, 98

Being Digital
(Negroponte), 191

Bell, Eric Temple, 105

Bell Labs, 107, 133, 149–150

Belove, Ed, 140

Bengio, Yoshua, 150

Berg, Paul, 335–336

Berger, Eric, 258

Berkeley, Edmund C., 231

Berners-Lee, Tim, 289

Bezos, Jeff, 206, 247

BigDog (Boston Dynamics), 228–229

BMW, 45

Bobrow, Danny, 178, 182

Boltzmann, Ludwig, 146

Boltzmann Machine, 146–158

Bosack, Leonard, 134

Boss (autonomous car), 32–35

Boston Computer Museum, 14

Boston Dynamics, 228–230, 232, 238, 247, 248,

Bradski, Gary, 260–265,

BRAIN initiative, 24

Brand, Stewart, 90, 255–256

Brautigan, Richard, xvii

Breazeal, Cynthia, 204

Breiner, Sheldon, 125–135

Brin, Sergey, 39, 41, 55, 184–187

Brock, David, 95, 98

Brooks, Rodney, 85, 98–99, 112, 186, 195–208,

Brown, Gordon, 98

browsers, advent of, 301, 312

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 79, 82–83, 86–87

Buchanan, Bruce, 113

Bush, Vannevar, 6, 62

CaddyTrek (golf cart), xi

CALO (Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes), 31, 297, 302–304, 310, 311

Caltech, 105–106, 231, 232

Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 150

Capper, Liesl, 221–225

Carlson, Curt, 304

Carnegie Institute, 108

Carnegie Mellon University, 32–35, 115, 145, 202

chatbot technology, 221–225, 304

Cheyer, Adam, 297–305, 310–323

Chomsky, Noam, 156, 171

Christensen, Clayton, 87

Cisco Systems, 134

Clarke, Arthur C., 131–132

Cognea (My Cybertwin), 221–225, 237

Cognitens, 48

Cohen, Paul, 284, 287

Colby, Kenneth, 113

Comcast, 84

Community Memory, 210

“Computer as a Communication Device, The” (Licklider, Taylor), 164

Computer Power and Human Reason
(Weizenbaum), 174

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, 183–184

Computers and Human Interaction Conference (1997), 192–194

“Consequences of Human Intelligence, The” (Vardi), 86

Control Data, 170

control theory, 161–162, 216

Conway, Lynn, 231

cybernation revolution, 73–74

(Wiener), 8, 97

cyborg, 12, 160–161

Danger, Inc., 240–241


Advanced Research Projects Agency as precursor to, 30, 110, 111–112, 164, 171

ARPAnet, 164, 196

autonomous cars and Grand Challenge, 24, 26, 27–36, 40

CALO and, 31, 297, 302–304, 310, 311

Dugan and, 236

Engelbart and, 6

Licklider and, 11

LRASM, 26–27

Moravec and, 119

Pratt and, 235–236

Robotics Challenge, 227–230, 234, 236–238, 244–254,

Rosen and, 102

Taylor and, 160

Darrach, Brad, 103–105

Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence, 105, 107–109, 114, 143

DataLand, 307

Davis, Ruth, 102–103

“Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, A” (Barlow), 173

DeepMind Technologies, 91, 337–338

Defense Science Board, 27

de Forest, Lee, 98

“demons,” 190

Dendral, 113–114, 127

Diebold, John, 98

Diffie, Whitfield, 8, 112

Digital Equipment Corporation, 112, 285

direct manipulation, 187

Djerassi, Carl, 113

Doerr, John, 7

Dompier, Steve, 211–212

Dreyfus, Hubert, 177–178, 179

drone delivery research, 247–248

Dubinsky, Donna, 154

Duda, Richard, 128, 129

Dugan, Regina, 236

Duvall, Bill, 1–7

Earnest, Les, 120, 199

Earth Institute, 59

Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier (EG&G), 127

e-discovery software, 78

E-Groups, 259

elastic actuation, 236–237

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